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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18382490 No.18382490 [Reply] [Original]

What do you do first?

>> No.18382515
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Pic related

>> No.18382522

Find the best way to secure my money and avoid taxes at the same time

>> No.18382526

Support internet racists

>> No.18382545

Same thing I always do including this >>18382526.

>> No.18382564


>> No.18382574

Buy all turtlecoins.

>> No.18382576

gamble it

>> No.18382584

Nothing would change.

>> No.18382593

Gamble on 125x margin because I wouldnt give a fuck about chump change

>> No.18382598

-Pay off the rest of my duplex mortgage (60kish left)
-Buy an electric drum set
-Reinvest the rest for dividends or a second multi unit place.

>> No.18382623

fuck a tranny

>> No.18382627

Same but add in a bunch of cocaine and ketamine on top of that

>> No.18382646

call my best buddy
bottle of whisky
2 packs of cigs
get drunk

>> No.18382647

fuck asian bitches

>> No.18382650

I would become the grand funding source of artisanal racist podcasts

>> No.18382665

Rent a one bedroom apartment instead of living in a 100 square feet studio, that's about it.

>> No.18382672

Buy myself a Khadas Tone Board/DAC, a quality amplifier and a Shure SHP1540 all just for 350$
Buy a laptop for 200$ and phone for 100$
Buy a 3 room apartment for 50k
Hire an artist for 40$ a song to create some weird dark jazz military electronic music.

Start investing on Fiverr by buying programmers for puzzle games, buying the rights, starting a kickstarter for the graphics and sound.
Start a kickstarter for a comic book based on a book my mother wrote.
Invest in some video games, comic books, bots, website advertising I always wanted to do.
Some if not most of these ventures I could already do for free like a kickstarter but without advertising and without buying the name rights.

>> No.18382673

Hype up a penny stock on /biz/ and stocktwits and dump $100,000 into it in a single purchase just to see what happens

>> No.18382699

Are you actually 17 years old and in your last year of highschool?

>> No.18382700

the real answers here

>> No.18382708
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buy a couple more houses and rent them out. maybe a commercial property. then drop my waging down to 3 days a week tues, wed, thurs ideally.

>> No.18382726

Quit job, don’t care about anything else

>> No.18382738

Rent a place, Reno a little and figure out options. Being homeless kind of defines immediate priorities.

>> No.18382848

>find couples with 9/10 smart girl at least 5 years old together
>propose the girl to fuck her for money until she accepts
>steal the girl
>make babies

>> No.18382877

move into a tiny appartment, buy a car, buy guns. aside from that my life will not change, im happiest in front of a computer because i am an inept retard

>> No.18382879

spend most of it on god knows what in one crazy night and the rest on lawyers to keep me out of jail after that night

>> No.18382935

Not tell anyone then take off on a trip across my country with a travel van. Put the money across a divers portfolio=. Do lots of ketamine.

>> No.18383023

I'm guessing you do day trading

>> No.18383119

Move the fuck out of my parents home, I'm sickened of myself and this situation. I'm tired and I want to be on my own so bad.

>> No.18383123

wake up

>> No.18383136


Why not buy a real drum set?

>> No.18383140
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How did you know

>> No.18383199

allocate three years of rent and reinvest the rest

>> No.18383264

Buy sex

>> No.18383274

Buy Cypriot citizenship

>> No.18383299

Same thing I always do except now I don't have to stress over my future and I can do shit I want to do

>> No.18383308

Overrated experience. 1st I was all amped up, it was avg. many times later
Still avg. has porn ruined me?

t.swinger couple with 19cm cock

>> No.18383417


>> No.18383475


>> No.18383501

I like that I can use headphones with an electric kit, so I can keep my horrible playing to myself until I get good. Also how it can emulate so many kits by changing presets and shit.

>> No.18383545

buy a small home

>> No.18383546

kek fucking classic

>> No.18383567

Put it all in LINKIES

>> No.18383568

Put it in my 401k and keep working. Million dollars ain’t shit.

