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File: 481 KB, 1437x1435, cq50390-1b-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18329812 No.18329812 [Reply] [Original]

Obviously very few people stack but out of those who do what do you think an average silver stack is in ounces?

>> No.18329824

how many grains of sand are there in a beach?

>> No.18329828

The average stacker? On /biz/ probably around 50oz or so with a few anons having far larger stacks. The average person, literally 0 oz desu

>> No.18329830

I think most people either have a fatass stack or a small <20oz stack

>> No.18329834

Didn't realize that t b h autos to desu..

>> No.18329840

Will people actually trade these for goods and services?

Seriously. Money is about to be defunct like literal physical cash. These are shiny I guess but they cost the same "money"that they represent.

Sure it's silver but who the fuck really cares. It's like yea it's dollars but who the fuck really cares.

I think you normys should really think a little harder.


>> No.18329842

What's a fatass stack to you?

>> No.18329846

at least 100

>> No.18329847

I'm at 400oz of silver and 2.5oz of gold.
All silver is in 100oz bouillons.

>> No.18329849

I said of people who actually stack

>> No.18329859

You kidding me? That's like shit for a fatass stack.

>> No.18329863

I think 100 is fine, but its a starter pack...I think 200 is when you start crossing over into make it territory

>> No.18329868
File: 1.38 MB, 4032x3024, C6F55668-20FF-496C-8373-8B5CAC6E22EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stacklet among stacklets reporting in. Literally just received this 1oz Australian silver dollar in the mail 10 minutes ago, the first PM I ever have owned.

>> No.18329876

I think 400oz is the sweet spot for silver...obviously more is better but I think this will be well more than enough. I would love to know out of everyone who stacks in america who has 50 ounces or above....what percentile that person with 400 ounces of silver would be at.

>> No.18329880

1000 oz is the rule of thumb. Since that is 30 years worth of labor.

>> No.18329882

PMs will always hold value

>> No.18329895

thats 14 blowjobs

>> No.18329897

I would have to say that the average stacker could have anywhere between 100-300 oz.

>> No.18329910

Ok, what kind of silver then.

>> No.18329912

nah...I think for things to balance out relatively nicely I think 100 ounces of silver HAS to be a lot, post meltdown. How many people actually have 1,000 ounces of silver out of people who stack? I'd guess 5%?

>> No.18329924

how does it make you feel?

>> No.18329926
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>Will people actually trade these for goods and services?

>> No.18329943

100 oz really isnt much. It's better than 99% of normies, but it's like 2 grand(oh that was old prices lol)

>> No.18329946

Nice, I've bought mine all at the Perth mint. Called them the other day to check up on another order and they say they aren't selling any silver anymore, besides the 1kg bars. Must be similar in other parts of the country if that's how our biggest mint responded.
Congrats on being a silver chad.

>> No.18329949
File: 425 KB, 2021x1728, IMG_20200124_235554_079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Average person should have about 1000 ounces, it's easy to get, even on minimum wage

>> No.18329954

Sellers on Ebay let me buy $5,000+ of silver but the second I add a single 1 oz gold coin to my cart it doesnt work. Error after error or nothing happens at all when I click check out. What is going on?


I was just curious.

>> No.18329972

I wouldn't say easy, just time consuming. I am frustrated things are going at the rate they are since I wanted a few hundred more oz's but cest la vi.

>> No.18329984

I did it while working minimum wage in a call centre. Yeah it took a few years but it was easy to do before this virus. I could get any amount of silver I wanted close to spot price

>> No.18329989

Yeah its not that much compared to 1,000 ounces but its a shit ton compared to having 0 post reset.

>> No.18329996

welcome to the most frustrating obsession you could have invested in

>> No.18330023

Pretty good. I'm posing like Gollum in LOTR as I type this.

It's nice when you realize that if everything goes OK worst comes to worst I might lose 10-30% as prices fall, in a "best" case scenario where society falls apart, I gain 400% in terms of dollar value and probably more in terms of what it can buy.

Also, 1oz of metal feels heavier than I thought it would, it "feels" as valuable as it is. Also, silver coins are very shiny, photos don't do them justice. I've seen silver artifacts in museums before, but I guess I never really made the connection.

I think collecting this stuff will be a great hobby, frens. I just have to try and hold back from getting lured in by coins that have a massive markup because of their craftsmanship, or even jewelry if I get carried away. I should order a big nondescript bar to stop myself doing this.

>> No.18330024

Yea I know the feels, I was working and buying a few dozen a month over the past year or so now it's like fuck, I shouldn't have eaten so much BK n shit but oh well. I like food and had to balance family life too.
That's fair but do you plan on buying things in 1oz coins?

>> No.18330048
File: 1.91 MB, 978x1274, SilverSafe1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was easy to do before this virus. I could get any amount of silver I wanted close to spot price
The good old days

>> No.18330068

Holy shit. You arent even using them to cover your dick with.

>> No.18330077

That's like 4000 ounces?

Impressive, very nice. The good Old days of easy and cheap stacking may be over forever

>> No.18330100

I’ve got at least a few kilos. Been purchasing more gold lately.

>> No.18330103

yeah it's pretty interesting how silver has been overlooked for the last 10-20 years. only a very small niche of people care about it. to give you an idea of its value, there's a major tourist location here in southern california called the Huntington Gardens. on the grounds they have a museum. inside the museum there are multiple exhibits showing silverware and other teapots and things like that made of fine silver. this is a museum that collects all sorts of rare artifacts from europe and colonial america, and they bothered to make room for silver pieces.

so all the negativity about silver is part of the psyop. a big one being that 2nd place at the olympics gets silver medal.

>> No.18330140

Thanks, just shy of 4000. I tried to clean out the LCS during the pandemic declaration and there was not much of anything left. The premiums jumped on what little he had left. Any future stacking will be adding to the gold.

>> No.18330143

I have the option to purchase any year maple leafs @ $23.44 or 2020 ASE @ $25.75
what should I go for if I want to keep them for at least 1 year and then possibly resell locally?
last year prices were around $18, so worst case I'd be down ~33%

>> No.18330151

They created the psyop because they gain power by creating currency out of thin air and buy assets wth it. If everybody stopped holding their savings in fiat currencies, the banking cartels wouldn't be able to extract wealth via the stealth tax known as inflation. We work for currency, they print it and buy things before inflation affects the value. If everybody opted out of the theft, they would lose all power because they are actually just parasites, they don't create anything of value.

