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File: 729 KB, 648x486, makeit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18454695 No.18454695 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't we (millenials) have big houses, big cars, big swimming pools and loving family like our parents did?

>> No.18454702

Because you'd just sit inside all day playing Fortnite. Might as well do that in a 200 sqft apartment.

>> No.18454710

I stopped playing video games 10 years ago and I'm 27.

>> No.18454717

Good for you

>> No.18454723

Because people aren’t getting married young, or at all, and people don’t have a lot of kids like in the past. No need for a McMansion for a couple of onions cucks

>> No.18454728

if you didn't stop gaming before the age of 18 you are and always will be a manchild.

>> No.18454729

Big houses are a meme. You just want enough land that you can't see or hear your neighbors.
Big cars are an absolute meme. Cars are fucking stupid.
Big swimming pools are a meme you just need a river or beach.
Loving family is the most important thing of all, and you can't have it because you're on 4chan.

>> No.18454759

I mean... I know these things are memes but to be very honest we just can't afford them...

>> No.18454766

If you didn't stop playing before 15 you will always be a manchild. Let me just move the bar do it better includes me but excludes others.

>> No.18454767

>Enter ZOG

>> No.18454772

Can't marry, because the divorce laws are predatory and the social norms made being a whore acceptable, which turned the majority of women into whores and no one wants to marry a whore.
And having children is prohibitively expensive now.

So no, the day of the pillow must come. We must kill everyone over 60 and redistribute their wealth.

>> No.18454782

Because your parents are still using them. If they don't reverse mortgage it all to the bank, or spend every last penny keeping themselves alive for an extra week, (they will)... you can have what's left when they're done. Also, they'll be sure to pass a massive inheritance tax on the way out, so half of your shit will get handed to minorities and Raytheon.

Aren't they an absolutely fantastic generation!

>> No.18454793

I don't want to inherit, they did not inherit these things.. They accumulated all this wealth during their life, how is it possible? Even people with good degrees and high salaries share their flats nowadays.

>> No.18454794

VERY based. However I think women need to be beaten back into total submission first.

>> No.18454822

Land is a great investment

>> No.18454833

They inherited a world where you could be a clerk at a general store who owned a 3 bedroom house and had 2.5 kids with your part time working wife.

>> No.18454837
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Because you don't want it hard enough, bucko
All you need is a little elbow grease

>> No.18454846

I think the political climate it boiling, people are starting to see the holes in liberal logic and slowly but surely they're naming the Jew and coming to terms with racial realism. The state of the economy is also so bad it can't get worse without violence, there's no clear path to success for Zoomers and certainly nothing to guarantee millennials they'll still have a job and be able to support their families after this. There will most certainly be change after the quarantine, it will start with action against China and then the Jews. After which we'll move to a more technocratic society where women accept their roles as homemakers and avoiding degeneracy becomes the mantra of humanity. At least I'm hopeful this will wake them up fully to this.

>> No.18454880

Trump is a Jewish marionette. He created this and he supports this. During the next 5 years you will be slowly turned into a slave with a control chip in your brain.

>> No.18454897

I always knew Trump was (((their))) guy, he is not a liberator, he is a golem.

>> No.18454902

because most do not understand living within their means..most have expensive phones, clothes, cars..ect

i managed to afford 4 homes , 3 mortgage free..but I save money, use cheap phones, buy used clothes from salvation army, my car is a 32yr old bmw, buy and sell stuff online.

>> No.18454912

>You just want enough land that you can't see or hear your neighbors.
>Cars are fucking stupid
Spoken like a true zoomer europoor NPC. Cars are one of the greatest things humanity has invented
>you just need a river or a beach
This only applies if you don't live in an urban shithole

>> No.18454922

If you stopped playing video games, you are a manchild :^)

>> No.18454934

you know your parents could buy brand new cars and real estate without mortgages too?

you literally admitted that you have to live like a jackass to be able to compete with boomers.

>> No.18454936

Because our parents created credit and debt from thin air via money printing, and then destroyed the job ladder with regulations and exportation.

They also then filled our nations with dangerous migrants to prop up house prices and to maintain cheap labour

Now you have to work to pay for their pensions, and to feed all those niggers

>> No.18454947

not jackass but like a creepy guy sorry my english is not that good

also I would be interested to see the kind of RE you can afford to buy, surely not mcmansions

How can we make them pay for this?

>> No.18454964
File: 41 KB, 600x395, 4b4a1d5e9c90c494aa450f3544da0d30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what a boomer got straight out of college, no mortgage, no scrounging

>> No.18454976

and he is know able to sell this car 5x the price he got it and this house 20x the price he bought it.

>> No.18454978

How can we make them pay for this?
Armed uprising and shoot them all dead in minecraft.

>> No.18454984

All loving family is all well and good but if you can’t give them a better life full of unfair advantages
You are not worth anything as a man

>> No.18455004

this will never happen and we both know it

there is no loving family when you live around niggers in a poorfag area

>> No.18455017

Only that's wrong. The houses were drafty shacks, and they definitely didn't get a nice car unless they spent all their free time doing it up (my Boomer dad did)

>> No.18455022

fuck off, your dad will get the rope

>> No.18455025
File: 728 KB, 1259x622, housing60s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20x? How about 100x+
A huge McMansion in California costed $16,000, while and entry-level job made you $5 per hour.
A fucking sports car was $2,500 new.

>> No.18455030

See >>18455025

$10,000 for a normal 3 bedroom house in a nice neighborhood, $16,000 for a McMansion in Cali.
You could afford it by working a summer job.

>> No.18455041
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fuck this world

>> No.18455072
File: 43 KB, 498x346, married-with-children.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Al Bundy owned his own home in Chicago, had 2 kids and a dog, a car, a stay at home wife, and enough left over money to go to the nudee bar.

He was a bad woman's shoe salesman.

Juxtapose the portrayal of the life of an American loser with the kids working their asses off today. He had it all compared to a college educated smart and ambitious millennial.

I'm not even a millennial (x'er), so I'm 100% unbiased when I say, the system is fucked.

>> No.18455075

Real growth stopped in the 70s. Only way out is with WW3 or by meme industries like bio tech and space becoming real

>> No.18455079
File: 298 KB, 1080x1080, KODA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something just occurred to me. I have a Belgian Malinois and it's a great dog. It's super smart and friendly. However, when needed it's vicious. It's head has turned from the typical black to completely red, drenched in the blood of a deceased wolf that got too close to home. It's smaller than a German Shepard but due to it's speed, agility, intelligence and shear balls the size of a small Toyota it would destroy a German Shepard in a fight. Buying a pup costs close to 2k. Buying a fully trained adult is 40k up. So, I think the Belgian Malinois should be the new fine suit meme... as in 1oz of gold will get you a Malinois pup. Because, in the end it's going to be more useful than a suit – it's going to protect you and your family, rip the face off dark skinned people and alert you to anything it perceives as a thread within 150 miles.

