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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18428424 No.18428424 [Reply] [Original]

What's /biz/ list of essential books to read?

>> No.18428437

The Holy Bible

>> No.18428447

based and easterpilled

>> No.18428450


>> No.18428453


>> No.18428468

A History of Central Banking by Goodson

>> No.18428471

I'm asking about financial books

>> No.18428496

When you read the holy book and accept it you have made the best financial decission ever made.

>> No.18428506

+ The White Paper

>> No.18428507
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Thank me later

>> No.18428513


>> No.18428518

based fpbp
additionally the Chainlink whitepaper is good too

>> No.18428527

The entire Western canon.

>> No.18428545

the sun also rises. unrelated, but a great book nonetheless.

>> No.18428568

Marx - The Communist Manifesto
Marx - The German Ideology
Marx - Das Kapital
Engels - The Condition of the Working Class in England
Bukharin - The ABC of Communism
Veblen - Theory of the Leisure Class
Lenin - Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism
Lenin - What Is To Be Done
Lenin - State and Revolution
Luxemburg - The Accumulation of Capital
Trotsky - The Permanent Revolution
Trotsky - The Revolution Betrayed
Althusser - On Ideology
Thompson - The Poverty of Theory
Lukacs - History and Class Consciousness
Gramsci - Prison Notebooks
Horkheimer & Adorno - Dialectic of Enlightenment
Horkheimer - Eclipse of Reason
Adorno - Aesthetics and Politics
Adorno - The Culture Industry
Marcuse - One-Dimensional Man
Zizek - Less Than Nothing
Zizek - The Sublime Object

>> No.18428585
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Is this any good?

>> No.18428586


Animal Farm

The Giver

>> No.18428611
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The Cat and the Gat

>> No.18428660

Ha, GAY!

>> No.18428685
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>> No.18428713
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>> No.18428729

Man and His Symbols
cannot recommend it enough

>> No.18428797

All psueds

>> No.18428950
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This is the true /biz/raeli canon

>> No.18429772


>> No.18429833

Leftist trash. None of these people have led to the creation of a wealthy society. Kys retard.

>> No.18429981

My top 3 so far are
1. Human Action by Ludwig Von Mises
2. Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
3. Alchemy of Finance by George Soros

>> No.18430426

how do i redpill me out of liberalism

>> No.18430475

Karl Marx - Das Kapital
But when you read it you want to do all the shit he bitches about. Pretty much lays it out clear as day that being a factory owner is cash money

>> No.18430479
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can finally dust off my biz folder

>> No.18430492

Coomunist manifesto fucking sucks probably the shitiest thing you can read by Marx

>> No.18430494
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>> No.18430500

i have the same question

>> No.18430515
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>> No.18430549
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>> No.18430562
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>> No.18430590
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posted thumbnail

>> No.18430606

>On the Jews and their Lies
>Mein Kampf
>Bitcoin white paper
>Fangs of the Lone Wolf

>> No.18430635

gorilla mindset by mike cernovich and dangerous faggot by milo

>> No.18430646

mein kampf,
think and grow rich,
the art of the deal,
and mein kampf


>> No.18431125

Bump because interesting bread

>> No.18431210
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>But when you read it you want to do all the shit he bitches about
Fucking based

>> No.18431699

sovereign individual

>> No.18431801


>> No.18431859

sarship troopers and Moon is a Harsh Mistress both by robert henlein. Cheers.

>> No.18431897
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>Inb4 phone poster

>> No.18431919

Why do you smoke crack? Does it help you read?

>> No.18431933

Take the dildo out of you ass

>> No.18431947
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>> No.18432076

Does anyone have anything on quantifying fundamental analysis?

>> No.18432077
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>> No.18432221

Industrial Society and Its Future

>> No.18432304

>The Bible
>Mein Kampf

>> No.18432329

Good books

>> No.18432457
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This is a good one, capitalism doesn't require sin and usury. Lot of problems with the system can be solved without gommunism

>> No.18432474

i made this image

>> No.18432506
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>> No.18432580

It is a bit old-fashioned but as published today there are modern notes. It preaches long term , defensive, value investing instead of aggressive, speculative trading. I think it is worth reading because it teaches a lot of solid principles regardless and makes for a more responsible investor.

>> No.18432809

Feder manifesto

>> No.18433085

1984 ...I've never read it but its probably /pol/ approved

>> No.18433152

>guns, germs, and steel
Absolute garbage

>> No.18433219
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Mein Kampf.

>> No.18433226

kek reading this is probably going to make you better entrepreneur than 99% of pigs

>> No.18433230

This. Fuck Jared Diamond

>> No.18433292

Moral Animal is trash

>> No.18433376
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>> No.18434076

Thanks Anon! This book looks like a really good read! I bought an original hardback copy just now!

>> No.18434461

Only read bits and pieces in a university class, what's wrong with it, it seemed like a pretty normal geography book. My professor did disagree though but it was because of "muh racism" shit because JD insinuated niggers couldn't build civilization.

