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File: 817 KB, 2626x2620, C32AC08D-C932-448C-AC50-DC1BCF66A9BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18418037 No.18418037 [Reply] [Original]

2017 marine here. Had 18k last summer, got down to 10k because I was a NEET and had to sell to cover debts I had and stuff. Coronavirus scared me so I sold at 1.90. Then I fomo’d in with leverage at 3.30 3x. Don’t ask how, but I have only 3.5k LINK left. Should I even bother living at this point? Yes I deserve to be laughed at for my weak, shitty hands. Not a LARP. Go ahead, say what I need to hear. What should I do? Get a job and accumulate more? Continue going on leverage and long a bottom? Now what?

>> No.18418069

suicide is the only solution

>> No.18418086

Yeah I thought about it. Too many things left to live for like my gf, family...but not much else.

>> No.18418097

If you really believe in the project, you know deep down these prices won't last forever. Suck it up, get a job, and accumulate. If you make it, it'll be even sweeter.

>> No.18418108

What do you mean get a job. Get a job.

>> No.18418109

get a job dumbass

>> No.18418121

go for a hail mary before trying suicide. Could maybe do a 5x short on LINK at 47-49k sats.

>> No.18418132

It hurts knowing I’ll probably never have the 10k make it stack. But at least now I’ll have iron hands. I don’t even want to think how much money I left on the table in future dollars.
Thanks, I’m just in college now and was working as a pizza delivery driver but then stopped working because I got complacent and lived off my crypto (stupid mistake). This is what I needed to hear.

>> No.18418141

I would rather just go all in before a parabolic pump and long it. Shorting Chainlink was a mistake.

>> No.18418154

Dont dwell on your mistakes. Learn from them. You got into this mess with leverage, dont try to fix it with leverage. And seriously, you never know. You could get back there to 10k with accumulation and staking.

>> No.18418184
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Thanks, you probably saved my life. The allure of leverage served me well originally because I made lots of LINK from it. The coronavirus drop screwed me though. Lesson learned. I will NOT gamble this down to 0. I haven’t spent THIS MUCH TIME AND ENERGY following Chainlink to blow it all leverage trading before the singularity. Thank you.

>> No.18418304

No prob anon. And this is something Ive been working on as well, but do not let the possibility of all this money/FOMO control you. You were talking about suicide. None of the money is worth it if you cant learn to control yourself and learn to appreciate other things in life. Money is just one part. A large part, but just a part. Also as a Christian Id be remiss if I didnt say Jesus loves you and doesnt want that for you.
Anyways, just accumulate and hold, but if you dont get to 10k, its not worth hurting yourself over. Good luck anon.

>> No.18418326

what the fucks happening april 14th. fucking tell me

>> No.18418348

I really feel like I didn’t appropriately value the money and Chainlink I had at the time, because I just thought it would continually moon. My self control is terrible...

Thanks for your kind words. I grew up Christian but do not practice currently. I really saw the Chainlink community as being one of the things I looked forward to everyday, and honestly, I got to a point where I felt invincible with Chainlink and thought I wouldn’t need a job ever again. This was probably the dose of reality I needed...it still hurts. It eats at my soul how much Chainlink I needlessly threw away. Anons here would kill for what I had, and I let it all slip away.

>> No.18418352

It's Easter you stupid bitch. Calm down. You still own a decent amount of link. Don't be complacent. Get a job even if that means stocking shelves at the grocery store. Pay your bills and dca in. 1k isn't the price ceiling. If it reaches 1k it'll reach 10k eventually.
Stop moaning and grow the fuck up retard.

>> No.18418356
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I am also 2017 Marine
Never sold but traded smart all these years
increased my stack to 145k through 2018 started with 23k Link in sept 2017

>Then I fomo’d in with leverage at 3.30 3x.
I shorted that pump
thanks for the money friend I will enjoy spending it

>> No.18418359

10k has always been the make it stack my dude. I could maybe get to like 6-8k LINK if I work hard enough and accumulate hard. But I mean really, I get what you’re saying but fuck me.