>> No.18455088


Believes having a good sex life makes women whores, oh my sweet summer /biz/ manlet

>> No.18455103

I have seen this many times before
Muh I have a wife and kids I am more important you are just single guy with no wife and no kids
And I am like you are a line cook flipping burgers that still lives with his parents
That is not even trying to make more money
Have fun taking your kids to in your beat van to McDonald’s because daddy is poor

>> No.18455124

Enjoy that STD-ridden loose hole hunderds of chads used as a cum dumpster.
There are smart people who pump and dump whores, then there are cucks like you who marry our used goods.

>> No.18455137

Who let women with daddy issues onto /biz?

>> No.18455163

Every fucking time there's a legit conversation about legit issues with the boomers hyper leveraging the future of the human race for the next 1000 years, some agent provocateur comes in and steers the dialog to HAVE SEX.

I think it's an actual op, Like how occupy wall street was dismantled by poisoning the well with purple hairs...

>> No.18455176

If you think it isn't an OP you'd be a brainlet.

>> No.18455178


Gladly, good luck finding a pristine non-existent virgin to love you. I can tell you're young

>> No.18455182

But he stopped playing at 17...

>> No.18455186

it's too late for me, might as well play videogames forever

>> No.18455193

Is there an ngo "boomer internet defense force", or is it actually the government pulling the misdirection tactic though?

>> No.18455196

I hate people who judge success on how many kids they shat out
When it is really how much money you have

>> No.18455200

We millennials do have all of that, you're just low class.

>> No.18455208

Because Boomers let too many immigrants in, which drives down the price of labor and makes our society less homogenous.

>> No.18455218

it's neither, but more the former than the latter, kike

>> No.18455224

>good luck finding a pristine non-existent virgin to love you
Literally millions of them waiting for me in Asia, Eastern Europe and the Middle East. I will get me one once my portfolio passes $10m.

>> No.18455248

Living cockroache infested apartment with your 8 kids doesn’t sound like fun for either

>> No.18455249

It's insane to think how much he had and I have a college degree and a good job, owning a house seems like a distant dream. Even less supporting a wife and 2 fucking kids.

>> No.18455257

So, there is a massive mansion near me... I think about 5 miles from me. It was built hundreds of years ago and within the last few years had something of a renovation. It's got outbuildings and such but only the main house and front guard was renovated and not to pristine condition... sort of a good condition to further finish. For example, electrical wires are pulled everywhere through the structure but there isn't a light fixture of plug in sight – that's for the new owner to do. There mosaic floor has been thoroughly cleaned but the areas that need repair have been left. There is only some original balustrading that is left which was in good condition and the crap was removed. The walls are solid plastered but haven't had a fine finished applied. The roof tiling has been reconditioned and much of it replaced with original looking tiles. I think the place is about 400 years old so I guess it's not that old by Euro standards. It comes with about 20,000m2 of land. The house itself is about 800m2. It was the landlords house in the area for a long time. Anyway, it's for sale – about 450kE which is well below replacement cost. The land alone is at least that much. To build the structure with cheap labour would cost that much. No one is buying and it's stuck in this weird limbo. I did give it serious consideration to buy... but when I started working out how much to finish it I would need another 450kE to get it done and the running costs would be insane – through Winter. Instead it sits there slowly deteriorating. In the end, it was that I didn't have enough cash money to buy it and the responsibility is too much. That and I'm not a landlord with 3,000 peasants.

>> No.18455265

it's all sorts. people with money can pay for whatever.

lol you faggot. be an angry mutt.

>> No.18455275

You don't need 10MM to get one. Just be a man and put your penis in one and get her pregnant. Marry, and keep having kids. The more kids you have the more you will have to provide. It's complete bullshit people with lots of kids are poor.

>> No.18455299

Move to Eastern or Central Europe. It's a real option.

>> No.18455342


Fuck that, honestly. I would never want to marry a foreign girl who I share absolutely no culture with. Spending time together struggling to decipher her broken English

Have your Philippino wife, I'll stick with my chad ravaged girl

>> No.18455421
File: 217 KB, 321x240, LETS GOOOOOOOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things are about to boil over. Ive never seen the normies this hateful and angry in my life. This meme virus really called the bluff on our bullshit society.
I dont think the rage of the masses will be on the right targets, but its definitely going to massively reshape society. The boomer gravy train is over, if they try to fight it, I believe things will get really, really nasty.

>> No.18455448

Let’s make sure it is the right target together https://www.bitchute.com/video/lSaKoijh6YDd/

>> No.18455483


How do you see this going in your opinion?

>> No.18455514
File: 43 KB, 634x423, 26805180-8187313-image-a-20_1586006547694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Failure could set the world on fire.' Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, 96, warns coronavirus could spell economic doom for generations and tells US to 'safeguard the liberal world order'

just forget about anything like houses, cars etc. in the coming 20-30 years..

>> No.18455551
File: 1.49 MB, 972x1300, Screen Shot 2020-04-14 at 7.43.51 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why can't we (millenials) have big houses, big cars, big swimming pools and loving family like our parents did?

Because we got fucked. Good morning.

>min wage: $1 per hour
>average home price: $11,900
>11,900 hours worked to buy house

>min wage: $3.10 per hour
>average home price: $47,200
>15,225.80 hours worked to buy house

>min wage: $3.80 per hour
>average home price: $79,100
>20,815.78 hours worked to buy house

>min wage: $5.15 per hour
>average home price: $119,600
>23,223.30 hours worked to buy house

> 2020
>min wage: $11.80 per hour
>average home price: $315,000
>26,694.91 hours worked to buy house

>> No.18455585
File: 784 KB, 800x600, gold-and-silver-pepe-brothers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentlemen. The global world economy is currently imploding in slow motion. Global debt is growing exponentially and we can no longer pay the interest on the debt, let alone trying to pay down the debt itself. This is it. It's either going to be a debt reset or massive world wide civil unrest. Buy gold and silver today, trust me. When you really need to buy precious metals all the stores will be closed and the post will no longer be delivering. The time is today. I warned you.

>> No.18455601

a house like that in london would be like 50 mill plus. i'm in the north east of england, where i got a 5 bed, 3 storey place for under 80k. if i can get this in england then all is not yet lost, you've just got to find a viable way of earning money from home, and live in an absolute shithole area with no work around. i do i.t, ebay and cryptos. home working should be massively easier and more frequently encouraged after covid anyway.

>> No.18455623

If it's a true collapse than ammunition, cigarettes, food and alcohol will all be vastly more valuable than some shiny rocks.

>> No.18455652

father of four. I have a 4 bed/3 bath with 3 living rooms roughly 2450 sq ft I paid $204,000 back in 2010. Normal suburb, but its nice, quiet, and 90% white and not in the middle of nowhere.

Only one used vehicle I paid off ages ago. No pool though. Those things are a huge pain in the ass. I just pay $300/yr to join a private pool. Let someone else maintain the damn thing.

I was born in 1982 so I am an old millennial.

