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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18426984 No.18426984 [Reply] [Original]

I've found a blockchain project that is a micro cap under 3 million dollars, has a circulating supply of less than 35 mil and has a burn mechanism to enable the project to work which could mean the supply as low as 3 million or less by 2024, it has a working product and use case that is already generating revenue, it has a long financial runway with a good cash flow, it's not a security, it's got people from over 80 different countries interested in using it and constantly contacting said company, its targeting an industry that is ripe and prime for disruption by blockchain tech (in fact blockchain and this specific use case are a match made in heaven) and it is perfect for mass adoption (in fact most (99.9%) of users of this project won't be aware of the blockchain tech/protocol etc that happens behind the scenes to make it work)

>> No.18427113

More info please

>> No.18427130

Hmm ok that's cool and all but is it partnered with ChainLink?

>> No.18427141

more info or LARP confirmed

>> No.18427305
File: 170 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what's the point, you'll just call it a scam (even though its already got multiple clients and has just expanded into Asia...South Korea to be specific

but here's a picture of Amazon world CTO
with this blockchain project's CEO, holding a bag with a logo of this project

>> No.18427341
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>> No.18427406


Next dubs (not including my own) reveals

>> No.18427435



>> No.18427447
File: 90 KB, 593x768, getprotocol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was so easy to google, i think this is nushilling. i.e. getting innocent anons (like me) to find the project OP is talking about, which makes the whole discussion about this seem more organic.

>> No.18427470


Congrats anon

seriously though probably one of the most genuine project in crypto and solving a good cause,,, fuck stupid ticket resale prices. Smart ticketing also brings a lot more beneficial features

>> No.18427488



>> No.18427502

Rolling for the glory

>> No.18427525
File: 386 KB, 1092x1282, Screenshot 2020-04-12 at 21.54.31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whether I'm purposely conducting ''nushilling'' or not it doesn't get away from the fact that this project is making great progress and is exactly what the ticketing industry needs

I might go all in

>> No.18427564

IDK, man, ticketing? Do they have clients?

>> No.18427609
File: 1.43 MB, 1256x1180, Screenshot 2020-04-12 at 22.00.08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes. over 400,000 tickets have been sold via the protocol to date.

(a working product is a valuable thing that many crypto projects just don't have, may I add)

>> No.18427684

Well yes, but ... every ticket issuer would need to base their system on GET protocol (like the name btw, /biz should buy some).

And with the COVID-19 situation, the 2020 concert season is toast.

>> No.18427759
File: 415 KB, 1788x892, Screenshot 2020-04-12 at 22.07.48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes completely understand where you're coming from, fortunately events will return and so will the need for an honest ticketing solution, in fact in times like this smart ticketing platforms like the GET protocol can offer advantages such as ease of refunds and gives a lot of options to event organisers than the legacy system wouldn't be able to offer...

>> No.18427788
File: 17 KB, 506x96, Screenshot 2020-04-12 at 22.11.20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you should join the telegram channel and ask the team any questions you may have they're nice people and very responsive! I'm just really passionate about this project haha and it have so many advantages over dickhead companies like Ticketmaster and shit who just try to rinse you of cash

>> No.18427801

Why didn't you just said the thing to foster an actual discussion instead of obscuring and shrouding in mystery like you're hiding stagecoach gold or some shit? Are you retarded? Tweet searching is trivially easy.

>> No.18427841


true, trouble is I sometimes find it hard to gauge whether there are actual humans on biz who want to talk about proper use cases of crypto, if I just went straight out there and said this is this GET try to do this, trying to actually improve an industry, trying to innovate and make something better etc it would either be ignored and get archived and replaced by fucking link shilling and Pepe memes....

>> No.18427851

>i think this is nushilling
i think this is nufag

>> No.18427854

What I don't understand is if artists and organizers were really against ticket resale as much as they say they are, why don't they sell tickets by name and require ID at the door? If the customer can't go for some reason that can be handled by insurance or they can sell their ticket back to the organizer -fees.

>> No.18427869

Very organic thread

>> No.18427872

Op successfully shilled like an Indian an now we are very suspicious of this shit coin

>> No.18427905

more power to you, anon. I actually wish them well, but I've seen at least two blockchain-based ticketing systems come and go.

The sad truth is that no one on the selling side really has an interest in curbing ticket sharks. And as long as Ticketmaster et. al. are not on board, you won't win.

So drop an ETH at GET just in case, but don't go all in, please. Interests are not aligned in this field.

>> No.18428065


They've definitely got demand from a lot of companies and what were the two companies was one of them aventus?

thanks anon...as I said if you're interested and you want to ask the team anything about the ticketing industry and the issues involving ticket masters presence and the plan to defeat such hurdles etc definitely join the telegram and ask them directly.

Also is it even possible these days then to not be accused of being a 'Indian pajeet' but also talk about genuine crypto projects anymore (aimed at some others in this thread haha)

>> No.18428084

biz used to genuinely be good man

>> No.18428087

If you ask for dubs or trips to reveal eat my whole dick. Spill your guts or fuck off.

>> No.18428102


as I said the thread would have just been ignored anon, you have to appeal to the demographic that tends to lurk this board ... meme posters, pump and dump chasers, etc etc

>> No.18428122

>Also is it even possible these days then to not be accused of being a 'Indian pajeet' but also talk about genuine crypto projects anymore (aimed at some others in this thread haha)
It helps not to start a thread under false pretences

>> No.18428142


I like u anon, I can tell that you’re interested in technology that could change world for the better but this is probably not the best place, this place is full of screetching autists who invest in things because they have good memes... you’ll be rich in the long run as meme coins will eventually die when it is realised they are vapour ware etc

>> No.18428150


All points in my original post are true

>> No.18428266

Ok, I had a look at the whitepaper, I guess there are some nice things there. What you have is
- linking tickets to people with SMS verification
- resale of tickets within the system for a set price (no direct contact between buyer and seller)
If the organizers really wanted it, tickets linked to persons + an anonymous market might work against scalping, but I don't really get why this has to be on the blockchain.

>> No.18428268

> 13 Posts by this ID


>> No.18428547

>why this has to be on the blockchain.
nou ben je wel uitgeluld zeker

>> No.18428731


Who gives a shit? More internet funny money. Any government that allows crypto to be adopted within their borders will roll out their unique form of it so they can control the specifications, review the source code and preferably adopt the bulk of the coins so they can control the currency despite the entire idea of it being decentralized. No government will give up control. No one who rolls out a crypto is being honest. Everyone who creates and rolls one out is looking at how they can shave off the top.

What I laugh at is the fact that some exchange like Binance can scam their users with that one inside trade that he claimed was a fluke trade established 3 seconds after they went online and everyone keeps using the exchange. Fuck crypto, fuck the tulipmania and fuck the endless sea of dupes and shills.

>> No.18428735

Because the blockchain is the future men you can verify everything there it is like bitcoin but better