>> No.18418364

Kek. I ain’t even mad. Well played. I don’t even care if what you said is LARP.

>> No.18418380

your problem is greed
fix that and become a better trader

>> No.18418432

>1k isn't the price ceiling.

>> No.18418508

10k being the make it stack is basing it off the price at 1k a token for people living in first world countries. If it reaches 1k, it won't stop there.
3k link is enough to make you just have to wait longer to feel special.
It's still the best investment. Quit sulking.
Get a job. Work on yourself. Focus, improve and stack linkies. You'll do just fine.
You could've this, you should've that. Stfu. You don't have a time machine. Each second you wais crying about the past is a second you could be enjoying your present or improving your future.

>> No.18418697

Thanks. I despise myself right now but I’ll learn to love myself again soon enough. I made a terrible decision with the golden ticket and I went gambling. I need to man the fuck up. I just hate myself for what I’ve done and want to restart. But I’m just fucking venting.

>> No.18418708

No problem anon. Also, no need to beat yourself up anymore. Sounds like you know what to do. And think about it this way: You realised all this before youve been priced out. You still have an opportunity.
And God is always ready to welcome you back. Thats something Ive struggled with as well and still do everyday, but that's a part of faith. I'm ready to make money on Chainlink if it succeeds, but I dont want to forfeit my soul in the process. Have a great Easter.

>> No.18418815

Not going to be harsh when you're hurting enough. But this is a good lesson for all: do not swing your stack. It might work out a few times but you will get burnt.

But look, 3.5k will be a big stack in the future. The most important thing in life is how to react to setbacks and so get over yourself and focus on making things the best you can from here. Ie. being patient and putting any disposable income in to accumulate.

>> No.18418886

Thanks you too fren.
Thanks. I read so many stories about swingies getting burnt and never thought it could happen to me — until it did. Let this be a lesson to you prospective swingies — Just dont do it. Just keep working and don’t fucking do it. The pain is unbearable right now, you do not want to feel what the fuck I’m feeling.

>> No.18418890

Don't sweat it. Mistakes are to learn from.
There are plenty of people who committed robbery, murder and plenty egregious sins/crimes. They also go coulda/shoulda/woulda.
You're treating yourself like a caged animal and it won't help you.
Work hard. Be good. Try your best.
The past is dead. You can't go back that way.

Would you want to be in a plane or boat where the pilot was looking back and complaining rather than looking forward and planning?
Then why would you want to live a life like that. It's never too late to change your life and yourself.
You made stupid financial decisions, so what? People way smarter and way more important than you have too.
You'll never be perfect so don't be hard on yourself for not being perfect. That's just retarded.

>> No.18418927
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You think like a No-Linker, Anon.

>> No.18418960

This anon Is a good anon

>> No.18419053

Yeah I like the pilot analogy. I’ve just never fucked up this bad in my life because I know my recent decisions have cost me millions of dollars. Millions. Not thousands. Not hundreds of thousands. MILLIONS. and I don’t have the same moxy and swagger I used to. My whole body and mind and soul feels defeated. I feel like I need something to look forward to, and now I don’t have that thing because I only have a paltry 3.5k stack. But I must keep myself driven and move forward somehow. I just never have fucked up this bad in my life.

>> No.18419222

I have less than a thousand more than you and I've been buying and holding the whole. Time. I could have sold my emergency commodities for another 500-1500 links. I could have used my emergency money to buy an additional few thousand.
I'll probably only get to 5500-6000 linkies before the singularity.
If I timed every buy perfectly and swung my whole stack. I could have had 10k-20k linkies.
I could have invested in pot stocks and Ethereum in 2016-2017 when I was sure I was going to kill myself and didn't care about making it.
I could have invested in bitcoin when friends told me to in 2011-2013 and I was spending all my money on alcohol, cigarettes and drugs but I didn't.
I could have demanded my parents and family buy me Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft stocks instead of console games when I was a child.
I could have had a 6pack
I could have asked that girl out
I could have this
I should have that

Nigga this is how you drive yourself crazy.
You only have so much time and energy and you're using it to drive yourself in circles obsessing over things you can't change.
Dude you're young and you're wasting your youth. Stop.

