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18354736 No.18354736 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18354744
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Bitcoin is based and redpilled

>> No.18354764
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ETH is communist

>> No.18354794
File: 2.28 MB, 1638x1024, Screen-Shot-2016-12-08-at-9.49.04-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you tell us a bit about your path and how you originally came to be interested in this space?

My path goes a long way back, my father fought in the 1956 Hungarian revolution against the Soviet Union, and he along with many other people from communist societies that I’ve encountered have plenty of horror stories to tell about the oppression, the killing of people, the stealing of their property and so forth. So, if you had just been born and raised the the US, you might not have known as much about the potential for government to be abused.

>> No.18354810
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You faggots need to learn this lesson before you invest in this ethereum garbage.

>> No.18354881

stop replying to yourself faggot, even commies aren't this pathetic

>> No.18354923

newfags don’t realize this but that’s equivalent to a decade in crypto. You’d be amazed what people forget. Qsp, have sex weirdo faggot.

>> No.18354927
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>> No.18354950

You people are lemmings
Yesterday eth kids were saying they would support ID2020 if that meant their bags got pumped

>> No.18354977

Monero doesn't give a fuck about these commie statist fucks.

>> No.18355046

I respect them for that

>> No.18355103

so what are you shilling here?

>> No.18355149

The tenets on the foundations of bitcoin vs ethereum is essentially free market vs communist

Look into who they were, what they said, who they're aligned with, etc.

This dirty indian was the release coordinator for ETH's 72,000,000 token premine
and he's claiming ETH is all communists


>> No.18355151
File: 116 KB, 1024x1021, B43592ED-D904-47D3-B54C-164451EF24EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liquidate the jew and the negro and most of our problems fade away

>> No.18355193

That blog post only has like 2,000 views and Tim May is the godfather of cryptocurrency

>> No.18355264
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>> No.18355386

so... are you shilling BTC or BSV?

>> No.18355413

Yeah I'm done putting in effort to post here

>> No.18355445

Btc or bsv?

>> No.18355466

give it up faggot it’s too late. posting on this board isn’t going to help anything. beta incels get the rope

>> No.18355522

Fuck you bitch ass shit eating faggot

>> No.18355593

he wants to say BSV but if he says that nobody will take him seriously, so he's "done"

>> No.18355649

You're all butthurt I'm proud of the foundations of my project
meanwhile you spineless retards are hoping for a moon even if it means pain for humanity

dig up dirt on bitcoiners and the leftest msm goes wahhh
dig up dirt on ETH and they say wow so progessive child porn and communism wow

>> No.18355673

A pajeet supremacist, kek.

>> No.18355691

The entire world economy is run by satanic pedokikes. This is literally a nothingburger.

>> No.18355697

>my project
Which Bitcoin are you talking about?

>> No.18355728
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I dont know anything about that shit and i dont care if its true and nor should you.

Let me give you an advice, newfag. Successful investing and emotions dont go together. So whatever you think they represent and whatever you feel about it, should be irrelavent to you.

>> No.18355731
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>> No.18355763

>Successful investing
You might be investing in some random shitcoin
but this a lifestyle and a movement to me
I'm already well off from this stuff and now that society is crumbling we can't let retard communists fuck us

>> No.18355768

>cryptocurrency pioneer wrote about sex with a preteen girl
>he says it was fiction

>> No.18355829

Kek. Fucking based Finngolian.

>> No.18355986
File: 27 KB, 450x361, C710D2FA-6A94-46E1-BD7D-445811CDD295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vitalik the Slav

>> No.18355992

Pain for humanity? You're shilling blockstream corporation and a centralized future you fucking retard. Eth is actually decentralized instead of being run by China (in the future, blockstream with lightening). Fuck you, stop trying to trick people.

>> No.18356006
File: 115 KB, 458x225, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's be honest on who is really running the show.
Vitalik is a magazine editor and scammer (look up his quantum computer scam).

>> No.18356010

Wtf is that supposed to be?

>> No.18356028

>You're shilling blockstream corporation
look at this, you are wrong. >>18354927
> Eth is actually decentralized instead of being run by China
no it is not lol, ETH literally gave throughput controls to miners which is literally giving control to FPGA miners from China
Then what do you think PoS is with a 72,000,000 token premine? decentralized?

Give me a fucking break buddy

>> No.18356065

its clearly a USB thumb drive with 1 bit capacity

>> No.18356332

Ah, ofc..

>> No.18356369

Not sure what's going on with Eth. Consensys has infinite money, but web3.js is still something like 5 megabytes, about 10 times over what you'd expect, of absolute dog quality code.
MetaMask takes like 5 seconds to open the popup, no improvement in sight. But it has good UX otherwise, which is unexpected.

Eth 2.0 is vapor.

>> No.18356404

There's not a 72MM premine retard. That's the same bullshit the vitalik spider poster kept saying lmao. You're literally on that tier.

Also, that's not how eth works. EIPs need to be voted on by devs and once PoS is implemented, any Chinese gpu farm won't have clout. Regardless eth is still more decentralized than BTC in its current state.

Blockstream will also centralize BTC. Your fake infographic doesn't change the facts.

Stop trying to trick people