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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18411446 No.18411446 [Reply] [Original]

What are some biz approved tv shows/movies?

>> No.18411456

is that series any good?

>> No.18411462

It’s pretty based... I normally hate Jason Bateman

>> No.18411464


>> No.18411504

its fucking based


>> No.18411532

He's hit or miss for me but excellent in this show. Ruth steals the show though

>> No.18411547

ruth is my waifu. also Darlene really grew on me this season

>> No.18411552


>> No.18411569

Castle Rock. Since you faggots fantasize about satanism and the occult - this show has plenty of it.

>> No.18411601

will look into it, thx

>> No.18411602

Better call saul

>> No.18411618

thx bro

>> No.18411676

tsundere irl

>> No.18411690

is The Big Short a fun movie to watch?

>> No.18411696
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uncut gems
kaiji the ultimate survivor

its /biz/ approved not necessarily /business/ approved

>> No.18411717

based. Kaiji is unironically one of the best anime i have seen, I straight up binge-watched that, not even the drugs i did in the past was as addictive as Kaiji the Ultimate Survivor.

>> No.18411724

The Big Short! Great movie

>> No.18411726
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>> No.18411745

Uncut Gems was based af, gotta rewatch

>> No.18411791


>> No.18411808

Dude Money Heist on Netflix is sick. Just started season 1

>> No.18411979

If not for (((Ruth))), I would have thought writers had forgotten how to write interesting women.

>> No.18412088

Solid cast, good writing and top notch acting. Laura Linney fucking delivered.

>> No.18412094

Pretty good as far as Netflix shows go

>> No.18412107

The Family

>> No.18412142

They Live
The Wire

>> No.18412175
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this show is 50s spook kino. they even started making implications about the CIA assassinating Kennedy this season

>> No.18412195

Dragonball Z

>> No.18412464

Game changers

>> No.18412547

>women in tech
Fuck right off, not watching

>> No.18412583


>> No.18412633

would you Darlene? I know you would lol
sick fuck

get high and watch Legion. The days have gone by nicely

>> No.18412650

also this. not high for this is more enjoyable imho

>> No.18412654

Is Billions any good?

>> No.18412660

>stephen king
he literally hates white people, why would i watch a show based off of his work?

>> No.18412751

>Money heist.

Money heist is hot dog shit on top of cow urine. It doesn't make any sense in any way shape or form. Also it's ripping off Inside man, which in turn is a great fucking movie.

>> No.18412753

based. Everything else seems shit after the wire and sopranos

>> No.18412758

Breaking bad, dude. Watching it for the third time

>> No.18412761

Breaking Bad
Better Call Saul
that's it. don't even fucking bother watching anything else.

>> No.18412784

pretty good show

>> No.18412789

Ahem.. let me see if I understood correctly, you don't watch any tv series because you think the wire and sopranos are the top pinnacle of tv?

>> No.18412813

HBO show Sr. avila. very underrated

>> No.18412815

Always been obsessed with Laura Linney and I want to sex her so bad. She’s not even that hot. Is this weird?

>> No.18412841

>the wire
That's gonna be a yikes from me, dawg

>> No.18412847

Mr. Robot, Eyes Wide Shut and Lolita

>> No.18412859

fucking hell, i thought /tv/ was bad.

>> No.18412911
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here's just a list of shows that I've watched with a good story, writing or setting plus minimal social justice virtue signalling

Breaking Bad
Better Call Saul
Project Bluebook
Boardwalk Empire
Hell on Wheels
The Boys

>> No.18412948

It goes downhill fast after the first season, though. And, in hindsight, the show is sop opera dogshit. Tokyo is there to, quite literally, keep the plot going with her emotional shenanigans.

>> No.18412951

Death Note
Code Geass

>> No.18413017

name something better and I'll check it out.

>> No.18413028

This thread is pure normie picks that rotten tomatoes have already curated for you to like. So cringe seeing redditors parrot based.

