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18363467 No.18363467 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 26 years old and I begin to question myself whether or not I had or will have my best life

Is it true that as a man you are the happiest during your 30's ? Not talking about wealth here, just general happiness about yourself and life in general.

>> No.18363477

I'm 32 and every day I pray for the sweet release of death.

>> No.18363486

It's only golden if you have money, car, house and a job. Plus aren't socially awkward.

>> No.18363489

im 35 and suicidal

>> No.18363492

Best ages are 1 - 16. After that life is dull.

>> No.18363499
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Im 22 and I am pretty sure I peaked in elementary school.

>> No.18363504

I turned 30 this year and for the first time since long I can feel like I'm in control and calm. I have a lot of work ahead of me but I know where not to go. So yeah, I guess knowing more about yourself unlocks certain aspects of life that bring you happiness.

>> No.18363512

Yea i think in terms of accepting who you are its probably better. But in terms of social/sexual my life was sooo much better 17-25 (im turning 29 in may). I didn't really make the transition to adulthood

>> No.18363513


I've had my worst memories during that time. School wasn't fun at all and when you're so young you're not respected and nobody listen to you

>> No.18363526


Nice man you are positive that's great

>> No.18363566
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I don't know man. All I can say is that the past 4-6 years for me have objectively been bad for me. Maybe it's just the woman that I'm with that's having this affect on me. And just last week I snooped her internet history and there was a bunch of sites she went on that had the "call off engagement" history search result in there.

fml tb h senpai

>t. 27

>> No.18363583

I turned 30 last year and I can honestly say I feel I am getting old. Even though I have a good career, make way above average, have a house, car, a lot of money invested, a loving girlfriend, etc. I still feel like my body is getting older everyday and I dont have as much energy as I used to have in my 20s.

>> No.18363595

you literally just have to change your diet and exercise and sleep 1h more on average and take cold showers
fucking simple

>> No.18363607

its when you are twelve

>> No.18363614

Fucking this. 30 also.

>> No.18363615

it depends on the age of women you want to fuck. women generally only want guys 1-3 years older than them or same age

>> No.18363618
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30s are great as long as you eat well, exercise, and made a lot of money in your 20s

>> No.18363646

No my diet is fine and I sleep 7 hours everyday. I used to work out A LOT in my 20s like 4-5 days a week but I had to stop because I was too busy with running business etc. Maybe it has to do something with that.

>> No.18363656

25 and every year it get more depressing

>> No.18363663
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me too, me too

>> No.18363681

27 will be 28 this november. Your best year is middle school - early uni. Then if you do decent, your early fatherhood can be the best.

>> No.18363688

26 and i have never had a girlfriend

i make pretty good money, but still live at my parents (to save up money).
I should move out, right bros? that should make getting a gf much easier i think

>> No.18363693

34. My ex is 23, my gf 20. Good girls from good families
fuck you and your limited mindset

>> No.18363700

Everyday is what you make it.

>> No.18363703

Who cares what roasties want?

>> No.18363710

Literally the thread is not for under 20s to answer. You're literally every 20yo

>> No.18363742
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>> No.18363759

30's is prime if you're not married. every girl you could never get in your 20's start drooling over you like cock hungry slaves. it's truly insane how many women have daddy fetishes.

>> No.18363832

Not to sound too tinfoil hat but try avoiding non native EMF (wifi, cellphones etc). Walk barefoot on the grass (grounding). Avoid sugar and high carb foods (eat high quality meats and fat). Get lots of sleep and reduce stress.

I've been doing these things since my twenties and I look younger than all my friends (mid-30s). They're all getting the standard dad bod + receding hair while I look and feel basically the same as I did when I was 25.

>> No.18363840

If you made the right moves in your 20s (invested $, skilled up (i.e. changed jobs multiple times to increase $$$$), avoided debt, and avoided toxic women) then your 30s are awesome (me).
Not 40 yet.
Are the 20s the golden age for most men? Undoubtedly.

>> No.18363853

Also, lift weights in your 20s.

>> No.18363856

your best age starts when you stop doing the shit you're doing now and stop figuring out how your best age should be

>> No.18363859

Golden age is whenever you start to succeed. Just keep trying, and understand that everyone moves through life at a different pace

>> No.18363877

No offense but your post reeks of someone who feels they've wasted their 20s and is hoping their 30s will be better somehow.

>> No.18363883

true for me, im 32 and it has never been easier

>> No.18363884

>Is it true that as a man you are the happiest during your 30's ?
I am 35 and am still a neet. so, no.

>> No.18363910

I don't think I could find happiness in this environment. Everything feels superficial.

Thinking about it I would be happier living in the countryside in a community that I feel a sense of true belonging with. I would have a job within the community. Strong connections with people you've known your whole life. You actually get to marry someone and have known them also from childhood. It might not even need to be in the countryside. I just want a sense of belonging and meaning.

>> No.18363926

Thanks anon, I will try that out. Btw I still look 25ish too, or at least thats what everyone tells me.

>> No.18363942

You 30s and 40s are great if you actually set goals and achieved them in your 20s setting the rest of your life up for success. Compounding returns are real, whether that’s financial, skills, career, etc.