That is why they fear silver, it's such a tiny market they know average people could bring down their entire system if enough people knew the true value of real money

>> No.18330171

It's not a stock.

>> No.18330216

>1000oz = 30 years
the us had silver in its coins until 1965. the average salary was about $4500 per year in 1964.
given that there was .83 oz to $1 fiat that works out to about 3700 oz silver per year.

>> No.18330232

I just ordered a 100g (3.5oz) bar of silver, bringing me up to just 4oz.

Still not close to making it. As soon as my payday comes in in a few days, I'll get 1/3oz bar of gold, or maybe two 1/10oz gold coins and around $200 of silver so roughly 10oz.

Just keep everyone calm for the next few days, Feds pls

>> No.18330237

It's called inflation. The 1/10 oz per day holds true even today in the third world. Stay mad or study some.

>> No.18330242

haha thats me

>> No.18330247

I really would love to own some Spanish pieces of eight just for fun. Since I don't have very much of a stack at all yet, this is probably not the time to prioritize LARPing as a pirate though.

>> No.18330257


>> No.18330265

For thousands of years the average laborer or soldier earned the equivalent of a silver dime for a day’s work.

>> No.18330301

So 36oz or so of silver amounted to a whole years' salary? That seems low, even accounting for the more rustic notion of a good standard of living in ancient times.

>> No.18330316

1200 ounces + here

>> No.18330368

i dont trust in metals
Im just looking to hedge against total anarchy at a fair price

>> No.18330380

so how did inflation happen from 1750 to 1964?

oh you mean they dug up more silver year after year and inflated the money supply?....yes you are correct but that unfortunately btfo of your gay point.

>> No.18330564

onions boi desu desu

>> No.18330804

It kinda freaks me out how expensive gold is. I suppose that's a good thing when you transport it and it's easy to keep secret.

>> No.18331089

Based I’m a 200oz stacklet

>> No.18331206

Just a daily reminder to all of you, small and big bags alike, that we are all gonna make it.

>> No.18331286
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Agree with your sentiments, these things are really more beautiful than I imagined, and the weight in your hand feels "valuable" somehow. Little sad about the milk spots on mine tho

>> No.18331343

Are there any coins that don't look like shit?
I wouldn't be want to get caught with a shitty american coin and the other coins are just fucking instruments and pandas.

What happened to having based men on coins?

>> No.18331376

Animals and instruments are actually OK relatively speaking.

I would buy anything except maybe capeshit or skulls or something ridiculous like that. If you rule out animals and musical instruments you're cutting out an awful lot of coins.

But if you want really old fashioned coins I don't see why you can't get some. Lots of old American junk silver out there.

>> No.18331597

>Lots of old American junk silver out there.

1. Not an American
2. Not into American coins or imagery

Personally I find that nation to be an abomination. If I had American coins I would just melt them down to create a crappy silver bar.

>> No.18331648

what's an example of a coin you'd find suitable then?

>> No.18331661

okay /pol/ler

But seriously, a lot of countries' mints produce coins with animals on them is my point, if you find that undignified you're cutting out a lot of options.

>> No.18331683
File: 9 KB, 235x214, 1586181252179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've learned to stop worrying and love the stock market.

4000 S&P by August. Here we go.

>> No.18331999

Thoughts on the Somali African animal coins?

>> No.18332023

Maybe, but milk and eggs will cost $15

>> No.18332052

marsupialpill me on the roo series. Did they stop changing the design year to year on the bullion coin?

>> No.18332097

and if everyone took that salary in silver coins the us mint would have blown up

>> No.18332169

Nice. Just got my most recent 4 oz after waiting a few weeks and am up to 28 overall. I think once I get to 50 oz I'll start collecting some cool old coins, not necessarily just silver. There is so much cool stuff to buy online. Next thing you know I'll be stamp collecting.

>> No.18332176

I got 70 oz. Will post picture after

>> No.18332192

The silver tiers:
100 oz suicide stack
1000 oz make ot stack
10k oz fuck you money

>> No.18332236

I have got around 400oz

>> No.18332245

Whats the point in PMS? They went down with the stocks so they dont protect and now the market is going up faster than metal value on recovery. Seems like Buffet is right.

>> No.18332296

is that a mini fridge?

>> No.18332325

It's a safe

>> No.18332362

>They went down with stocks
>Thinking the paper price reflects the physical

>> No.18332620

It's the same consistent design every year ya, standard aussie marsupial coin

>> No.18332666
File: 377 KB, 1242x699, F5C016DD-3C84-42D6-9406-AAFB7192006E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>500-Coin 2020 Silver Eagle Monster Box
>100-Coin ATB American Samoa Monster Box
Am I gonna make it?

>> No.18332690
File: 65 KB, 736x594, Yarr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get a nice little YarrMeMatey looking chest at an antique/boutique store.

>> No.18332757

>being this new
yikes & oof

>> No.18332801

People who say “but the price of silver is going down now,” are basically the same type of idiots as people who don’t know something is terribly wrong when the ocean starts receding before a tsunami.

>> No.18332845

Research more son.

>> No.18332847

just found 31 grams of the good stuff on my lease my area tends to run around 97%

ebay and buy more locally from bumkins with profit or naw

>> No.18332851

They look so cute

>> No.18332871
File: 294 KB, 720x683, 1557506668682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can a lone picture have so much basedness in every single pixel?

>> No.18332894
File: 24 KB, 400x400, sadpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

400oz silver and 7oz gold. If my LCS had any stock I'd trade my gold for silver right now and put myself over 1000oz.

>> No.18332926

I got about $7k in coins

>> No.18332927

Just speaking personally, my family doesn't stack or anything but my dad has a bar of silver in his basement that's at least 100oz

>> No.18332960
File: 47 KB, 500x500, 500 dram noah ark silver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take some armenian noah's ark
Everybody fear the alpharmenian mafia crackhead. And in normal times they are very close to spot.
Not sure we'll know normal times ever again for silver tho.

>> No.18333109

Does it have to be pink?

>> No.18333153

If that's 500x 1oz coins, you're definitely closer to making it than 90% of us I'd say. I mean even without silver mooning that's already worth pushing $10,000 if we conservatively assume each of those 1oz coins is worth no more than $15, even a 50% increase in the price of silver gives you roughly $5,000 of an instant bump in your wealth.

