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18452631 No.18452631[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this bullish?

>> No.18452738
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>advocates for a dictatorship

>> No.18452855
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All I want is to give faggots something to actually cry about

>> No.18452866
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>the presidential election is so fuckin important

>> No.18452877
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Trump has added more debt in 4 years then obama did in 8.

He is full of shit. On the campaign trail he said that the economic numbers were all phony and as soon as he gets elected suddenly we are in the best economy in history.

The retard literally wrote his name on a bubble.

>> No.18452911


>> No.18452931

lolberts are boot licking fucking cucks, what do you expect

couldn't handle the ancap pill so just gargled down blumpf dick

>> No.18452998
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He's going to rule the world, not Just the US. I find it funny that both the q-anon & liberal retards debate every single minute of every single day about this. The future is already written and it was written long ago.

People seem to have completely missed the importance of when Trump first used the term, 'drain the swamp'. The book in the photo has been practically scrubbed from the internet long ago. The book was essentially the written out plan that NESARA was based on.


>advocates for a dictatorship
You don't have a choice. None at all.

>> No.18453015

And Obama actually faced an economic recession and debt taking was justified. Trump has been funneling public debt into the 0.1% pockets during a bull economy.

>> No.18453021

As someone who only votes purely based on entertainment potential, it's hard to say whether another 4 years of Trump making everyone buttblasted just by breathing would be more or less interesting than watching Biden suffer a series of ministrokes during his inauguration. Seems like whenever I feel "orange man bad" is getting old, some retards manage to take it to a whole new level.
Yeah, I'm thinking it's bullish.

>> No.18453024

Be honest fellas,
If you had to choose between having Qaddafi, Trump, or an Asian as a dictator, who would you choose?

>> No.18453033

which one is bullish for bitcoin?

>> No.18453047

Depends on if the Asian dictator is friendly to the Bitcoin miners

>> No.18453049

there are medicines and treatments available. please see your local mental healthcare professional

>> No.18453050

so, is he the antichrist, or what?
drop me some >>>/x/ style redpill anon

>> No.18453062

Read that as "Aslan" at first and though, yeah, I could live with being ruled over by a talking lion.

>> No.18453103

Trump cut taxes but he increased spending.

But who cares? Everyone knows the currency is going to die, it's fucking musical chairs.

>> No.18453238

>liberty hangout
>wants a tyrant

>> No.18453255

Qaddafi. Asian dictator gives the possibility of having a retard like Mao or Kim Jong Un in charge and trump is trump so no on that.

>> No.18453281

May I be frank? It was a real wake up moment for me when I realized just how many self proclaimed conservatives and liberals showed complete apathy to the fact that Qaddafi was killed. Probably one of the few honorable African leaders and the only reason that Europe wasn't flooded with Migrants.

>> No.18453295

Yeah conservatives are all about open borders and rampant drug use.

>> No.18453300

I mean it was repulsive that the US State Department set up a theocratic revolt that destroyed a relatively stable nation. It was also repulsive thay Hilary Clinton delighted in his death like it was nothing to have him killed.

>> No.18453316

lmao, do you think libertarians are about rampant drug use?
libertarians just point out that everyone has a natural right to take any drug they want as long as it doesn't harm anyone else, and there are tons of statistics showing that drug use actually goes down over time when it's fully legalized
also, libertarians want private property to constitute borders, this is far more rational and secure than the concept of national borders

>> No.18453322

Depends on whether the Asian is someone fucking based like Duterte

>> No.18453331

Yep, the guy was portrayed as an evil bloke but he was just weird.. He made something of Libya but the West fucked him over for no reason and he got a knife up his ass.. That shit red-pilled me.

>> No.18453345
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Christ will reign upon the Earth. BTFO libtards! MAGA! WoogityWoogity! Qanon!

Think about it. Who’s opening the third temple in Israel?

>> No.18453347

Why the fuck do we accept the monetary system? It's so fucking blackpilling.

>> No.18453353

People on those drugs harm others in the process.
Have you never met a junkie?
Yeah, it's self destructive, but they also go out of their way to feed their habit and paranoia.
Howard Taft is the closest there will ever be to a Libertarian president, and he was against drug dealing.

