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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18459476 No.18459476 [Reply] [Original]

Is being a landlord an easy job? Seems like the sentiment against them has really gotten worse

>> No.18459509

landlords are a degenerate leech on society

same like online gambling, sure call me a pleb but society would be better without them :)

>> No.18459517

CIA psyop to shift blame from drumpf

>> No.18459520

Depends on who you rent to.
Poor neighborhood/section8 = high maintanance high payout
Everything else is just average repairs

>> No.18459535

Society would be better without you. Prove me wrong :^)

>> No.18459542

Hahaha poors BTFO

Get jobs and pay your rent you fucking bums

>> No.18459563
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>> No.18459609


>> No.18459658

No it's not. We have 1**(redacted) units and and a team of 7 people. It's full time between renovations, dealing with shit people(lawsuits, evictions etc) and keeping the property clean. We payed our contractor who does all our major renovations a half million dollars last year. you basically become a highly payed janitor

>> No.18459704


>> No.18459754

Society would be better without any gambling in general, not only online.

>> No.18459764


it's pretty easy but it's not a job, it's more becoming a parasite who can siphon off other people's money they earn from their job. it's easy until people kill you

>> No.18459778

Eh it’s “hard” upfront initially. You’ll have insane capital requirements and you’ll need to be knowledgeable. Most my developments take 1 year from construction to lease up, I’m making around 8.25% cap or $9.60/psf NNN. I only deal commercial because it’s less of a headache and similar caps with less turnover. Right now I’m making $26k/month before debt service and around $10k after. Rollover the capital into new deals rinse and repeat. East way to retire before 35 that’s for sure.

>> No.18459797

If you’re not able to buy, and you want to abolish all landlords, how will you have a place to live? Are you advocating for free housing on Biz anon? The absolute state

>> No.18459823


You realize if you parasitic leeches didn’t own all these buildings as speculative assets it would be much easier for people to own, right? But god forbid you can’t bleed working people dry to pay your mortgage.

I own my own home but I would never be a landlord. I have too much conscience.

>> No.18459858

when China had its revolution, the landlords were literally the first ones to be killed by the population. It will be the same in every single country across the planet.

>> No.18459864

Some people just aren’t cut for homeownership man, I dont know what to tell you. Some people are fiscally irresponsible and can’t consistently pay mortgages, hence the need for “cheaper” alternatives, i.e renting. And like I said, I only lease commercial spaces for businesses to operate. More money and less headache.

>> No.18459894

no renting = much cheaper housing, basic supply & demand anon

dont need landlords leeching a basic resource from citizens.

>> No.18459922

so they go into council housing, from the local authority.

the capable 99% will own their home and have a much better quality of life without burning monthly money on rent to buy a boomers yacht

>> No.18459925


>country full of shit poor retarded chinks that is still getting stomped on by the biggest landlord of them all (The Communist Party) bears at all on the free west that has had landlords for centuries and respects the concept of private property ownership

Sure thing squirt

>> No.18459930


>> No.18459972

Owning a property and renting it out is fine, it's when they leverage those properties to buy new properties in an extremely risky cascade of loans and then expect to be bailed out or have any sympathy shown to them that I take my leave.

>> No.18459973

If landlords didn’t get their money someone else would. Like credit companies for example. Student loans, car loans, home loans, credit cards. Sorry but not sorry.

>> No.18459994

This. More so than immigrants or other things people blame, it's these faggots that are responsible for the increase in housing prices. I can't wait until they get fucking rekt.

>> No.18460004

You have extra space in that home, yes? There are millions of homeless people who can't afford housing. If good citizens like yourself all banded together and let two or three of them live in the extra space for free, homelessness would be solved, comrade.

>> No.18460005

This is called Utopia thinking my friend. “Council housing from the local authority” you’re not American are you? Foreigners shouldn’t discuss US real estate, they have little understanding of the intricacies and laws

>> No.18460042
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>implying the main lion's share of landlord owned housing (multi-units) correlates at all with single family homes and their cost

I know this is already a couple levels of economics too deep for the commieposters ITT, just thought I'd leave it as an item for consideration. Maybe someone will put a little more thought into their whining.

>> No.18460074

wasnt talking about US no, but if I was i'd fix your healthcare first

>> No.18460083

Don’t waste your breath. Renters were meant to stay poor. It’s cyclical, they rent, blame landlords, move then rent again. Don’t bother, most are financially/economically illiterate

>> No.18460108

We don’t have a “council housing from the local authority” lmao. You are clearly uneducated on this subject. Leave your feelings at the door anon

>> No.18460159

The whole point of poor people is for their superiors to exploit them

>> No.18460217

The NHS makes you wait 6 months to see an African witchdoctor

>> No.18460830

>le online gambling
You don't want me to trade? Then give me easy access to entry level jobs, and don't force me to interact with people constantly. If you have the capability and work ethic and luck, the market is there for you too, friend.

>> No.18461150

well I like mine, he is a good guy and has a hard time in the crisis now. I will keep tipping him, unfortunately only 5-10% next months instead of my usual 20%.

>> No.18461245

Commies and (((landowners))) will get the rope soon enough