>> No.18333191

>those 1oz coins is worth no more than $20*

Woops. If we assume they're worth only $15 each, that's just $7,500 in which case a 50% jump gets him to $11,250 which would still be pretty good.

>> No.18333316
File: 531 KB, 616x517, map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys keep your bling safe anyway? It sounds paranoid for anyone with a tiny stack, but you people with kilos and kilos must get worried.

>> No.18333362

I bought a tube of Maple and a tube of Amerimutt when they were cheap,I dont really care I do stocks and they pay dividends.

>> No.18333384

>average silver stack is in ounces?
I think a typical stack is around 200 ounces.
I suppose an average stacker stacks 10 ounces per month and has been doing it for an average of 2 years. I'm pulling those numbers out of my ass obviously, but they seem plausible. Saving 10 ounces per month is something any schmuck in the western world can easily do.
Most stackers aren't exactly loaded with money, which is partly why we buy into this "from zero to hero" silver sales pitch, so a total stack worth about 3 thousand dollars seems reasonable to me.

>> No.18333477

You're probably right that most stackers aren't loaded, but while it would be nice to be rich overnight because the world turned upside down (apart from the risk of being robbed by raiders obviously), I think the other big motivation is simply not wanting your net worth not to be totally REKKED by inflation, which is just as powerful of one.

>> No.18333514
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pls based jp morgan dump this market one last time
i promise never to be a stacklet again

>> No.18333526
File: 670 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200331-084947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

23 dollars isn't a fair price for a silver eagle

Dealers are scamming you

>> No.18333669
File: 43 KB, 720x549, 1584710650445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a 500oz box that I keep under my desk as a footrest while I play video games
Been there for a year now, no one knows I have it except the Mint (and my frens)
Security through obscurity

>> No.18333676

Those are one of my favorite coins to stack.

>> No.18333899
File: 3.60 MB, 4032x3024, C936F49A-6E7C-4FA0-80A4-7B829B9436FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 2020 ATB American Samoa coins are 5oz - I figure those Corona Meme Coins will be worth something special given their significance.

>> No.18334076

Ive seen this picture dozens of times and its confusing. Is it a safe inside a safe inside a safe?

>> No.18334119

>I think the other big motivation is simply not wanting your net worth not to be totally REKKED by inflation
>which is just as powerful of one
I disagree. The average silver stacker buys silver to get rich, not to keep up with inflation.
Worrying about losing savings to inflation is a rich man's game. The average stacker doesn't have enough money to worry/care about inflation. Keeping up with inflation is a side benefit at most.
I mean, hell, look at all these baby stacks on /biz/. Are they all worried about losing the purchasing power of their 300 dollars so they put all their money in silver? Fuck no. They buy that silver hoping to turn the 300 dollars into like 10 grand if shtf.

>> No.18334235

>They buy that silver hoping to turn the 300 dollars into like 10 grand
It will!!!

>> No.18334308

Not shtf. The inflaton adjusted high from 1980 was something like 700. We know supply has been hugely less than demand for decades. We know the market is manipulated down. We know products that use tiny amounts of silver are basically unaffected by $700 silver. I strongly suspect that silver was suppressed to suppress gold as it is a smaller market.

>> No.18334314
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i can't stop buying naked libertard ladies

>> No.18334336

To add to this. If you get a single 50x in your life on $10,000 your retirement is effectively funded in one shot.

>> No.18334356

>Are they all worried about losing the purchasing power of their 300 dollars so they put all their money in silver? Fuck no.

They might not be worried, but they should. In fact the less you have, the more you need to worry about it being inflated away.

Picture the average wagecuck among us saves only a few tens of thousands of USD over the course of our lifetime. Even a small rate of inflation every year will ruin that money and ensure poverty for most of us if we don't do something about it.

Realistically, the best the average person that isn't wildly talented and doesn't strike it lucky can do is keep the value of their savings in middle and old age. If you manage only that you're ahead of the game.

>> No.18334366

0 oz

>> No.18334384

I came here in 2017 for crypto, and got unexpectedly redpilled on PMs. I've been slowly accumulating since then and I'm up to 225oz silver, 1.5oz gold and 1oz platinum.

>> No.18334414

>Not shtf.
I agree, shtf isn't necessary for silver to moon. But still, they buy silver hoping to get rich, not to keep up with inflation.

>> No.18334425
File: 504 KB, 1052x804, Screenshot_2020-04-07_15-31-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Praise KEK stack those ounces and you shall receive.


>> No.18334438

The reason cash is going to become defunct is money printer means it has no value, silver and gold are physically limited, they also have industrial use so they have inherent value. Divisible, fungible, doesn't rot and isn't easily damaged.
I am a supreme stacklet as well, 1 1oz coin and 1 silver quarter, I'm pretty well fucked but hey at least I should have enough for one blowjob during the crash

>> No.18334439

And don't forget that you can also get them in 1/2 ounce or 1/4 ounce

>> No.18334456

Government bullion is probably the vast majority of it

>> No.18334481

Dont buy less than 1 oz silver. The premium will rape you. If you cant afford $18 for a coin you cant afford silver yet

>> No.18334486

PMs aside, what else is a good store of value that's reasonably liquidable? Expensive watches, paintings, antique stuff?

>> No.18334516

How do you even store/move that much weight in silver? I've always been a minimal posessions no-roots kind of person, being able to fit everything I own easily into a small car. How do you move that much fucking silver?
Is big stacks a dream for landed property owning chads only? What if something is going down and I need to GTFO of wherever I am but I've got a chest full of silver, do I just bury it?
For me this is why I'd probably stop stacking at a really small amount compared to your dragon's hoards, or switch over to gold after a certain weight.

>> No.18334520
File: 106 KB, 640x430, Massachusets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N95 respirators

>> No.18334530

>would destroy the coin and create a bar
you're an idiot.
the point of minted coins is they authenticate the silver content...your nigger melted silver bar is going to need to be assayed before anyone accepts it...whereas its unlikely a black skinned nigger like yourself would have access to dies and coin presses.
does that make sense jamal?

>> No.18334538

I love the clink, and yea part of me wants to waste stupid amounts of money (for a poorfag) on pretty collector pieces, but most of me is too Jewish to buy ASEs due to premium

>> No.18334552

So by the end of this week I will have 4 1/2oz of silver. I have a roughly $750 budget as of a few days from now.