>> No.18453365
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All Trump ever talks about is spic and nigger employment numbers and how high they were. Now what will he campaign on? How great LEGAL immigration is? Or how hes now a bigger socialist than Bernie Sanders?

>> No.18453366

you don't get it, the point is that there are statistics clearly showing that less and less such harm is done, both to self and others
people who harm others should be treated accordingly according to their crimes regardless of drug use
also, the very notion of having a president to begin with is authoritarian, so a "libertarian president" is an oxymoron

>> No.18453388

>conservatives are all about open borders
As long as their Christians. Skin color doesn't matter, trust the plan.

>> No.18453399

Tell me, who would actually maintain this idea of your's and protect it without an "authoritarian" (your way of saying 'leader' or 'authority')

Any system that doesn't have some overarching protection and leadership is going to get swallowed up buy a collective, or buy a foreign "authoritarian".

>> No.18453402
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>> No.18453414

read The Law by Bastiat
in short, just as was recognized by the so-called founding fathers, humans have certain inalienable rights, which include the right to life, liberty, and property
the concept of law simply refers to the collective organization to enforce rights which any individual themselves already have the right to enforce, since no one can delegate to others rights they do not already have
as such the only just legal order is a polycentric one, which Tom Bell has written at great lengths about
so no, there shouldn't be "overarching" protection or leadership, there should be protection stemming from the roots of the populace and up

>> No.18453427

three evils, but if I was forced to choose I'd choose Qaddafi without a doubt

>> No.18453449

And you should consider reading Aristotle and realizing that the tyranny of the masses is very real, and isn't restricted the moment you remove actual leadership.

>> No.18453453
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Because the modern """""man""""" is even more spineless than he is ignorant.
The line in the sand will be the upcoming forced vaccinations/ID tattoos. If the masses just roll over and accept that, not only will I start heavily griefing the minecraft servers until Im permabanned, but I will pray to whatever deity it listening every day to wipe out every single fucking human being on Earth. At that point we clearly dont deserve to breathe, since we arent actually living anyway.

>> No.18453478

I've read everything relevant by Aristotle already, but you clearly haven't read your Bastiat
the so-called "tyranny of the masses" is exactly what is crystallized when you have one class of people known as "the state" which follows a completely different set of rules than everyone else, which is precisely the case with any nation state
this is completely antithetical to the notion of inalienable rights possessed by everyone, which is the entire point of libertarianism

>> No.18453485
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>> No.18453493


>> No.18453618
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All lolberts will eventually turn fascist as they realize how fucking evil leftism really is, and if allowed in a lolbert world will snuff out all life and liberty from humanity in one huge satanic death orgy.

>> No.18453644

libertarians already recognize the evils of leftism, as well as rightism, and all other forms of authoritarianism
politics itself is evil

>> No.18453668
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Just wait until whitey finds out that the kikes stole their history and ancestry LARPing as God's chosen people.

Turns out, that the reality is Europeans are the descendants of the ancient hebrews of the bible. Adam was white. Jesus was white. Europeans are naturally Christian because it's in their DNA and they are inherently drawn towards Christianity.

>100 PROOFS the lsraelites were WHITE

>> No.18453689
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But their ideology is completely powerless to stop it. In fact, leftism is most easily spread in lolbert land.

>No borders, no laws, no rules, no state, pure hedonism, no group identity, you are the perfect atomized individual and any collectivism or unity is EVIL - just do what you want goy!

>> No.18453701

its not the third temple. Its the temple of Solomon pbuh. The jews now realize why they were banished from israel. They are gonna bring back the golden age of jews during the reign of Solomon pbuh. And give his throne to the false messiah. A vision Solomon pbuh had about a evil entity ruling on his throne.

>> No.18453713
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Lolbert ideology is extremely fertile grounds for the empowerment of the Jew. Highly collectivist, highly cohesive, extremely deceptive and THRIVING in the land where nobody else employs any type of group survival strategy.

Easy conquest from subversion.

