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18370205 No.18370205 [Reply] [Original]

I know this guy who is constantly coming up with these weird financial schemes and "life hacks" to save/get/make more money. Some of them are kinda ok, even tho they seem to require way too much effort and workarounds for relatively little payoff but others seem illegal and shady as fuck. Here's one of his latest ones:

>has lived and worked in the UK for the past 6 years or so
>signs up for a bunch of credit cards and maxes out all of them without paying back a singe cent, for a total amount of around 20K GBP according to him
>moves back to living in Hungary where's he's originally from
>doesn't plan on paying them back, claims the worst they can do is keep sending him court summons but nothing will actually happen as long as he doesn't return to the UK
>claims that apparently because of brexit the UK will have even less power to demand their money back

Can he really get away with that with no serious consequences? Seems to me like something that would come back and bite him in the ass big time in the long term. He also has a significant amount of student debt that he's not planning paying back either.
Keep in mind, he also wants to eventually move to the USA and is applying for a green card every year. I know US immigration services do very thorough financial background checks. Wouldn't they reject his application when they find out all the shady shit he's done? He also obviously plans on using credit cards and taking loans in the future if and when he needs to but why would anyone want to lend him money, considering his financial past?
Any anons who are better versed in financial law mind clearing up what the fuck he trying to do exactly and if this shit will fly?

>> No.18370504

Not educated in financial law, can only speak from personal experience. My father is a lifelong conman (He's currently around 60) who has been doing stuff like this. (He is also from Hungary funnily enough)
He owes at least 100s of thousands of Euros to banks, likely even more. He is kind of living outside the system with no official home address/social security, etc. The banks cannot really do anything since on paper he doesn't own anything. Even his cars and phone numbers are officially on his friend's names.
If you are fine with living outside the system and be 100% responsible for yourself and not afraid of constant threatening mails from banks and court etc, and don't mind not having anything on your name and being in semi-hiding you can definitely get away with it.
Personally I wouldn't. You better be a psychopath if you wanna live like this

>> No.18370533

How the fuck do you put something like a car in someone else's name, not pay for it, and still have the car?

>> No.18370732

Im not sure how outside of the system he is exactly, but Im sure most of this stuff is under his name and he does have a permanent address (in Hungary), a national insurance number (for the UK), and a legit ID hungarian card. *I think* he only used some kind of fake address when he was signing up for the credit cards as far as I remember from what he told me. But seriously tho, how much can you really exist outside of the system if you're giving away your personal details to the fucking US government out of all things on an annual basis.

I guess these kind of stuff were kinda easier pull off back in the day when everything was on paper but I find it mind boggling how someone can think you can get away with it today when everything is tracking you and your details exist of dozens of databases simultaneously.

>> No.18370887

He did pay for the cars, but on paper it's registered on someone else. Basically he had to convince that person to do it, and hope they don't steal the car (it happened to him before)
You have to have a permanent/ official mailing address I think, it just has to be somewhere where you don't actually stay at any time so they cannot find you. Same with ID card. Don't think you can exist without it, unless you buy them from someone. They often use poor people for these purposes (like they do with registering companies on their names and whatnot)
As I said you can get away with it if you have the kind of don't give a fuck mental attitude. He was even in jail several times and no bank ever bothered to find him there. I guess the system is too incompetent, even with computers

>> No.18370984

is he jewish?

>> No.18371011

he wishes he was, but no

>> No.18371052
File: 5 KB, 272x326, jewinshadows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is. secretly.

>> No.18371351

No. Ironically he happens to be very antisemitic.

>> No.18371398

The friend is legally letting the dad borrow the car.
If the friend was scummy he could take it away since it’s in his name lul

>> No.18371400

like most Hungarians

>> No.18372853

>life long con man
>also from hungary
These people wouldn't happen to be gypsies would they
because that would make perfect fucking sense

>> No.18372971
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