What would you guys buy?

>> No.18334554

4k oz us 274lbs, Its a few trips back and forth to a car or one with a dolly. Not a huge deal

>> No.18334569

as many 10 oz bars as you can as close to spot as possible

>> No.18334632

True although they are usually more accessible in these scarse times and besides for people that believe that a full colapse will happen then a small denomination could be convenient to buy bread.

>> No.18334635

I just bought my first 100 oz last night and got raped by premiums.

>> No.18334651

junk silver is your small denominations

>> No.18334660

My aesthetic sense prevents me from desiring any meme coin, anything with the Queen on it, or anything with an American Indian on it.
Kruggerands have a dude with a based beard and an antelope. Nothing wrong with having an animal on one side to represent the nature of the land the coin comes from. Libertads look pretty good too, booby angel and a ""fascist"" type design with an eagle/hawk on the other side.

>> No.18334684

I find them very nice but the word 'Somali' just has so much meme and negative connotation I would be concerned about reselling because my safe assumption is that 99% of people are retarded

>> No.18334687

I personally know someone that has 40,000 ounces in a vault.

>> No.18334713

PMs go down with the crash in the beginning, as many people sell their PMs due to money getting tight, then if the bad times proceed PMs rocket up into the recession
That's how it looks from my newbie eyes staring at these charts from the 1920s on

>> No.18334726

I'd make sure it's real if it's just a random bar your dad has left in the basement

>> No.18334766

Doesn't the Mexican bank have to buy and sell them at spot? Or is this a meme? Considering a trip to Mexico

>> No.18334782

Maples, they are .9999 vs .999 for eagles And they are cheaper

>> No.18334795

if youre a fat burger you should probably try to understand the legal benefits of buying eagles (99% of burgers have no clue).

>> No.18334797

>Security through obscurity
honestly underrated. The best security measure you can ever have is to keep your mouth shut. People will tear down your walls and bust open safes to steal from you if they know you have something of value.
Ideally you would both keep your mouth shut and keep your silver somewhere safe, but the foot rest strategy isn't the worst I have ever heard.

>> No.18334800

But they have an old lady on one side

>> No.18334812
File: 28 KB, 500x425, 1-kg-Pure-Assorted-Gold-Bar-Front-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time I go there I can check it, but he inherited it from my grand-uncle decades ago. Very heavy bar, looks like the silver version of those cartoon gold bars. It's definitely bigger than the 100oz bars I see online

>> No.18334824


>> No.18334849

>my frens
anon I.....

>> No.18334851
File: 927 KB, 1889x2584, IMG_0444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The average person, literally 0 oz desu
I posted this on /an/ a week or two ago and told them they should place a silver coin in their pets water dish to stop any bacteria or mold from getting a start in there. One person said, "like I just have a silver coin laying around".
By the way since I started doing this I have noticed that when I break the whole thing down and clean all the little parts inside the pump it has been much cleaner.

>> No.18334885

no reporting requirements. so dealers can transact unlimited amounts with no reporting to irs, etc.
its why >120iq elite only buy silver/gold in eagle form.
>ss..sssooo....that must explain the premiums?!?!?!
no shit.

>> No.18334916
File: 3.19 MB, 3024x4032, B7-D52503-380-D-4892-AA8-D-57-A12-C7-F8-C13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying silver
>not buying gold

>> No.18334991

I was already aware of this, maybe I'd start buying eagles after I was at my limit with multiple different dealers and do private sales wasn't an option anymore.
Almost no one has any form of silver, maybe a little spoon or bracelet from their great grandmother

>> No.18335027
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>> No.18335032

I hate cleaning these.

>> No.18335049
File: 601 KB, 1080x1350, D97A2E18-09FC-48A8-A5BD-7C5860088CA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18335053

I really hope that's bullion and not a mint issue. If you wanna absolutely destroy the resale value of a coin put it in a chemical bath.

>> No.18335063

buying is only half the battle zoomie. when you need it...good luck selling those non eagles. good luck with your audit.

>> No.18335116

This is true for all bullion coins. Reporting requirements are only triggered when you transact amounts greater than $10k AND pay in cash or multiple money orders, cashier's checks, or traveler's checks. Dealers must also report orders which can fulfill regulated futures contracts; i.e., large weight bars.

>> No.18335121

Rules can be changed down the road to make eagles a reporteable sale.
Why do nigs post these photos. Tacky and cringe

>> No.18335122
File: 55 KB, 732x541, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your stack is very impressive, you must be very proud.

>> No.18335163
File: 2.44 MB, 1481x1379, stack.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not both?

>> No.18335177

very nice. post those morgans, I'll post mine

>> No.18335182

Those mice are fuckin cute desu. Good pickup. Welcome.

>> No.18335194
File: 611 KB, 320x180, 4144DF7C-8DBF-4DF9-819E-CCE8DAA3E814.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good luck seeking those non eagles.
>good luck with your audit.
Anon is a retard.
>tacky and cringe
You must go back.

>> No.18335211

>the elites may remove the loopholes they created

>> No.18335252


Thanks, the morgans are buried in the safe. I can post more gold.

>> No.18335657

I buy Cull silver coinage in bulk like pic related and then sell it and other US coinage/collectibles in “grab bags” on eBay and Amazon.

I can stuff each $50 bag with $25 worth of product and people will still come back for more. Time after time. It’s honestly ridiculous.

Basically, I buy old silver coins in bulk at cull rates, then search the bag for anything valuable, take anything of XF/AU quality out and sleeve it, and then pack the rest in grab bags.

Pic related still all needs to be packed. Everything else I have is in bags like the one in pic related to the right of the coins.

>> No.18335808
File: 2.82 MB, 4032x3024, F6645B28-651C-49C8-9F4A-CD71B0D14478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops forgot image
Post those coins anon

>> No.18335823

I feel very comfy

>> No.18335828

Refined metal always has a value cretin

>> No.18335840

Depends on what part of the world.

In the United States I think at least 99.99% of the population doesn't hold silver. So only 1 in 10,000. Out of those numbers, I would guess the majority of silver holders have at least 50oz.

>> No.18336068
File: 391 KB, 1000x1000, 5 oz bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ordered one of these a day ago

>> No.18336319

Anon you bury it under your small cabin in the woods.

>> No.18336417
File: 43 KB, 1280x720, DB9DB481-C36F-49FF-9A7D-6A7AB2AFCED0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao at you faggots not having 10 kilo silver coins, the peak of basedness.

