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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18389616 No.18389616 [Reply] [Original]


Its been a tough couple of weeks. The market has been in denial and many of us had doubts that things would collapse as planned.


The happening is REAL, it's BRUTAL and it is NOT priced in as many would have us believe.

>17million jobless (more like 20 because the system couldn't handle all the filings)
>Corona wreaking havoc worldwide
>The curve taking much longer than expected to flatten in Europe
>Lockdowns extended worldwide
>The fed running out of options
>BTC REJECTED and plummeting
>LINK REJECTED and plummeting
>Massive credit defaults coming in T-minus 2 weeks

There has never been a better time to be a Bobo. I'm PROUD to stand alongside you as we watch the Mumu's roll helplessly down the conveyor-belt towards their slaughter.

Mumu's I have a few choice words for you too:
>NOT priced in
>NOT just the flu
>NOT going to be saved by the BRRRR
>NOT blowing over any time soon

You LOST. Deal with it.

>> No.18389620


>> No.18389625

feels good being a bull the last 2 weeks and closing my longs to short SPY at 280

how rich am I gonna be on Monday boys

>> No.18389632
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Reminder Bobos: It is not only profitable to short at these times but it is also the ethical thing to do , this entire market is fake and needs to crash and only those who accelerate it deserve to make money

>> No.18389662

This is absolutely correct. Wise words Brother Bear. It is not 'negative' or 'pessimistic' or 'cynical' to be a bear when the market is a poisonous cesspool propped up by lies, delusion, and greed.

>> No.18389767

Infinite money cheats are going to fuck you up.

>> No.18389988

Stimulus checks start next week. If even .005 percent of that goes to btc bears will be rekt hard.