>> No.18435038

Random walk down wall street
Risk, uncertainty and profit

>> No.18435062


>> No.18435592
File: 60 KB, 850x400, quote-in-the-short-run-the-market-is-a-voting-machine-but-in-the-long-run-it-is-a-weighing-benjamin-graham-59-88-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes he is a genuis.

>> No.18435641

Literally a list of a bunch of bourgeois jews.

>> No.18435651

If its business around digital currencies and BLockchain revolution most are just tech books, white papers. the surge of blockchain adoption is getting so many people interested in blockchain based business, DEFI based project like finnexus are also getting massive attention right now

>> No.18435737

kudos to you. I made one too and it's not as quick as I thought it would be

no it's not. The language is archaic I grant you, but the behavior it describes is redpilled

>> No.18435875

Also wondering

>> No.18436084
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What about this one? It was recommended to me. Any good?

>> No.18436196

Yif your mental capacity is that of 5yo then yes

>> No.18436234

If you are a NPC normie who doesnt know he needs to spend money on assets and not waste it then it might provide some insight.

Its kindergarden finance. It just tells you not to waste money on dumb shit like cars and designer clothes.

>> No.18436758

Every book in this thread is self help garbage or communist propaganda. You would learn more about money reading fucking Ayn Rand than anything in this thread. I want to believe we are still being raided by leftypol and /biz/ isn't this retarded.

>> No.18436858

Downloading GIMP now so I can put together a nice infographic which people will mindlessly repost.

Graham is the king of Value investing.
But value investing is a bet on a certain set of market conditions. 'Value' has been under-performing the market for the past 50 years.
Also, the rules it outlines are outdated, he updated them in "Benjamin Graham's Last Will". Though even these updated rules are way out of date.

Graham always talks about the 'long run' (e.g. >>18435592) but it would could have been someone's entire career from the 70s to now. The long run is too far away.

Graham's "Securities Analysis" is a good book for people wanting an econ/fin education. (as opposed to Intelligent Investor, which is a pop-fin book) Though it too is outdated.

The pop-fin books in this list will make you feel like your learning something but are actually misleading you.
Not to say there aren't a few good books in that pic.

Most of these I haven't read, but Freakonomics is cringe.

>> No.18436902

R*ddit book

>> No.18436928

>shits on every suggestion
>doesn't put his own forth
real basedboy tier

>> No.18436987

based and factual

>> No.18437584
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An economics education.
If you learn everything in these books you will have a higher quality education than most economics bachelor degree holders.

I needed to make this pic to counteract all the pop-finance books spammed on this board.

This requires 1st year uni maths knowledge. I'm sure you can figure out how to get that elsewhere.

>> No.18437661

nigga be giving here school textbooks lol.
ain't nobody gonna read that nigga

>> No.18437678

What's with the intermediate Micro, Macro and Econometrics? I had all intermediate so I'd like to think I know my stuff in those subjects, can you give me some examples of the stuff in those? I'll give Math Finance (is this Quant tier?) and game theory a look though, looks interesting

>> No.18438350
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>> No.18438474



>> No.18438487

A lot of the books are titled 'intermediate' because they are bachelor level.
I used these books for revision a few years after graduating.
I learned that my university is an absolute joke.
These books are farm more detailed in their analysis than what my uni discussed.

There is quite a bit of overlap between the contents in the into and intermediate econometric books. But the stuff which is exclusively in the econometric books was basically entirely absent from my degree.

The mathematical finance books are quant-type material but they only cover a relatively small slice of the material a quant would learn at uni.

>> No.18439283

Based, thanks for the recs. I’m reading hull, make sure you’re comfortable with prob and stat

>> No.18439301

Taleb's entire INCERTO

Hayek's Road to Serfdom and Constitution of Liberty

Seneca's Letters

>> No.18439387
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holy shit dude this man asked for books about business and finance, not a list of jews.
There's more jews in your list than in the fucking Talmud

>Marx was born on 5 May 1818 to Heinrich Marx
>Heinrich Marx was born in Saarlouis, with the name Herschel Levi, the son of Marx Levy Mordechai (1743–1804) and Eva Lwow (1753–1823). Heinrich Marx's father was the rabbi of Trier

>Ilya married Maria Alexandrovna Blank in mid-1863.[4] Well educated, she was the daughter of a wealthy German–Swedish Lutheran mother, and a Russian Jewish father
>Both White and Red Armies were responsible for attacks against Jewish communities, prompting Lenin to issue a condemnation of anti-Semitism, blaming prejudice against Jews on capitalist propaganda.

>Luxemburg was born on 5 March 1871 in Zamość.[4][5] The Luxemburg family were Polish Jews living in Russian-controlled Poland.

>Leon Trotsky was born Lev Davidovich Bronstein on 7 November 1879, the fifth child of a Ukrainian-Jewish family of wealthy farmers

>Lukács was born Löwinger György Bernát in Budapest, Austria-Hungary to the investment banker József Löwinger (later Szegedi Lukács József; 1855–1928) and his wife Adele Wertheimer (Wertheimer Adél; 1860–1917), who were a wealthy Jewish family.

>Horkheimer was born into a conservative, wealthy Orthodox Jewish family.

