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File: 6 KB, 225x225, Bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
184198 No.184198[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Another one

>> No.184205

She realised that the scam is up.

A reminder; absolutely no one is going to take a currency you can mint at home seriously. If there isn't a centralised monetary policy for the currency, even if it's partially based off of a gold standard, absolutely no one should take it seriously.

On the other hand, crypto is actually a good idea... provided there's only one authority mining the coins.

>> No.184212

But if only one party is mining, then they can just make extra coins and

shit just realized governments print money the same way

>> No.184223

The algorithm mints the coins you tard, not individuals. It can't just be spit out willy-nilly.

>> No.184229

Yeah... but with a crypto/gold standard hybrid system you have two means of scarcity to ensure inflation/deflation doesn't get out of control. At the moment, crypto's deflation via increased difficulty in mining is a losing formula, unless you're talking about MazaCoin, which is essentially the first coin to (almost) do it right.

Now, if only Lakota was a real nation that raised taxes and had a military...

At the moment, everyone smart is pulling their money out, which causes the system to crash much in the same way as if everyone in the entire world withdrew their money from the banks.

There are machines which mine coins in a similar way to how government authorised mints mint coins. Unless I'm horribly mistaken and everyone I know who's wasting their electricity bill mining coins is actually tricking me, this is how it works.

>It can't just be spit out willy-nilly.
Each coin might take longer to mint than a real, dollar bill, but it's essentially the same process.

>> No.184238

No you definitely don't understand the complexities of the process. There's a maximum number of coins, and the more that are produced the more difficult it is to produce more. You don't just spit a bitcoin out into your grubby little paws.

>> No.184243

>There's a maximum number of coins
>At the moment, crypto's deflation via increased difficulty in mining is a losing formula

>You don't just spit a bitcoin out into your grubby little paws.
>Each coin might take longer to mint than a real, dollar bill, but it's essentially the same process.
Sure, it might take months instead of minutes, depending on the difficulty, but essentially you actually are just spitting out bitcoin into your grubby little paws. Granting the people the ability to mint their own currency like this is not an effective monetary policy, it's anarcho-capitalist fantasy land bullshit that's turned itself into a bubbling bubble that's set to pop soon.

Also, read my post fully before you imply and pretend that i don't actually know how bit-coins work better than you. You probably don't even understand how hashing algorithms work...

>> No.184249

It's not essentially the same process, though, so you're wrong.

>> No.184252

Awww, a dead bitch. Shame when your charmed life goes awry because of your greed, isn't it, twat?

>> No.184254


Daily reminder that real hitmen really do exist on Tor. You just need to find the right one. I call bullshit on this suicide. It was setup to look like a suicide.

Fuck this cryptocurrency bullshit

>> No.184256

Just because it takes longer depending on he difficulty (to, technically, infinity when there are no more coins to be mined) doesn't change the fact that there are people with FPGAs and ASICs running over night in their garage creating these things. So far, I'm yet to post something actually incorrect and you're just being an autismal faggot bent on spamming "you're wrong" at me. Fucking stop.

Bitcoins and crypto in its current stage is a losing monetary strategy. Fucking deal with it, you silly naive kid.

>> No.184260

>paying to kill someone in bitcoins where the only effect is to devalue bitcoins
What? Did someone just want to kill someone for the lulz for as cheaply as possible?

>> No.184264



I don't understand why you guys invest in fucking cryptocurrency. I am rarely one to talk shit on /biz/ but anyone who invests in dodgecoin, bitcoin, cockcoin, faggotcoin and anything like this is an idiot.

>> No.184266

Early adopters did make a few million though, that being said the time to profiteer off crypto is over. Even if it wasn't, you'd get a safer return investing in the stockmarket. Gold is going to do well in 2014, just you fucking wait.

>> No.184267
File: 196 KB, 1298x900, jonestown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys, i'm holding a bitcoin convention

you're all invited

>> No.184268

>Gettin' mad

Dollar bills are printed at a rate defined by the fed. Bitcoins are printed at a rate that is throttled by broad consensus through the contribution of processing power to the algorithm. Not the same.

>Fucking stop.

>> No.184271


I agree with you man. The early investors in bitcoin made fucking tons of money, but the opportunity is long gone to make any serious cash with bitcoin.

I also plan to invest in gold. I plan to buy 12 ounces and 20 ounces of silver. Platinum is also good.

>> No.184274

Watch the edge, faggot.

She was probably murdered over some fake money.

>> No.184275

>Bitcoins are printed at a rate that is throttled by broad consensus through the contribution of processing power to the algorithm.
Not really. Until they become infinitely difficult to mine, all it requires is extra computing power to "print."

>Dollar bills are printed at a rate defined by the fed.
This is actually a good thing. How much "money" is in circulation must be very strictly regulated by people smarter than you and less brainless than a computer algorithm. These things matter, these people are smarter than you, these people will be hung if they fuck the economy up. There is no FED corruption, the FED is the most regulated authority in the world and it's only not "owned" by the government out of separation of powers, something I highly doubt you're old enough to understand.

No, don't do that.

