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18353530 No.18353530 [Reply] [Original]

>Defaulting on my mortgage because of COVID-19

>> No.18353547

You do it for free now

>> No.18353734

And so it begins

>> No.18353766

Better buy some kneepads, if you still have credit.

>> No.18353773

>Wait he rents out his property for no monetary compensation whatsoever? And he legally can't remove them from the property for the foreseeable future?
>And he borrowed money to buy the property? Holy shit lmao what a fucking idiot

>> No.18353815

if its yours (ie you live in it), you'll get a pass from the lender till better days in these troubled times.
If you're a landlord tho, fuck you, no sympathy, you parasitical cunt

>> No.18353817

just get a reverse mortgage to pay for your current mortgage, moron

>> No.18353836

As another anon said you borrowed money to buy a propriety that the state basically forces you to give to someone else for free the moment they stop paying rent. LMAO@YOURLIFE

>> No.18353844

How is not wanting to be stolen from the same as being a parasite?

>> No.18353855

Yes OP YESSSSSSSS, let me take those heavy bags for you at 50% of the price you paid for it.

>> No.18353879

>you can use my car if you pay me from time to time
>hey man I need some money

>> No.18353912

>here we see the parasite doing mental gymnastics to justify his existence as anything other than a worthless parasite

>> No.18353939

If you use my property without permission and compensation, then you are a thief.

>> No.18353956
File: 6 KB, 226x223, 1586359247125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy land and risk investment hoping to make money
>rent it out
>faggot doesnt wan't to pay
>evict and get someone who will
You're just a nigger admit it

>> No.18353975

he LITERALLY does it for FREE

>> No.18354009

inserting yourself between 'tenants' and their (understandable) desire not to live out of a garbage can was, is and remains, a parasitical act, pure. If it wasn't for all these guppy cunts, fucking up housing markets, entire neighborhoods, just so they can kike and bilk their way to another few $$$ out of their unfortunate charges, this for doing sweet fuck all - and NOW they have the cheek, the utter gall to complain the second their scam hits a bump? Fuck them, fuck them all.
>not wanting to be stolen from
and have nothing to show for it at the end? Yes, now, he knows EXACTLY how it fucking feels, the cunt
NOT -your car-
banks car
har har

>> No.18354038

t. hobo slumrat squatting on someone's propriety

>> No.18354055

If I buy a house and rent it out to someone who can't afford to buy the whole house, then that is me doing them a service. In exchange for this, I expect monetary compensation. If they don't pay me, then they are stealing from me and must leave.

>> No.18354071

>If I buy a house and rent it out to someone who can't afford to buy the whole house, then that is me doing them a service.
careful bro, your brain is gonna cramp up from all those gymnastics.

>> No.18354116

Do you want to use my car for a day? Then pay me. If you take my car without permission and compensation, then you have stolen my car. Do you want to use my house for a month? Then pay me. No difference.

>> No.18354145

>banks car
so take a mortgage yourself then you dumb fuck. oh wait you can't cause you're a slum hobo working at McDicks lmao
stay poor fagget might take a while for you to get kicked out like the rat that you are but you're gonna pay that rent sooner or later.

>> No.18354150

>fucking up housing markets
The value of a property will incress as demand for it does, thus it there is more demand to live there and renting prices go up. This inturn incresses the value of the underliing property.
If you can't undertand the most basic of suppy and demand you're just a free loading nigger.
Sick of paying hight rent? move out of the city or to one with more favorable costs.
Sick of having to pay rent? buy a property, however its expernisve so rent, but everyone wants to live there so prices go up.

>> No.18354171
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the seething landies do it for free

>> No.18354197

hobo rat

>> No.18354224

>1 post by this ID
Guys pls stop entertaining the LARP

>> No.18354266

Jokes on you guys. Evictions are back on the menu where I live this month.

>> No.18354726

Slave owners were using the exact same reasoning as slavery was being abolished. You'd best never mention that you were a landlord to your grandchildren. In decades time, the tenants of old will be like former slaves, and they will be coming to you for reparations.

>> No.18354868

So what, people should get to live wherever they please for free? Collective ownership of housing? What else should be collectivized that people need. Food? You see where this is going and it is immoral and most importantly: it just doesn't work.

>> No.18354994

No, you defaulted because of cash flow issues that could have been caused by anything. The disease had nothing directly to do with it.

>> No.18355093

Or you could not buy that house and let the supply of housing increase and therefore make that house affordable so people who no house can buy it

>> No.18355291

The housing supply wouldn't increase if fewer people bought them. Houses are physical objects that don't just magically appear. If you want housing supply to increase, you have to actually build houses. If you don't build more, the supply will only decrease due to wear and tear over time (entropy, in other words). For someone to want to build and maintain a house, they need a good reason, because it's pretty costly to do so (unless you want to build a tin shack). Not everyone can afford to build a proper house for themselves. However, someone else who can afford to do so might build a house that such an unfortunate person can live in, if there is an incentive to do so. That incentive is called profit, either in the form of rent or sales. So you see, if there is no such incentive, people don't build houses and the housing supply decreases over time.

>> No.18355329

Shouldn't have gone for the $800,000 1bed/1ba, faggot

>> No.18355387

blah blah blah, mr. amateur economist. you sound like those faggots who mortgaged 10+ apartments for airbnb rentals claiming that this didn't effect the housing price in the area for gay reasons x, y, and z.

>> No.18355418
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>If you're a landlord tho, fuck you, no sympathy, you parasitical cunt
>the seething landies do it for free

>> No.18355444
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>Defaulting on my mortgage because of COVID-19

>> No.18355461

Focus on what I said if you want to talk to me.