>> No.18383604

we supply them free photoshop software and pepe templaces

>modern internet raycism

>> No.18383625

go for the qt at trad Mass

also learn how to fence

>> No.18383626

slip on a banana peel and break my neck

>> No.18383629

I shitpost on /biz/

>> No.18383717

Depends on how many millions I have
Ten million?
Buy a house in a nice area
Buy 2 new-but-inexpensive practical and reliable vehicles, one car and one truck
Invest 1 million in various things, crypto being one of them
Set 6 million aside and saved in various accounts/stores of value to have all possible bills/expenses/repairs/maintenance covered for the rest of my life
If I get like 30 million or more?
All of the above, plus spend 20 million trying to get my AAA video game idea produced, marketed and sold

>> No.18383726

A 5 year old girl isn’t going to have babies

>> No.18383756

buy and sell 1 million blenders

>> No.18383782

5 years old relationship* if that wasn't obvious

>> No.18383806

lurk /biz/

>> No.18383838

>Buy a large house with a garage thats old and in need of updates/ remodel
>Slowly remodel house and trade stonks all day >>>>>>>inb4 crypto lmaooooo
>Slowly acquire all the tools and skills to remodel houses
>buy a trailer
>put logo on side
>use google voice number as biz number
>overbid every job because I don't need the money
>do the few jobs I get super well
>get popular with rich people who circle jerk
>hire and train 2 guys to do it
>just have to show up to job sites 2x a day to make sure they aren't wasting my money

>> No.18383854

I thought you meant pay the parents to fuck Thier 5 year old daughter. Why do you want to take a women who is in a relationship? Do you have a bull fetish? If you have to pay for it your really more of A cuck, the woman would divorce you and go back to her boyfriend. I can understand fucking animals and niggers but where do you autists come up with wired ideas like this?

>> No.18383888

>lives with parents
>complains about being tired

You're in for a real treat when you finally move out

>> No.18383903
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all in on sqqq

>> No.18383921

The less you do the more tired you become, ironically.

>> No.18384006

You know nothing of tired.

I own my own business and the work is fairly physical. At our peak last year, I worked 20 days straight and all but 3 of those days were 10+ hour days. When I wasn't on jobsites, I was sending emails.

Come talk to me about being tired after you've actually felt it.

>> No.18384075

Break up with my girlfriend.

>> No.18384085


>> No.18384113

become chadcel

>> No.18384127


In the most likely scenario? Attend my mother's funeral. :'(

>> No.18384135

Pay a few women to let me smell their assholes.

>> No.18384200

You forgot the part when you fags fuck each other in the ass

>> No.18384204

Just chill out in a nice cozy hotels, like the one in lost in translation. Spend all my time on language studies. Take up ornithology. Travel across the US in search of comfy places.

Most importantly? I'm never ever working again

>> No.18384217

Pay off all debts and buy a house.

>> No.18384326

Drugs and prostitutes. That's what I was spending my disposable income on before I started to invest it. Now I invest in order to do more of that. I'm not sure if I'm doing it right

>> No.18384476
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It´s not too late for you, anon. Turn to the light and love.

>> No.18384494

Probably move to Africa so I never have to work again, and start a small farm just to have something to do

>> No.18384517

i did this right before and i'm craving it bad now

>> No.18384522

Buy a bunch of bitcoins.

>> No.18384591

Buy property and become a landlord or buy a franchise and slave people around.

>> No.18384631
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best post

>> No.18384691

od on blow

>> No.18384919
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I was gonna say "change my phone number", but nobody calls me anyway.

>> No.18385015

Put it all into Tezos and then post about it here just to piss you all off.

>> No.18385084
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>> No.18385148

Buy a cool place in a business hub
Buy a comfy place by a beach
Buy some stuff for pasive incomes
Stay relax at home reading
Yep that's so

>> No.18385301

lose it all.

>> No.18385581

Hmmm... wholesome edition 4 me

>Buy a sweet house
>Spoil my girlfriend
>Coke binge for a month while producing instrumentals and writing lyrics incessantly
>Post coke phase, move girlfriend in.
>Chuck 50k into marketing my music careeer
>Spoil GF more

>> No.18385689

Not wholesome unless you replace coke with acid and remove rehab

>> No.18385799
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>> No.18385859
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CCL, all of it

>> No.18385865

I just got my $1200
what do?

>> No.18385920

Rebalance and get back to wagie-ing until $2.5M. I'm going to go scuba diving in the Cayman Islands at $2.5M though.
I used to think I was even more expensive than that, but I think my free time might be worth more than the $2.5-3.5M work time unless I land a job that pays a hell of a lot more than I'm currently earning.

>> No.18385943

Damn, did you really ?