>> No.18336440

Blessed coin. Big gains will come to you but only if your stack is protected by 'rona bats

>> No.18336563

Silver bullion coin sales have been averaging 100 million since 2008.
So there has been 1.2 billion ounces minted in the past 12 years.
prior to 2008 it was significantly lower, around 40 million.
So since 2000 we are looking at about 1.5 billion ounces of coins.
There is no way to know how many of these have been melted down.
I do not think too many because we havent had a bull market in years.
Rhodium and palladium coins and bars are now melted down like crazy because there is high industrial demand.
In silver the industrial demand hasnt been there in decades. The 2011 bull market was from investor demand, not industrial.
So I would say at least one billion ounces of these bullion coins are still in circulation in the hands of a collector and this is just silver mined this century and bullion coins only.
Bars and junk silver and 20th century bullion probably are at least another half billion.

So amongst the world population there is about 0.2 oz per person. if 1 in ten thousand is a stacker that is 2000 oz per stacker.
Thats a bit high, because i think there are more stackers. Perhaps not in the west, but in India investing in silver is very popular.
Yes, silver is a pajeetcoin.

>> No.18336579


You should really check these studies out if you are interested in stacking silver.

>> No.18336658
File: 3.16 MB, 1721x1598, Gold Stack(b).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't get at the silver safe right now. Here's some gold as a consolation.

>> No.18336665

Emperor of the new world.

>> No.18336853

Tits, or GTFO.

>> No.18336995
File: 916 KB, 1080x487, blessed-be-des-batbois.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18337031

Nice eagles. Got any MS ones?

>> No.18337083

>So amongst the world population there is about 0.2 oz per person. if 1 in ten thousand is a stacker that is 2000 oz per stacker.
>Thats a bit high, because i think there are more stackers. Perhaps not in the west, but in India investing in silver is very popular.

You should remember to account for outliers who might control millions of oz, and all those along the way.

>> No.18337164

based and batpilled

>> No.18337197

Holy fuck imagine a batboi version of this

>> No.18337335
File: 1.79 MB, 1469x1077, MSEagle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18337357

Is that 14 between the former well to do mother and daughter or 14 from each?

>> No.18337384

I have 25k in an exchange linked to the price of gold but no physical metal which means I have nothing. Which I’d stacked it up when I had the chance

>> No.18337460

new stacker here what is MS?

>> No.18337504

In the US, one year's labor in the early 20th century was about $1,000 which is roughly 900 troy ounces of silver. If you had a really good job with a good company like Ford with its $5 work day, you're looking at roughly $2,500 which would be 2,250 troy ounces of silver.

Another point of reference would be the movie "It's a Wonderful Life." In a conversation between Potter and George Bailey, Potter asks George, "How much do you make George, $1,000?" George shoots back, "$2,000!" $1,000 was very roughly about $50,000 today.

But we're talking about silver which no longer has a fixed exchange rate with gold. Historically, a house could be purchased with 100 ounces of gold (~$2,000 back when the US was on the gold standard) and 200 ounces of gold bought a very fine home. At the old exchange rate of approximately 20 ounces of silver to 1 oz of gold, you're looking at 2,000 ounces to 4,000 ounces of silver to buy a house.

If all you has in assets is precious metals, you're going to need around 20,000 ounces of silver, or about 1,000 ounces of gold, to make it. There are exceptions that have occurred such as during the Weimar hyperinflation where one could make it with far less.

However, you have to be in the right place at the right time and you have to have the means to be able to hold on to that which you acquire. Those conditions require a tremendous amount of luck and/or skill and a person with that kind of ability would probably be able to make it without relying on monetary and political chaos.

>> No.18337526
File: 171 KB, 1976x1210, coin grading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MS=Mint State; It refers to coin grading

>> No.18337529

Mint state/slabbed/graded coins

>> No.18337620
File: 43 KB, 435x490, rip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A waste of money for autists

>> No.18337682

Also the capsule and tags are extremely easy to counterfeit so watch out for fakes. Nearly half of graded coins sold online are fake (usually only the grade is fake, not the coin itself)

>> No.18337690

Where did you order from?

>> No.18337700

how does $10,000,000 sound?

>> No.18337721

>try buying 1 oz gold maple and 100 oz of silver rounds today
>wants to charge me a fucking 10% sales tax for shipping to NY even though the gold maple should be exempt because the price is less than 115% of the spot price for a 1 oz coin
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. What do I do? A few weeks ago I bought a bunch of silver and gold without being charged any sales tax, is this something new with jmbullion?

>> No.18337726

Ammunition in popular calibers, liquors (e.g., whiskey).

>> No.18337736

Larry on Ebay

>> No.18337794

Is the premium so high that NY now considers it a collectible piece (thus not tax emempt)?


>> No.18337813

Wait it's less than 115% of spot price? Try other sellers like SD or Monument metals then.

Monument metals still charge no sales tax to NY buyers btw.

>> No.18337845
File: 299 KB, 750x1334, 7110DBCC-AAC0-4913-8696-FFF2D3F00B5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average stacker is probably older and has more money than average so 300 ounces maybe. But like you said, the average persons stack is less than one ounce so having something’s better than nothing.

>> No.18337863
File: 46 KB, 746x512, pepe-the-frog-internet-meme-4chan-video-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks fren

>> No.18337918

Newfag. I guess that's why you're stacking fucking silver like a retard and not selling everything you own for link.

>> No.18338046

Apparently the premium on silver triggers taxable status for the whole order, even though the gold isn't supposed to be taxed at current prices. Ordering the gold separately fixed the issue and I can get the silver from monument. Thanks guys.

>> No.18338073

I feel like silver might be a big troll, like if you go to youtube or anywhere you can find really broke people who shouldn't be buying silver owning like 4 or 5 oz thinking that an investment of under 100$ is "protecting" them.

I feel like silver is a big deception that is gonna burn a lot of people in the end.

This is coming from a guy who has 2k ASE and 60 oz AG, I mean I am hoping I am wrong but my biggest fear is that we are all being hyped to buy silver when it might go away with technological development that can make copper act within 97% efficiency of silver for an eight-fold drop in price.

>> No.18338093

You should just order from monument though. Everything's cheaper there. No NY sales tax is only a bonus.