>> No.18455656

you can if you're not lazy
the family unit is dying so that's a tough one

>> No.18455677

You can. You need to do something for it though.

>> No.18455681

You can, you just have to go deep into the burbs or countryside and commute.

People like to speak in hyperbole. Either the boomers completely fucked us and there is no way we can ever afford the American dream. Or, fucking entitled pussy if you just work hard and be frugal you can have 20+ houses.

The realty is squarely in between. Yes housing costs have outpaced wages. But so has consumer spending (particularly on eating out and electronics). Boomers didn’t have $600-$1000/ month on restaurant take out, $300+/month on subscriptions (cell phone, internet, Netflix, tv), and 2000+ annually on electronics (tv, laptop, smart phone, AirPods). Most millennials could cut $1000-$1500/month out of their budget if they actually lived the the early boomer lifestyle. Within 3-5 years that’s a down payment on an apartment.

The greatest scam pulled on millennials was liberal arts college debt. We got sold a really expensive 4 year vacation with the promise of 6 figure income, only to have the job market flooded but the rest of our generation with the same worthless skill set and “degree” depressing wages for white collar work. Most millennials I know that managed to avoid student loan debt have already bought homes.

People also tend to fixate on the current moment. The market is cyclical. We’ve had a longer than usual 10 year run up, and corona Chan quarantine is the black swan to trigger a reversal. We should see a sign I ant drop this summer as the quarantine finally lifts and people flood the market looking to move during the summer break as they are 4 months behind and getting foreclosure letters. For millennials looking to buy, the next 2-3 years is going to be your window. I expect us to bottom 2021-2022, but lending standards will tighten due to the high number of defaults so you probably don’t want to wait that long to get preapproved. Oh and if you don’t already have the down payment you are likely going to miss the window.

>> No.18455727


The whole world implodes tomorrow. You are left with your 'precious' metals, what do you do with them to survive?

>> No.18455731

>If it's a true collapse than ammunition, cigarettes, food and alcohol will all be vastly more valuable than some shiny rocks.
I said global economy imploding with chances of civil unrest, not a societal collapse. You retards need to get out of your basements sometime and stop pretending the world is going to end. We are going through a major change right now and you gonna end up stuck being broke and unemployed for the next decade if you aren't making smart moves today. A lot of the people who lost their jobs in the past months will never become employed again.

>> No.18455732

This x100

>> No.18455767

1) You did not grow up after WW2 occurred with non-competitive global economies. You parents did.
2) Millennals majored, studied, or invested in the wrong things in an uber competitive globalized economy.
3) You now have to compete directly with top tier minorities and women. There is only so much pie.
4) Women in the workforce. There is only so much pie.
5) Globalization pushed down compensation in many industries. Some industries have flatlined.

6) No great war took you out, leaving the survivors with more scraps of the economy.

>> No.18455811

>Boomers didn’t have $600-$1000/ month on restaurant take out, $300+/month on subscriptions (cell phone, internet, Netflix, tv), and 2000+ annually on electronics (tv, laptop, smart phone, AirPods).
Right because similar things back then cost significantly less you mongoloid.

>> No.18455820

Because you are worms compared to boomers. No skill, no ethics, no ambition drugged out faggot homosexual incels

>> No.18455844
File: 19 KB, 460x366, ball-brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> The whole world implodes tomorrow. You are left with your 'precious' metals, what do you do with them to survive?
I didn't say the whole world and I didn't say tomorrow faggot. It's the global economy and it's happening right in front of us in slow-motion. You guys are hopeless.

>> No.18455891

Easy debt access has fucked us. Jews realized the more debt they give out the more money they can make so they started loaning money to everyone for anything. This easy availability of loans has inflated the prices or goods like real estate, cars, etc. Anything you would typically get a loan for is now a ripoff.

>> No.18455894

Are you one of those tards paying 100% premium

>> No.18455901

This. Serbia is a based country and if your savings are in euro or USD your money will go 10x further there than your home country. You will live like a king.

>> No.18455912

it's 1,9 Million in France

>> No.18455919

Being young is laughing at Al for being such a looser. Being old is realizing he had everything.

>> No.18455924
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>compete directly with top tier minorities and women.
Oh you!
The diversity the kids are forced to compete with is nothing more than a numerical quota, and you either know this and you're a troll, or you don't and you're brainwashed and/or retarded.

>> No.18455947

They didn’t have similar things back then.... that’s the point. They actually spent their free time playing games and reading books

>> No.18455954

you need to have savings then

fucking retard

>> No.18455971


You don't have ANY saving? Anon... What are you doing?

>> No.18455992
File: 25 KB, 561x318, 4f45621f6bfacdad3330fef6317f5fb05dd865287d97828675bf2cf56a1fb7d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Big swimming pools are a meme
This, just leave near or on the Venetian lagoon
pools are for wannabe rich people and Californian fake smile socialites. yikies
> Loving family is the most important thing of all, and you can't have it because you're on 4chan.
> Big cars are an absolute meme.
yes, you know the dick equation. Also, rich people just use a car util it's totally broken, why wasting money on a new car?
> Big houses are a meme. You just want enough land that you can't see or hear your neighbors.
this, also having your own vegetable garden is nice.

>> No.18456004

Why cant boomers just give everything to lazy millennials

>> No.18456013

1) The bell-curve exists.
2) Contrary to popular 4chan belief there are millions of high iq minorities living within the USA.
3) Before the 1980s, minorities were regulated much differently within the USA. Your parents were not impacted by direct minority competition. Even if it is is just a "numerical quota" today, your parents did not have to deal with it in 85%+ white USA.

>> No.18456022

>pools are for wannabe rich
Is that why every rich person has a pool and poorfags like you always cry about it

>> No.18456024

I have 80k it's not enough to live in Serbia for your whole life fucking deluded mutt

>> No.18456044

Because we our PNK bags haven't hit 4 USD yet?

Literally nothing wrong with gaming 1 hour a day

>> No.18456071


haha what the fuck? Why are you so mad? 80k is a fortune for Serbia, easily settle somewhere nice with that and watch the world burn

>> No.18456111

You made so many good additional points, that I almost didn't want to call you on that one. The vast majority of women workers fill support roles, but demand a disproportionate salary, effectively reducing the net pay off productive hands; meanwhile, the average minority falls below the threshold of what was once deemed legally retarded, and if they show up at the door with minimum qualifications (most likely passed along in pursuit of there too) they get preferential acceptance everywhere.

I wish you had just omitted this line of argument so I could agree with everything else you said.

>> No.18456114

I've seen many of them with pools. The 'dried old pool in that abandoned hotel' feeling is set in their soul from day 1.

>> No.18456136

Patrician choice sir

>> No.18456169

then you should be able to afford a house and a car

>> No.18456233 [DELETED] 

I have 80K EUR savings, 20K on Coinbase (so 100K in total) and I live in Bulgaria

of course you can live on 400 euros per month but you will live miserably bro and probably alone

>> No.18456262
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I think you know why

>> No.18456263

Growing up in Minneapolis, I probably went swimming in lakes more often than in anything chlorinated.
Back in Germany there are a tonne of places to stretch out, relax, and go swimming in the middle of a city park.