>> No.18419243

Hey you could have lost your private key. Now that would suck

>> No.18419309

Fucking checked. I’m too exhausted to give you the thanks you deserve. I am wasting my youth on this shit, Chainlink is the cherry on top, not the only thing in life. Thank you anon.
True dat

>> No.18419352

If you have a car and live in a fairly populated area you can do grubhub/doordash. Work whenever you want. I average about $25 an hour and work 30hrs a week. My parents pay for my apartment and credit card so I literally just invest 90% of my earnings. Been accumulating link and some other coins for months now.

>> No.18419556

The best way to thank me is to live your life. Be kind. Be grateful. Work hard. Focus on your goals and aspirations.
Do your best to be a good man that Jesus will be proud of.

The link marines will always have your back.

>> No.18420263

Posted exactly what I was going to. /biz/ can be a blessed board some times. Based and Christpilled, God bless you all and happy Easter.

>> No.18420310

3k LINK will probably make it honestly
its the liquidated fags that got completely bogged

>> No.18420402


To be honest, this will be your make it point. Now you know what the golden ticket is. If in 5 years time, you were given the oppurtunity to come bsck to this moment, what would you do to acquire more link?

Fire the engine up and start the graft my man. Dont think about the link you've lost. Thats gone and done. Learn from it. Leverage lost it. Leverage WONT bring it back.

You can do it anon. I know too. I had 62k link and 3.6 linkpool, and I lost it all at the btc drop in October 2018. Not a larp. I gave up on it. But now im back at a reasonable stack, and reasonable linkpool, and mansges to develop a whole new skillset which got me the money to buy link again.

Aim for 5k. Thats it. From there, you csn work up to 6, then 7.5k. If people are gonna make it from 10k, then theyfe gonna make it fro. 7.5k.

Also remember most posters here are younv degenerates with no life or goals, or hell even the ability to talk to people. Try to find God too if you can.

>> No.18420446
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Fuck your Mr. SorryAss.
With equal distribution(it's not), only 333.333,33 people on planet could hold that much.
A fucking rural town, let that sink in and hapu eastern.

>> No.18420579

>10k has always been the make it stack my dude.

You bloody idiot. Chainlink is the internet of the blockchains. You think $1K is the limit? No wonder you did this stupid shit and swung till you lost nearly anything.

Grow some iron hands and stop trying to gamble your stash away.

> t. 2018 Link Marine with a top 1K wallet

>> No.18421196

I only have 1031 LINK and want to kill myself. I know these prices are still cheap from where they will go but I can't get beyond the mental block because I bought most of my LINK between 0.80-1.50 when I first learned of it (28 y/o boomer)

>> No.18421220

I only have 530 link and .89c in the bank...fell better?

>> No.18422588

sergay betrayed us all, we were supposed to be all in this together

>> No.18422671

Great bag, you may try diversifying your investment tho, there are a lot of innovations around DEFI lately that looks very solid and secure, Finnexus has a solid project and investment structure called ICTO, good bargain for investors imo

>> No.18422849

In the exact same boat as you. Hoping it drops just one more time then I can top up. Still tho 1k link is a comfy amount.

>> No.18422977

Stop shilling finnexus you fucking pajeet. You think you're fucking sneaky with your shilling. It's so fucking blatant ranjesh.

>> No.18423004

I have 0 link but I'm about to drop 1.25k into it next week

>> No.18423037

Linkie shitcoiners should get banned to their own containment board. I propose we make them share with /mlp/

>> No.18423084

I hope so. I'm not interested in lambos or yachts, just want some land to have a comfy house and garden. Will want to exercise, read, smoke, brew alcohol, vidya, etc.

>> No.18423174
File: 89 KB, 542x542, prophet-of-truth-square-542x542-b0acc33085e843b5be531107c77734af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your kind never believed, in the promise of the sacred cube. Soon the Singularity shall begin. But when it does, the weight of your heresy will stay your feet. And you shall be left behind.

>> No.18423287

Is 1k enough to embark on the great journey

>> No.18423300

Enough to embark, yes

>> No.18423415

How much to make it to the end?

