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18397705 No.18397705 [Reply] [Original]

Guy’s Im suffering from FOMO bad!!!
I think I’m gonna break down and buy chainstink.
Please reassure me that it is a scam.

I fucking felt in my gut it would moon back when it was less than a dollar, and then in 2018 I was like
>Okay so it went up but it’s done for I mean look at NXT!


Is it really gonna 1000$??? My sense are in disarray I feel like that fat fuck is mindfucking me rn

>> No.18397717

why do you weirdos post bitches from tik tok in your op its

get a life

>> No.18397737
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Here bro, why don’t you cool off.


>> No.18397739
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ERC-20 @ $1000

>> No.18397793

I am so glad that I don’t have any social media, goddamn. What are you guys doing to yourselves out there

>> No.18397820

This was the point of a suicide stack, put down a couple hundred dollars and get at least 1k. Well OK so maybe a little late for that. The point remains though, if you think it's a scam but fomo is still there just buy 1k and stop thinking about it. When it moons you can rest easy knowing you thought it was a scam so nobody can blame you, but you at least got a decent chunk of change from it because you justin cased. Should at least be enough for a starter house in SE US or maybe the Midwest. That alone puts you in a better situation than most millennials. 10k at $100 is 50k/yr with 5% steaking. We can easily hit such numbers by breaking into top 5 on cmc and btc returning to ath.
1k doesn't sound so crazy, but when I realized even just getting 2% of that means I'm set for life with steaking I went all in.

>> No.18397832

Bro every tiktok you make gives you a chance a fame and it is literally free to use and post. They make all their money off of ads so it’s a win for everyone. For once china is based

>> No.18397866

XRP ath mc was 146 billion usd. Chainlink current mc is 1.1 billion. How much is a chainlink token at 146 billion?

>> No.18397904

underaged faggot please go

>> No.18398028

Chance at fame lol
You dont get any ad revenue from tik tok bud

>> No.18398149

that's literally a man

>> No.18398172

>chance a fame
so that's why zoomers make tik tok?
you think anyone gives a shit?

>> No.18398176

Buy why whore yourself out for fame, who cares?

>> No.18398218
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Marketcap is a meme.
Anyway effective price is around three fifty, which is equal to 1 cup of american covfefe.
In other words just swing $1.80 - $3.50 range indefinitely.

>> No.18398261

>XRP ath mc was 146 billion usd.
LOL, I already forgot and it's been just 3y. Crazy to think XRP had a higher MC than BTC today.

>> No.18398297
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1K is unironically FUD

>> No.18398348
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I can get recognized and picked up by someone bigtime. And also even if you have 100,000 subscribers there is so many ways to make money off of that

>> No.18398359

>1K is unironically FUD
This. I mean - I'm not sure they can actually pull everything off and get enterprise adoption. BUT if they did get big business using chainlink for major contracts, we're talking about hundreds of billions needed for collateral and probably much more. Which means 1k would cease cutting it after a while

>> No.18398387
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>> No.18398401

>Please reassure me that it is a scam.
If you just care about mooning or not, this is irrelevant.
Even bitconnect pumped real high before the crash. Even at the bottom it doubled in price twice.

Just look at BSV.

Scam or not doesn't matter. Just buy before the top and sell before the crash.
Don't hold it forever

>> No.18399637

It’s still surreal that if smart contracts gain adoption we win , it seems like a no brainer but because of that I know it must fail