>> No.18413033

i want the lawyer lady to sit on my face

>> No.18413054

yes, Ozark is good

>> No.18413063

I want to fuck Ruth in her dirty trailer

>> No.18413092

Star trek TNG, DS9
Succession is based
Silicon Valley and office space are pretty good, Gavin Belson reminds me of my boss's boss.
american psycho if no one mentioned it

>> No.18413100

it’s excellent

>> No.18413101

If you like Breaking Bad you'll like Ozark.

>> No.18413109

It’s garbage and most of the anons that say otherwise are brainlets

>> No.18413112

most shit that gets recommended to me is absolute fucking trash. you sound like you have good taste though anon share your picks

>> No.18413122

Let me guess, you haven’t even seen it but you’re going against popular opinion anyway because you’re a hipster faggot and wanna seem unique and cool. Not fooling anyone

>> No.18413131


>> No.18413140

Watch Nathan For You if you like watching real life trolls

>> No.18413143

nah man he's just got taste and class. he's gonna share his favourite shows any second now and its gonna blow your mind

>> No.18413148

Harold and Kumar

>> No.18413168


>> No.18413171

Yeah it's an enticing show. The main character gets cucked though so its only partially biz approved.

>> No.18413169

love nathan for you. good pick

>> No.18413220

yes, I don't have time to dig through tv nerd forums to find an obscure show that only purist hipsters enjoy. being a /biz/ poster, I devote a lot of my time to making money instead. how could you tell?

>> No.18413283

I want her to waterboard me

>> No.18413303

This anon would

>> No.18413309


>> No.18413345

i was thinking money heist was based until the FUCKING DIRECTOR PUT A TRANNY in the script in part 4. now i know its based

>> No.18413437

yukemo makes you feel like a bitch

>> No.18413439
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>> No.18413476

Imagine following the degeneracy which the goy are suckered into watching. Imagine watching show after show of American TV that celebrates drug dealers and meth labs with a big dollop of diversity, gay relationships and left wing politics thrown in.

>> No.18413609
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definitely would

>> No.18413644

Curb Your Enthusiasm is /biz/ in a nutshell

>> No.18413698

The curse of oak island

The Bible

The curse of civil war gold

>> No.18413714

I’ve never seen Breaking Bad or any of the other shows you’re referring to. But okay

>> No.18413718

The Outsider
Better call Saul
The Boys

>> No.18414804

Great movie

>> No.18414898

coomed / 10

>> No.18414927

great overall story but the lead chick is fucking awful

>> No.18415242

let me just "leverage my blockchain" real quick

>> No.18415285

Are you actually crypto traders?
You are watching stressful stuff when your mind is already fried from high risk gambling?

I'm rewatching Yuru Yuri. I have been waiting for a low point of my life to do that since I watched it six years ago and am glad of it since I can't go outside. I will not watch anything besides cgdct until the Chinese virus stops ruining everything.

>> No.18415318

Funny she seems so cunty to me, ike the kind of woman who wants to ban ARs

>> No.18415376

is there a requirem for a dream type mobie but instead of drug addicts and a old lady its just some no lifers wasting what little money they have on speculation. a world seen through the lens of ignorance. a depraved world of fat people eating lunch meat in dark unlit rooms at night so as to not offend god

preferably about linkies

>> No.18415638

Uncut Gems is fucking 10/10

>> No.18415718

The big short
margin call
Breaking bad
Better call saul
The Laundromat
Curb your enthusiasm
uncut gems
wall street

>> No.18415728


>> No.18415765

I kek'd at that too btw lol

>> No.18415799

My fav's
Glengary Glen Ross
Boiler Room
Wolf on Wall Street
Big Short
Margin Call

>> No.18415955

>Breaking bad
>Better call saul
kim is my waifu but these are barely biz approved

>> No.18416190

Very Breaking Baddish. S3 started getting repetitive so I gave up. Similar concept to BB but doesn't hold up nearly as well as the characters become pretty stale and non relateable after a while.

