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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18343619 No.18343619 [Reply] [Original]

>NOOOOOOOOO you can't just time the market and sell your holdings, you gotta keep dollar cost averaging til your 80 and enjoy your Golden years!
>NOOOOOOOOO be an investor not a speculator!
>NOOOOOOOOO just keep holding, no one can predict the market!
>NOOOOOOOOO buy on red days only!

>> No.18343651 [DELETED] 
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>Individual stocks? That's too risky for me, I prefer ETFs diversified across global economies. Slow and steady gains bro

>> No.18343665
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>> No.18343701

>nobody knows n-nothing
>stay th-th-the course
>time i-i-i-in the market is better t-than timing the market

>> No.18343821

Wh-what's wrong with all of these?

>> No.18344006 [DELETED] 
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>Wh-what's wrong with all of these?

>> No.18344030

Samefag, forced meme, vpn bullshit

>> No.18344040

Well yeah at the end of the day your guessing the future.

>> No.18344042

It's like playing video games the way the designers meant you to play them. Whereas if your goal is to just get through things, you obviously listen to speedrunners.

>> No.18344054 [DELETED] 
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>Samefag, forced meme, vpn bullshit

>> No.18344610

Is that what you think trading is?

>> No.18344635

Gayest fucking posting ever, fuck you wojack posters.

>> No.18344796
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>> No.18344995

OP sounds like a fag who lost too much money in a short and is getting butthurt at investors who diversify, mitigate risk and avoid overleveraging and screwing themselves.

>> No.18345023

I'm not getting this meme

You're showing soijacks/numales saying "typical" things they would say, but all numales are socialists and do not invest. The only people telling you to invest in index funds are business and finance majors, along with some fags on Reddit.

tl;dr: the people misusing the numales do not understand 4chan culture and are unironically Reddit tourists

>> No.18345221
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>I'm not getting this meme
>You're showing soijacks/numales saying "typical" things they would say, but all numales are socialists and do not invest. The only people telling you to invest in index funds are business and finance majors, along with some fags on Reddit.

tl;dr: the people misusing the numales do not understand 4chan culture and are unironically Reddit tourists

>> No.18345851

>The only people telling you to invest in index funds are business and finance majors, along with some fags on Reddit.

That is exactly the reason he used these. Go on reddit's investing areas a few times and you'll see that they literally only repeat this shit

>> No.18345971
File: 131 KB, 495x495, B626552A-8E6B-4B31-BE6C-F210065AB26F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>VTSAX check just came in, guys. Thanks for all the advice /biz/. I will finally be able to enjoy a rich and -COOF COOF - fulfilling life... *BRAPFTTTTT* OH SHIT i think i shat myself once again NO NO NO NO NO CALL THE NURSE!!

>> No.18346621

they were expecting this bear market to be the end of daylight and to vindicate them for not doing any of those things, and that they somehow made the right moves in life
as usual that didn't happen so all they have is ad hominem

>> No.18346753

>The only people telling you to invest in index funds are business and finance majors

I majored in history. Everything needed to invest in the stock market is freely available online.

>> No.18346767

What is this meme called?

>> No.18346902

It's numale wojacks

>> No.18347036

le crying low testosterone man

>> No.18347074

You can DCA and play speculative gains as long as you mitigate your speculative risks, OP. Graham acknowledges this, which you'd know if you actually read financial texts.

>> No.18347138

This is a great analogy
>go with what the designers intended and have a solid experience within a realistic timeframe, provided you did your research and didn't buy trash
>autustically fixate on maximizing everything as fast as possible, ironically wasting huge amounts of time and energy to be outperformed by even more dedicated autists and/or just copy them after the fact

>> No.18347235

You don't need to beat the autists, only the average.

>> No.18347310

Also the AI

>> No.18347603
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>> No.18348100

You put into words exactly my thoughts around this and how I try to live my life

>> No.18348262

You're still guessing the future with holding.

>> No.18349753

Economy noob here, any particular guides to check?

>> No.18349992

I don’t know if you’ve watched any speedrun streams but these guys have to restart the game a million times whenever they make a mistake. It usually takes 20+ tries for a perfect run. Personally, im not in position to restart from zero every other day because i wanted to speedrun the market nor do i want to spend precious time trying.

>> No.18349999

No shit

>> No.18350011

This. If one does not have their complete net worth portfolio accounted for and planned they have no business speculating.

>> No.18350185

most speedrunners perform below average once you consider the victory:attempts ratio
in a video game this isn't relevant if you don't value your time (although time is money, and spending years autistically mastering a mechanical series of steps puts you way behind someone who's done something productive), but in real markets you can't just reset your capital

>> No.18350219

But holding does not cost taxes and it can pay dividends in the right cases.

>> No.18350262

crying soijak

>> No.18350323

Do you know why speedrunners "fail"? because they didn't set a new record, not because they performed bad.

>> No.18350472

t: Degenerate gambler