Gold itself will give you some pretty definite, solid gains in the coming months, but you're going to be a bit limited. Gold stock, on the other hand, gets out of control by the smallest changes in the gold price. An increase of 0.1% can drive the gold stock up by a whole two or three percent. You're going to make much better gains finding a company that handles, mines, stores, buys, sells, whatever gold than you are actually buying gold.

>> No.184277

People have made a ton of money off of them. But nowadays cryptocurrencies are more of stocks for autistic NEETs.

>> No.184278

>will be hung if they fuck up the economy
define "fuck up"

>> No.184283




I have no idea about anything when it comes to stocks. Where do I go to invest in gold stock? I could easily put 15k into it.

>> No.184287

Both the fact that you immediately jumped to defending the fed from corruption, and the fact that you need to tell me that I'm not smart enough to understand something, lead me to totally disregard anything you could say.

The fed's very existence, what it was created to do, is the corruption. You're absolutely wrong that it's best to just look away and trust that something this important is all taken care of and there's nothing to worry about. Retard.

>> No.184289
File: 31 KB, 391x246, 4387467_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Major Bitcoin exchange disappears over night
>Still investing in buttcoin.

When will these autists ever learn?

>> No.184302

two dissapeared.
one got their whole data compromised, and i predict will follow.

>> No.184306

their thoughts:
"Wasn't my exchange, my money is safe"
"Haha, look at those idiots who lost their money by buying from there"
"Good thing I was smart enough to not buy from Mt. Gox"
"Now that one exchange is gone, another one will not disappear"

>> No.184314
File: 17 KB, 399x276, 1394089060872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the big bitcoin tycoons are realizing that the scam is about to be revealed? I'd be shitting my pants too.

>> No.184318

bitcoins are stupid and for idiots only but america is full of idiots so idk what to do

>> No.184322


Pretty much. Hilarious how people are still investing in something not backed by anything and is basically fluctuates depending on illegal activity online.


I'm sure more will just disappear. Buttcoin is a catastrophe.

>> No.184328

bitcoins weren't made to be traded on exchanges they were made to be traded over the counter

the fact that a bitcoin exchange went under has nothing to do with bitcoin. it was just poor management on the exchanges side.

this is a really great opportunity to buy bitcoins. you'll see. I'd keep buying them all the way down except they've only been going up lately.

>> No.184331


Why not take some of that money and invest in an economics degree?

>> No.184335

what does that have to do with anything? bitcoin is probably going up. I don't need to go to college to know that.

>> No.184342

This thread is being shilled so hard right now
It's just two dudes circle jerking 'buttcoin ded' and then defending the FED as a bastion of altruism.

lol no

>> No.184351

Yeah, I'm OP and too embarrassed to post in my own thread.

>> No.184356

Fiatfags are pathetic.

>> No.184369

This must look like some really logical thinking but I've already taken out enough money from exchanges to cover for any kind of possible losses, if I just stopped to be completely safe from losses I would not be making more money. And if you're not risking money you can afford to lose you're an idiot no matter what you're dealing with.

>> No.185143

Except people knew Mt.Gox was shady. It was only retards who kept trading their bitcoin through it. They ignored the warning signs when Mt.Gox was withholding payments over a year ago.

Also, my money is safe. I actually keep my cryptoassets in my wallet.

Cryptocurrencies are fine, but don't put your faith in exchanges. I know you missed the boat, but no need to be bitter about it.

>> No.185176
File: 54 KB, 540x720, Paramilitary Milkman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People like you are the reason we can't have nice things.

>> No.185349
File: 64 KB, 640x714, 1394122485047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm CEO of my company too. Cost all of twenty bucks to file the paperwork for my LLC with the state.

My company does nothing and makes nothing, but by god I'm a CEO.

She was probably a prostitute for tiny Asian cock.

>> No.185424

>closed yesterday with 34.8% profit on my portfolio
>woke up today -58.9% loss

Why was I retarded to invest in volatile markets and not sell before close yesterday?

>> No.185896

>believing the best way to understand something is to submit entirely to someone else's authority

top lel

>> No.185916

It's hilarious mainly because all I said is that the fed controls the rate at which dollar bills are printed, and >>184275 immediately insisted "there is no FED corruption, go home citizen."

If these are the best idjits they can find to shill their dying order, I'm not even worried.

>> No.185921

>Daily reminder that real hitmen really do exist
I don't think we need a daily reminder for that one, m8.

>> No.185925

Can someone give me some info on the "others:?
Who is "behind" these and who are the others

>> No.185979

>Who is "behind" these

Yeah anyone just knows that shit.

It's one of two things, either suicide because volatile times lead to disappearing fortunes, or people who were trying to break away from the old order (fiat central banking) and trying to build something new.

This many, over and over? Probably a combination of both.

>> No.186077

Don't cut yourself with that edge

>> No.187008

2008 was a fuck up and people were hung. Such a thing isn't happening again for some time, even timed fuckups, like the one that should have happened earlier this year, are expected to be prevented which the FED did through the tapering.

>Where do I go to invest in gold stock?
Usually through whoever does your banking, if not etrade is a great share trading company, better than the one I'm currently using. As for which stocks, I only trade on the ASX.

