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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18369391 No.18369391 [Reply] [Original]

>working for a big Java boomer company in Germany
>some projects get cut marketing budget
>still want to keep all devs
>cut down working hours 50%
>company offers 10-20% extra salary on top of government NEETbux
>literally is told I can only work 20 hour no exception since overtime/extra to fix stuff would be highly illegal
>Just realize I get 80% salary for 20 hour work week, my salary i had 2 years ago

Imagine not living in a socialist country who pays the top 10% income earners to stay home and shitpost on biz while 0 hour contract workers get no benefits

>> No.18369423

I know that feel, bro. Kurzarbeit is about as comfy as it gets.

>> No.18369425

have a guess who will pay for it with taxes, muhamed, jamal or is it you hans

>> No.18369458

Well, that's the point - since OP still will have a job after May, he'll have to pay taxes. Funny how that is.

Mutts on the other hand receive free welfare checks that surely they don't have to pay back one way or another. If they are out of a job, that is.

>> No.18369511

Yes, I pay taxes but I actually now get rewared by a strong socialist state

If you are a "minjob" worker that makes maximum 450 EUR per month, you can't take part of those benefits for example. And I still have 3 month resignation time, so even if they let me go tomorrow I get 3 months of full salary

I don't need to take 1200$ one time handouts from the government and live in uncertain terms

>> No.18369525

any comfy tips sir? Go out and get around the block before working(because we also work from home because government coronoa regulation)

I mostly reply to people on slack and push 1 commit per hour the last weeks