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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18404872 No.18404872 [Reply] [Original]

I keep seeing all these fear porn stories but it's been business as usual here in the heart land. So anyone seeing this economic hellscspe?

>> No.18404918

amerimutt land is going to collapse worse than soviet russia
good luck

>> No.18404931

masks and lines common in grocery stores. shelves look emptier than usual in Canada (Pacific NW). everything else feels normal but most places are closed.
I can see how it can get worse though. I'm mainly worried about the food supply

>> No.18404940

>masks and lines common in grocery stores
Literally mandatory in many states. Grocery stores are enforcing maximum occupancy due to pandemic. The lines aren't due to a "food shortage". Shelves are full.

>> No.18404958

>anyone seeing this economic hellscspe
>in the heart land
for this you would need to have an economy

>> No.18404959

>endless war in the middle east
>manipulated economic output numbers
>rising ethnic tensions
>corrupt politicians throughout
>bridges/walls to nowhere
>unbridled police and surveillance state

am I missing anything here?

>> No.18404981

oh shit, I forgot chernobyl as a sycophantic mismanagement disaster that threatened the health of the country, and neighboring lands, but was repeatedly swept under the carpet by misinformation until it could no longer be contained.

I'm not sure if anything like that is going on right now, but maybe if we see anything like that, we'll know, it's over.

>> No.18405052
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>people lining up waiting for food
>limits on how much you can get/rations/empty shelves
>banks closing down preventing withdrawal of money
>transportation system breaking down causing farmers to have to dump milk and destroy produce
>homeless numbers and food bank lines exploding
>non-white horde who have become a literal virus, that breaks into your house through sealed windows and doors
Its a communist nightmare scenario.

>> No.18405072

When the mutts come at the door, begging to be let in, the world will whisper "no", as the border guards open fire upon the waves of Americans.

>> No.18405078
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>> No.18405085

Your assessment of chernobyl is heavily sensationalized and overblown. Did you watch that fear porn HBO show? Sounds like you did. That shit was incredibly fictionalized.

>> No.18405092

Lol this cope is delicious

>> No.18405103

>muh tech
>muh money
>muh whitecollar

>> No.18405108
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Ur safe in Farm land bro

This is just a mandatory vaccine eugenics purge & a cover up for The Petrodollar shitting the bed.

I need papers to travel to and from work here in California. they shut down the gun stores and no one can get a passport to escape.

Be glad you live in a area with republicans in charge. probably have a sane sheriff to. im jelly

>> No.18405140

I've seen that, but also read about it through many online journals, the book Midnight in Chernobyl, history of the Soviet through Lenin's Tomb by Remnick, and other documentaries.
Plus I played the video game.

There's a reason Gorbachev said it was the beginning of the collapse of the soviet.

>> No.18405157

Enjoy your "economy" I'll be enjoying easy access to food. Tell me what are you going to eat when they take away your paper dollars and go digital?

>> No.18405186

Ask for evidence that corona virus exist.
MD doctors say there is no such a thing it is up to media finance and government steeling tax money to solve nothing happen problem.

>> No.18405201

Oh is most certainly exist, it's been around for years and or decades.

>> No.18405205
File: 2.86 MB, 854x480, Welcome-To-The-United-States.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18405223


>> No.18405315

we have never had a higher quality of live

>> No.18405619

I thought about maybe getting a burger sex slave when the time comes, but the Americans are all STD-ridden degenerates and they fuck niggers. So I have decided against it. Swedes are the same. Anglos are hideous. Maybe I will take in a north Italian.
Anyway, I hope the border guard does their jobs, when the unwashed degenerate western masses will start storming the border.

>> No.18405664

>Cheeki breeki things he's gonna survive
Without America to keep us in check
It's gonna be open hunting seasons on slavs and other assorted nonhumans when USA fails and the "everyone is human and equal" propaganda dies down. Try not to feel too bad about being slaughtered like a dog. It was your race's fate from day one.

>> No.18405665

You sound Israeli.

>> No.18405681

Considering age of consent is 18 or 16 in US, might as well consider buying the younger ones who had one or two partners.

>> No.18405717

still working and making even more with recent hazard pay.
have another job lined up as well which would pay even more.

retards gonna retard.