If you spend your entire 20s only partying your 30s and 40s will suck because you will just be a fatter older version of yourself. Many of your drunken friends will have moved on/grown up, and you will be the weird old guy trying to party with 20 year olds or drinking by yourself in the corner

>> No.18363950

Uh yeah dude, moving out is the only way you're going to get a girl. You can't pull to your parents house lmao

>> No.18363962

Here is the key :

>> No.18363963

45 year old here

your only acceptable as man if you have children.

2+ or more is better.

It proves you have had sex (unless cucked).

So its necessary but not sufficent to have had children.

Then you have to a a few million to not be a wage cuck.

then you get some what accepted but are still largely expnedable.

What you do get is to not give a fuck as mcuh about other people and things. It just oesn't effect you as much as it used too.

Still can but you get over it faster, eg in a few days no months.

Women are laregly insane by a mans standard.

Eg men are so easy to keep happy fuck them wll and thats it.

But women just can't get tit thoug htheir head that if they wan't their man to bring home the money and do well, he goning to feel a whole lot better if you fuck and blow job him really well every night. that guy is going to feel great and perform well.

Women lack an interest in poltics and most other things males like. Thats not bad just different they are on the local socail defence team by keeping up with gossip to look out for imeadate threats to family.

I need about 3 x jack offs a day just to function and not be distracted by sex.

Thats better it used to be a lot more.

>> No.18363978

This is the experience of the low iq

>> No.18363982

>Compounding returns are real, whether that’s financial, skills, career, etc.
^this right here is the real answer.
>I am 35 and am still a neet. so, no.
Don't be this guy.
It only gets harder the longer you wait ($$$, women, weight-lifting, finding potential mentors that can take you under there wing or show you the ropes, etc.).

>> No.18363983

virgin detected

>> No.18363995

Boys hit "The Wall" at 18. They become men if they can climb over it.

>> No.18364034

I'm 22 and every year I feel more confident, intelligent, and ambitious. I feel like I'm just getting started on life and finally have the freedom and experience to live the life I want

>> No.18364047

mate, 2 kids, and two women in my bed for the last few years.....
the wifes gf, me and the wife.

I fuck my wife while the wifes gf sits on my face and i lick her cunt out.

also they both cook and look after the kids.

Wifes gf pays rent for her room.

been living here for 5 years.

so yeah, nah. and I have 100BTC

>> No.18364052
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Late 30s here. It all depends on where you are and what you've done with yourself. I may be fairly inept socially, but it's never hindered me too much in life. It wasn't until I was 30 I started getting a better grip on my finances, got a house on some land, and generally started making better decisions all around (health, social circles, etc.). Surrounding yourself with good people early on in your 20s can determine how your thirties will go, and so on and so forth. Best thing to do is take an assessment of your life right now:

>Where am I financially? What can I do to increase my income? New job, career change? "How can I profit from this?" Should be at the end of every thought.
>Are the people I associate with doing well for themselves? Will they help me achieve my goals or will they hold me back?
>What mistakes did I make the last 5 years and how can I right the ship?
>What good decisions have I made and how can I build on those?

If you can answer all of this honestly for your own self interest you'll definitely help set up each decade of your life for as much success as possible. Also run this by a close friend or family. We're all going to make it fren

>> No.18364056

Lying is a sin.

>> No.18364065

wife my age wf gf 28 also both work

>> No.18364090


>> No.18364094

no, it all goes down hill after 25. enjoy your life while you can.

>> No.18364157

>finding potential mentors that can take you under there wing or show you the ropes, etc.
i'm desperate for this. none of the people at my current job can serve this type of role. i have no idea how i can find a mentor, even a career mentor (tech). I think I need to change jobs. i'm 26.

>> No.18364173
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yep I am larping

>> No.18364181

also wanted to mention i'm making 80k at 26. am I going to make it?

>> No.18364183

Here is the red pill
It keeps you young forever (and horny, which can be a problem if you are married and your wife doesn't have the same sex drive as you).

>> No.18364194

Job title and # of years within current role
salary rounded to the nearest 10k.

>> No.18364225

Degree: Comp Eng
Job title: Devops/SRE role
Salary: 80k

>> No.18364279

What is your strongest scripting language?
What is your strongest compiled language?
Are you working in east/west coastal USA?

>> No.18364319
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>every girl you could never get in your 20's
can now be rolled like a katamari

>> No.18364330

1. Python
2. Java
East Coast, NYC area

>> No.18364476

You are underpaid.
You should an apply for an entry position with Amazon:
e.g. https://www.amazon.jobs/en/jobs/1058230/developer-support-engineer
Or, possibly pivot to a system engineer position:
Your next job salary needs to be 115k+ in NYC.

>> No.18364566

That's why i'm trying to jump jobs.
I'm interviewing atm, although I have not done so well on my previous interviews.

Kind of bums me out. I think I need to either apply to more jobs, or grind out better interview game.
The major advantage to my current job is I work remotely, and it's very low stress.
But being 26, I think I should almost seek stress so I can really sharpen my tools and grow my skills faster.

It's not been easy bros and I will fucking rope myself if I don't get a qt gf and 125k salary by 30. It's all so tiring.

