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18469329 No.18469329 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone ever purposefully descended class?I’m a six figure yuppie who grew up white trash thinking about throwing it all away and living on welfare in a shitty neighborhood. Maybe work part time at the most and fuck poor puerto rican women with 3 kids and fat asses, maybe pick up smoking heavily too. Anyone ever do this? Seems comfy.

>> No.18469396

Plenty of people go from rich to broke, just not on purpose. Knock yourself out OP. You'll have a blast.

>> No.18469413

like half the people who work in big cities plan on doing this,
make money, gtfo and live like a king in small town USA

>> No.18469432

Damn dude are you me? I want to be a country boy though, have a cabin in the woods and grow food and eat deer and fish and live on my measly 15k a year in dividends after I quit my finserv bullshit

>> No.18469497

>seems comfy
Rich Yuppie kiddo gets sad as he is still on the waiting list for his 2015 RoyalOak...attempts to destroy life and social standing for a Macdonalds uniform instead.

More news at 11.

>> No.18469509


My brother did this. Was making $100k a year and lived in a slum in the inner city.

It's fine as long as NO ONE there finds out you have money or a good job. You basically have to pretend to be poor like them. Cause if they find out you're gonna get robbed at gunpoint real quick.

>> No.18469546

grew up in rural PA. dad is a redneck maintenance mechanic at a factory. spent a few years working in the same factory as him. now i work as an accountant in the suburbs of NJ. working in a factory is a simpler life but it's physically shit.

>> No.18469930

Fuck the system
As soon as i make it, I'll quit my job and travel in a rv like a hobo for a couple of years
Find and qt and move to a cabin in the woods

>> No.18470102

based, I'm thinking about doing this in a van. and maybe a farm instead of cabin

>> No.18470244

my cocaine addiction ultimately developed into a crack addiction,

I lost my good paying job, moved to a small town and now i wage for $12 an hour and invest in shitcoins

>> No.18470273
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Ya happens both ways.

I was born into a multi millionaire family and went to private schools. Dad owns like 3 houses and a few million dollar boats. Raised in private schools.

Soooooo I live in a trailer park right now because I got sick of him treating me like a slave doing some bullshit job for only 30$ an hour. Long story short I threw food at my dad and left.

Big mistake lol life is fucking hard without rich parents. If I was not blessed with the superior genetics rich people possess it could have been worse. Stable job for past 4 years and never missed rent. Even have a petite GF to fuck.

Do I regret not keeping the silver spoon. Yes but I'm happier with my girlfriend and newish RV in a California trailer park then I was with the free house my dad built next to his.

But ya don't kid yourself people fuck happiness isn't worth that kind of money. Your pride and a empty sack is worth the sack. Guess I have to get my money bags the old fashioned way.

>> No.18470330

Spic chicks don't want white boy slackers, they go white for money. If you can't move them to the suburbs, you ain't getting near that. Same for black chicks.
There is nothing "comfy" about purposefully moving somewhere almost everybody wants to move the fuck out of.

>> No.18470348

I'll take "None of this happened and the poster is a faggot" for $500, Alex.

>> No.18470580


Lol shits real bro. Spoiled rich kid throws food at his dad and regrets that he now lives like a poor.

Who makes that up and why?

>> No.18470628

>Who makes that up and why?
It's 4chan. You're either shitposting, or larping. How fucking new are you, or how fucking gay are you at larping?

>> No.18470699

>for only 30$ an hour.

Go fuck yourself

>> No.18470794


Lol larp my ass I had to live in my car for weeks before I found a fat girl on tinder to mooch off. Took months to get a actual pussy to fuck and a office job. Worst time of my life I had to sell my limo and everything.