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18460011 No.18460011 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18460036

wtf how will I get my shit now?

>> No.18460057

Haha but seriously, how will we vote by mail when Corona is still going to be a thing in November?

>> No.18460056

Guess you're just gonna have to drive 1000 miles to the warehouse and pick it up yourself, bucko. The usps is communism and should be defunded.

>> No.18460073

Amazon should buy them out.

>> No.18460093

>federal government bails out banks, wall street and every private sector business even though it constitutionally does not have the authority to do so
>the one business it is allowed to subsidy constitutionally with impunity, it bankrupts
The government is unbelievable.

>> No.18460100

Who the fuck cares. It's all rigged anyway

>> No.18460101

they've been trying to privatize the usps for years now. postal service has one of the strongest unions around. maybe they want it to go under so they can buy it back privately and kill all the good jobs

>> No.18460113


>> No.18460115

How the fuck are they struggling? Everyone is getting shit delivered now. Are FedEx and UPS struggling?

>> No.18460123

No it isn't, It's actually quite efficient which is surprising considering it is a government operation

>> No.18460126

Postal workers may be slow and lazy but I generally get my shit on time. Honestly feel bad for them we all know that more anti consumer corporations are definitely going to be bailed out. The post office was a great place for some of the dumber members of society to have a a positive impact.

>> No.18460137

A new, private company will pop up for that purpose. Don't worry I'm sure the whole process with be completely transparent :^)

>> No.18460140

yeah im wondering this too, never seen them busier

>> No.18460148

Probably this, fucking jews man

>> No.18460156

This is Republicans and specifically trump. Republicans have a hard on for privatizing the USPS even though they are great at providing service to more rural areas.

>> No.18460166

USPS is one big corrupt organization
They’ve been using the same technology for the past 50 years (not even fucking kidding those little USPS cars you see on the road are from the fucking 70s)
Somehow they manage to go bankrupt every 5 fucking years despite the age of online shopping

>> No.18460179

I wonder (((who))) will own the new service. I wonder if (((they))) can cancel your service based on political affiliation and good goy credit/social scores

>> No.18460186

>they are great at providing service to more rural areas.
That is the exact reason it was included in the constitution

>> No.18460187

How have they been battered? Surely business is better than ever

>> No.18460196
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Nah, it's actually deeper than that

>> No.18460216

>This is all orange man's fault! He caused this to happen!

Okay retard

>> No.18460219

Fucking with the USPS will some nasty consequences with legal documents, patents and passports.

>> No.18460228

Lmfao this image is completely wrong

>> No.18460245


>> No.18460269

>that image
There was strong bipartisan support to require USPS to save money for healthcare/pension of it's current employees. That is not the issue. And decent company does that. The problem is Congress prevents USPS from raising prices, but demands higher profits.

>> No.18460279

its actually not wrong. mail is extremely profitable and they have a monopoly on it. they make millions every day from first class letters alone, not to mention all the marketing junk mail deals, packages and magazines

>> No.18460286
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Is it, though?

>> No.18460304

>its actually not wrong
>let me explain it to you by not addressing lies in the image at all
Go back to ddit and circlejerk to your lefty memes while the mods ban anyone who does research or thinks

>> No.18460318

If you're a renter worried about not being able to tip your postman , here's some advice: just rely on your savings. Tap into that rainy day fund. Borrow money off your parents. Sell your iPhone. You really should have planned ahead for something like this.

It's not too late to go back to school to learn a trade, either. Apply yourself. Print some resumes and hand them out.

>> No.18460349

How fucking dumb are drumpfcucks? You realize theres a Republican in the White House and this decision was made by Republicans right?

>> No.18460382

>OH NOOO, NOT THE HECKIN [___]!!!!!!!!!!
If you think this is witty or funny you should kill yourself as soon as possible

>> No.18460387

Not an argument you Maga retard.

>> No.18460400

>That is not the issue. And decent company does that.

No company pre-pays pensions for 75 years. Also a fuckton of companies have done away with pensions

>> No.18460410
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>Trump is a Republican

>> No.18460415

What is wrong about it though? The original poster made their claim. A refutation is not "hurrr u stupid libruhl". The bill was made by a republican.

>> No.18460422

Gee I wonder as well

>> No.18460428

Fucking magatards dont understand reality. Trump has expressed dislike of the post office in the past. The Republicans in his administration want to see it privatized. You faggots need to free yourself from your personality cult or kill yourselves

>> No.18460435


>> No.18460454

Sorry I must have missed the part where Trump created the shitty postal service budgeting. Oh wait...

>> No.18460473

Dont forget forever stamps. They made the post office sell stamps that could only go up in value

>> No.18460475

t. seething mailcuck

>> No.18460512

They aren't, they are just using corona to demand more funding. Typical public sector mentality.
>Are FedEx and UPS struggling?