>> No.18456276

I am able to buy a brand new car but what is the point? it will lose his value like a chinese token over the years

A house? Cash? At 27?

>> No.18456285

You can have a loving family if you work at it. If not with your parents then at least with your own wife and children.

Cars are overrated. I get it if you're into modding them and all that, but buying a luxury model from the fsctory is a bit cringe. Like a nigger drowning in gold jewelry.

House prices will fall hard over the course of the economic depression. You'll get your chance.
You might not be able to find enough room for a pool though, it depends where you want to live. Countryside you'll be fine to build whatever.

Remember to stack ETH before the price explodes out of the stratosphere off to the moon and beyond.

>> No.18456300

im not kidding, i bought so much btc and so many alts in 2011 that i could have bought, maintained and for the rest of a few generations lived in, thornbury castle in england. henry the fucking eighth's house.

i'd post a link showing the castle and a tour around it, it was for sale a couple of years ago for 8.5 million, but 4chan's spam filter is being an utter cunt. just google "thornbury castle".

instead, for years i sent DPR as much as 20 btc for 1 gram of weed. i originally bought btc, like 650 of them, for around £6. i remember feeling astonished that the price had hit £8.

>> No.18456317

get a mortgage like everyone else
I did
I was 26 (2017, 20% down 30yr)

did your dad buy a house in cash at 25? my parents didn't...

>> No.18456347

What I don't understand is people buying apartments for 1 person when they're like 25. Then they get married like 3 years later and obviously they will sell it to buy a house or apartment for 2. What was the point? You buy it at like 20 years and obviously won't have enough time to pay for it.

>> No.18456361
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>falling for the jew loan trick

our parents bought cash

>> No.18456376

when minimum wage hits $15 in my state in 2 years you can buy a 150k home in 5 years of work. before taxes of course. So 6 years.

this only works if you no expenses and live with your parents. realistically you could do it in 9-10 years assuming your monthly bills are around $500

>> No.18456383
File: 16 KB, 224x215, happydedede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell us more about how many dicks you or your girlfriend has taken, anon.

>> No.18456388

That fact that you want these things is proof of your immaturity. Big homes, big cars, and swimming pools in general are a waste. If your parents taught you the opposite then you are fucked.

>> No.18456399

i know that my grandparents bought cash, for £7,000. most people here couldn't afford that now, lol.
the secret is to get a mortgage but then to absolutely annihilate every minutiae of your finances in what most would describe as an excessively aggressive attempt to pay it all back. just, live like a student until it's paid off, even though you don't have to.

>> No.18456408

at 25, one of your parents (singular) was able to buy a house with cash?
or is this two people combined?

>> No.18456488


So you don't throw money down a hole by renting. I'm literally looking to buy a cheap 1 bed flat right now. What should I be doing instead?

>> No.18456556
File: 17 KB, 509x411, pepe defeated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody living paycheck to paycheck is spending $300 month on subscriptions. most of us aren't able to cut out 1,000-1500 a month because we don't make that enough to begin with

I make $18 an hour in Connecticut. After taxes I typically net $615 a week.

month = $2400
rent - 1300
utilities - 250
car/gas/insurance - 150
cell phone and subscriptions - 70
food - 200
random shit around the house/hygiene products - 100

that leaves with me with $300 at the end of month give or take.

$300 goes in to savings and if im lucky at the end of the year I'll $3600 saved, but that usually isn't the case. Unexpected expenses usually puts me at 2k a year saved

So I work a full-time job, making $7 above minimum wage, to save $2,000 a year.

Saving for a down payment on a house is virtually impossible and is going to take me until my late 30's/early 40's. and I'm one of the lucky ones without student debt

>> No.18456614
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>> No.18456637

$1300 for rent you must be the dumbest double nigger Millennial that's enough to buy a house. Stay poor loser

>> No.18456725

dude, you have a $2400 job, and you pay a $1300 rent.

I mean....

We really shouldnt be telling you anything, your brain should be able to figure the issue out on its own instantly.

>> No.18456764
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the rents in my state are as follows
>$800 in the ghetto parts of the cities
>$1,000-$1,700 in the suburbs
>$2,000+ in the rich areas. more if you're closer to nyc

so fuck you. not everyone lives in the south with $500 rents.I realize I could save $300-$500 living in the ghetto but I'd rather wait an extra 5 years to buy a house than get shot by jamal

>> No.18456767


>> No.18456802
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What else am I supposed to do? I don't have any family left, and I don't want to live in the ghetto. Living with roommates in a 3-bedroom house would save me $300 a month or so, but I'd rather live alone

I'm paying a little more to live on my own and not to live in the ghetto

>> No.18457151

i don't even care about a big house. i want a 1200 square foot 3 bedroom house in a working class neighborhood of southeastern PA or south NJ. currently this is like $250-300k plus $5-8k/yr in property taxes. i'm an accountant, i make decent money, but this is absolute fucking insanity.

and before you niggers tell me to move someplace else, i want to. but it's much harder to find a high paying job in the middle of fucking nowhere -- trust me, i'm from a rural area. cost of living goes down but salaries go WAY fucking down if you can even find a job, much less one that has potential for career growth.

>> No.18457189

You retard faggot. With 80k you can buy a old house and land, or an apartment, or buy a land and build a house and over then next two years finish it how you want. You will be exposed how to really build a house rather than meme wood huts. And you will not have any debt. You can work remote to earn foreign money or you can work local in just about anything and if you have talent and a brain you will always make enough money and you will always find work or you will make work. I am setting up a tiny micro company right now making garden/outside furniture – you'd be surprised what you can do with your brain, pen and paper and talking with locals. You can buy a pig for Christmas and cut it and you have meat for the year and it will cost you $200-300. You can have some chickens and you have breakfast every morning. Or you can have ducks. Whatever, you get the idea. And no neighbor is going to shit on your head and call the police or have the local government jump down your throat. You can register a car for $30 for the year and real and good health care coverage will cost you $400. If you want to be a a do nothing faggot what the fuck are you living for you nigger?

>> No.18457217

I laugh at all these digital nomads who say they live like kings in shithole countries.

Yeah, but for how long? The second you come home to a 1st world country you're poor again.

Also, a lot of these countries are shitholes for a reason. Once the local criminals / government officials (little distinction) find out about your little nest egg, you think they don't know how to extort money out of you, little Western Neet man? They've been doing it for hundreds of years. What are you going to do? Write a letter?

People on this thread just don't realize how exponentially and hopelessly corrupt Slavic countries are. And always will be.

>> No.18457247

$150 unlimited plans for cell phone
$150 home internet and Tv
Netflix,Spotify, SiriusXM, Disney+,

>> No.18457258

At 26 I moved with my meager savings to East Europe. I bought land with cash. I learned the language. Now I have a family and a nice home that I would NEVER have in my home country. I butcher my own pigs and make my own hard liqueur. I have no debt and hundreds of thousands in savings. What's your point you faggot?