>> No.18364574

Have sex

>> No.18364597

Life sucks after 30-35 depending o your genetics.

You’re slower
You’re weaker
Physically it sucks jo matter how much u lift.

But mentally you’re smarter.

So it’s when you’re ready to stop being physical you’re awake.

>> No.18364642

Life is always shit unless you’re Chad and over the last 10 years the difficulty has increased to the point where you have to be Gigachad.

The average shmuck participating in society is totally cucked, used by other people, treated like shit, disposed of as soon as he’s not useful. It’s not an age thing, it’s true at all ages.

>> No.18364710

For normies it trully is, it's amazing how women love older guys.

You don't even need to be rich or beautiful, if you live in your own house/apartment and have a car, you're a god here in Brazil.

>> No.18364745

based and true. I'm 31 and it's never been easier to get pussy

>> No.18364751

I'm 35. Just make sure you go to the gym and make money reliably. Life is as good as it was in my 20s (possibly better due to having my life way more under control) except for family dying, friends getting divorced and/or dying, and other shit that doesn't directly relate to my own life. That's the crappy part. It's having to watch others suffer and I have every reason to believe this will only get worse. More funerals, more visits to the hospital, etc. I don't think I'll get too slow until my 50s and by then hopefully anti-aging medicine will have improved beyond TRT which I'll probably start in my 40s.

>> No.18364823

This is true. I'm 25yo and feel like I'm stuck in a limbo. My linkies stay super stinky, but it feels like life has nothing to offer anymore. I have done alot more then the average joe in my life and cant just get excited about anything anymore.

Someone very wise once said that every man that lives to see his 30 should become a king or die in a war and its starting to make sense

>> No.18364884

How much money do you make anon?

How do I make the most of my 20s? I feel like I have already wasted them.

>> No.18364912
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>> No.18364929

we're in this together, fren.
I am okay with my shit, but people started dying, getting crippled or just waste away their time. Really makes you think some days...

Other than that I dont feel very different from my mid 20s.
Best time was probably late teens/early 20s for me.

Am 33 now.

>> No.18364976

yes your larping go to bed

>> No.18365036

>How do I make the most of my 20s? I feel like I have already wasted them.

Travel and fuck as much as you can. "Youth is wasted on the young", they say. Don't let that be true for you. Try everything once, be brave, take chances. Hug your parents and grandparents a lot and concentrate on how it feels so you will remember. Use your body, ideally at outdoor sports/activities, enjoy the feeling of mastering your own body and having the muscles and strength to overcome challenges.

>> No.18365063
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>all girls have daddy fetish
>tfw mommy fetish
life is cruel

>> No.18365069

I havent been working for a couple of years. I have my 50k stinkies and shares of lp and hustle some money from time to time. I have a comfy neetlife.
Everything is well and good, but the excitement and curiousity of the world, life has gone to zero and flattening of emotions.
I keep myself healthy with hobbies, buut this year I have drunk alot of liquer.

>> No.18365149

what happens if the stinkies become stinkier anon?

>> No.18365346
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>Is 30 to 40 years the golden ages for men ?
This is said almost exclusively by middle aged men after they realize that they no longer have the drive or physical youth they had only a couple of years before. It terrifies them and emasculates them to know that younger, healthier, better looking men are having fun so they use their wealth and status as a coping mechanism.

>> No.18365368

I peaked in middle school

>> No.18365371

Anon dump her she’s a succubus. My last ex was. She will get you killed

>> No.18365407

Haven’t jacked off in 8 days. You can do it.

>> No.18365444

Ok boomer

>> No.18365900


like not lifitng, muscles atrophy also

your balls atrophy and dick shrinks when you dont use them

>> No.18365960

what do you mean by waste away their time because im pretty sure you and I are doing that by posting on this board. If someone enjoys eating shit sandwiches they can do that for the rest of their life and die happy

>> No.18365980

Source? I haven't fapped for 3 months.

>> No.18367430

44 here... best years are 7 to 11

>> No.18367465

Happiness is a side effect of healthy living. Do not eat 12 - 16 ours every night , move your body go sleep early and primal vehicle of happiness is healthy strong wedlock which you keep sacred with respect and courtesy all life.
You can do it, can you ? Fancy pants , lollipops and easy women crew your life. Run away from comfort like it is a death of all good.

>> No.18367681

Im 39 yrs old.
My wife works finance, I develop real estate.
Been married since I was 19 yrs old.
20’s was full of infidelity , Cocaine , alcohol. I’ve got a 9inch cock. I could not keep it in my pants and woman love it.
30’s was a bunch of the same,
I found myself really diggin that 40+ milf’s because my selection of hot chicks has dwindled down to roasties
On Xanax and Cabernet.
I also noticed my erection not as strong as it once was, but I’m 10 lbs heavier today then 10 yrs ago. Maybe it’s correlated.
Im a healthy person. 6-2 200lbs
Eat healthy, drink occasionally, smoke weed daily, snort cocaine off a hotties nipples whenever I get the chance.
Healthy marriage today. Not so much 10 yrs ago. Life is good.
40’s should be entertaining.
My wife has developed a lesbianism attraction, we’ve had 4 threesomes this year. 1st time I was so excited I couldn’t get a hard on. 2nd time killed that theory.

