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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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18346856 No.18346856 [Reply] [Original]

>US is going to end the social distancing requirements exactly on the day of the halving


>> No.18347033
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>> No.18347156

>source: my ass

>> No.18347178

Won't happen any time soon. The military is going full ham on enforcing social distancing and further measures like mandatory mask wearing - even higher-ups aren't safe, see that Navy guy that got gutted for leaking coronavirus info.

>> No.18347308

The virus is bullshit and just a flu.
I don't understand how you people are this afraid of it.

>> No.18347348

*Halves in price*

Heh.. nothing personal

>> No.18347584

it never pumps the day of the halving, always takes months after

>> No.18347963
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>> No.18347973
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> Post 9/11
> Securitizing airports
> Wuflu
> Securitizing supermarkets
Clown world confirmed

>> No.18348356

its SARS version 2. its not the flu. day 10-14 for me was fuckin terrible i was suffocating on fucking air. i still have chest pain and im on week 3 of this shit

>> No.18348391

You’re a fucking pussy, I’ve had it along with my roommates and many of my coworkers. The worst of it was a mild coof and tiny bit of shortness of breath. None of them had worse than mild symptoms. You’re either 300lbs or 70yrs old.

>> No.18349542

Symptoms vary you dumb fuck

>> No.18349560
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based nofap bjork poster, checked fren. It's gonna happen

>> No.18349571

Gee, it's almost as if different people are differently affected by the virus!

>> No.18350900

The virus that causes the flu is influenza.
The virus that causes wuhanfluhan and sars is corona.
the chengchong slanty eye corona virus != influenza

>> No.18350918

so...this is the strength of the IQ < 85

>> No.18350930

No. It was obviously his manliness that made the virus a nothing burger.
I have been through a car crash at fatal speeds without a single broken bone. Fucking pussies dying and shit because they are just weak and stupid.

>> No.18350963
File: 101 KB, 785x731, soyjack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooooooooooooo you cant just have mild symptoms.
>The media told me this was then end of the world

>> No.18350989


>> No.18352459

I can't wait until this social distancing shot ends. Mu boss is a fucking FAGGOT about it holy shit.

>> No.18352498

>imagine living with room mates
don't lose all your money, wagie

>> No.18352630

>extend it to May 30, 2021
Heh, nothing personal kid.

>> No.18352736

have sex

>> No.18352783