>> No.18457282
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Handsome pup. I'm with you on that line of thinking. I've considered buying gold because it's tangible and has a clear value. But the value is still only perceived and not actual. A real and true investment would be something like you mentioned, a fine-tuned pedigree dog who will be a loyal companion for years. Infinitely more valuable than a rock. And if shit goes south, I'd much rather have the guard dog than a block of silver. Certain things are starting to appear to me as the most worthwhile investments:
>long shelf-life food
>hand tools
>good quality clothing, jackets
>medical supplies, aspirin
>soap, razors, dental hygiene products, etc
>t o i l e t p a p e r
>books, both useful and fiction
The list goes on but the thought experiments that ask the question "what will people lack in hard times?" are always fun

>> No.18457344

Nigger, I pay $15 a month for 1Gbps internet, cable TV I don't even know haw many channels 'cause I never watch it and a mobile with practically unlimited SMS/Calls/Data.

>> No.18457358

Because your parents belonged to a generation that were able to live far over their productivity and wealth by managing to create an ocean of debt. That ocean is now inherited by you and your peers either passively by receiving smaller income and higher taxation or even actively, by buying into Babyboomer's inflated assets (stocks, real estate)

>> No.18457371

This, I live in Bulgaria.

>> No.18457386

what is your job?

>> No.18457449

I should clarify. As everyone is comparing the current situation to boomers I was assuming everything is comparable which includes moving in with a spouse (they were getting married at 25 and starting families). The expenses I laid out were for a couple.

The easiest budget hack imaginable is splitting fixed costs between two people (rent, utilities, etc). Doing that with a spouse/partner means you don’t need an extra bedroom and higher rent costs.

If you are complaining that you can’t afford a house as a single male in your 30s I can’t help you.

>> No.18457465
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You make hundreds of thousands by butchering pigs and making your own liquor?

Sounds to me like you ARE part of the gangsterism over there. Especially with the pigs.

>> No.18457468

boomers need to pay. at this point the only solution is we need to cut entitlements to boomers. make them come out of retirement and contribute to society. we need to pass boomer punishment bills. and we should absolutely seize and distribute their wealth. anybody age millennial and under gets a reparation check

>> No.18457480

guys im in england as i said earlier, looking through listings for 2 bed houses for 10 grand. i mean, they're not kensington palace - you might have to buy a tool or two and you'd need to be able to work from home, but could you not buy that, be rent free, then work your way up from there by way of earning from home like all civilised people should in this day and age? fuck studying medicine, fuck studying law, study how in the utter fuck you can escape the hell by way of working exclusively at home and moving through the decades into progressively less shit homes. escape the rent pit today. i don't know why so few do this.

>> No.18457523
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why should I have to depend on someone else to live? It's a shame people my age have to shack up with other people just to keep a roof over their head. What if I break up with my gf? what if she breaks up with me? what if she dies? what if she's unable to work? what is she gets laid off?

Is this really what america has come to? if you're in the bottom 70% your only hope is to combine wealth with another wagie? this is terrible. I want my independence. I do not want to depend a wife, gf, a friend, a roommate, the government or anyone else. falling out of love and staying together for financial reasons is the boomers way of life. not mine.

>> No.18457530


just live in a cardboard box in the park for a couple years eat beans and rice and get a second job at night delivering pizzas until you can pay the down payment you lazy entitled millennial

>> No.18457572


>> No.18457586

No, I don't make money killing my own food and making my own vodka. I was pointing that out as a viable and current practice for a sizable portion of the East Euro population. Like, it's not strange to make alcohol and it will cost you $2-6 a liter (depending on inputs and distillery tax) to make. The variety of livings cost here is far greater than in the West. I had a friend recently buy lamb chops in the West for more than $50/kg. Here, you can buy whole sheep with that.

That amount is savings over years and years of working like a mofo. Work is key and the harder the work is the better off you'll be.

>> No.18457593

I know this isn't /biz/ approved but I made ALL my money while renting.

I own a house now because I am quasi retired for luxury reasons, but looking back renting gives you a LOT of free time and opportunities to change jobs on YOUR terms, not your employers.

I was living in SoCal making bank but hating my new boss. Our main competitor had an office in Denver but my professional network was all in California. They offered me huge money to relocate to Denver for 6 months of the year (winter) to work for them and the summer months I could live in Socal and work remote for them. I told them I love California and like to surf and they said they would cover the summer month of the Denver rentals while I worked in California.

No fucking way I could have negotiated that with a big fat socal mortgage payment on short notice like that.

I am also not going to tell you all the free time you have when renting when not fixing shit around your house. Houses are a HUGE time sink for maintenance if you don't want to live like a nigger.

>> No.18457601

The only people working for $1 in the 1960s were children mowing neighbors‘ lawns. The average wage of an unskilled laborer was $4

>> No.18457626
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so it was even easier to buy a house? niiice

boomers had it all. I wish I was 18 years old between 1960-1975

>> No.18457630

What do you want a house for if your goals is to be “independent” (alone)?

>> No.18457664

why the racism? Your post was informative and perfectly fine up until that. Why do I come here

>> No.18457695

You raise a great point and I have heard intelligent arguments on owning rental properties while renting your primary residence to give you that flexibility. You lose some of the tax breaks but you don’t get fucked if you have to move and are then forced to sell at a bad time in the market.

>> No.18457758
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I don't want to work until im 80 just to pay rent

I would love to have a house or even a condo paid off by the time I'm 60. I'm deathly afraid of being 65+ still working full-time just to afford rent. I need to buy something relatively soon

My grandma basically died pennyless. the only reason she kept a roof over her head was because a lifelong friend let her rent a room for $200 a month. she was 100% dependent on the kindness of others. i do not want that life. I want to secure myself shelter anon

>> No.18457771
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Based. I'm proud of you anon. I don't hate Eastern Europe. Far from it. I worked in Romania and Ukraine for a few month long gigs and some of the best people I am friends with are from there. Solid, intelligent, hard working and fit.

I am just hopelessly cynical about the corruption there. For instance, in Bucharest some fucking 17 year old punk kid drives his car drunk and kills some mother and kids in broad daylight at a crosswalk. Dad is pissed and raises hell. The kid is some local gangster / warlords nephew and some shit so the police give him like $100 bail and he gets his passport back so he fucks off to some tropical paradise for the rest of his life. Dad is fired from his job because he goes on local TV to expose corruption and is beat up in his driveway in broad daylight. Cops do nothing. The journalist is beat up and fired for exposing it. Cops do nothing. Oh they did, they sent both the journalist and dad a bill for the extra investigative efforts they put in on the case bankrupting both of them.

This is a true story and it happens all the time over there, and Romania is at least SOMEWHAT functional. Imagine what its like in Belarus or Kazahkstan? Western fags have no idea how fucking lucky we have it. I have no problem paying high rent to not deal with that shit daily.