>Have sex incels

>> No.18367719

any age is golden if you have money and the things you love, but yeah 30-40 is really sweet if you have your shit together

>> No.18367727

30 is considered the physical peak if that's what you mean.

>> No.18367728

result if low iq

>> No.18367750

seek help

>> No.18367763

same but 35

>> No.18367977

This. Physically I'm sure I peaked at 26 or something. But now at 30 I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.

>> No.18368464

Maybe they don't have daddy fetishes but simply like the idea of a guy taking care of and protecting what could very well be motherly selves. Which they are denied by today's culture. And it's simply normal, then represented in some form of weird "daddy fetish." Because culture creates the association that a guy who is more than 10 years older must be "daddy."

Also: 20 is too old. The female prime starts around the ages 14-16. Can you keep your strange milf fetishes to yourself? Thanks.

>> No.18368718

I 22 now, and I used to think that as well. Then I started making changes in my life that I knew would pay off in the future. That was 4 years ago. I wasn't happy then, but I am happy now. You are responsible for your own happiness, so don't dwell on the past, but owe up to that responsibility.

>> No.18368789

i didnt have my first job until i was 27. so started 27 with a small debt, a university degree, no job experience. university (in europe) was a disaster, barely any girls in my field and there was no "campus" experience at all, just big city life which SUCKED as a guy in his twenties (broke, no confidence, shitty apartment).

started to work, money came in, started to eat healthy bc i could afford it, get natural confidence due to being skilled in what i do at my job, translates to social confidence.

life at 32 is much, MUCH better. my biggest fear was i would only end up with old washed up 30+ women, but no - any girl 18-30 y/o is open to me. i finally get the abundance mentality that chicks have in their early twenties.

>> No.18369182

Imagine looking so much like a virgin that you need children to prove you've had sex

>> No.18369201

Honestly a lot of girls have mommy fetishes, it's just not very culturally accepted

>> No.18369219

Same but 14

>> No.18369229

What a roastie post.

>> No.18369364


>> No.18369404

Eurofag reporting in. Where do you find the 20-30 yo pussy? 25 yo and feeling like my options are less and less

>> No.18369452

Literally this. 22 now, when I was 15, I was the top student in my school and almost had a gf (pussied out). Now I am close to a university dropout and a kv.

>> No.18369514
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Based and illuminati pilled

>> No.18369522

29 here, I made lots of mistakes in the last years but I can say that I grew from them. I'm having a stable job even in this crisis, I don't overwork myself and have a few close friends. I feel like I'm doing better now than in my early twenties.

>> No.18369523

> I am close to a university dropout
Stop school for a year or so and get your shit together. Its now or never nigga

>> No.18369532

Also adding : exercise on a regular basis. Not being a fat slob does a lot for making yourself feel better about yourself.

>> No.18369537

That pic made me kek. Thnx.

>> No.18369571

7 hours isn't a lot, especially when it probably takes you on average about 30-45 minutes to actually fall asleep. You're probably getting like 6 hours even if you time yourself at 7. But you should ideally be aiming for 8 anyway. Sleep is more important than most people realize, and yes a single hour makes a huge difference.

>> No.18369705

Not sleep more, sleep earlier, wake up earlier. Eat less, it will help clear the mind.

>> No.18369722

Life felt more real and vibrant before 21. Emotions were stronger. Why do you think everybody drinks at that age? The effect has worn off.

>> No.18369758

what you do in your 20s determines how you live in your 30s and beyond because it compounds into your 40s, 50s etc.
the guys you see living the life in their 30s didn't sit on their thumbs waiting to decay
those people nolifed their 20s to be in that posistion, losers like you just think that you need to wait until your 30 and do nothing in the mean time and everything will get better, ah shit my life is so bad right now, guess Ill just wait till 30 like all the chads.
get a grip and sort your shit out, doing nothing in your 20s is like a death sentence

>> No.18369790

This guy is right, you don't realise what sleeping/eating habits you get into as you get older.

>> No.18369804

Men peak around mid 40s or later depending on fitness level
Women peak around age 19

>> No.18369836


not necessarily. it depends on a lot of things and some things you can and some you cant control. The thing is, it is actually quite simple. All you have to do is do your homework, workout, have fun and stay clear of negativity. It cant be that hard right???

>> No.18369855


Also, buying LINK now will def improve your 30s

>> No.18369884
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Lmao what a cope.
Women peak at 18-20 indeed, but men don't peak much later.
If you go to a nightclub, who's the most likely to pull the hottest prime girls : the mid-20's guy or the 40 year old balding dude?

>> No.18369899

Girls in general in the 20s like this loud alpha male stereotype

But when you are in the 30s, they like "guys who have the shit together". If you don't have a NEET life or apartment, a solid job, fun hobbies etc and take care of the home and can cook, they jump on you in comparsion to in the 20s

>> No.18369914

That's a man

>> No.18370020

>just do everything nigga
Well no shit,

>> No.18370069

And do what, coom for a year?

>> No.18370083

So basically or the roasties that have their pucci shredded to pieces in their 20s now want to "settle down" and "make peace with god"

>> No.18370111

You fell for the happiness psyop. I feel sorry for your failure OP.