>> No.18385953

Fuck you, I just checked my bank account.

>> No.18385963

lol desperate anons
there is no $1200
they're just baiting us to keep us from rioting

but what do u think the dindus are gonna do when they get their checks? new jordans?

>> No.18385978

give guns to hobos

>> No.18385990

We eating good. All ima say, King.

>> No.18385995
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I'm finally gonna get this squidbillies hat. Been too stupid to spend money on it before, but I can't imagine a better use of Trumpbux

>> No.18386039

Invest it all in dogecoin

>> No.18386076

move to japan

>> No.18386092

Pay off student loans. Then, go grab a few tall boys of Stack.

>> No.18386178

I have a trust fund with several million in it (about 8 million between me and my two siblings). There's a decent level of control over it until I'm like 40.

How do I take advantage of this to live a life I otherwise would not be able to?

>> No.18386206

>Call the IRS and hash out a plan where they don't fuck me too bad because I'm too much of a dumbass to try to evade them.
>Meet with a big league financial advisor to plan shit out.
>Establish one or two untamperable rescue funds for when I get divorced or accused of rape. Could just be cash securely buried out on gramps old 40.
>Give plenty to my mom, dad, and brother
>Put the rest in a trust. I don't even know everything about trusts I just know they're safe.
>Ride out school and get my doctorate.
>While I'm at school just gucci up my quality of life.
>Get an expensive apartment
>Build a home gym.
>Hire a cook. Fuck her regularly.
>Clothes/Arsenal sgl-31-85/what have you
>Probably just ask girls if they'd suck dick for $1000.
>Get accused of rape
>Shake it
>Go to music school. Maybe UC Berkeley.
>Write beautiful music like I've always wanted.
>Make sound investments and have plenty lf money for myself and everyone in my family to be put in a good skilled care facility so no-one has to literally whither away into a skeleton like my grandfather did.
>That's about it.

>> No.18386209

>forgot to sign a prenup
>got rich real fast
>divorced anyways
>lost half your money

Well done asshole

>> No.18386228

ford raptor

>> No.18386276

You don't need a million dollars.
You don't even need a thousand dollars.
Like 200 bucks would do.

>> No.18386571 [DELETED] 

All of the above and then buy 17 more bitcoins

>> No.18386608 [DELETED] 

>>18382515 #
>>18382522 #
>>18382526 #
>>18382545 #
>>18382623 #
>>18382646 #
>>18382647 #
>>18382665 #
>>18383806 #
>>18384075 #
>>18382708 #
All of the above and then buy 17 more bitcoins and a suicide stack of link

>> No.18386624

All of the above and then buy 17 more bitcoins and a suicide stack of link

>> No.18386765

Call up all the women who ever dumped me, laugh, then hang up.

>> No.18386784

Why did they break up with you?

>> No.18386789


>> No.18386795


Build a $1,000,000 ultra modern house on acreage out in the sticks of Washington state that has a full home gym. Got the gym 2 hours a day. Shit post in biz and day trade. Milk my security engineer job for extra income and benefits. Get a used Porsche 718 loaded. Chillax.

>> No.18386808
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you’re not alone fren. wishing you luck

>> No.18386810

>What do you do first?
Stop worrying and take a good rest.

>> No.18386818

nuke the fuckin world

>> No.18386860
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That’s nothing now brainlet
Guess you can form part of the queue at the local supermarket for what’s left on the shelves

>> No.18387054

two chicks at the same time

>> No.18387384

Buy house, put in will, commit suicide. Simple

>> No.18387523
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What's your game idea anon? Elevator pitch style.

>> No.18387536

Buy a BIG car and a house.

>> No.18387545

New fag here..aside from upcoming ridicule I could use some information...what does it mean exactly when you're orders open? And should I cancel it sooner than later

>> No.18387665

Let me help you, my guy. I shall teach you the ways of stabbing cunts

>> No.18387963
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How many millions?