>> No.18338106

Average American makes 30k a year and lives paycheck to paycheck, and you expect them to have ~15,000 dollars worth of metal? Wtf lol

>> No.18338119

Monument is out of stock for gold maples. You are right though, they are generally cheaper.

>> No.18338150

You're not a Gold Eagle guy? Fair enough

>> No.18338205

All the coin shops are empty and the cheapest silver I can find on ebay is double spot.

>> No.18338224
File: 370 KB, 1572x1995, page 15 gold silver ratio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the link. This page made me very glad to be a stacker anon.

>> No.18338226

You can't eat chain link

>> No.18338285

Post stack with time stamp or post disregarded

>> No.18338301

yes over the long term silver will definitely see a ratio to gold way below 100 so its a buy here, but you need to have patience and it may not be the best investment one can make.

>> No.18338423

Silver is the most reflective metal and the most thermal conductive. It’s importance and usefulness is just beginning to be grasped. Solar tech is the future and that is impossible without silver. Silver has a long trusted history as money so it is definitely not a troll. Any investor should know to diversify their assets and any mistakes they make are their problem.

>> No.18338433

Congratulations and good for you man. Nice looking coin too.

>> No.18338443

The majority of silver's history has known no industrial use cases, yet it has always found demand as money. That said, the precious metals industry-the mints, their authorized purchasers, the dealers, the exchanges, the financial firms-are still most definitely running a racket ripping off retail consumers, preying largely on fears of their other more lucrative racket: fiat.

>> No.18338491

>Average American makes 30k a year and lives paycheck to paycheck
true, but most waste their money on stupid shit.
If you actually want to save money, like the average stacker does, you will find a way.
Most normies spend like 10 bucks a day on fucking Starbucks coffee. Just by cutting that out they could stack 200 ounces of silver per year. It's not that hard. Cut out another few hundred dollars per month worth of alcohol, restaurants/takeout, cigarettes, the newest iphone, torrent your media in stead of using netflix etc. and you can stack like 500 ounces per year easy even if you are on minimum wage. And that's just by cutting out the useless shit. If you actually start sacrificing some big-ticket items, like moving into a smaller/shittier apartment, selling your car and riding a bike everywhere, etc. then you can save serious buckage.

>> No.18338510

I wonder why that doesn't hold now?

>> No.18338560

His house is made of paper just like his money.

>> No.18338780

I never thought about the age of the average stacker until now, how old are the people here?
I'm 25yo and I'm sitting on a stack made of
>4,5oz gold
>10x1g gold
>95oz silver
>5x100g silver
Am I early? Am I late?

>> No.18338911

I do see people that have a few coins that think it's lots... as in somehow they will be worth way more in the future and it's a shortcut for hard work and real saving or investment... or they are just simple people. It's clear it will not save them or even make a materially difference to them whatever eventuates. Does it make it a troll? Only an idiot or someone delusional thinks that 10oz of silver will be worth thousands and they will buy a brand new car with that in the future because of reasons. Hard work and intelligence has more bearing on making it than stacking anything. So, it's not a troll it's more likely people being proud of what little they have which is more than what most people have with regard to PM's. Most people I know don't have any PM's in jewelry or savings.

I think people with less (people with 5oz of silver) tend to be more proud because it obviously means more to them as a share of their total wealth or achievements. These types of people probably don't own a house with a few million.

This is someone from someone that has close to 500,000oz of silver.

>> No.18338946

>500,000oz of silver.
pics or you're full of shit lol.

>> No.18339006

Earlier than me.

>> No.18339066

never forget the 5,000,000 ounces

>> No.18339300

> new stacker here what is MS?
> A waste of money for autists

I've been crunching all numbers assuming I'll get bottom dollar when selling my silver. What would be the average discount to get on spot when selling just some plain ole bars. 2%? 5%? 10%?

>> No.18339428

Anyone know how to long it will take for some fresh coins to tarnish? I've been finger fucking these trumps on my desk for a couple of weeks.

>> No.18339431

Why the fuck are 1oz coins selling for like $23-24 when spot price is $15? And why are all the desirable coins out of stock? Is this a normal markup or is it because the actual inventory does not reflect the current deflated value?

Also what is the best place to buy? APMEX? JM Bullion? Somewhere else?

t. owner of 2 1oz coins I got as a gift

>> No.18339529

>Why the fuck are 1oz coins selling for like $23-24 when spot price is $15?

If you trying to stack you might want to start with 10z bars instead? Will get better price.

>> No.18339554

Mints are closed, supply is down because minds are closed. Higher premiums help keep supply on the dealer side from running low. Markup for 1 oz American Silver Eagles are usually like $1.50-2.50 over spot in normal market conditions. Generics are usually under $1

>> No.18339590

>Mints are closed, supply is down because minds are closed
They aren't considered essential services? Weird.

>> No.18339683

500 ounces (a "monster box") fit inside a smallish box and weigh about 30 "normal" ponds/slightly over 15 kg.
Annoying to carry, but not impossible.

>> No.18339702

Panic buying, anon. Also mines and mints in Switzerland are closed down afaik, but the price gouging is 100% due to demand.

I'd suggest wait 1-2 months until demand normalizes and premiums go down, or if you think the economy or the dollar are at risk of a sudden turn for the worse, buy gold.
Even if you only buy 1/10 oz gold coins you will spend less on premiums at the moment than on any silver and the investment and SHTF viability is the same.

>> No.18339705

I've got 110oz plus almost 2oz in gold, plus stonks

>> No.18339777

You think gold will go up more than silver? Why?

>> No.18339852

Well, according to this June 30th, 2019 article:
6,000,000,000 troy ounces of gold and
50,000,000,000 troy ounces of silver
were ever mined, to the date the article was published.
So, there are less than 10 troy ounces of silver and 1 troy ounce of gold for every person on Earth.

>> No.18339860

I don't think it will go up more, but I think it's a viable investment in itself and the fact that you're wasting less money on premiums for gold at the moment makes me tend towards buying that instead.
You will be able to buy silver closer to spot again if you have a little patience.

>> No.18339947

90% of that silver is in land fill

>> No.18339957

The article has a lot of other interesting numbers:
By the end of 2018, there was approximately 2.5 billion oz of Gold Bullion and 4 billion oz of Silver Bullion in the world.

>> No.18340038

Offerup and craigslist my guy. I have been getting extremely luckily since this quarantine started, all these people are dusting off the family heirlooms and you can probably find a desperation sale or two in your area.