>> No.18370121

You fucking fag. No. Even though you ll have to coom once in a while to get trannies out of your mind for a while. The plan is to establish what you want in life and then make a plan to get after it. A year is enough time to give you space in your mind to see where you re fucking up in your life and where you re doing good. Not everybody is mature enough to go to uni at 18

>> No.18370216

it's a wisdom thing. men don't mentally mature until 30, I doubt you can even graduate the local library's catalogue to a sufficient standard before then.

>> No.18370240
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I'm 32 this year. It really depends on your exact situation whether you peak in your 20s or in your 30s. I blew up on the launch pad to life as a late teen early 20 something. My entire 20s was like an extended adolescence. I look back at when I was 25-27 and I had the brain of a kid. Now I have an OK job and a wife that makes more money than I do. We have our own condo and life is pretty good. I used to have crippling depression but the things that used to bother me simply don't anymore. You become more stoic and therefor happier in general I've found. It's harder to maintain a six pack but the trade off is you're better able to choose what bothers you and what doesn't.

>> No.18370338

I changed to my computer so I have a new ID.
Thank you anon for honestly trying to help. I do not have the choice of not doing anything for 1 year since my parents would be extremely against that and I still depend on them financially (they pay for my rent so I dont take student loan) and have pretty close ties with them. Besides that, I have only 1 year left of my 5 year program (2 years of courses though). I have been thinking much lately and came to the conclusion that I would be extremely happy with my life if I only had a gf, a couple of good friends and a job in the field I am studying (CE&robotics). This all sounds not too unbelievable to achieve, and I can get motivated and have a great day. The next day I end up on this god forgotten place and promise myself that my next video on youtuube will be the last before I get doing what I need and want to.

>> No.18370346
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Oh and to add, when you reach your 30s your sex drive is less aggressive so I've found that although I can't "slay puss" like some faggot dudebro in his 20s, the benefit is I don't even want to, and the vast majority of modern women fucking disgust me and I have contempt for them, so I'm not a thirsty beta simp anymore like I was in my late teens or 20s. Thots should be shot.

>> No.18370366

Absolutely based and truthpilled post right here

>> No.18370513

I'd smash the fuck out of that one

Wouldn't even look twice at those skinny dogs

Also life is good at any age if you are on the right track

If you are still playing video gaymes bing bing wahoo at 25+ and working a cuckold job then it's ogre for you

>> No.18370523

Oh ok. I had the same issue with distractions. Download cold turkey on your pc and buy the premium so you can set block periods, its worth the money. Then get rid of your smartphone ie leave it at your parents home and get a dumbphone. From then on schedule your days in advance, a notebook with calendar for each day is helpful for that. On your free time do some sports, whatever get your rocks off.
On that note if you re not willing to sacrifice you re NGMI

>> No.18370540

>men ackshooaly peak in their 20's
confirmed for being an incel who thinks everyone goes to clubs to get laid, why would anyone listen to you? Everyone knows older men have special advantages over younger girls, this is just a cope.

>> No.18370570

fuck child minded women, fuck primitive monkey like normies and fuck you, most humans are such flaming hating turds, can't wait until everything crashes and burns and finally wipes out this fucking universe
the best post in this entire thread

>> No.18370575

I just said nightclub as an example you utter coper.
But yeah, keep coping. Younger girls ABSOLUTELY LOVE fat, balding, grey-haired men with ageing skin. Faggot.

>> No.18370587

great so you can be beta bucks provider for chads leftovers

>> No.18370670

Thank you anon, I will do everything that you wrote. It will be extremely hard and I have failed on similar plans before, but I honestly cannot keep living like this, even death would be better.

>> No.18370704


>> No.18370726

My only issue is regarding how to meet girls when this corona shit is present and even after it. I am not the type of pick-up person, I do not want ons with roasties, I just want a kind girl that I love and that loves me. Sorry for the cringe

>> No.18370744

There’s some study that life satisfaction is lowest in mid 40s

>> No.18370803

I found that 28-35 is about the best

>> No.18370919
File: 58 KB, 688x323, pepefren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now i'm exactly in your shoes when you were 27 and finishing uni. Hope I can get in the comfy position where you are now, fellow eurofag.

>> No.18370938

cool story bro

>> No.18370974

every girl is being pounded by CHAD. cope

>> No.18370986

I'm 37 oldfag, in this since the shutting down of the pools. I can tell you that my 30s are very different than my 20s. Are they better? Yes,. Am I happier? It's a different happiness, so yes. Family, a more solid spiritual maturity. Financially strong. Healthy. No drugs, no alcohol, meditation. I already did it all.

>> No.18371036
File: 307 KB, 384x593, 1586075164309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after the World Government mandated quarantine till 2025, there will be no more procreation allowed in order for the planet to heal goyim, sorry bout that, you can still masturbate though, meeting females will only be permuted to our shabos goyim and white scum criminal degenerates.

>> No.18371211

Honestly, I think life satisfaction is best in your 30's and 40's. You're more financially stable, have a stronger self identity, and experienced to handle problems better. Superficially, your pool of drugs and women is higher quality, but a lot of that depends on the choices you make in your 20's. Get your mind right, get your body right, get your money right and your 30's and 40's will be just fine. Best of luck, anon.