>> No.18460545

>bail out banks with loads of toxic debt on their books
>bail out hedge funds which are literally just quant casinos
>bail out airlines which roll all their profit into buybacks and which fired thousands of employees literally before the ink was dry on the stimulus bill that gave them 50B in no strings attached money
>USPS actually does something useful for normal people and is struggling
>get hung out to dry

Wouldn't want a slice of this $2T QE pie going to legitimate relief for legitimate businesses, now would we?

>> No.18460550

oh no how will I ever cope with the lack of junk mail

>> No.18460564

No, but he'll certainly agree with Mitch and friends when they refuse more money and privatize it. Just because you cant control the past doesn't mean you cant be blamed for decisions made in the present retard

>> No.18460570


I didn't think so. Fedex stock doesn't look like it's doing too badly in this market climate. Once again, USPS vs FedEx reigns as the prime example of how terrible state owned enterprises are ran.

>> No.18460584

Trump is terrified of vote by mail.

>> No.18460596

jesus....it's 2020 and the best they can come up with is vote by mail?!
would be trivial to set up an electronic voting platform desu. blockchain based for transparancey....government issued id required for verification when creating an account....

>> No.18460610

bullish for UND

>> No.18460615

t. zoom zoom

>> No.18460621

Fedex is great but its just too expensive. Not a huge fan of their missed delivery system either.

>> No.18460642


USPS doesn't have a missed delivery system. They lose or fuck up your package and you don't hear about it again. It's like a UDP protocol

>> No.18460654

That's Donnie's plan all along. Good job Donnie!

>> No.18460674

Quit crying about a shitty service that could be done better for cheaper if privatized

>> No.18460695

its the exact same as fedex dude, get a note and go to the post office. I swear the fedex shipping center and post office hire the same gorillas

>> No.18460701

it costs like 50 cents to mail a letter across the planet. I'm not sure how they do it desu.

>> No.18460755

It won't, current private companies are more expensive and where I live (hawaii) slower than the usps. Rural areas like your bumfuck redneck town it will likely cost considerably more to get things mailed to you.

>> No.18460807

we're struggling to keep up with demand you moron. especially when retarded ass faggots who can't wait until the pandemic is over are buying stupid things like anime figures and sports memorabilia.
t. Canada Post wagecuck

>> No.18460981
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Our postal office got privatized. Recently.
You know what happened? Efficiency.
Every worker got a new car, wider territories, like 10-15% increase in wage. But hundreds got fired. I personally know one woman, who stayed in a job. She service wider territory now, but time didn't change, she's still able to do it in half of a day, because most of stuff she gets to deliver is almost prepared to her to just pick up and deliver, she got tablet, navigation, names, addresses, she can do subscriptions to newspapers and magazines in few clicks, while back then she had to write codes, fill forms and collect shit she needs to deliver herself. Basically efficiency. I believe she can pick up packages and letters to send too, gotta ask her actually.
Fun fact, she used to drive her peogeot slowly since she got license in her 50s, were always scared to drive to city. She's like a fucking eurobeat driver now, i'm sometimes scared myself how fast she takes turns.

>> No.18461343
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So now you just admit you want it privatized all along. Good job MIGA NPC. Republicans would auction off the entire government to the highest bidder if they could. It’s amazing how brainwashed they are.

>> No.18461438
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>> No.18461489


>oh no, business is TOO good, I need a bailout!

The fuck is this backwards logic, and you have the gall to call me a moron. Fucking postie brain.

>> No.18461533

I've had better luck with USPS than any other carrier

>> No.18461546

1. They've been funded just below the amount they need to survive under normal load for decades now
2. The need to deliver shit at low cost means some deliveries are done at a net loss
3. Political pressure to "privatize" portions of it (letting FedEx deliver some shit) means they have to pay huge sums for contracts to do things they could do much cheaper
I don't envy being a USPS higher-up. It must feel fucking degrading to be cucked so thoroughly that you don't even have control over how to manage your own company.

>> No.18461598

Privatized mail delivery is going to end up JUST like internet service. The inbred rural MIGAfags will support it, and act surprised when it results in their services being dropped to "cut costs".

>> No.18461756

>The usps is communism and should be defunded.

unironically should be, but only because they have specific chartered immunities that protect them from doing shit like delivering my shit to my neighbor on the other street.

>> No.18461876

Sounds like a personal problem. Why not take it there yourself, then?

>> No.18461912


Right anon. Which is why they should privatize. Nationalized industries are inevitably corrupted by their layers of useless bureaucracy and lack of market efficiency.

>> No.18461935

I already complained to the local postoffice manager. I can't do much more than that as I have no legal recourse. It still happens occasionally.

>> No.18462012

Room-temp IQ detected.
That inefficiency is what's servicing the less "profitable" areas you troglodyte. If you ran USPS like a profit-seeking efficient business you'd see the end of it, along with fixed prices (forever stamps).