>> No.187032

>On the other hand, crypto is actually a good idea... provided there's only one authority mining the coins.
The whole point of mining is for miners to be rewarded for verifying transactions and running the bitcoin system.

After all the bitcoins are mined, the miners will receive fees for processing bitcoin transactions. The whole point is that you decentralize the network and pay individuals to host the network on a volunteer basis.

>> No.187097

yeah thats why i made 10k on AUR a day ago lol

>> No.187120


normal investor
>the price is going down i should buy more

>my ability to sell is going down I should buy more

>> No.187136

First Meta isn't a Bitcoin exchange, they just exchange virtual game currencies. This has nothing to do with Bitcoin.

>> No.187142

We were all retarded at one point, anon, it's okay.

>> No.187156
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>> No.187590


The US dollar isn't backed by anything either you fucking moron.

>> No.188864
File: 126 KB, 300x440, Adrian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The US dollar isn't backed by anything either you fucking moron.

Do people really believe this?

>> No.188869


Hi guys. If it's by their neck, it's "hanged."
"Hung" just means you have a big dick.

>> No.188871


I'll say bitcoin cultist are about half of a person as half of a person is about where their mental capabilities stand.

>> No.188875

It's backed by "faith" in the US Government. They tell us this openly.

If people lose faith in the government, the money is worthless.

Also I am really fucking tired of telling people this every day.

>> No.188877

well, it's true generally, depending on how you interpret "backed by". If anything the US dollar is backed by the confidence the international community has in it as a reserve currency and the fact that the worlds largest economy requires it for payment of taxes.

>> No.188884
File: 9 KB, 541x329, global_reserve_currencies1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to mention Bitcoin's also made more people aware of the transient nature of currencies

>> No.188886
File: 164 KB, 640x392, sdr-note[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SDR is next

>> No.188899
File: 34 KB, 770x567, searchingforstanelyfischer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Funny money

Gave me the chills, anon

>> No.188903

Work on making it the new reserve currency is well under way.

>> No.188912

Is it going to be like the UN in money form or something?

If one printing press of the aggregate currencies goes apeshit and prints to oblivion, it gets voted out or something?


>> No.188919

>provided there's only one authority mining the coins.

No, fuck that.

It needs a "generic pc you can pick up from the store running for 24 hours nonstop" standard that everyone has to adhere too.

Having a centralized bitcoin bank is faggotry and will damn it before it gets off of the ground.

>> No.188922

IMF money. basically 1 SDR can be exchanged for various amount of other currencies of members who get involved. Yen, Yuan, Dollar, Euro whathaveyou. If any individual country prints a lot of money then they devalue their currency in terms of SDRs.

SDRs themselves can be printed and are printed by the IMF, so really it makes a bad problem worse in the long run. If the US ends up needing to default, the IMF could bail it out with SDR's. SDR's have been in existence for about 10 years I think but haven't been used very much. Making them the reserve currency would be a big change and could happen in 5-10 years.

>> No.188923

pretty sure Jim Rickards discusses SDR's in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZO1IHa-Ly0

don't know at what point exactly though. It's a good video anyways though.

>> No.188925
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Been around since 1969 apparently: https://www.imf.org/external/np/exr/facts/sdr.HTM

>> No.189119
File: 23 KB, 536x498, WHOS THAT POKEMON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 major bitcoin exchanges dissapear overnight
>bitcoin CEO found dead


>> No.189133

Janet yellen pls go

>> No.190968

Cry some more. What are you going to do about it? Whine on this image board? LOL

It doesn't matter how much you complain. These people control our lives and since we're so pussywhipped, it will continue to stay this way.

>> No.191009

>tfw don't use bitcoins but enjoy reading the crazy shit you dudes do with it

This is like a thriller novel

>> No.191212

>major bitcoin exchange
>that nobody has ever heard of

She was a pampered princess playing business tycoon, got her ass handed to her, and offed herself. She probably had all her bitcoins "stored" at Mt.Gox.

>> No.191824

that's because it isn't a bitcoin exchange, it was a virtual currency exchange for second life and other female type mmo's and was based in singapore. shit had almost nothing to do with bitcoin but the first time the press reported on her death the story got no traction so now they say she was involved in cryptocurrencies to get traffic. fucking shill thread with all these posts and only this one talking about the fucking subject at hand.

>> No.192151
File: 35 KB, 401x313, Hoshiiwa oohh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>greedy bitch murdered
Too bad noone really cares

>> No.192359

The US Dollar is backed by 100,00 war heads you fucking moron

>> No.192414

First portion of your post.
>mfw I wasn't sure if you speak about the dollar or something else...

>> No.192534



>> No.192538

And I might as well play with stocks to make a fortune instead. It's a surefire way to get that Maserati that goes 185!

>> No.192574

she was involved in the silk road/mtgox scandle and probably helped to perpetrate the crime,

her death was out of nowhere and marked as a suicide, sounds like a hitman

>> No.192577

also it isnt difficult to throw an individual off the top of a building and have it look like a suicide

>> No.192587

She was satoshi nakamoto.