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18468378 No.18468378 [Reply] [Original]

Went on a couple of dates with a qt. Felt like I was texting her a little too much and wanted to see her initiate for once. So I just stopped. It’s been 3 months and no contact whatsoever between us. Normally I would call it dead but let’s say hypothetically I autistically found out where she lives (she doesn’t know that I know) and I autistically have a make it stack of link. What’s the best course of action here besides kysing myself?

>> No.18468399

pass there randomly and "bump into her", assuming you know her schedule and she actually leave the house

>> No.18468413

Move on dweeb

>> No.18468417

fart, always fart in the loudest possible way

>> No.18468427

Dont be a creeper.

Too late.

>> No.18468436

Its too late fagget search a new one

>> No.18468450

>a make it stack of link

The only way to make it is to not have a link stack because it’s a scam

>> No.18468471

Or write her a fucking message you stupid autist and leave your l8nknstsck out of it

>> No.18468472

Let it go dude it’s been 3 fucking months. a girl won’t even wait a couple of days, a week at most to text a guy she’s interested in.
Alternatively, you could stand outside her place in a lucky brand shirt nonchalantly checking your Blockfolio and eating Big Macs until she walks outside and notices you, but honestly you are probably the last person on earth she will ever want to acknowledge or see, so accept this truth or continually dig yourself into a deeper emotional pit of despair until you do something that will get you in trouble with the law or a beating by her chad bf

>> No.18468476

If this is real you're so mentally ill that you won't listen to any advice here that doesn't confirm what you already intend to do.
So you should follow up with your intention: greet her outside her house, carry her inside (it's romantic if she protests and you do it anyway), and then you should cut her heart out with a sawzall and eat it.

>> No.18468480

She was just being nice by replying to you. She's just not interested. Don't make a big deal about it and move on. Date other girls.

>> No.18468501

Proof of your texting conversation or ur gay. Give us a small snippet to see what the conversations were actually like.

>> No.18468504

Yeah in fairness it does suck that women do this instead of nutting up and either ghosting you after the first date or telling you to get bent. The whole guilty dates thing is such cancer.

>> No.18468522

I'm going to say the logical solution that everyone else is saying and the one you probably don't want to hear.
Move on.
Life doesn't end at her, and she won't be the only qt in your life. Save yourself from some dignity and don't do anything about her but move on.

>> No.18468539

Lol creepy boomer let it go
She's not interested

>> No.18468552

were the conversations something like

>wow really

Find a new girl, they're worth a dime a dozen anon

>> No.18468606

She's not very much interested, so if you want try to contact her again, but don't expect too much.
I see from your words that you care about this roastie, but i don't know if this is because you really care or it's because she was the only one with which you texted.
Just try to break this routine and don't autistically focus on just one girl at the time, you'll realize there's a lot of nay but there's a lot of real good interesting situations too
This is the best advice i can give you.

>> No.18468666

I will tell u the sauce of the texting game. What u do is u need to understand what girls like. Girls like fun, they are chaotic, especially thots bro, here is what u do senpai.

Say shit like: "Yo whats good u playing animal crossing right now"

and when they reply say "thats dope family"

and dumb shit like that, and then be like "quarantine is crazy bro u doin good?"

then when she responds just bantz and then be like "yo come over im not scared of virus"

and when she says no just laugh about it
and then say "iight bro ill pencil u in for thurs"

and then just brush anything she said aside with a troll comment. Then randomly be like "YO I GOTTA GO FEED MY DOGS THEY ARE GOING CRAZY"

then give yourself like a few hours break.
Then at night send her a text that goes "Lifes good bro just got my trump bux about to put 1000 bones all in bitcoin"

and just keep bullshitting and treat her like real human. BE like: "Iight bro ill catch u later i gotta go make some good ass eggs alright"

keep doing this and u should be able to slam some ass and connect with some bitches bro bitches be shoppin, they are godly bro i love them. trteat them with respect u playin with the avatar of chaos now bro make sure u payen them respect dont be a bitch.

>> No.18468675

No they were pretty normal the only thing is I just can’t commit to a relationship yet because I spend so much of my time securing my accounts and priv keys that I can’t just let some roastie into my life and ruin everything by knowing where I live, sleeping over, etc. I think she picked up on that I didn’t want to commit
I don’t plan to contact again I just want t complain I’m a little confused too because she looks ugly af in some pics but I’m still attracted, maybe to the homely look, she barely posts selfies on social media isn’t too vain or whatever fuck it she’s fucking chad anyway i just need to hold onto my link it’s all I got in this gay earth

>> No.18468702

bro u can easily fuck this chick bro i will coach u through it, ESPECIALLY if she's homely, dudes have the advantage, girls are spiritual not physical so they cap but they will fuck pretty much anything with a pulse if u finess them right.

>> No.18468706

Move on anon. She doesn’t deserve your stack.

>> No.18468712

Mods please delete this thread it’s pathetic

>> No.18468736

Facts. Wasted my time for a week chatting with a girl and she says she likes another dude more. Fair enough, but annoying I put any effort in

>> No.18468742

Hold on to your stack. Then drive slowly by her place in your lambo when she's out. She'll suck your dick on demand from that point on. But you can never marry her, that's important.

>> No.18468782
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just text her about going to the yacht party and when she responds reply "sorry got the wrong <name> lol, how have you been"

>> No.18468840
