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18366643 No.18366643[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I hold lot of btc and made some good gains in the 2017 run. Not calling my self rich but I have decent money , I don't cal my self good-looking but also no ugly. I also lift.
I always knew once you have the money you get the vignu , the problem is I don't get the vignu that I want , all girls that I like are taken. I only attract single mothers or ugly thots.
Tired of fucking hookers and just want to feel liked by someone.
Shit even the crypto pumps don't feel as good as before.
What to do biz ?

>> No.18366669

It's called SeekingArrangements.

>> No.18366840

Yeah but i want someone to like me for who I am , is it weird that I feel like that. I feel the more I fuck hookers the bigger the void grows and sugar daddy is same as hookers

>> No.18366897

anon you should be going to pattaya thailand or macau and fucking top tier porcelain skinned azn qts. What are you thinking? I blew 30k fucking 65 hookers and drowning in alcohol for 6 months straight in thailand. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Women are literally commodities that can be bought and sold.

>> No.18366918

Yeah your right , I think I am becoming blue billed for a sec.
Fuck these hoes

>> No.18366938
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>paying for hookers

The most I've ever paid for sex was 3 vodka crans, a tequila shot, and the uber back to my apartment

>> No.18366941

Stop chasing pussy and dedicate yourself to doing something be it a passion or hobby. Women will then come on their own.

>> No.18366953

Unless you're very old as fuck now then travel around the world instead.

>> No.18366969

Pick yourself up, OP, and listen to either of these anons. The is biz, a board of distiguished gentlemen. This isn’t an incel circle jerk like pol.

>> No.18366993

That's how I found my girlfriend. It took a lot of sex and being hurt from month-long relationships,
but we've been together for 2 years now. It's pretty great.

I dont know how apps are right now because its been a while, but experiment.

Advertise yourself more. Birds-of-paradise have to dance to get dance and put on elaborate shows to attract a mate, so dont think it'll come easy.

Being yourself, and dedicating yourself to your railroad hobby isnt going to cut it with women.
You need to put yourself out there to find out how relationships work.

I was a very different person from when i started putting myself out their for a girlfriend. And that person that i was before was honestly irrational, selfish, and obnoxious.
I found out the reason why I couldn't attract women, and i learned how to be suave and actually maintain a relationship.
I am more comfortable with myself now and I am more attractive to women as a consequence.

dont fall for the Be Yourself meme, because the Yourself you are right now is not something you should just settle with.

>> No.18367004

where's the feast they promised us?

>> No.18367018

date younger girls

>> No.18367025

I didn't tell him to be himself, because his himself is just a pathetic pussychaser. What the fuck is railroad hobby anyway?


Literally every other shit you can put your effort and attention to.

>> No.18367036

Did you strap up? And did you catch anything?

>> No.18367065

Two years with a sloot that was on tinder. Ouch. Dude. Youre wasting time and resources. Repeat after me: any girl that users tinder is disgusting. Girls dont need tinder. Think about it. A girl can literally walk into a bar. Ask: who wants to fuck me and have 100+ candidates. Some of which 8+

And still your slut needed tinder.


Break up
Thank me later

>> No.18367185

I don't know if that's fair, anon. There's good girls in bars and dirty sluts who go to church every week. It's all a case by case basis. Tinder is just the trendy new thing everybody uses. Granted, it would make me be extra scrutinizing towards her, but I won't say it's an outright dealbreaker.

They've been together a couple years, things seem to be going well. Why fuck up a good thing.

>> No.18367239

To be honest anon, a woman isn’t gonna love you for who you are these days. They are extremely rare, like SUPER rare and even then you’re just the guy for her for THAT part of her life until she gets bored of you because you do the same things everyday and she wants to explore the world because she lacks her own hobbies probably.

It’s just the way it goes. If it’s not for your money then it’s dating guys for status elevation (social validation, being put on a pedestal vs other girls). It’s all a competition and your approval isn’t worth shit once they have it.

Focus on one particular goal that puts women in the back of your mind not the front. You’ll stop caring as much and perhaps you’ll find that person for the journey of completing that goal.

Bout to journey not the destination.

>> No.18367249

I went to private school with a friend who was like you, who was convinced that all girls are whores if they fuck anyone else but him.
Hes been unhappy ever since then. His expectations are too high and his own ability to get at women is so low because he doesnt put himself out there. He has some kind of gender superiority-complex thats been burned into him from our educational upbringing. He is an attractive guy but hes shy and he always has an opportunity to put himself out there to girls, but doesn't take it because he has low self-confidence and a feeling of superiority as a little bit of mental slack to give himself to forgive his cowardice.

So with that being said, how dysfunctional are YOU?

>> No.18367252
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Spend a few days watching corey wayne, alpha male strategies and entrepenurs in cars on youtube.
Thank me later.