>> No.18462076

>That inefficiency is what's servicing the less "profitable" areas you troglodyte

which isn't a good thing. people who want to live in bum fuck retardsville in alaska should have to pay for the privilege of having parcel services.

>> No.18462114


People in remote areas should pay more for delivery. Flat. Your arbitrary qualifications for what makes a good mail service don't bear on reality.

>> No.18462147

>he thinks extremely remote areas will be the only ones affected by a profit-driven USPS
it's like you didn't have enough braincells to learn the lesson even as the exact same thing happened to internet (no infrastructure investment needed in some areas, even) and essential utilities like power and water.
All the non-metropolitan areas will have their mailing prices jacked up.

>> No.18462182

>essential services should follow the free market model
this is your brain on meme capitalism

>> No.18462186

>All the non-metropolitan areas will have their mailing prices jacked up.

good. why am I paying for their inefficient land use?

>> No.18462234

>inefficient land use?
living in remote areas for agriculture is infficient land use?
am i talking to a fucking chink right now?

>> No.18462263

what justification can you propose that makes it fair for people who intentionally choose to live in a means that's less easy to provide parcel service for? If you can justify the subsidy, where is it considered not acceptable? Even nationalized industries like flood insurance intentionally excludes and explicitly collects more premiums for different properties. is that fair?

draw a line. I'm ok with a reasonable level of subsidy for certain services like parcel and other utilities, but they better be paying more as a share of their income for it.

>> No.18462285

Postal office spreading more death than the unabomber lmao

>> No.18462356

Every private mail org reserves the right to open your mail. Gl privatizing USPS as long as freedom of speech is in the constitution

>> No.18462622

Any person or organization opening mail not explicitly addressed to them is a federal crime. Also freedom of speech has nothing to do with the privatization of the postal service, you retard.

>> No.18462628

Why does the postal service deliver packages from amazon at a massive loss?

>> No.18462649

Post office vehicles (at least the og ones not the new fucking shuttle lookalikes) are some of the most durable vehicles ever made. They've been running for 80 years.

>> No.18462955


You got some of Bezos’ cum on your face, anon.

>> No.18462976


>> No.18463100


No one made them go live out somewhere far separated from society. The service will be there, it will just cost more. This is my brain on pragmatic understandings of cost.

>> No.18463171
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My fellow Americuns, today, I stand here - stand as I have stood here on other days, many, many great terrific days standing here and tell you, WE NEED TO SAVE THE GOLF COURSES
As my good friend Dr Fauci here better agree, or I'll fire the cunt - this Post shit? Its fake news, Post is all owned by Bezos. Bezos and that new slut of his and the Chinese will pay for the Post, we made a bad deal there with those bat-eating slants. 1c postage per usb cable all the way from Shenzhen, such a terrible deal. But no, fuck it. Golf. Courses. Lets save them all, especially mine, and lets get this Great Country swinging again

>> No.18463198

This hurts china the worst. They've been taking advantage of the USPS for years getting their shitty chinesium shit delivered. It might even be why Trump is digging his heels in over this. USPS is a joke, period. I order shit online all the time, never have a problem with amazon, UPS once in a while, like twice a year they fuck up, USPS? Always a fucking problem. ALWAYS.

>> No.18463389

Local office managers have no power. The postmasters do. (Uncle was one for his entire working life.) Nobody fucks with a postmaster. You have to go directly to them, to get anything done. But don't hold your breath, getting anyone written up let alone fired is almost impossible for even them.
Our delivery person is a big, fat, rude black woman. She just crams shit into boxes, and sleeps in her jeep all afternoon in our complex, in the back. Twice this year, she's left the complex's mailbox wide open, overnight, where anyone could walk up and help themselves. But she's still there, snoring and grunting in her jeep. Hell, the local PO office doesn't even pick up the phone after 5.
I just have everything sent to work these days.

>> No.18463559

Instead of fixing what's wrong with USPS, they want to privatize it - so politicians can make money out of it. And when this new private organization goes down, you know what? LeT'S UsE soCialism And BaiL the PoOr PriVate ComPany with TaXpAyer money.

This boomer attitude towards anything socialist is a big scar in American minds. There's nothing wrong with having a few foundational socialist fields that benefit everyone - not every single thing has to be privatized.

>> No.18463567

We have this already in Estonia since like 2007.


>> No.18463590


There is nothing to be gained by making voting "easier" and letting even more low effort/information voters pollute the voting base

>> No.18463595

US Government doesn’t have any problem with bailing out corporations and trumpbucks. Why would Communism bother them now in the case of USPS?

>> No.18463664

at least in germany every privatization ment less efficiency. i mean these government workers were slow, but they did their job correct and in time. now they are late, infrastructure is breaking down, sometimes letters are missing and workers cant even speak german. its even worse if there are monopolies since in this case nobody can surpass the business which maintains the infrastructure. so they keep it bare minimum.

>> No.18463672

Voting by mail, at least until we have a secure and open source means for doing it digitally.