>> No.18457792

you clearly don't live in eastern europe
why would you spend until 6$ to make alcohol who cost 3$ at Billa supermarket lol

fuck off seriously

Hundred thousands on bank account and he still butcher his own pigs

>> No.18457804

I grew up in a shitty neighborhood in south LA. I am a bad person.

>> No.18457883

Lol show news who prove this, fucking liar. No one on this thread lives in the Balkans except me

>> No.18457885

Why can't adults play games to unwind? It's better than watching TV.

>> No.18457906

corruption in balkans can save you from a excess speed limit fine because you paid the cops but not from murder

wake up loser

>> No.18457934

That looks like a 50s house and car. Most boomers would be children or teenagers.

>> No.18457953

Ok but that doesn’t need to be a 3 bedroom house for $250k+.

Buy a 1 bedroom in Weatogue for $100k. 5% down FHA and your payment is only $700/month + any hoa

>> No.18457955
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Why are mutts so poor? Ah right, they voluntary enslaved themselves to ((the financial system)). I live in Hungary and own 2 houses I live in and 3 apartments that I rent. And I haven't even inherited anything from my parents yet.

>> No.18457969

The US has the most professional police officers in the world. I worked as an MP in Germany alongside German police, and they just beat the fuck out of everyone for everything. And that's a modern, western country. Don't @ me chapos

>> No.18457979
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>> No.18458005

>anon is shocked to find the average white person, when not confined by the social pressures of collective polite society, expresses a mild distaste for African-Americans and their culture
Honestly, take it up with the people from Chris Rock's bit.

>> No.18458023

TL;DR You have no money.

>> No.18458058

I'm well of compared with people my age

>> No.18458089

I want a few large rooms, instead of what passes for a big house these days by making more bedrooms and saying "LOOK! IT'S HUUUUUG"

>> No.18458098

There were no safety or emissions tests on 50s cars.

>> No.18458117

> 2020
>min wage: $11.80 per hour
Here in the Old Dominion, it's $7.25.

>> No.18458252

Why would you spend time together with a woman expecting anything out of it? Might as well seek deep conversations from a dog. That's not what women are for.

>> No.18458320

>Belarus or Kazahkstan
Both are unironically safer and less corrupt that any western country, because of the dictatorship. You can't buy your way out of the local KGB's basement.

Romania is pretty much the worst and the lowest country in the world. 90% of the female population is prostituting themselves abroad.

>> No.18458635


also KZ women are trad

I would rather live in KZ than in the US also

>> No.18459010

(((they))) took this from you.

>> No.18459207

But every single person I know, regardless of success or wealth, is already living like a student. With no end in sight.
Doctors. Lawyers. Teachers. Minimum wagers. There is no more wealth. It's been squandered. Just like the 2 trillion, now 4 trillion, printed this last month.

>> No.18459236

>KZ women are trad

>> No.18459238

There are no other options to rent from you double niggers.
It's 800$ a month to live in a trailer. A trailer that costs 10k minimum. USED!


>> No.18459627

I lived in the West, in KZ, in Thailand, in Colombia.

You can say everything you want about slavic, balkanic, KZ women = if you provide them money (not millions, just what they need) they will stay at home and take care of your well being

western, latina and asian women will never do this as good

>> No.18459707

Which one? Poland, Czechia, Sloavaki or further east/south?

>> No.18459737

My parents grew up poor and never had any of that stuff

>> No.18459738

>he hasn't played video games for a decade
>but he's still a loser
I guess it's not vidya's fault then lol

>> No.18459763

he is larping

>> No.18459807

Wtf you talking about what's your problem bitch? Has nothing to do with videogames, roastie.
Literally (You)

>> No.18460107

Serbanon here, average salary is 300-400$ monthly. Maybe check Charles Cather on yt if you are thinking in that direction. Only problem that we have is low salaries and standard of life, imo, either you like it or hate it, but i dont think you can leave our country feeling indifferent.

>> No.18460204

Fucking this, I'm Polish, the stories I could tell those pampered little faggots would rise what remains of their hair off their misshapen scalps. And Poland isn't even that bad when it comes to corruption. The further East and South you go, the worse it gets. Those digital nomads as you call them will ALL get eaten in time.

>> No.18460266

I'm in Bulgaria bro, clearly 80K is nothing here yet it's supposed to be the poorest country in Europe

I see 100K cars everyday and I don't even live in the best part of Sofia

>> No.18460288

digital nomads are not rich
they just live for cheap
if they were rich they would not have to be "nomads"

just digital outcasts

>> No.18460519

I sit inside gaming all day because I don't have those things.
If I had a decent sizes property you'd be your ass I'd be outside doing shit.
But instead I'm stuck in a concrete jungle apartment. What a surprise there are so many mental health issues.

>> No.18460607
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nothing wrong with being a bit on the shorter side, height is not everything in life and what retards like you think doesn't matter because people like you are subhumans and what people like you say has no importance, that you have to realize
plus passive aggressive women and the self proclaimed passive aggressive "chads" with an arrogant attitude that are in reality homosexual faggots are the real niggers of mankind, the lowliest scum of this planet. some day someone fed up with your bullshit will invent something to effectively eliminate you troublemakers once and for all
have a good day as long as you can, "chad"/whore. soon you will be old and forgotten and die a miserable death. all your memories and "experiences" will amount to dust

>> No.18460634

You might think I'm a shill or a retard for saying this, but I unironically believe the mental health state of the modern world is mostly due to diet. Eliminate all carbs, get your energy from saturated animal fats, and see if that doesn't help your outlook. A fully carnivorous diet basically cured my GAD and panic disorder, got me off SSRI meds, and made my joints stop hurting. I mention it to people on occassion, because who knows, I might help someone, and it doesn't cost me anything.

>> No.18460656

Answer is behind this if you turn the tables
But again, if there is average salary of 300$ which people live on, and you have 1500$+ (to whatever number you like by working job that has corporative purpose or by working for EU/US country) STEM degree salary, its easier for you to buy "100k € cars" because expenses and taxes are lower than in 1st world countries. People can buy cars via bank, its not like someone spent 100k$+ on it in cash, you dont know how he lives apart from what you see on the street. Really not shilling here anything, im just born in Serbia and giving my opinion. Most people in 3rd world countries spend money on shit and things on /biz/ to them are science fiction, but its easier for you to be more than average person, get a degree without going in debt and go wherever the fuck you wish if you are good enough in your job (read: wageslave). If you want to open a restaurant its again cheaper than in richer countries. Also im 22yo last year bachelor and maybe completely delusional but i doubt im way off, there are rich people everywhere except sub-3rd world shitholes living in ghettos and slums where you cant walk outside alone.

>> No.18460679
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And then there's Clark Griswold who was the upper middle class ideal. Dude worked in the Sears tower and his salary afforded him to live in a nice suburb of Chicago and was able to take his family on multiple paid vacations. Now in order for the Griswold's to have the same lifestyle they had in the 80s, they would have to be a dual income couple.