>> No.18371374

I'm 30.
Happiest I've ever been was when I was 19.
I'm trying to remember whats its like to be happy rn.
Also you'll start accumulating health conditions in your late 20s so no, 30s is not happiest time.

>> No.18371439

What if you're 5'5

>> No.18371507

>be 23 year old me, have cases of oneitis, occasionally depressed, women and making good money seem like a complete mystery
>spend the next 10 years reading books from philosophy to finance, exercising more and eating better. kicking childish habits like porn and vidya.
>At 33 no problem getting girls and doing whatever I want with them, certainly none of this oneitis shit (treat all women the same). after enough years pass you don't even remember their names let alone dwell on them. financially secure and earning more than younger me could even imagine.

It does get better Anons, you just have to put in some work and be in it for the long term. Older version of you will look back and cringe at the dumb shit you're doing now. And that will be a good thing, because it will have meant you've progressed in life. Worst thing you can do with your life is just sit around seeking sympathy and not progress because you think everything is outside of your control.

Your basic assumption should be 'it's my fault' - until proven otherwise. Gains some control over your own life and you will be happier for it, even when things fuck up because you can learn from it.

>> No.18371511

you know, there are a lot of girls not being "chad leftovers" as opposite what you incels think

the ones focusing on their studies, early career, taking care of an old parent, doing some art classes and whatever

>> No.18371569

But are you actually happy?
Doesn't sound like it to me.

>> No.18371586

>the ones focusing on their studies, early career, taking care of an old parent, doing some art classes and whatever
all those literally get railed nonstop by chad
keep coping anon, with your "pure" 30 year old roastie kekek

>> No.18371716

I believe 30 to 40 is the best years of your life IF you are getting yourself sorted by your mid-20s. By sorted I mean beginning your career, have a steady social life, some form of independence, responsibility and control over yourself, etc. Otherwise, you are just going to be as miserable and pathetic as you are in your 20s and will just end up like me or >>18363477.
t. 35yo.

>> No.18371837

childhood is learning
teens is jerking off
20s is jerking off and dream chasing
30s brings acceptance
40s and onward you don't give a shit. you pay your bills and just enjoy it

I'm not saying you can't still change the world but we can't all eat bat soup all day

>> No.18371878

25 is peak physical, but just passing 32 I feel mentally better than ever. Inner peace, mastery of skills. The mind matures.

>> No.18371906

Women shouldn’t work or go to school

>> No.18371947

Why does this board attract so many larpers?

>> No.18372307

Receding hair is genetic. I know fat slobs with full heads of hair at 50 and college athletes with noticeable recession.

>> No.18372401

It's repulsive when pajeets try to form sentences

>> No.18373239

This. School, uni and work are the perfect environment for stacies to be split in 2 by chad. Even a shut off who is taking care of someone will get her shit pushed just to let some steam off from time to time.

>> No.18373266

happiness is a meme when youre not rich

>> No.18373285

>a job
thats the worst part of it...

>> No.18373336

Same but 21

>> No.18373359

Can't have sex when 1-14. So yeah, life is dull that young.

>> No.18373449

Those who aren't larping post timestamps with their bullshit

>> No.18373460

the women's "meme careers" don't really count as they don't do anything worthwhile, of value, usefulness or importance

>> No.18373478

no. when you hit 30, you spend the rest of your life wishing you were just 10 years younger. early 20's are the golden age.

>> No.18373559
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Are you projecting? I'm turning 30 this year and can't buy smokes or see an R-rated movie without showing ID, and cheeky boomers never believe I am of legal age. I don't look a day over 23 apparently. So anecdotally, aging as a male is only bringing me benefits with women. A fat boring guy is fat and boring regardless of his age, it is possible but difficult to change and most men have no excuse. Dated a girl eight years younger than me, thinking 35-45 will be my prime sexual selection years. You a bond habe a bucket of crabs mentality and obviously don't get out much, men are active into their fucking 70's and 35+ year old men with women in their twenties is common.

>> No.18373630

I'm 456 576
still going strong
>456 540's is the golden decade

>> No.18374022

I am 25 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.18374363

>28 y/o burger
>live at home paying $200 rent, comfy because I love my family
>girlfriend lives in same town, we are looking for a house together. She wanted to for last year but I tried to stall because I thought markets would drop
>I only make 40k at my job when I am FT, but I am back to PT to finish my bachelors in business administration so only make ~$400/week
>$29k 401k, 5k USD, 130 oz. silver, 0.8 BTC 1000 LINK 8 ETH 12 LTC. Few thousand in guns and ammunition
>about 25k in debt, don't really want to pay right now because I expect some type of inflation so kick the can down the road
>have my real estate license, haven't done anything with it because I am in my own head
>with the lockdowns I have been trying to exercise more and go on hikes more often, hiked 8 miles in last 48 hours

How fucked am I, lads? I have a lot of internal struggle and feel as if I have fucked up my life because most of my friends have high 5 figures - 6 figure jobs and are buying houses and such. I feel very behind and get very stressed because I have no idea what I want to do for a job. The idea of waging in a wage cage for the rest of my life makes me want to die instead of live that way. Is it over for me?