>1 million
1. Safe interest yield netting 12k+ yearly pretax
2. Play stocks and options with 100k
3. Easy full time job for benefits

>2 million
1. Safe interest yield netting 25k+ yearly pretax
2. Play stocks and options with 200k
3. Easy full time job for benefits

>3 million
1. Safe interest yield netting 37k+ yearly pretax
2. Play stocks and options with 300k
3. Easy full time job for benefits

>4 million
1. Safe interest yield netting 50k+ yearly pretax
2. Play stocks and options with 400k
3. No job

>5 million
1. Safe interest yield netting 62k+ yearly pretax
2. Play stocks and options with 500k
3. No job

>6 million and up to a certain point
1. Same as 5 million
2. Same as 5 million
3. Same as 5 million
4. Split anything over initial 5 million received to immediate family members until they also have a flat 5 million revise plan then

>> No.18387987
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>> No.18387996

buy a house

>> No.18388022

To have no imagination

>> No.18388033

Invest a eugenics breeding program.
Only breed whites.

Satisfy my need to assist in the future of both a white and smart future.

>> No.18388042

You retard he meant being tired of the situation you nigger cock breather

>> No.18388044

Pay some fucking doctor to cut this acid reflux out of me, fuck this shit lmao.

>> No.18388060

I simplified it as op didnt mention how many millions. Didnt want mine becoming a long essay.

>> No.18388092

My negro

>> No.18388175

Depends how much of a multi-millionaire. Just 1 million I would frugally save and invest so I never have to work again. But if I had 6ish million or more, then probably buy land to build my dream house and get an appointment at the dentist and doctors to finally start getting myself fixed up. Every 20 million after that I would be doing more lavish things such as hiring a maid, going on luxury holidays, >>18382515 every weekend, etc.

>> No.18388188

Put it into VOO and live off it for life.

>> No.18388498

spend it all on gold, silver, guns, ammo and food

>> No.18388854

buy few houses and spread my pool genes

>> No.18389471

Some of them turned out to be lesbians.

>> No.18389497


>> No.18389556


I'd buy 4Chan and put its base of operations in an oil rig in international waters so as to not be subjected to US law and return this site to its former glory.

But only after a month long orgy with hundreds of women.

>> No.18389789

1 big mansion 100 hookers and its gone

>> No.18389857

Buy a bunch of reserved list magic cards and try to find and open a sealed alpha or beta starter deck. Preferably alpha just so I can say I opened an alpha starter deck in my lifetime.

>> No.18389858

buy gold and get a japanese wife

>> No.18389876

That isn't what he said, frendo

>> No.18390161

>any amount under 10m
keep my job, buy a $1m house 100% cash, keep $1m in my bank acc for misc spending, invest the rest in something boring i dont have to actively manage (50% stocks, 40% bonds, 10% bitcoin).
as above but also quit my job to full time manage the money. probably buy high quality commercial real estate (think city center shopping street buildings, the type of locations that every business is fighting for).
as above but with the advice of a swiss wealth manager.
start family office

>> No.18390307

Set up a porn studio and convince impressionable 18 year olds to be filmed

>> No.18390383

invest in utility stocks to reap dividends. live off the dividends forever. then I'd probably move to hawaii. always wanted to live there. might buy a yacht as well.

>> No.18390997

Is buy some gold teeth

>> No.18391008

get on here and larp as a billionaire

>> No.18391030

I know that feeling I work two full time jobs really made me respect and value my fucking time

>> No.18391046

I kill everyone.

>> No.18391171


Except Mongolian harem and have like 20 offspring.

>> No.18391184

Spotted the boomer

>> No.18391931

good long vacation to clear my mind with all shits what happened in my life and went back with tons of ideas

>> No.18391990

Make small businesses selling digital goods.

>> No.18392013

Buy a cheetah. Spend the rest buying apartments.

>> No.18392102

probly end up losing it somehow and kms

>> No.18392192

Not be humble at all to my family

>> No.18392219

buy coronavirus
keep it in a jar

>> No.18392457

Move into a different accommodation. Nothing too crazy though. Then go on a holiday and think about it all. Maybe fuck a super premium prostitute while on holiday. not sure if I would give out anything to people I know. Maybe anonymously to some I know would be happy about little things like a new fridge or something. If you give 1 million $/€ to some people, they kill themselves with it.

>> No.18392475

How did I lose money

>> No.18392741


>> No.18393758


>> No.18394561

>live off the dividends forever
You'll be lucky if you can find any after this year.

>If you give 1 million $/€ to some people, they kill themselves with it.
That's why I was thinking of giving them a "salary" of 20,000 over 50 years instead.

>> No.18394832

great answer anon

>> No.18394849

Pay off my brother's house.

>> No.18394855

buy spy calls with all my money and become a billionaire