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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18386215 No.18386215 [Reply] [Original]

How ya’ll holdin up? Can we support all these NEETs much longer?
> Wagecucks and salarycucks welcome.
> Unemploymentbux NEETs makin more than the workin man not welcome.

>> No.18386359

On lunch right now my dude
Were gonna make it
Were in this together
Praise kek

>> No.18386402

$600 in state unemployment
$600 in Trump bux
$1200 on the way next week

I would literally be losing money by working. Just stay he frick home

>> No.18386409
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got 4 days off thanks to the zombie kike on a stick, praise be. feels good man.

>> No.18386434

>not being in a worker owned cooperative
>working for a capitalist

>> No.18386452

>tfw work for Mormons

Sorry Jesus

>> No.18386856

Pretty good. I work night custodial and basically just sit around. I also get paid a full week off every other week. Comfy

>> No.18386885

Some of us make more than $600 a week..and your'e not guaranteed a job when this let's up

>> No.18386898

no one here wants to here you sperg on about an ideology nobody gives a single fuck about. kys tripfrag.

>> No.18387043
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>Be me
>Zommer and live with my boomers so life is ok
>Go back to school in Jan.
>Pic rel
>Emperor of my heart Trudeau sends me ATH wage
>Word is I get gibs up to 4months
>Aks him my first carepackage
>Gibes plus tells me it's retroactive
>Mfw next week I'll be 4k richer than literally yesterday
>If I was smart I'd use that cushion to get out of this kitchenslavery industry
>>I have a choice

>> No.18387106

You retards who can't figure out better ways to make money than a fucking wage cage need to be naturally selected anyways. Go be good little heroes while the big brains make the real money during this pandemic. Kek

>> No.18387144

Reduced essential hours from 40 to 30. Gonna lose some business cause a number of clients are closed. Not worried, enjoying some extra free time, still getting shit done.

>> No.18387156

$14’er an hour retailer here
The boomer customers are starting to get annoying as fuck. I work my ass off, they show up, and they see me reading for 2 minutes, they reported me to my managers
My managers said to be careful cuz these boomer customers & new employees are all fucking snitches
I didn’t get in trouble. Pretty chill.

>> No.18387157

>no traffic
>no lunch lines
feels good man

>> No.18387414
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How does one escape

>> No.18387515
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just about had it with this life

>> No.18387548

I'm working from home and I finally got put on outbound calls so I've been shirking my duties as much as I can but I'm sure they're going to be looking for results eventually.
I don't know what to do, guys. I'm just so done with life. I'm autistic and I've been burning out of life for 3 years straight, and I can't search for help anywhere because no one wants to admit that the best thing for autistic burnout is a lessening of responsibilities.

>> No.18387604

Casual essential worker reporting in. All of our shifts are being cut to the point where we're getting about 5 hours of work every 2 weeks. I'm sure this will ensure I can't get government bennies somehow.

>> No.18387605

what state in the union gives 600 unemployment?

>> No.18387622


>> No.18387638

33$/HR LEO making 2.5x an hour literally just got paid 4200$.... this emergency is great

>> No.18387683
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Milfag here the ultimate ME

4 months into pandemic and order comes down to get masks ASAP because they apparently are just laying around.

At least I get Trumpbux, gonna invest in Vanguard Index Fund ETF

>> No.18387711

Getting 915/week now

Glad I'm not an essential employee

State? MSP receives an additional 750/biweekly now for hazard pay.

>> No.18387723

Can’t just brag about how you escaped the cage and not fucking tell us (sounds larpy) were a family here at Biz, help your family anon

>> No.18388116


People can't leave their fucking houses. The best time to start a business is right now. Buy low, sell high. Nintendo products are at an all time premium. I won't give anymore direct tips because it would be stupid to give myself competition in the profitable categories that I've researched. However, I will say this and anons have mentioned it on biz before.. apply for the PPP loan whic forgives up to 75% of what you're approved for if you can match the criteria. This is a huge opportunity to anons. You can apply and as sole proprietorship or self employed. There's other government sponsored loans available that can provide much needed capital for business ventures at dirt cheap interest rates. Basically though, dyor. I come from a sales background and do well working out deals with normies. Are you able to talk a person down on an item regardless of how much profit you'd get on a flip? I've told old boomers sob stories and they've practically given shit away to me. You make your way by any means necessary (within the realms of "legality") I make my own schedule, my work ethic and efficiency increases my overall "hourly" rate. Doctors, lawyers.. they all have a cap. If you work for yourself and believe in yourself the sky is the fucking limit. Also, buy chainlink.

>> No.18388124
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Wagecuck reporting in!