>> No.18405742

>I'm mainly worried about the food supply
are you retarded, theres a massive surplus being dumped into landfills now because no ones buying

>> No.18405843

I've literally seen cops patrolling the grocery store in Colorado so yeah shit is bad even in small towns so I dont know where the fuck you are. If people miss two more pay periods I fully expect nationwide riots.

>> No.18405936

the USA is literally hiring haitians and jamaicans to work in the fields because whitey wants something bigger, i cant believe it lmao

>> No.18405946

Imagine being to posh to work when you are on literal bread lines! This is what socialism does to you, makes you entitled and lazy.

>> No.18406013

You haven't talked to people that were young when that disaster struck. Young people all over Europe were dosed with radioacrive rain due to the fallout that was blown over the continent, birth defects and miscarriages happened. Millions of people are affected to this day and are at a higher risk of cancer because of the Soviet Union. Wildlife that grazed areas that the rain fell over had radioactive meat and you still can't pick some mushrooms in Sweden due to their absorption of radioactive isotopes. It was and still is a disaster of great magnitude.

>> No.18406028
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it was just the flu bro.
i'd guess at least 5 million already infected in the US. they'll let the virus spread slowly like a controlled burn until herd immunity is achieved.

there's also some shenanigans going on with the numbers. where i live, we've been in lockdown since the middle of march, but the rate of infection started rapidly increasing in april during the lockdown after being stable for weeks.
so it appears the virus has mutated and can now teleport.

>> No.18406109

forgot to mention, it could be possible that corona-chan is less affected by seasons, so as cases of flu and cold drop off, you get a higher percentage of corona pos vs. neg.
but i doubt this because the overall numbers are higher.

>> No.18406234

>global pandemic
>americans still vote against healthcare
they honestly deserve it at this point

>> No.18406262

Americans are the fattest people on earth, they can go a few months without food.

>> No.18406504

Kansas City here, so far things are pretty much normal aside from non essential businesses being shut down and most people staying home. Grocery stores are back to being fully stocked again. The only real issue is they've severely increased the price of eggs. It's not $2.50 for a dozen eggs, fucking absurd. Beyond that everything is pretty normal

>> No.18406555

No, its being dumped because they are being ordered to dump by bureaucrats. Because that food is not labeled for retail. Those farmers literally can not sell to the out of stock grocery store because of some soiboy in Washington.

>> No.18406573

If you are old and have a heart attack the doctors in Europe are just letting you die because they cant spare the resources. Nice free healthcare you have there. BTW, thats gong to be you one day.

>> No.18406636

? whats wrong with you only a minute percentage goes out unprocessed to retail and its always been that way
the majority is for processing in factories and export which is completely frozen now thanks to the 'protect old-people at all cost' policy
when you close down all the factories then there is basically no demand and farmers would rather burn it away then to let prices fall by dumping it all into stores

>> No.18406646

Wrong. Mexicans are.

>> No.18406671

Yep, I’m sure it was worth it to destroy the world economy and turn western democracies into police states overnight just to save under 2% of boomers.

>> No.18406682

All of the small businesses that flank the grocery store in the plaza next to my house are closed due to coof aids. But myself, I am a neet, so I don't notice the difference.

>> No.18406793

Nice source. And that's the US right now too. But they also just let you die after checking and realizing you don't have insurance. If you do survive you get thrusted into debt and poverty

>> No.18406830

Nice source

>> No.18406842

>Americans genuinely believe they have a superior health service

>> No.18406936

oh sorry turns out 2000 people dying overnight didn't happen then

>> No.18406983


>> No.18406989

Nice source

>> No.18407051


>> No.18407141

Hey buddy, that's wrong look at the data.

>> No.18407148


>> No.18407172

If this is true, then won't producers not produce as much in the future because there is less demand. And people need to eat so eventually the food supply will be impacted.

>> No.18407194


Umm do you have a better source? Not very reputable imo

>> No.18407196

Im Canadian, but I just went to the grocery store near my apartment because I usually like to go early on saturdays right when it opens. Its usually only old people and generally pretty chill because no one wants to go grocery shopping at 8am on a saturday.

There were about 150 people in line snaking all around the parking lot when I got there at 7:58. and they're only letting like 10 people in the store at a time because of new public gathering restrictions (although apparently 100+ people in a parking lot is better somehow).

Shits ridiculous

>> No.18407377
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>Umm do you have a better source? Not very reputable imo

>> No.18407458

Yeah it's called having principles

>> No.18407568

Name a reputable source then. Infowars I bet?