>> No.18460688

How would you feel about dating a 19 year old

>> No.18460805

Kinda based got to admit.

>> No.18460833

bad, I fucked a 19 y/o two months ago and she looked like a kid to me

>> No.18460877

Same reason why your grandchildren will one day look back at our generation and wonder why they don't have it as good as we did today. The bankers and elites taking every single bit of wealth from the plebs while they plebs gladly fork it over to them for "safety" and "handouts". Boomers sold us out, and now we are selling out our future generations because like them we have become complacent and let the elites get away with anything they want.

>> No.18460892


I'll take that over living around niggers and spics.

>> No.18460899

I already eat 0 to maybe 10 carbs a day.
I'm not suicidal or anything but I'm not happy either.
I also refuse to take mood modifier pills. No SSRIS, anti-anxiety, all poison.

>> No.18460906

no we are not, we are not even profiting of this situation so stfu seriously

>> No.18460955

how the fuck is the average person supposed to do anything? theyre hitting people from every angle and gatekeeping any avenue that would let us advance in any meaningful way. short of every single worker going on strike and demanding changes, whats the answer

>> No.18460986

>muh profits
Typical millenial tard, always the victim and never the cause. You are profiting right now, you are living more comfortably than your grandchildren ever will. They are being set up at this very moment to become eternal servants of the financial system. You could work towards changing this, but you refuse to lift a finger and instead expect gibbs. Accept the truth.

>> No.18461005

if the only thing we have to trade off is safety tests and emissions to get the fuck out of where we are now then so be it

>> No.18461011

Thats why we need to invest into crypto's, even on a government level, and fuck up centralised currencies. Countries without internet connection didnt evolve and we know what happens with the species that are not evolved for mass changes.

>> No.18461014

Real Zero Hedge hours up in here.

>> No.18461025

shut up loser you won't do shit neither

>> No.18461084

You are right, It would take a collective action from a large portion of the masses to gain any significant traction towards change and such a feat seems almost impossible to achieve, especially with today's lobotomized masses. The best you can do is teach your children to be financially independent using whatever means they can and to NEVER become debt slaves to the bankers.

>> No.18461106

Eliminate further. Get rid of plants, try beef, salt and water for a month. If it doesn't help, you don't lose anything.

>> No.18461148


Speak for yourself, loser.

I have a big house, acreage, cars, a loving family, and still put $5k/mo into savings. And I grew up on welfare and took loans to pay my way through college. Apply yourself, stop playing the victim.

Pools are for idiots that live in shitholes without access to clean freshwater bodies.

>> No.18461210

Excuse me why does the based department keep showing up?

>> No.18461252

What first comes to thought, if you are mostly inside(+gaming even worse) you will fuck up your body. I mean you need to get out, walk, get some sun and vitamine D, get enough sleep, go to the gym, workout inside bcs quarantine, blue light from screens will make you tired and lower the sleep quality if you game before sleeping... You need to find other hobbies, gaming and being inside wont get you happy, you are just emotionless which is normal response of your mind. Its not normal for humans. Idk why you cant realise this

>> No.18461279

I'm aware of all of this.
There is still a massive psychological effect of living in a concrete cage your whole life.

>> No.18461297

You're a non-depressed normietrying to comprehend the thought processes of a depressed fag, of course you can't wrap your mind around it. And of course your first thought will be to blame his character, its human nature. Just let it go, you won't make heads or tails of it, and your advice will be worthless to him anyway.

>> No.18461311


I think OP is a retard for wanting to be a consoomer.

But the "fuck you I got mine" attitude you have is classic.

Congrats on getting lucky dude.

Application is generally only a very small part in becoming wealthy.

>> No.18461359
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>> No.18461364

you already know the answer

>> No.18461378


>> No.18461398

He's not wrong, and I wouldn't call his advice worthless.
I also try not to call it depression, because to me that seems like a massive cop out... oh woe is me etc. After so long it just becomes who you are. My actions certainly play a big part of my mood, happiness, etc. but there are other equally large components that also play a part.
I have gone hard on the gym before, got fit, used to work outside 12 hours every day, and it helps your mental. But, you get to a point in that cycle where you start to think "for what?"
Once you clean up your personal actions, you are free to see all the external factors, and they tend to drag me back.

>> No.18461421

Well no, i was depressed in high scool years and just trying to give normie-tier advice as the start or just basics that are appropriate for random thread because it wasnt real hormone deficit or whatever but normal response to my worthless life.
Depression is good, its telling you that you are not living okay, emotionless state is far more concerning.

>> No.18461422

cause you have done fucking zip to earn it, fucking hand me down bitch.

>> No.18461515

yo his wife was hot and horny for him plus he was a football star when he was young

>> No.18461541

but I don't speak the language and I'm a foreigner to thar culture, wouldn't they be suspicious of me? How am i supposed to network

>> No.18461596

Based post. I would like to extend you an honorary membership into the National Organization of Men Against Amazonian Masterhood, or NO MA'AM

>> No.18461610

Vs sitting inside and watching cable television

>> No.18461648

Again me, didnt answer in last reply.
But you dont have to. Dont live how others tell you you should live. Im not favorizing some guerilla lifestyle to you but i dunno, try to watch some GaryVee videos, he is talking about happiness and work and he has some good videos and talks, apart from promoting his own brand and tons of other normie social media shit.
Point is, you are maybe better by earning less pay, living how you want, in suburban area maybe, in a house with a yard. Or maybe you want to be photographer, live where you live now but constantly travelling and as a hobby it will keep you outside. Do things. Its not normie or anything, its just life. It seems like you have mental cage more than concrete cage, you dont need to sit inside and think about it but you need to get outside and think how to change your life and environment.

>> No.18461736

Who would keep hundreds of thousands in the bank? You are clearly a flaming faggot. You have never made alcohol and have no concept of the cost of fruit depending on the season and harvest, fuel costs, distillery tax, equipment costs and helper costs. Actually, you're just a faggot.

>> No.18461757

We don't operate with the same definitions. The definition of depression I work with is not feeling sad or blue, but exactly an emotionless state where life feels pointless, you find it impossible to motivate yourself, and there is literally nothing anyone could say that can make a difference. Even if you can intellectually agree they're right, it's just beyond you to try, its inconceivable to make the effort, because you simply don't have anything in you that is capable of trying. THAT is depression.

For me, it got somewhat better with meds, it got even better with a carnivorous diet. I still have more bad days than bad days, but just having good days is something to hold on to.

Not to say the other thing is not a problem, because it obviously is. And yeah, for that good advice might work, and yours certainly isn't bad.

>> No.18461762

Ahh, I could tell you far worse about the West but it'll become a pissing match.

>> No.18461779

I don't know why most people have so much trouble with figuring out how to accomplish this. I haven't even graduated yet and I make $52,000 salary with benefits. I'm about to take a second job for evenings to make another $25,000. All you have to do is not pick a retarded major, avoid spending money, and live at home.