>> No.18374477

Based and time-pilled

>> No.18374533

Disregard women, and for the most part relationships. Once you do that you can achieve significant happiness.

>> No.18374599

Do NOT do TRT (Testosterone replacement therapy) until you need it. Maybe beginning at 50, possibly later.

If you begin to take exogenous (not your bodies natural production) testosterone then your bodies natural testosterone production will TURN OFF and never come back on again.

TRT may be useful, but it will cause problems if you take it too early.

>> No.18374671

lmao I don't know how the boomers in here can say anything past early 20's is good

all I see past that are constantly mounting expectations, who gives a fuck if you get to sleep with overweight disgusting ogre women

>> No.18374905
File: 510 KB, 1080x2178, xy3ml8ejqxx21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is 30 to 40 years the golden ages for men
Every life stage is amazing if you're attractive. You are attractive...right?

>> No.18374956

m8, you are free to eat at McDonald's everyday if you want.
Some prefer to treat themself from time to time, or better, cock at home.

If you fuck ogre woman, you choose to.
Either do sport with her to keep her if shape if it your gf, or just don't fuck ogre if it's fuck buddy.

>> No.18374959

As with most things in life, it's just cope. If you can be rich in your 20s you don't need to be old.

>> No.18375012

28-35 physical
then 35-55 mental
then you fall apart

>> No.18375080

Early 20s is peak experience, your a grown man but your not as blackpilled.

>> No.18375302

34, best time of my life so far

>> No.18375333


Fuck no, 27 is peak male life.

>> No.18375345


>> No.18375390
File: 82 KB, 650x444, riot-650x444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bike riding, cussing, backyard football, pools, and RuneScape. I would give up everything to go back to being 12 again

>> No.18375436

not said I was looking for something "pure", just said not everyone is an instagram thot like you think

>> No.18375534

Yeah you just seem like you are coping. You missed out on true love lmao.

>> No.18375660

Post timestamp on her butthole lol

>> No.18375853


I've been burned too many times by thinking women are human. I wish I could see them as just sexual objects, but don't seem to have the ability to like lots of men.

>> No.18375943

trips of truth, also the peak year statistically for most baseball players

>> No.18376378
File: 30 KB, 960x960, 8A73B5D6-6A3B-48CA-B13A-71AE5B9EA20E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mom & dad
>both are each others first love
>married for a 40 years
>generic illness
>doctors fucking up
>dad passes away in an instant
>see mom absolutely helpless
>see mom cutting all social contacts
>see mom pretty much dead on the inside (not the teenager emokid kind of way)
>getting worse day by day
>any helping momentum or gesture of support fades within 3 or 4 days max
>ff 4 years
>its like shes an automat
>depressiveautomat wastingaway.bat

Get the idea? This may happen to one extend or another. Brother wasting away after fucking it up with his wife. Little sister losing it over dad passing away and mom unable to cope, quitting her education and job... bad times.

I dont give two fucks if all you do day in day out is wank and smoke, as long as it is what you want and what makes you happy. The above cases are different.

>nice blog post

>> No.18377466

Im 34 and 2 girls Ive met and gone out with were 19, and 20, both virgins (and both christians).

Too bad I find most girls that young annoying now.

>> No.18377673

James, get off 4chan

>> No.18378177

30's are only enjoyable if you built your self up well enough by then.

>> No.18378335

They sound like literal children at that age. A lot of degens on here think that's hot, but it really isn't. Especially when putting up w/ their bs. 30+ women are much hornier and talk less.

>> No.18378339

why can't men just not be cum brains? it's pretty pathetic how crippled you all are by your dicks.

>> No.18378356
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, 1579887752700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id say all the way to 30 was prime.
30 to 40 was still plenty good but by then your are starting to "see" , feel or just sense, the end of the line up ahead and beginning the progression towards a more feeble, decrepit existence your life will eventually be

>> No.18378384


Only golden if you had a shit twenties. You should be slaying pussy and having a good time in your twenties. If you played your cards right you should have your own car and home in your thirties.

>> No.18378447

I feel more aware and alert right now than I did in my early 20s (26 now). Also I have been working out and have been replacing fat with muscle, starting to actually have confidence in myself for once in my life combined with going back to (and doing better in) college while holding 9K LINK.

I feel like my life will peak in my mid 30s

>> No.18378459

Def not 45 unless some sort of mental retardation

>> No.18378536

26 here. Haven't had a gf since I was 18. The only good thing that could happen is if I do all my work and get away with my Bachelors degree this month.

>> No.18378596
File: 91 KB, 500x446, D4EF1085-F5B6-4108-87E5-775A96DCFE75.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you begin to take exogenous (not your bodies natural production) testosterone then your bodies natural testosterone production will TURN OFF and never come back on again.
never post again you fucking downie

>> No.18378605

great so you found some roastie with daddy issues. only mentally ill women date men almost twice their age. go in bumble and see how many 18 yr old women set 34 as a possible age range. almost none. most 18 year old women want 19 year old men

>> No.18378698

most women I know lost thier virginity at 13-14

>> No.18379503

Almost had to go to jail 5 years ago because I got caught buying weed off darknet. I ordered heroin today. If I get caught this time, I lose my gf, dog and go to jail for sure. I know I won't survive it so might as well off myself. But I just couldn't resist the urge to get that feel once more. Smoking that shit feels like your coin just went up 100x. I'm scared to shit and I'll never do it again. Just want this package to get through without getting caught. I'm so miserable. Hold me.