>> No.18423431

Considering converting from BTC maximalism to become a marine... Will 5k afford me a somewhat decent life?

>> No.18423447


>> No.18423468
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underrated based post, except for selling 62K Link in 2018 october like a fuckin newbie, but i guess that was your learning experience

>> No.18423495

- Heirarch Council: Noble Prophets of Truth and Mercy (RIP Regret)
- Prophet Councillor: 500001+ LINK
- Elite Councillor: 250001-500000 LINK
- Scarab: 175001-250000 LINK
- Honor Guard Elite: 125001-175000 LINK
- Elite Zealot: 750001-125000 LINK
- Brute Chieftan: 50001-75000 LINK
- Hunter: 35001-50000 LINK
- Red Elite: 25001-35000 LINK
- Blue Elite: 20001-25000 LINK
- Brute: 15001-20000 LINK
- Black Grunt: 10001-15000 LINK
- Sniper Jackal: 9001-10000 LINK
- Shield Jackal: 7501-9000 LINK
- White Grunt: 5001-7500 LINK
- Red Grunt: 3501-5000 LINK
- Orange Grunt: 1501-3500 LINK
- Drone: 501-1500 LINK
- Lekgolo (single worm): 1-500 LINK

>> No.18423499

How does $5,000,000 sound?

>> No.18423506

Fug, I am priced out. I'm poor

>> No.18423570

How can I follow your trades?

t. Went from 12k to 3.5k LINK.

>> No.18423603

Just hold, get your life in order, buy some whenever it dips below $2. Who knows that 1k stack might be worth 6 figures in a few years?

>> No.18423626
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based and halo pilled

>> No.18423701
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checking in

>> No.18423726

Why can't you people just buy and hold? Seriously. I've been holding 200k since 2017. Steel your hands and hold.

>> No.18423727

My 1k stack is gonna be worth 7 figures in a few years, fren. You're gonna be in the stars

>> No.18423832
File: 54 KB, 1024x444, f5ff361cc7b28617d692e2975b1dffbff3179542_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When we joined theLink Covenant, we took an Oath!
>According to our stacks! All without exception!
With the inheritance from our boomers ... on the staking of our linkies, we swore to uphold the Covenant!
>Even to our dying breath!
Those who would FUD link are heretics... Worthy of neither pity, nor mercy! Even now, they use /biz/ threads to broadcast their lies!
>We shall grind them into dust!
And continue our march to the glorious singularity!

>> No.18424017

>Coronavirus scared me so I sold at 1.90.
you were never meant to make it, fren

>> No.18424070

>I've been holding 200k since 2017
it's pretty easy to hold when you have that much...

>> No.18424150

How so? You see bigger losses on a dump. If you're only losing a few thousand dollars, there isn't nearly as much psychological pressure to sell.

>> No.18424237

Because I have no other money, I am a NEET.

>> No.18424258

Started with 4k link, got up to 15k link trading, now Im at 2k link after several fails.

Dont do it guys.

>> No.18424406
File: 715 KB, 1920x815, H2A_Gravemind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gravemind: "I...? I am a monument to all your positive thoughts."

Swinglinker: "Relax. I'd rather not piss this thing off."

Linkmarine: "Swinger!"

The Gravemind makes loud huffing sounds, and indicates the Swinglinker

Gravemind:"This one is TA and nerve, and has its mind concluded. This one is but hope and faith, and is the more deluded."

Linkmarine: "Liquidate me or hack me, parasite. But do not waste my time with talk!"

Gravemind: "There is much talk. And I have listened. Through /biz/ and reddit and twitter. Now I shall talk, and you shall listen."

He raises two tentacles, one wrapped around Craig Wright, the other merged with an infected Vitalik

CSW: "Greetings! I am Satoshi Nakamoto. I am original creator of bitcoin."

Vitalik: "And I am the creator of Etherium, Developer most High... Hierarch of the Autists!"

>> No.18424422
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CSW sees the swinglinker

CSW: "A smart investor? Here? At last! We have much to do. You must do the needful and buy BSV sirs!"

