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18414616 No.18414616[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys smoke weed? I asked /lit/ and they were a bunch of pseudo intellectual jerks. So I’ll ask the second smartest board on here.

>> No.18414642

Weed is bad for you, m_kay?

>> No.18414648

it's fun but it drains my already weak will to nil and literally makes me stupider (weaker short term memory, forgetting names/dates/etc, can't focus on reading as well), i have to avoid the stuff like it's heroin

>> No.18414651

Weed is the weakest stuff we're smoking.

>> No.18414665

But a couple tokes here and there won’t hurt right?

>> No.18414688

everyone's different but every time i've made a habit out of weed smoking for longer than a month my life has nose dived

>> No.18414696

You will literally never make it if you become addicted to weed or any nicotine product

>> No.18414697

Yeah more than I should. Just weed though.

>> No.18414700

No I don't
It makes me lazy, stupid, slow.
To make decisions I need to be sharp.

I mean its ok once in a great while but not a daily, weekly, or even monthly thing.
Most professional people I know rarely smoke. I know a pair of doctors, husband and wife, told me he smoked weed twice and ate a edible once last year, she smoked twice last year.

>> No.18414701

Yes I smoke weed in social situations because it's fun and I want to fit in. Never bought it myself though, but maybe I'll do it someday since getting drunk alone has been pretty good.

>> No.18414704
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>> No.18414713

weed is for wiggers and niggers any >b-b-b-but is pure cope

>> No.18414716



>> No.18414730

I haven't in almost 4 years, and don't even miss it quite honestly. I have nothing against it at all (it does have it's uses, medicinally) and I would if I didn't have a safety sensitive job. But that time will come again when I'm retired and living off investments

>> No.18414732

I've heard that microdosing on LSD is like being in that movie limitless.

>> No.18414733

I stopped like a year ago but I decided to smoke this month because 4/20 and there's nothing else to do. I bought an ounce of Huckleberry.

>> No.18414735

This. Personally, if I start smoking weed it starts to fucks up my entire shit. I start watching porn, jerking off, binge eating, stop working out, slack off at work. It really fucks with your motivation and willpower.

>> No.18414761

miss my mom

>> No.18414763

No but I microdose on shrooms

>> No.18414779

looks likea. unanimous no OP take it or leave it

>> No.18414790

I know its boomer and old fashioned but most professionals I know just drink regularly. Not black out drunk but more fancy wines, whiskey, and scotch.

No one does weed or any other drug on the regular.

>> No.18414820

No. once every few months can be fun but it's a bad trade most of the time because it makes you goofy for a few days afterwards

>> No.18414830

i'll save you the headache, mature, social, stable smokers will rarely reply to a thread like this.

who will?
a) stoner retards who think weed = personality, because they want to show their "personality" off.
b) anxiety ridden hypochondriacs who had a bad experience smoking and want to "warn you of its dangers"
c) people who have never smoked and therefore have no idea what they're talking about but want to confirm their life choices.

>> No.18414836
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I smoked weed in my highschool bathroom once

>> No.18414844

smoke meth fuckin pussy bitch I smoke meth every god damn day

>> No.18414853

omegachads microdose on LSD

>> No.18414858

Honestly deep down I already knew the answer. I was on day 53 nofap two days ago but ended up relapsing.

Yesterday I fapped 7 times while high off of a few bowls and today I still have some weed leftover and wanted validation for my choices.
thanks bros, I guess I’ll just live with the pain

>> No.18414859

I fucking love weed and video games. Don't let it become a crutch though. Life can be enjoyed without any substances. moderation is the key to success

>> No.18414872

has literally looked at smoking rates of successful people throughout history

>> No.18414879

Yeah weed is great. I smoke it daily if I am in a mental state where I smash goals daily regardless of smoking (working out, sauna, reading, eating healthy, sleeping 7+hrs, making $$$) if, for whatever reason, I have to focus more on work/study and leave the rest out to maximize my time, then I only smoke weed once a week or every 10 days roughly. Weed is great. Invest in a nice vaporizer/bong to minimize the damage. Or eat it.