>> No.18416221

no she's got that cute snobby milf vibe, but seems actually down to earth
really cute in truman show

>> No.18416350

Tv shows: Breaking bad, vikings, Fargo, first season of true detective, Sherlock, black mirror, narcos (and Mexico), peaky blinders. For comedy id say sunny in Philadelphia, curb your enthusiasm, arrested development and the office. I'm still watching band of brothers and game of thrones, which both have exceeded my expectations

Movies: interstellar, mad max fury road, no country for old men, there will be blood, Shaun of the dead, lord of the rings trilogy, the departed, inglourious basterds, pulp fiction, django unchained, the shining, Dunkirk, 1917, saving private Ryan. I would recommend a lot more but I can't remember them all

>> No.18416352
File: 22 KB, 485x303, Kaiji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kaiji the ultimate survivor

If you trade shitcoins, you better watch this show.

>> No.18416378

I also forgot to mention the godfather trilogy, especially the first two. Every movie enthusiast should watch them

>> No.18416420

It suffers from the Vince Gilligan effect where series are always trying to pretend they have this sophisticated story that will be revealed *eventually* but then they just drop the arc because it's primary purpose is to keep the spinsters and depressed housewives the show panders to subscribed to its pay-per-view service.

>> No.18416430

Better Call Saul is trash

>> No.18416432

If you havent made it, dont watch television
you dont have time to escape
you dont have time to have a gf
you dont have time to sleep, exercise, or eat
just fucking get some sales

>> No.18416524


>> No.18416703

Tiger King on Netflix unironically.

>> No.18416719

Sleep, exercise and proper diet lends itself to success faggot. What the fuck are you even talking about? If you can balance all three of those and keep your curiosity and inquisitiveness high then you’re set, that’s what everyone dreams of.

>> No.18416883

I just started a movie named "Too Big to Fail". It has a lot of quality actors. It's pretty interesting so far. It's the recession story focusing on the people from the investment banks, banks and government.

>> No.18417150

anyone watching tv/entertainment has 0 sense of urgency
you know how they talk about how steve jobs and bill gates didnt take showers during certain parts of value creation? Now that is urgency. Giving up everything until the product is ready and the market is validated; that is entrepreneurship. everything else is treading water for poorfags

>> No.18417237
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u do know where you are, dont u?
people here already dont take showers, but not for production reasons. jordan peterson is unironically right about setting small goals. learning to take care of yourself so you have the mental and physical strength to start being a tryhard

>> No.18417327

eureka is a great scifi show. starts kinda goofy but then gets v conceptually dense. my wife and i loved it

>> No.18417850

alright good luck with your keychain shopify store. i really do hope it blows up.
when youre ready to give it 110% refer to the aforementioned advice

>> No.18417967

Is Dunkirk any good? I keep staring it and stopping 5 minutes in.
Something about it feels pretty trash but I can't put my finger on it. Please prove me wrong.

>> No.18418040


>> No.18418538

Well done anon.

>> No.18418773

if you haven't either read the book or seen the documentary The Commanding Heights you have no business posting here

>> No.18419121

I am awestruck by her beauty

>> No.18419149

Chernobyl: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7366338/
Succession: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7660850/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0
Billions: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4270492/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0

>> No.18419445
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Peaky Blinders, Ozark, Narcos, How to sell drugs online(kinda a weird one though).

I watched Breaking Bad a bit and Better call Saul, but it's kinda cringe when they are always like "ohh how could we do that what about our morals dude omg I don't want to be a bad man" or shit like that. I cringe every time when they make everything so overly emotional. Like yea you killed someone because he would have killed you what's the fucking problem here. Other times it's cringe when a man is constantly simping over a woman.

>> No.18420814

Altered Carbon actually has a CKB reference in it

>> No.18420912
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