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1834921 No.1834921 [Reply] [Original]

>be 18
>have no past job experience
>no college degree yet
>finally gets a wagecuck job
>wage: $13 an hour
>coworkers keep bitch about how they can't afford rent, food and still have something left
>I start to set up budget, saving around $550 a month, while at the same time having a healthy but cheap food budget
>3 years later, find love of life, start saving up with her
>goes on for 6 years, moving to other jobs with slightly higher wages, though still minimum
>all coworkers have no clue of how to save up, and at the same time have no idea how to get themselves proper nutrition
>they can't go one week without spending 1/4th of their sallary on shitty food, while we live fine on rice, veggies, eggs and poultry/pork

>25 years old
>accumulated around $50.000 together
>opens small restaurant serving ramen and takoyaki with my fiancee
>buisness goes very well, gets popular quite quickly to the point where it's almost always full
>total revenue first year(2016): $360 000(holy shit)

How come I became an economic genious despite having no experience of this beforehand(I actually spent all my birthdaymoney on candy and such when I was little) while almost everyone I know either finished college, or are stuck as wagecucks still?

>> No.1834925

It's because Asians are superior. Your anecdotal evidence proves that. Where can I find your fine establishment.

>> No.1834926

I am white tho my gf is asian

>> No.1834929


>> No.1834931

i won at caino 350k so i am more economic genious

>> No.1834933
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Most people are retarded. Literally, if your IQ is too low you are basically unable to future plan and have poor impulse control (the two main contributing factors to poverty and crime).

Thats why a county with no space or natural resources like Japan can be such a paradise compared to your average resource and space rich african shithole. High IQ prevalence baby.

>> No.1834947

Some of my coworkers were black, but plenty of them were white who seemed to do fine at school except for 1 literal mathematical retard bitch who couldn't stop buying a 6 pack of beer every weekend

>> No.1834956

Since you don't even know how your business got successful, I'm going to say you lucked the fuck out and your fiancee did all the work.

>> No.1834961

Forgot to mention that in my country, I am required by law to take a marketing test to start a business, so I had some knowledge on it from reading books

What my point was that for me, saving seemed so easy contrary to what my coworkers achieved

>> No.1834963
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>>total revenue first year(2016): $360 000(holy shit)
Is this literally revenue or profit?
Let's say 32% is spent on food and beverages and 8% on restaurant occupancy costs.
Assuming no employees you now have 216k left or 108k for each of you. However, you now also to pay for many benefits and taxes by yourself and also have to deal with shit you have to do that doesn't pay you directly, such as bookkeeping etc.
So your $216k are probably the equivalent to a $60k salary but with a lot of work and having to hang out in a ramen and takoyaki place all the time.
You are doing very well, but calling yourself an economic genius might be a bit too much. ;)

>/biz/ 2017
>economic genious

>> No.1834970

it's first year u fag

It's 360.000 in total, but it's not too high as the income wasn't that high the first 6 months

We had to hire 2 persons taking the shifts due to increasing amount of customers in October
This January, we had an income of $33.000

Still growing

>> No.1834982

sorry, maybe I came off to rude ;)

>> No.1835109

Because some people get unlucky and have no ability to save and stay alive, because they have had to quit their jobs, live on SSI/Welfare and accumulate multiplying medical debts at the hands of terminal illness treatment costs and other misfortunes.

>> No.1835117

Because Autistic Economics are a thing, stupidly running this world into the ground by rich neolib investors with their face blinded by stats, who expect that the rest of the world can follow in their footsteps to obtain success.

>> No.1835528
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100 IQ is considered average, but lets be honest it's fucking retarded.

Money management is extremely easy. If you are even close to genius level it's very easy to either be super rich or have tons of free time depending on which one you value more.

I'm lazy as fuck and only work one day per week, making roughly $300 on that day. I have a roommate and end each month with money to spare, which I budget and save. My savings account is over 10k. Basically I get to live life as if I were a neet and fuck around on the internet all day. It's not even hard to figure out how to do this. I too have been amazed at how fucking dumb people can be and have less than 20$ to their name at the end of each month. Most of these people who do this are wagecucks who work 300% more hours per week than I do, and yet they still end up stuck in a rut because they spend money on stupid shit ( Drugs, expensive delivery, booze and cigs ) without considering the costs.

I've concluded that most people don't understand that microtransactions add up. They think of a $7 pack as only $7 in relation to their monthly budget and don't take into consideration that if they do that every few days
that's $700 per year. The average person legitimately cannot see that the bulk of their money is lost by slowly bleeding it to shit they don't need.

>> No.1835535

Without listing shat you do for a living its very hard to take you seriously

>> No.1835540

I'm a relatively well known and respected 3D freelance artist, and can work quick enough to finish major projects in less than 10 hours that take most people 30+.

But desu any kind of contract work that values your time at $20-30 per hour could be done this way. You could even do super generic work as a amazon flex or multiplatform delivery driver ( Roommate does this and makes 400$ in two days of work each weekend ). There are tons and tons of shit you can do in our gig economy just google that phrase. DESU I have no idea why anyone allows themselves to be a wagecuck.

>> No.1835545

>I've concluded that most people don't understand that microtransactions add up. They think of a $7 pack as only $7 in relation to their monthly budget and don't take into consideration that if they do that every few days

yep, that's what smartened me up about money. one day i decided to print my complete transaction history from my bank and my paypal and add all that stupid shit up. changed my ways that's for sure.

>> No.1835630

>implying drugs, cigs or booze are wasted money

>> No.1835661


Stay poor you drugged up faggot.