>> No.18461865

Ironically tax in the East is far lower than in the West depending on how you pay tax. Headline figures for taxation are very misleading. Opportunity for opening business is pretty good. Many people in the East are very demoralised and think everything sucks but for many that haven't fallen for the everything is corrupt and suxs meme it's possible to make it and live very well.

>> No.18461869

B-but anon... For what, really? I saw the external factors, im going back to depression, its far more human.

>> No.18461914

pls be bait

>> No.18461981

show me just ONE transfer of 5K to your saving account

just one

5K colombian pesos does not count

>> No.18462013

>just live like an ant bro

>> No.18462022

Exactly my point, best position is the one that works for you. And when you stop blaming everything else for your failed life. Plenty of people are giving 60-100$ monthly for cigg's from their monthly 300$, and 1 pack here is avg 2$-2.5$.

>> No.18462130
File: 299 KB, 480x558, 20200331_181830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am also 27. There's jobs that pay well and we need to take them. Carpentry, truck driving, warehouse positions yeah they are risky and require overtime but it's legitimate work. If you truly have a passion and see a future for it keep going for it but as mature (?) Adults we need to just accept our dreams are for our off time and just buckle down. Or really, if you *really think the Lord hath ordained a special position for you, you are his hand. Pray and prepare for an exodus. The disciples also got executed remember that.

>> No.18462155

fuck your mother christcuck

>> No.18462248

Nonsense brother. We will make it. All we have failed in is our learning, and if thy issues persist we can make them right anyway. The mind is an emotional trainwreck. Do not give into it. https://en.m.wikisource.org/wiki/Bible_(Wycliffe)/Proverbs

>> No.18462290

Imagine spending 40k in a trained guard dog just to have it be shot as soon as a real intruder with bad intentions sets foot on your property with a $350 handgun.


>> No.18462350

Imagine having the money to buy a 40k dog. Imagine how much more money you would have to have to buy a 40k dog because it's just a dog and you don't look at the price. Just imagine how stupid you are. Just imagine how you are unable to read. Looks like people should get real dogs rather than rats called dogs.

>> No.18462418

No, it's:

If(number of male children = 0,
If (and (number of male children>=1, networth >= 1m),
(number of male children)*networth),

It's very straightforward. Male value goes to 0 if they have no male children or a networth greater than 1 mil. Once they pass that threshold it's a simply multivariant factor of the two.

>> No.18462427

fuck off zogbot

>> No.18462442

Who wants to clean all that bullshit?

>> No.18462469

Do not have a networth grater than*

>> No.18462470


>> No.18462521

she was 16 actually

>> No.18462543

That show was decades ahead of its time.

>> No.18462574

Am i dumb or you said it costs 2k? Based dog

>> No.18462664

Prime meat

>> No.18462709

how far from a city?

>> No.18462909

millinial here. i use to want those things for years. but now that I'm in my mid 30s I've gone so long without them that they no longer matter to me anymore. now i just want to see younger people have them because at least they still have the time to make use of it.

>> No.18462952

...Why can't Americans simply eat healthy? Why do you need those extreme diets?

>> No.18463191

A pup costs 2k. Then you get it trained or you train it. If you get a pup with papers it costs more. A guard dog ready to go costs 40k. It is easily more intelligent than a German Shepherd but not as imposing as they have a smaller elegant frame. It will absolutely shred anything it doesn't like if you train it including wolves, bears, wild boar, stray dogs, blacks etc. There are crosses of German Shepherd and Malinois and they are probably the Apex dog though are obviously much smaller than all sorts of mountain sheep dogs that weight 120kg+ but it's like comparing birds to carrots. If /biz/ has an official dog it should be the Malinois.

>> No.18463337

Not American, in fact, but Polish. And your idea of what is extreme is predicated on a "balanced" diet being non-extreme, and healthy. It is not. Google the Randle cycle. A mixed macro diet is literally the worst thing you can do for your healh. There is nothing healthy about a balanced diet, and "simply eat healthy" is a brainless sentiment to take. How do you know what is healthy eating? Because the current paradigm sure as shit doesn't seem to be healthy, judging by the rates of metabolic syndrome in the population.

>> No.18463542

>Not American, in fact, but Polish
Even worse, you simply bought a stupid American idea. At least your meat is not American-grade, I imagine.

>How do you know what is healthy eating?
How do you except to get proper fiber and certain vitamins from an exclusively meat-based diet? Or are you gonna go and tell me you don't need that either?
Furthermore: how do you know anything is anything?

>> No.18463751

>are you gonna go and tell me you don't need that either?

Yes. Memes aside, there is literally nothing in plants that you need, that you can't get in meat. Vitamin C as well, before you ask. I've been eating this way for a year, and still haven't died of scurvy. NOBODY in the carnivore community has developed scurvy, or any deficiency whatsoever, and some people have been doing this for years. You hear of vegans quitting their fucktarded death cult all the time, you really think you wouldn't hear about it if a bunch of carnivores started quitting over vitamin deficiencies? Incidentally, if you have please let me know, I'm not some retarded cultist and will listen if people start dropping from this diet.

Fiber is a spook, all it does is clog you up. It's completely, utterly unneccesary, as shown here:


>how do you know anything is anything?

Evidence, obviously. I claim that the best evidence available supports a fully carnivorous diet is human-specific. Basically, we evolved to eat almost exclusively meat over the last 2.5 million years, and are fully adapted to it.

>> No.18463814

What should I do instead? I like Resident Evil.

>> No.18463852
File: 630 KB, 2789x1291, 1586740734506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because boomers already brought in your replacement.

>> No.18463881

Take your meds. There is so much wrong with this post I don't even know where to begin.

>> No.18463914

The truth. Knowledge and giving. These are gifts

>> No.18463973

That was inspirational . shit your right. Amen

>> No.18465053

Because it is over. Unironically.

>> No.18465074

Because you are losers

>> No.18465292

Understood, that was for other anon blaming you for 40k on dog. Saved, interesting. I really love German Shepherd's, would like to have a house in my future to keep him. Apartment is disgrace for them

>> No.18465409

>boomers complain millennials not having children
>import third worlders anyway

>> No.18465442

>People giving long, unnecessary answers that don't even have the correct answer
The answer is Jews

>> No.18465513

Because the world economy is kill, land is sparse and jobs sparser.

>> No.18465539
File: 91 KB, 640x618, 1574619591483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in one of the poorer areas in cali (whites are a minority here, that should tell you enough) and 10,000 dollars could barely afford you a few acres of empty, undeveloped land with zero fertility.

>> No.18465558

dogs will never win in a fight vs anyone above the height of 6 foot

>> No.18465569

Millennials are the ones importing Mexicans because they refuse to work

>> No.18465705

>Why can't we (millenials) have big houses, big cars, big swimming pools and loving family like our parents did?

Because of what happened in 1971


>> No.18466531

>So no, the day of the pillow must come. We must kill everyone over 60 and redistribute their wealth.
the pillow is corona