>> No.18340050

>2.5 ounces gold
>50 ounces silver

oh no, i've got too much.

>> No.18340087
File: 532 KB, 533x720, fat-stacks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright faggots. Finally got 10oz of the good stuff in today. You have no idea. Two weeks from now I'll be breaking off littles pieces of this silver crack and trading them for as many AR-15s as I want. I figure half of one of these vials should get me a nice mansion and a few women. You plebeians have no idea how to stack.

>> No.18340213
File: 985 KB, 697x1237, DFA18594-C39A-4AD1-A27F-2085AE2A029E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For example, I got these pretty solid condition war nickels(40% silver IIRC) for $18 total, spot as of today is $26. Just coming from an old guy selling off his collection.

>> No.18340253

Did you use moms credit card?

>> No.18340426

Sorry the mother daughter teams only take recognised bullion coins for double team foot jobs

>> No.18340494
File: 96 KB, 500x500, 1541963072104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 2600 oz of silver and I thought I was a poorfag. I don't understand how people here can be so sold on silver as an investment and believe fiat currency is collapsing and then you ask how much they have and they're like 35oz

>> No.18340527

They just have no discipline when it comes to saving or they got in to stacking when it was literally too late like a month ago

>> No.18340528
File: 30 KB, 472x461, blowpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those rocks are cool guys, but what about this one

>> No.18340556

750oz is perfecht

>> No.18340587

> Did you use moms credit card?
STFU faggot. My mom transferred money to my paypal because I had a bunch of good boy points saved up. These are probably the best tendies I ever got!

>> No.18340592


>> No.18340683

Just did some maths out of boredom when I was thinking of the currency change from DM to €.

Assuming 10kDM in savings and selling the gold in January 2002:
10000DM = 4587 USD = 17oz = 5416€

10000DM = 5112€ at the official conversion rate

Only used USD because I couldn't find gold price in DM for 2001, but the numbers are clear, a currency reform at the very least takes a toll on your savings.
And this was a currency reform that was planned for a long time, now imagine how fucked your fiat savings would be if a crash forced a currency reset and you don't own Gold.

>> No.18340716

and you're thinking in DM. Imagine how it was for the weaker currencies of the euro zone. In my little corner, everything literally doubled in price almost overnight.

>> No.18340787

Yea, people complained here but we got a comparatively good deal

Anyone wanna do the math for their local currencies? Would put things into perspective

>> No.18340860

Does cocaine keep for a very long time or does it go bad?

If it keeps it has almost all the required attributes of money

>> No.18341132

Should I bother buying a 5 oz and 2 oz Aztec Calender silver coins? They look cool but thats it. Or get another batboi

>> No.18341148

Get as much low premium metal you can

>> No.18341167
File: 20 KB, 350x490, 30415675_226345321435628_5982093297952344983_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, according to the internet, the 1st of January, 2002, the day we officially adopted the euro in exclusivity, 100000 Portuguese Escudos (PTE) were equivalent to 543 USD. Also according to the internet, that day, you could buy 1oz of gold for $278. So, 543/278 = 1,95oz, which, at your conversion rate, would mean around €621.
100000 PTE = 498.8 EUR at the official conversion rate (1EUR = 200.482 PTE)

I never did this math before and I'm not even sure I got it right, but what I can tell you is that the stuff that cost 50PTE suddenly cost 0,50€ (ie around 100 PTE), 100PTE became 1€, etc. Salaries, of course, weren't upgraded.

As an anedoctal example, I started working in IT 4 years ago, and my first net salary was fucking €850. 25 years ago, my uncle made the equivalent to around €3k a month NET working in cork extraction

>> No.18341253

Interesting, how much do you make?

>> No.18341508

>missed out on a chance to buy 5 1oz American Eagles for $90
>ended up buying 3 AE for $80

How badly did I waste my money?

>> No.18341531


Imagine ratting out a person for that much especially at our current silver prices. Jesus was deemed not even worth 20 troy ounces of silver at best. But it was enough to buy an entire field in the Bible.

>> No.18341556

don't expect a return on them, but in a win condition you'll be fine. Silver is for the case of an unlikely currency reset.

>> No.18341563

This. It's possible to stack twenty ounces a month as a single guy with even just a shitty restaurant job.

>> No.18341692

Damn, y'all got shafted.
But of course there's so much propaganda for globalization that most people aren't even questioning it.

>> No.18341697
File: 194 KB, 1080x1350, Ch2334f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

40 oz

>> No.18341782

out of the 5 parties with presence in the parliament, literally only the communists were against it. All the others were openly shilling for it. Ahh, democracy...

>> No.18341813

Nice poozooper

>> No.18341851
File: 186 KB, 480x707, capitalism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mandatory viewing for this thread:

>> No.18341982

That's a 999 generic silver round. I would never put an Eagle or Maple in a bowl of dihydrogen monoxide.

>> No.18342033

Jesus Christ. I think I just figured out the majority of the world's wealth flows into large bank accounts and then just doesn't do anything. The world's wealth gets taken from us and put nowhere.



>> No.18342155

Good to hear. People are stupid anon, I had a guy at a coin show a few months ago tell me he "cleans all of his coins to add to the luster and value." fucking idiot. and somehow he does it full time

>> No.18342418

The pic is unfair just like pro-Capitalists cherry picking and showing only lazy homeless people getting welfare

>> No.18342500

Although the question does occur to me: why do so many owners of silver complain that their coins have "spots" on them, even when delivered new from the mint?

Why and how does this happen? I suppose it doesn't reeeealllyyy matter in terms of the metal's value, but must be a bitch if you've deliberately bought some fancy stuff well over spot because you like the design and it looks like shit.

>> No.18342618

every person i know who gets welfare is a fat lazy nigger

>> No.18342754

I'm debating grabbing a vintage Rolex with my return, or just stacking more. I'll probably stack but I found a beautiful Datejust that I fucking want. High quality watches hold value but I dont expect a big return on them

>> No.18342790

Silver tarnishes/corrodes/oxidizes over time when exposed to hydrogen sulfides in the air/on your fat greasy fingers. Some coins may also develop white discoloration called "milk spots," theorized to be caused by detergent used in the minting process. The inevitability of both phenomena should make clear that numismatic value and the grading process, for new bullion coins in particular, are a losing proposition at best, subjective scam at worst. Stack weight, not looks. Clean your coins if you want, or don't. Only retards care about baking soda micro-abrasions on stacked bullion at 5x magnification.