>> No.18414885

Shrooms or LSD once a quarter.

Ayahuasca once a year.

Never bother with anything else. Not weed, booze or nicotine. Nothing else.

>> No.18414908

I might sound ignorant but can’t shrooms kill and lsd mindfuck you?

I wanna try ayahusca because of all the dmt /pol/ rumors

>> No.18414914


>> No.18414937

Just started back up after a year off going through a ounce a month since last month

>> No.18414950

Just because you're addicted to the devil's lettuce doesn't mean it's harmless, Marijuana artificially stimulates Dopamine and Serotonin production, it fucks up your motivation and willpower. You might get by ok with it but you would objectively be better off without it.

Addict cope. Classic middle ground fallacy.

See how this guy can barely form a coherent sentence? Don't become like him.

Another example of someone who has had their willpower eroded.

>> No.18414956

I smoke weed daily and graduated from a university, opened my own business, won a pro card in natural bodybuilding, won money through competing in competitions, have a lot of money in crypto and not to mention have had many girlfriends throughout my life. Lol fuck anyone that says weed automatically makes you lazy, your experience doesn’t speak for everyone. It can make lazy people lazier but isn’t going to sabotage an already motivated person to make it. If you just don’t like weed that’s cool, it’s not for everyone, but if you try to force your beliefs onto others that weed is bad then you’re just a douche

>> No.18414958
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>literally everyone in my group at uni smoked
>get into it
>make a habit out of it
>just barely finish engineering degree
>find a job in a month, never kick the habit, keep doing it
>sometimes I'd go to work and I could barely open my eyes from smoking so much the night before
>eye circles made me look older
>amount of drugs in my system made me get a reputation of being someone who kept calm regardless of circumstances and never broke under pressure despite age and inexperience
>feel like I'm the best because I'm high off my mind and I'm still better than nearly all my colleagues
>fail to realise I should aspire for more
>fail to realise that all the people I used to smoke in uni are either dropouts or still there
>fail to realise that it's draining my vital energy and my social life, not to speak of my wallet (in the worse period I was smoking almost 100/week)
>don't learn much throughout my 20s
>now I'm in my 30s
>do it every now and then, but never alone anymore
>happily married with 2 kids
>still have a relatively successful career
>tfw I was born with a literal genius IQ
>tfw I wasted nearly all the talent I was born with
tbf probably my baylife personality was never going to help me, but my lesson is, nothing wrong with weed as long as you never make it a habit

>> No.18414962
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>I fucking love weed and video games
Vidya can be based but this is fucking cancer kys

>> No.18414982

Hello? Help my screen is cracked I'm not sure who I'm texted but I'm trapped in Moab Utah on the big trail I have reception but the phone is cracked from the fall and I can't ten ten heh be where direction I can be in. Please help talk to Abe at REI downtown he knows what here he sent me please whoever gets this message help my bag be is Simone Yuda I need help

>> No.18414986
File: 65 KB, 1200x514, 3C824BDC-17DB-4808-8208-0C4669F2D86C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my experience speaks for everyone
>because I lacked motivation while smoking weed, the same thing must happen to everyone else

>> No.18414996

Thanks man, nice analysis

>> No.18414998

Anything can kill you. That said don't do drugs, unless you're left wing, in which take a ton. It might reboot your brain and make you less retarded.

>> No.18415003

>while smoking weed
Pick one

>> No.18415021

countering your shit
>smoke weed everday bro
not actually, but twice a week is ok

>> No.18415039

I just bought kratom. I'm surprised it's underrated

>> No.18415041

dude weed lmao

>> No.18415045

I take a couple hits daily. People who say it makes you lazy are mentally weak people who would be mediocre with or without the drug.

>> No.18415048

>>tfw I wasted nearly all the talent I was born with

don't worry, you probably had less talent than you imagine (cope)

>> No.18415050