>> No.18379727

Bullshit pseudoscience. "Genetics" is a cop out excuse. Gene expression responds to environmental stimuli i.e. the things I mentioned in my post.
>t. male pattern balding runs in my family. I noticed it myself in my early twenties and stopped it completely through the lifestyle changes I mentioned.

>> No.18379770

It's over from womb to tomb unless you are Chad.

>> No.18379818

look how the fucking incel conveniently said 1-14 when the original OP said until 16.

Chads are barebacking 15yo prime stacies at 15-16 while you rot.

its so fucking over, fully over.

>> No.18379894

How do people do this when they live with their parents? Nobody I know my age (all employed, mid twenties) can afford their own place. Long Island, NY

>> No.18380264

You havent wage cucked yet and realized the true cost of living your still on college loan bucks. It's an entirely different world. Hopefully you prepared well.

>> No.18380327



What's it feel like? Heard pure bliss, but wanna crowdsource. I'm just curious - would never do it.

>> No.18380339

Depends on where you live. But 80k is wage cuck bucks most likely. I'm at 170k after equity payout (130k base) in detroit area at 25. I still feel like I won't make it. Dont even have a house yet cause this fuckin virus

>> No.18380356

I've seen too many depressed 30 somethings that are beaten down by life and have had the soul sucked out of them, to think it's a golden decade for everybody. It's a good decade for people really trying to turn their shit around and grow up or people who were already crushing it in their 20's though.

>> No.18380378

Very true.

>> No.18380413

>tfw my only IRL Runescape friend got hit by a train and died when I was 16

>> No.18380414

Feels like you just won 1 million dollars. Not a care in the world. It's enough to ruin your life.

>> No.18380504

I'm 31, but I really wish I was twelve again. Fun just isn't as fun anymore.

>> No.18380595


Shit man, I might know your brother. Sounds real familiar. My life fell apart around the same time. Ontario?

>> No.18380649

>posting on 4channel makes me happy

>> No.18380667


Thanks, anon. Take it easy with it.

>> No.18380715

>buying weed off darknet
Buy drugs from prostitutes you've established a friendly relationship with

>> No.18380814
File: 197 KB, 1080x1350, 1586214297324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't know the peak until it is behind you. You'll only know your peak on your deathbed.

also different things peak at different times, wealth, health, sex, happiness, all different things

>> No.18380839

what job do you have?
desu you'd have to pay me similar to live in Detroit.

>> No.18380878

There is no roadmap for this. You are not entitled to anything. You are in control of your own life, if you fuck up its on you. Go out and achieve what you want, if you dont even know what you really want, start there. Buy chainlink

>> No.18380898

25 is peak physical potential, almost no one hits their peak potential so it doesn't really matter.

>> No.18380900

Technical sales engineer role and yes most engineers round here make under 90k I'm doing good right now but the boomers still cuck me with their inflated assets and who knows what might happen job security wise with the virus.

>> No.18380943

so you are doing sales? or actual tech? never heard of such a role.
that's good money man. just save up and don't get cocky making that much.
I think sometime this year it will be somewhat more affordable to buy housing, because of the pandemic.

>> No.18381121

>never heard of such a role.
Tech bimbo for sales faggots

>> No.18381166

Yes because you should have a wife a many white children.

>> No.18381262

ive been staying with my parents since 24 and I was going to buy in manhattan until this coronavirus shit went down. just dont pay rent and live with your parents until you can afford 20 percent down payment and 2 years of morgage plus 10k signing fees

of course this is common knowledge most 15 year olds get fucked. thinking 30 year old is prime is a joke. being 15 and banging 15 year olds on her parents bed is way better than being 34 and banging some used up 32 year old with your own place

>> No.18381410

>tfw 23 with a high paying job and a degree
>nice car
>not fat or ugly
>live with parents to save $$$

why am I single/virgin

>> No.18381533

Post pic of 9 inch dick larp

>> No.18381607

Semiconductor sales. I do system design and onsite debugging and system tuning.

Selling computer chips to auto companies and making them work in there products.

>> No.18381666

Where did you meet these 20 year old virgin girls?

>> No.18381705

Sounds based.

>> No.18381722

hold your horses satan, leave them girls alone, truth be told I don't even think they exist, pretty sure anon made them up.

>> No.18381726
File: 724 KB, 827x883, Chad boomer american dream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still a faggot browsing /biz/
>obvious answer is obvious

>> No.18381758

>didn’t enjoy being 16
Well too bad you were a socially awkward retard, and actually went to school instead of partying and getting wasted on booze and drugs.

>> No.18381779

You're complete

>> No.18381788

Surely hope so.
Can't feel a thing, PTSD is real.
Is this the endgoal?

>> No.18381789

life begins at 40. up until then u are just doing research. t. carl jung

>> No.18381829

i was much happier when i didnt care about money as opposed to now being rich and unhappy.