>His mother, a devout Catholic from Corsica, was once a professional singer, while his father, an assimilated Jew who had converted to Protestantism

>Herbert Marcuse was born July 19, 1898, in Berlin, to Carl Marcuse and Gertrud Kreslawsky. His family was Jewish.

>> No.18439512

It's almost as if Jews are behind every monetary theory, system and foundation of the past 2000 years

>> No.18439520


>> No.18439606
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Everyone’s first communist book should be the principles of communism by Engels. Then they should read wage/labor.

The manifesto is a joke that marx regretted writing.

>> No.18439607

Rent and usury was taboo in Christian society around the Middle Ages and since any other trade was pretty much illegal for Jews to practice, their only option was to enter finance where the Christians actually had use of them. Fast forward and many pogroms and a genocide later, the Jews now sit at the crest of society with all of their assets and privileges and to be honest, it's you who brought them there.

Anglosaxon protestants and the Chinese are probably more jewish than Jews themselves, though, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.

>> No.18439624


>> No.18439666

>Why do you smoke crack? Does it help you read?
It does actually.

>> No.18439669

List of failures

>> No.18439688


Communism has worked everywhere it has been tried. Lifted billions out of poverty, and created superpowers.

>> No.18439721

This is a good read but you should stop after this one. All his books are a prelude to make you buy his next on. His suggestions are vague and don’t provide a clear path. I found at the most only one helpful point in each book I read. Start with Dave Ramsey first and then read kiyosaki

>> No.18439788

Barbarians at the Gate
Liar’s Poker

>> No.18439796

Black Swan

>> No.18439965

Robert Kiyosaki‘s first book opened my eyes to the possibility of being something other then a wage cuck. David Ramsey showed me how to be a more successful wage cuck. Both authors should be the first things any beginner reads before they move on to more advanced methods of investing. I don’t bother reading anything by Marxists. They are losers and not worth your time.

>> No.18440498

Going to waste my time replying to this guy because he deserves the (You)s. Money-related books will NOT teach you anything about making money. This is the biggest trap that the "I wanna be a millionaire :)" people tend to fall into right after paying thousands for a course which is even worse.

What teaches you to make money is the understanding of the world, the establishment of a central set of knowledge that adapts to both booms and crises and makes them profitable. That book specifically breaks down the administrative aspect of humanity which is probably the most important 101 into our world.

Here's a good video related to it as well which, again, is a must for /biz/ and specifically now that the oil crisis happened.

>> No.18440602

What finance/economics books should a novice non finance fag crypto holder read to get a full time job in the crypto space ?

>> No.18440793

How to not get rich: the book.

>> No.18441018
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Death in credit in English...

>> No.18441100 [DELETED] 
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>Principles Of Communism by Engels
>Wage Labor and Capital by Marx
>The Communist Manifesto (Optional)
>Origin of the Family Private Property and the State by Engels
>Critique of the Gotha Program by Marx (Known for explaining the “phases” of communist society and how it would unfold
>Das Kapital (Very long and hard, but an obvious one, I’ll admit I haven’t read all of it)

Essential Marxist-Leninist Writings
>The State and Revolution by Lenin
>The foundations of Leninism by Stalin
>What is to be done? by Lenin
>Left Wing Communism: An Infantile Disorder by Lenin

Probably more but I doubt you’ll ever read all of this. Just remember, the #1 point of communism is to abolish all private property (private ownership of the means of production)

These are the only books you need to read to understand the world around you. Thank me later, comrade!

>> No.18441190

Based. Having the fundamentals makes everything easy. I studied math and stats and I've been plowing through Hull's book and I can already have conversations/debates with institutional investors and finance people.

>> No.18441199
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>Principles Of Communism by Engels
>Wage Labor and Capital by Marx
>The Communist Manifesto (Optional)
>Origin of the Family Private Property and the State by Engels
>Critique of the Gotha Program by Marx (Known for explaining the “phases” of communist society and how it would unfold
>Das Kapital (Very long and hard, but an obvious one, I’ll admit I haven’t read all of it)

Essential Marxist-Leninist Writings
>The State and Revolution by Lenin
>The foundations of Leninism by Stalin
>What is to be done? by Lenin
>Left Wing Communism: An Infantile Disorder by Lenin
>Imperialism: The highest stage of capitalism by Lenin
>Dialectical and Historical Materialism by Stalin
>On the national question by Stalin

Probably more but I doubt you’ll ever read all of this. Just remember, the #1 point of communism is to abolish all private property (private ownership of the means of production)

These are the only books you need to read to understand the world around you. Thank me later, comrade!

>> No.18441289

I'm reading "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill right now. Is the "Collapse of Complex Societies" one you recommend next? I was going to go with "Influence: Science and Practice" by Robert Cialdini

>> No.18441326

Yes. Also Antifragile right after it. For both books there's countless of videos by the writers themselves as a demo of what the book's about which you should watch them first. The one I linked is a good start.

>> No.18441395

A Random Walk Down Wall Street

You're welcome

>> No.18441433

I read it in high school and it was a nice easy read. I would recommend it.