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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18461179 No.18461179 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18461274

>implying it wasn't a fucking dead dog with fleas from the get go

>> No.18461535

What's this all about?
t. living in cave

>> No.18462092

On Black Thursday Maker's auctions malfunctioned. $8 million worth of ETH was liquidated from Maker for 0 dollars.

>> No.18462117
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>> No.18462148

>CODE IS LAW!!!!!!!!


>> No.18462157

what does this mean for chainlink

>> No.18462185

It means an even higher demand for actually secured reliable tamper proof decentralized oracles. It means chainlink gets more recognition since it actually solves this problem.

>> No.18462238

explaining a bit further

During the crash, the ETH network experienced heavy congestion and increased gas prices. Price oracles, parts of the system responsible for fetching market prices, were delayed.

Once the price oracles came back with the news of the market crash, the updated system deemed a large number of vaults to be under-collateralized all at once.

Hopefully you can see from events like this one why Chainlink is fundamentally critical infrastructure for smart contracts.

>> No.18462317

>critical structure in a paddle boat

>> No.18462377

Was Maker using any sort of oracle? Or was it only bidding? And is AAVE immune from that specific behavioral malfunction?

>> No.18462409


it means that all these little faggots sticking their fingers in their ears about chainlink and building their centralized or shit oracles, because now they have a very real risk of a huge lawsuit when their shit fucks up.

>> No.18462428

They deserve it though, they could have partnered up but they CHOSE to be salty.

>> No.18462444

>be a crypto platform
>get sued for not using Chainlink


>> No.18462478

A risky asset that derives its price from another risky asset that derives its price from another risky asset, which derives its price from bitcoin...

What could go wrong.

>> No.18462486

Using their own, even when they were warned.

>> No.18462514
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Maker is not decentralized and is a scam. They are also getting to get buttfucked by the SEC and FinCEN when their time finally comes. Imagine the estrogen levels of someone who gets scammed by these faggots. Ethercucks deserve the rope

>> No.18462735
File: 70 KB, 758x337, asphy felix watkins liquidated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's an example of an idiot that got liquidated.

>> No.18463380

Seriously hopefully they go under for being cock sucking faggots. Muh hubris losers

>> No.18463708

its so sad that link wont even be killed by lawsuits. the single moment they show a single profitable customer, slightly bigger boys will scoop in and fuck their milkshake up.
then eventually the biggest of the biggest will enter the game and rule it. who is going to not use a JPM oracle?

>> No.18463721

You fucking lier, it had nothing to do with oracles and link would not have solved this problem. The problem was that the network was congested and only one auction bid bot from dozens was programmed to bid with over 200 gas price. All others failed because they were programmed that way. Now comes the kicker: The MakerDao devs themselves wrote the code for the bots, people just needed to copy, plug and play. The MakerDevs also changed the auction time from 3 hours to 10 minutes!!! You can dig all of this in their github. So it was likely an insider who programmed his bot to bid at over 200 gas. But it had nothing to do with oracles you fuckin link shill.

>> No.18463847

I thought one of Maker’s devs changed bidding times and took advantage of the chaos to scam the poor bastards that had their life savings in the project.

>> No.18463861

>t.salty no linker
It´s alright man, you still can buy in

>> No.18463864
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>> No.18464180

What the fuck do I have to read to be able to understand all this crypto coin shit you guys are talking about?
I was on 4chan back in the day when bitcoin was new and people were giving out hundreds for free. I didn't grab any because I didn't understand any of it.
You fuckers seem to know something.

>> No.18464357

Just buy Chainlink
At least 1000
And never stop buying

>> No.18464438

This is just too easy guys

>> No.18464537

The only anon in this thread who knows.

Chainlink couldn’t have helped, unless all the node operators were paying 200 gas every call. If Chainlink WAS involved, they’d probably be getting their asses sued as well. If not by the vault owners then by MKR.
tl;dr buy Kleros

>> No.18464578

How would kleros have helped?

>> No.18464587


>> No.18464604


>> No.18464617

That's exactly what did happen. Node operators were eating massive gas fees for hours.

>> No.18464619

this. plenty of others ready to take over after the recent fiasco

>> No.18464623

>n-NO chainlink wouldn't have helped OK? Ok buy Kleros.

>> No.18464661

Aave didn't crash because Chainlink nodes were actually paying the gas

>> No.18464693
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So does the kid who created Kikebook.

>> No.18464695



>> No.18464706

It wouldn’t have helped. But it’d be where they’re getting the case resolved now.

LINKie salty cuz his oracle wouldn’t have made a difference.

>> No.18464738


Buy Kleros

>> No.18464747

What would be the motivation on the part of the aggrieved parties to hash this out via kleros rather than in a traditional court? Thanks for the answer btw.

>> No.18464782

Desu, I was meming about Kleros. Nobody is gonna trust something this big to NEETcourt.

>> No.18464799

LINK nodes did eat the gas fee, you fucking moron.

>> No.18464804

Ah ok

>> No.18464848

Chainlink shills bring such diversity to /biz/. Without them our collective IQ level would be way too high! They are such a blessing to allow less intelligent , normies rhetoric on /biz/. Thank you chainlink

>> No.18464868


SNX is the currently the best Defi play. Why even mess around with Maker anymore.

>> No.18464936

>Who was not going to use IBM software for their interface needs
>Who was not going to use Yahoo! for their search engine needs
>Who was not going to use Walmart for their online grocery shopping needs

>> No.18464955


>> No.18464975

who got the free ETH? lucky bidders? where did it go

>> No.18465182


Read everything in there at least twice.

>> No.18465251

Chainlink trustlessly connects internet to the blockchain, making blockchain actually useful for stuff besides speculation. That’s all you need to know.

>> No.18466070

Link nodes were down for six hours at the same time.

>> No.18466089

They were down for six hours AFTER the spike, dimwit.

>> No.18466206

feels a bit weird that you kept my filename

>> No.18466496


Link cant be sued for a MakerDao style fuck up becase Link is fully decentralized. If an oracle causes a fuck up, the node operator is the on in the shit.

You cant sue the internet itself. what are you talking bout?

>> No.18466541


No idiot. You don't get it. MakerDao is centralized piece of shit because exactly what you just said cant even happen.