>> No.1835667
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No self control
never learned to delay pleasure
taught they can get whatever they want, whenever they want

>> No.1835695
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>barely makes $1200 a month
>thinks he's an absolute genius

>> No.1835705
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>Being so cheap you can't even drink some pack discount beer.
Yeah m8, enjoy whatever you think life is.

>> No.1835712

>T. rasheed salaman
Enjoy your miserable shekel counting life.

>> No.1835725

>thinks genius is about making the most money.

Jobs and wealth have intellectual floors, not ceilings.

And then there are those of us that freely choose to work less because we can. I get by doing work that I actually enjoy and only once a week. If I feel like it I can bump that up to two for some extra cash whenever I want it.

Most cucks will work their whole lives saving up to retire just to have the life that I already have.

>> No.1835740

Not bashing your lifestyle but you say you live with roommate? As in, 2 folks living in the same room? Also, how much do you have to compromise regarding your lifestyle?

>> No.1835755

Why am I know starting to think the bognadoffs are better looking than most human beings now, what the fuck has the norwegian grass cutting form done to me

>> No.1835759

>be no education GED truck driver
>saving $2K a month while traveling
>spend at least 2 days off a week visiting local attractions and sexually harassing local women
>meanwhile old high school buddies make about the same as me while paying $2K a month in student loans, car payments, credit card debt, etc.
>"it's the American dream, all I need to do now is have a child, get divorced and pay child support. Filling the prophecy!"

I can't talk too much shit because I've been taking online classes at CC and plan on transferring in 5 more semesters.

>> No.1836276

>How come I became an economic genious despite having no experience of this beforehand(I actually spent all my birthdaymoney on candy and such when I was little) while almost everyone I know either finished college, or are stuck as wagecucks still?
combination of good values and luck. good job

>> No.1836280

obviously OP was using hyperbole when he said he was a genius. the question isn't related to him but to his coworkers -- how can people remain poor for so long

well.. it's because they don't have ambition... they have a job and cap their spending at their income.. i'd say some even find it fun to live life spending everything you make

>> No.1836287

>How come I became an economic genious despite having no experience of this beforehand
becuase you lived a shitty life of eating horrible food and having no fun for 15 years

>> No.1836288

>1 literal mathematical retard bitch who couldn't stop buying a 6 pack of beer every weekend
wow that must have been like 8 dollars what an idiot /sarcasm

>> No.1836292

saving is easy, there's just so much frivolous shit that people buy on a regular basis that they don't realize is eating giant chunks of their capital in the long term.

>> No.1836296
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6 pack costs almost $30 here you mong
>t. indebted millennial with no prosperous future ahead

>> No.1836297

how will you ever retire?

>> No.1836299
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you are so, so cucked

>>t. indebted millennial with no prosperous future ahead
nah I do all the same stuff as you lol, but at least I admit that the food is comparatively shit and I don't have as much fun as people that go out drinking every weekend

>> No.1836302

We also sell six pack of water for $6

>> No.1836309

you tellin me a minimun wage slave that lives in poverty was buying 30 dollar craft beer?

>> No.1836322
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>tfw 20€ for 24 beers (with actual alcohol)

>> No.1836332
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What I read from it was if you drink a 6 pack every weekend it would be more economical for you to go over to costco and buy one of those huge 48 pack cases so you would save some $

>> No.1836333

And we can usually get it for about 1,60€/L, or even 1,30€/L on lucky days. I'm portuguese aswell.

>> No.1836340
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I think it is because most people dont learn about finances in high school and they get sucked into the consumerism that comes from being hooked into social media all day.

Guys see their friends showing off their new car/ computer/ home and want to keep up with everyone else

>> No.1836820

My sister has about 45k sitting in her savings at 21 from merely living on a tight budget.
I wouldn't chalk it up to being an economic genius, so much as her being a hyper jew and being very particular on how she spends her money.
I saw her the other day, and she was wearing jeans from when she was in middle school.

>> No.1836906

>I'm lazy as fuck and only work one day per week, making roughly $300 on that day
>can work quick enough to finish major projects in less than 10 hours that take most people 30+

If you were smart, you'd be billing 30+ hours for your job, while only working 10 hours on it.

This is such a depressing opinion. "My teachers/parents didn't teach me how to be responsible with money, so now that I'm a grown adult I make poor choices because of social media"

>she was wearing jeans from when she was in middle school
Because she should throw them out when they reach a certain age, regardless of condition

>> No.1836942

Do you live in japan? If so you better hold on to her for dear life. The country will absolutely fuck you when it comes to house ownership.

>> No.1836951

Tell me more about truck driving anon. Is it worth it?

>> No.1838049

not japanse, part chink and most powerful race

>> No.1838411
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>tfw 25
>still live with mom
>have 1k in a robinhood account and literally nothing else
>got GED
>no other education

What do I do anons? At the end of this year I'm going to have to get a wagecuck job but I have the rest of this year to try and make some money. Doesn't have to be much at all just enough to prove I'm not worthless without caving to wagecuckery.

>> No.1838416

>roommate? As in, 2 folks living in the same room?

Vro. Are you serious? A roomate just means you live in the same place.

>> No.1838590

it can be a sweet gig that only requires a few months of schooling. just fully expect to be replaced by a robot within a few years
.t cousin who is a truck fag

long distance trucking is for meth heads

>> No.1838595


>how come

You either adopted your parent's money habits or reacted against your parent's money habits.

>> No.1838630



Metal plate in my food cost 40k and a year off work. Then 10 years of late payments and fees.

So probably more like 200-250k...

Just kill me

>> No.1838652

Is it alchaholic unicorn piss? My brew went down to 18 bucks for a fucking 30 pack

>> No.1838658

Not him but FUCK NO.

Worst year of my life.