Vitalik: "Stay where you are! Nothing can be done until my scaling is complete!"

CSW: "Not true. BSV has a successful utilization record of 1.2 trillion simulated and one weather app. It is ready to moon on demand."

Vitalik:"Of all the characters to resurface out of bitcoin's murky early days, there is none soworthlessas this scam artist! He knows nothingof making smartcontracts viable!"

CSW: "Andyouknow nothing about mooning! You have demonstrated a complete disregard to even the most basic pump and dump protocols!"

Gravemind: "This one's 'mooning'... And this one's 'making smart contracts viable'... are the same."

Gravemind:(to the Linkmarine)"Sergey has promised you freedom from a wageslave existence, but you will find no salvation on this board. Those who shilled this place knew what they wrought. Do not mistake their intent, or all will perish as they did before."

Swinglinker: "This thing is right. Crypto is a ponzi. Ride the pumps up then get out."

Linkmarine: "Your ignorance already destroyed two of link's runs up to $5, swinger. You shall not halt another."

Gravemind: "If you will not hear the truth, then I will show it to you. There is still time to stop the link from crashing, but first it must be arbitraged. You will pump one likely exchange, and you will pump another. Fate had us meet as foes, but this board will make us...brothers. We're all in this together."

>> No.18424474
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>>18424422 (checked)

>> No.18424528

3k x 1000 is $3m

not bad op

>> No.18424938

You should have been working. You are competing against the driven marines who were not only working, but may have earned raises during the accumulation period.
I recently got a raise in a corona-safe job, and now I've been able to accumulate over 1k LINK from a months savings from people like you. RIP $.45 average, bless weak handed degenerates like you. I'll be sure to give my parents some on your behalf.

>> No.18425206

Not sure if you faggot still read this, but I hope you do.
I have a similar story.
I was here when LINK was 20 Cents, 50 Cents. I saw the Google Blogpost. I never bought. I somewhat understood what LINK is doing back then, but I never understood the implications of it untill very recently. Then suddenly I undertood how it will chanhe the world. You could call it a personal epiphany.
I was a student back then and could have easily bought 50,000 LINK. Let that sink in. Even at 50 cents I could have bought 25,000 LINK.
But I just didn't. I was scared. I lost money in scams in 2017 and turned away and checked biz only for the memes every few weeks. I saw Assblaster posts but I still didn't buy. I was about to pull the trigger at one point when we hit 17 Cents. But I told me "Study hard, money isn't everything anyway"
Well, long story short: I bought my 3000 LINK stack very recently at around $4
Then it crashed to $2
Once again I could have had at least 5000
You can debate this shit forever with yourself and cry and get demoralized from those with big stacks and not making the right decissions.
But I see it this way: This is not the end to everything. Who knows what we would have done with our 20,000 LINK when it hit $1000?
Never worked in our life?
Whoring around?
Being an arrogant duchebag?
We have a small stack, and that's for a reason.
God wants us to accomplish something by ourselves in this life.
LINK will hit $1000, no doubt.
We are ahead of so many people out there. It is a gift in itself. Wait two more years, work on yourself, get better and do something good.
Rather be sad now for a bit, instead of being suicidal for the rest of your life, once you spent 20 million dollar, because you could not have handled it properly. Take it as a lesson.
God bless you.

Inb4: Cope. I am not saying that 100k stacks will waste it. I am just saying that not everybody was meant to make hundreds of millions off LINK. There will come other chances our way.

>> No.18425285


Trips of wisdom. You have to reflect a little in your mistakes to drive correct behavior (no leverage, don’t swing, and DCA), but don’t spend too much time looking back or you’ll go insane and be bitter. There will always be more opportunities, just keep being more disciplined and don’t be a whiny bitch so you can capitalize on the next one.

>> No.18425361
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20k Linklet checking in.

>> No.18425396

How much fiat you have? Leverage what you can to gain your stack back

>> No.18426427

ITT: Idiots who actually think LINK could ever reach 1k, fucking lmao

>> No.18426441

Holy shit this thread is blessed with wholesome tier based people.
Thank you biz