>> No.18453716

>Guooo AEEegggh GOoooh im a fucking retard fuck my face!

Trump is collapsing the Deepstate Federal Reserve Debt based Banking system You stupid fucking retard.

>> No.18453724
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Libertarianism is literally just jews like ayn rand telling the white goyim not to collectivize.

>> No.18453738
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>start heavily griefing the minecraft servers until Im permabanned
hear ye hear ye

>> No.18453954
File: 55 KB, 640x364, libertarians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone gets it.

The big (((libertarian thinkers))) are Jewish for a reason.

I got redpilled on this by watching Adam Kokesh back when in like 2012 when I was in my lolbert phase. He was an extremely ideological anarcho-capitalist, and I was quite sympathetic to his libertarian views. At the time, I was huge into Ron Paul and this lead me to other figures like Adam.

But I couldn't understand why he wanted open borders. Who could in good sense advocate for such an insanely destructive policy? It's literally national suicide. It didn't make sense to me and I started exploring other political concepts that was more grounded in reality, which ended my lolbert phase.

Later on I found out that Kokesh, who has the appearance of a pretty chad looking European, was in fact Jewish.

Then it all fucking clicked.

>> No.18453966


It’s the natural progression.

>> No.18453985
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>> No.18453996
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Hmu when you realize you're wasting your time.

I'll sell you some great meth for the death orgy

>> No.18454005

>he doesn’t know that liberaty fags are just national socialists in disguise

>> No.18454008

It's wild how Trump came in and turned all the libertarians in to pro-government authoritarians

>> No.18454015


Someone has to keep the Communists at bay from breathing

>> No.18454034


Trump might have sped things up for some but it’s unirojically the progression many lolberts will take.

>> No.18454048

>it's an ancap retard advocating for authoritarianism episode
it kinda makes sense. ancaps and libertarians would be the biggest socialists and authoritarians if their countries were 100% white. if you know for sure that your (STOLEN) taxes go straight to white people, then you wouldn't mind as much.

>> No.18454155
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Because they realized libertarianism is a children's ideology. Lollipops and rainbows, completely disconnected from political reality.

When Trump got elected the mask on the Marxist opposition slipped and true goals and intentions were revealed for all to see. Kalergi plan, NWO, hellish dystopia ruled by satanists.

Anyone with eyes to see are now staring directly at true face of leftist evil, and normal happy freedom loving people (liberals/libertarians in nature) realize it is all going to disappear if satanic Leftists aren't stopped - with the full power of state force.

Libertarianism as an ideology is wholly inadequate for the job, so most white people will turn to authoritarian measures to stop the imminent threat to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

>> No.18454178
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The progression from my experience usually happens like this

Liberal/non-political -> Libertarian -> Conservative -> Paleoconservative -> NatSoc/Fascist and/or Christian monarchist

>> No.18454515

> Libertarian to Conservative
hmm. I've never seen that. Conservatives are usually just Christians. Libertarians are just masculine atheists.

>> No.18454546

The more you get into politics, the more you understand the significance of religious rites

>> No.18454552

go fuck yourself.
I'm a libertarian and I'm about open borders and rampant drug use. Literally my favorite qualities.

>> No.18454561

based CI poster

>> No.18454599

you talkim 'bout freemasons?

>> No.18454623

cringe beta male detected.

>> No.18454811
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When the lolberg turns conservative


When the conservative gains ethnic consciousness and discovers the strength in collectivism.



"There is strength in numbers - there is strength in community. There is power in the tribe. The enemy we face is great and powerful and organized and well financed... and enormous in number. Maybe they tricked me into fighting alone- so that I, and everyone... would just lose."

I love watching these political awakenings.

>> No.18454818
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project much?

>> No.18454994

how is he going to do that with china winning every where and america losing everywhere

>> No.18455104

>Trump has added more debt in 4 years then obama did in 8.
that's the nature of exponential debt
trump and obama are both keynesian retards

>> No.18455141

This would be unironically bullish

>> No.18455187

Suck it faggot. He's winning again.

>> No.18455520

who do you want to trigger faggot

>> No.18455573

Trump would still want us to be rich