>> No.18367255

Lift heavy weight

>> No.18367318

Committing yourself to the Hobby instead of the Pussy is not some kind of backwards reverse-psychology way of getting women.
If you honestly want to be attractive to women, you have to go through the gauntlet like the rest of us.

Develop your personality and everything else will follow suit.

>> No.18367394

Church, unironically

>> No.18367426

>strap up
more than 50% of the time
yea i caught one mysterious case of gonz and cured it with zithro and doxy for a week.

>> No.18367435

>entrepreneurs in cars
rich cooper is a fag

>> No.18367541

Find your passion. Believe that it is your purpose in life to pursue it. Put that at the front of your mind in everything you do.
Women are second to your passion, or below. Don't let women distract you from your life goal, because they are not as important.
I can say this because I'm lucky enough to be with a woman who believes the same thing. For both of us, we love our careers more than we love each other.
Disregard bitches, obtain a purpose.

>> No.18367680

>Find your passion
Hello fello PNK holder

>> No.18367702

I am an eastern european and scandinavian mix femanon in my 20s with body count of 1 to current bf, not fiance yet only because LDR. The relationship has been solid for several years.

Guy is very financially secure, but in all honesty that was not a consideration. just my creds here.

I was going to give you advice but you lost me at the fuck those hoes.

I'll give it to you anyway because you won't be able to do it. I met my guy online. It wasn't 4chan or Reddit. You likely don't know this site, but it catered to a very particular interest that could be both a hobby and a profession. The nice thing about this site at the time though, was that it had an open forum for all kinds of discussions - personal, political, education, finance, etc. kind of like here but obviously people had accounts. It was like a little community. This type of village feel would probably be true of any interest-based message forum. I suggest finding one like it, not fucking wallstreet bets, something with a more even male/female ratio and something that would let you track people across different "topics" and see how compatible your viewpoints are. Do people online lie? Yes, but probably not about politics and everything else that isn't being shown off to someone for likability points provided the forum allows this. you might end up with a super long distance relationship but a good thing is worth waiting for. Several people got married that met off that site.

>> No.18367732

>If you honestly want to be attractive to women, you have to go through the gauntlet like the rest of us.
Stop projecting. I never had problems with women and yes I have been in multiple relationships.

>Develop your personality and everything else will follow suit.
It is already implied in what I said that you have to self-improve. Christ, I always forget who I share this board with.

>> No.18367747

yeah no they wont. if you dont purchase them they wont come magically in your way

>> No.18367757

Posting on Kiwifarms won't erase the debt from your psychology major, you sexy minx. Post nudes

>> No.18367777

75 bucks? That's pretty steep anon.

>> No.18367786

Simp cope

>> No.18367822
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>porcelain skinned

do you even hear yourself?

>> No.18367873
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Go get blacked some more you fucking cunt

>> No.18367932

congratulations fucktard, i've paid less

>> No.18368352

Tell us some of your favorite stories about your time with hookers, please. Give us all the juicy details.

>> No.18368532

>sex before marriage

What a whore.

>> No.18368550

>Women will then come on their own.

No they won't.

>> No.18368563

Fuck off roastie

>> No.18368566

Are you in the US? Where the fuck do you find hookers?

>> No.18368589

You rawed hookers in thailand? Are you insane?

Also did you bang any russian ones?

>> No.18368595

She talking bout "that ain't fair". Bitch that's two dollars what you mean that ain't fare (ding dong).

>> No.18368599


>> No.18368644

this is what you will become if you don't change OP
find a passion to pursue and indulge in hobbies, friends and later genuine relationships will follow.

>> No.18368679

You want someone great to like you but you fuck hookers. Your not great as you said nor is your integrity. So you don't get someone great. Simple as. Plenty of 7s have hearts of gold and plenty of 10s are literal demons so get with the program.

>> No.18368700

You're* Also fuck niggers.

>> No.18369002

>For both of us, we love our careers more than we love each other
You should actually be her number 1 priority. If it's anything less than that, prepare to get cucked

>> No.18369061

Post details nigger. I ll give you a few starter points
1) did you only fuck thais
2) did you fuck trannies? (Someone post the british guy livestreaming his fuck with a tranny saying "if you come to thailand and dont fuck a tranny, its like going to turkey and not eating a foking kebab")
3) did you take drugs before, after or during the fuck? And if yes what drugs did tou enjoy the most?

>> No.18369086

Do you have a hobby op? Find a wholesome hobby like climbing for example. I do lots of indoor climbing when the climbing gym isn't closed because of the nothingburger virus. It's a chill place to meet Qts that are fit. Otherwise you pull gold-diggers on tinder and it's shit

>> No.18369128

Yep, I testify for climbing

>> No.18369194

>wholesome hobby like indoor climbing

i dont even know you and i hate you.