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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18391780 No.18391780 [Reply] [Original]

>typical middle class worker
>don't lose my job over the virus

And now I have to foot the bill for all the poor, expendable retards who now get an *EXTRA* $600 every fucking WEEK + $1200.

I'm tempted to just fuck off to Japan or somewhere so I don't get assraped by taxes and inflation.

>> No.18391932

And of course nobody even cares.

One day the middle class will rise up and behead both the rich and the poor.

>> No.18392011

The reality of this was newly dawning on me today as well. I actually have a lot to do and don’t get paid very well at all. Part of me wishes I’d just get laid off.

>> No.18392128

Why should they? How much of your taxes do you think go towards that shit? Even this stimulus package is riddled with corporate bailout crap. Your second post shows that you're at least aware that your getting kiked though which is why I'm responding to it.

Yeah. Part of why your first post was ignored. Have fun working yourself to death for your corporate overlords. Like the wageslave animators making fuck all for the anime you posted.

Also, Americans don't revolt over anything. Especially not it's middle class since they're relatively comfortable and have something to lose.

>> No.18392146



Don't even use that term. It's "the working class". All of us who get up early and working for 8-10 hours a day for our check. That includes burger flippers, paper pushers, doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc. We hold society up and fuel the revenue of the government.

It's the "welfare class" and the "elite class" (i.e. lower and upper class) that don't work who are the problem. They shouldn't be calling any of the shots.

>> No.18392174

>Wagie wants better work allocation

>> No.18392184


>work allocation

No. A social paradigm that works in favor of those who matter most: the workers. As it stands we get buttfucked by taxes and "public services" that hardly benefit us.

>> No.18392323

>That includes burger flippers, paper pushers
>We hold society up

No, and those are the exact expendable fuckers I'm talking about. People who were already unemployed get nothing.

>> No.18392352


>> No.18392354


Then you've already succumbed to the divide and conquer

>> No.18392379

I'll kill a kike banker long before I kill a burger flipper.

>> No.18392549

I’m building a city under the earth to be free of government and taxes anon. Come join me

>> No.18392568

Motherfucker, I was about to get into the electrical union, you think I wanted to my shit to be put on hold

>> No.18392569

Unemployment is payed by your employer, not you.

>> No.18392582

you're not "footing the bill" for anything you dumb cunt. the government just prints money. that's it. money is created out of nothing. time for you morons to wrap your heads around this

>> No.18392597


I got furloughed and am getting $504 from the state of NY plus $600 so I can sit on my ass and play FF7 remake all month. Fucking seethe you stupid fucking wagie. Being a neet is everything I dreamed it could be and more

>> No.18392614

Well taxes were always going to be a waste of money, and you don't need to move to avoid inflation as long as your savings are in the right assets.

>> No.18392659

Not the pandemic unemployment, dumbass. It's state / federal.

>> No.18392873

This, comfiest thing ever

>> No.18393072

Inflation is tax btw

>> No.18393109

both, they can both go. line chefs are fine. franchise EEs can go.

>> No.18393228

You're not footing the bill retard
Have your taxes increased? No? Oh they just haven't decreased as much as some other people's was was
The FED and the government are shifting this burden onto the govt's debt and the fed's balance sheet
It will never get taxed away, the dollar will simply hyperinflate before that happens
We saw after 2008 that the Fed couldn't unwind its balance sheet then, it certainly can't this time around

What is your job that is so essential to keep society running hmm?

>> No.18393305

>so I don't get assraped by taxes and inflation.
>and inflation.
>and inflation.
>and inflation.
>and inflation.

>> No.18393324

risk management at a regional carrier, i need the money but i hate the job. please let me be an electrician or mason, i basically have an associates in EE.

>> No.18393329
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>I'm tempted to just fuck off to Japan or somewhere so I don't get assraped by taxes and inflation.

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA you think you're gonna get less inflation in fucking Japan??

>> No.18393330

The state unemployment is paid by your employer.

>> No.18393343

invest yourself into Poland, very inexpensive and supremely comfy. NO GAYS!

>> No.18393360 [DELETED] 

The hidden /biz/ discord server is discord gg SCrKbKu

It has to stay hidden or discord will shut it down
As far as discord knows it's a kpop server...

We were shut down 6 times last month, that's why the low membercount

>> No.18393375

Are you baiting me or are you actually retarded?

>> No.18393382


I had that exact thought a month ago and tried to get a Passport anon.

We are fucked they won't give me a Passport until this is over and by the time it's over merica will be fucked

It's to late to escape this clown show just sit back and wait for your chance to migrate

>> No.18393429

Just the fact that you still refer to yourself as middle class means your brainwashed. The fact that you're getting upset over others getting a measley $600 in pocket change is all I need to know your working poor. The middle class has been dead for decades and what we have now are elite class white collars calling themselves "upper middle class" and the dirt poor calling themselves "lower middle class" because Americans are too deluded to let go of the fact that our economic prosperity died years ago.

>> No.18393432

It’s disgusting and my rage is slowly killing me. Crypto and precious metals are the way I have to opt out.

>> No.18393702

>HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA you think you're gonna get less inflation in fucking Japan??
You mean the country where everything is still cheaper than it was in 1990? Yes.