>> No.18342831

What's the best way to stack? 1 oz coins? 5 oz coins? Bars? What about those 1/10 1/4 1/2 oz coins? Does being produced by an official mint make a difference in terms of value?

>> No.18342873


I'm same as you, started at 25, 26 now. Can't quite stack as much due to being married with 2 kids, but still working on a nest egg for retirement in 40 or so years.

> 111oz Silver
> 18grams Gold

>> No.18342875

Are you kidding? Nigga that seems HIGH.

Do you KNOW how batshit insane it was to extract that shit way back when?

It was a combo familial trade/death sentence.

You had 36 oz back then you were STACKED.

>> No.18342879

the best ones are silver towne collectible rounds

>> No.18342909

Should I own Silver Buffalos or Maples? Is there a difference?

>> No.18342923

This. Basic bitch cloth gloves and you're set.

>> No.18342939

Why buy assets that you have to sell to retire when you could stack income producing assets.

>> No.18342946

Maples are a government minted COIN. Buffalo's are a ROUND.

You can do the rest of the research and learn the difference between the two. You're welcome.

>> No.18342963

s m h baka

>> No.18342986


Up front costs, have plans to do more with real estate after this latest crash. Current market was way over inflated and didn't have the capital to leverage at the time due to said children. Very expensive to have kids in the US...

>> No.18343153
File: 79 KB, 738x741, 1527974152146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You buying to jerk off to the damn things? Maples also come in many more varieties than the boring eagle which looks like every coin ever with a lady in a robe.

>> No.18343471
File: 170 KB, 3840x1080, MIPZxbV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you haven't realized, banking cartels and da j00s have been hoarding physical silver by manipulating the spot prices down for decades.

So stacklets and fiatfags will definitely not make it in the upcoming currency reset.

If you can't beat them, join them.

>> No.18343795

This is such a simple fact but most people are too stupid to realise it

>> No.18343863
File: 9 KB, 594x362, 1585567973045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to consciousness

>> No.18343902
File: 57 KB, 502x686, 7D044EF8-6701-4B4F-88D0-3194704C9A87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m falling for the meme. Galaxy brain black guy understands. I will follow his steps

>> No.18343912

thats a big batboi

>> No.18344072

There are several bad things I could say about you anon....but you have dat boi. Bless you and may your tendies be extra crunchy.

>> No.18344261

You saw it here first folks, time to unload your bat shit coins!

>> No.18344284

Black people invest in PMs other than gold chains?

>> No.18344440
File: 23 KB, 400x400, dc567y2-c5236632-994d-471b-9436-754e288f1f13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total retard here. Where do you guys get your silver? I'm looking at the U.S. mint's website, and all their shit is like 4x the normal price per ounce.

>> No.18344450

local coin shop

>> No.18344480

>go to catalog
>ctrl+f: PMG

>> No.18344512

How much silver should I have before bothering to get an ounce of gold?

By the way anyone know why I cant buy gold on ebay? I can get $5000 of silver no prob but if I want like 1/2 oz of gold it wont let me go to checkout, from the same sellers with the silver too. Not that I would buy on ebay but I was curious looking at some neat coins when I noticed.

>> No.18344519

Us niggas in the hood invest in all sortsa bullion playah! Just last week I copped 50 oz worth of Scottsdale silver bars with my tax refund (welfare). Gave my niece a 1 oz maple last week. You white boys think you the only ones in on this game. We been stacking since the time of Mansa Musa. My cousin Tyrone slings some drugs on the side and he gives discounts for silver too. It’s a whole underground world out there. Keep it on the DL for now. I don’t want any competition at my LCS in the hood

>> No.18344543

had a similar experience with ebay, I ended up having to create a paypal account and wire transfer monies from my bank account to paypal

>> No.18344608
File: 8 KB, 200x246, yes-bruder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this guy. Big brain we should hang out.

>> No.18344611

LOL, I have 110 oz of silver and consider that barely adequate.

1,000 toz is the goal, but 500 is acceptable for a fatty stack.

>> No.18344644

The 1000 mile journey always begins with the first step. You're gonna make it.

>> No.18344660

about three fifty

>> No.18344859

You can mix it in with pennies and old dimes and people are none the wiser. Obviously, just make sure you don't lose it.

>> No.18344951

>tfw at least suicide stack status

I pulled 2k from my normal investments and bought 100 Canadian Maple Leafs 3 weeks ago. It raised my stack from 10 oz to 110 oz. I didn't want to be left behind in case this was truly the MOON to end all MOONS. I don't think it is, for the record. I think prices will fall again and everything will devalue for a few years, at which point I will put all my spare money into a mix of crypto and PMs. Right now, just stacking where I can get it.

Goal is $200 worth of silver per month, so around 10 oz at current spot.

>> No.18345059

This. The name of the game with PMs is preserving wealth and to do that you need a store of value. PMs are that value store because their value price will never go under the labor cost to mine and refine them in the first place. Ergo, they will.always have intrinsic value no matter how much the kikes try to manipulate the price.

>> No.18345121

>Expensive watches, paintings, antique stuff?
Do not use anything that is traditionally used for money laundering, because the first thing to dry up in a recession is the dirty money.

>> No.18345217

Literally me. Started coming to these threads in November. Made my first 10 oz starter pack purchase in late February. Literally a week before everything went to shit.

Sold my non-retirement investments and bought 100 oz worth of silver for $1700 and 3/20th oz of gold for $400. Glad I did it then because those same coins I bought then would be $300 more expensive now.

>> No.18345249 [DELETED] 

I’m probably older than most of you. 700 oz silver and 10 oz gold checking in.

>> No.18345334

>another precious metals thread
>99% still not eating the silver.



>> No.18345564

Unbelievable! 50,000,000 ounces!?

>> No.18345590

Solid. I am
28 and have 210oz

I look forward to hearing about your small fiefdom. And being a smaller one to myself.

>> No.18345866

Nice, that's like a thousand mother daughter double team foot jobs

>> No.18345897

Damn Gina

>> No.18345920

Is that a mini fridge?

>> No.18345928

What do you guys think about buying kilo bars of silver? I can buy a whole kilo or over 35oz for just $600, would you do it? That's close to spot price, $17/oz.

It just seems so insanely huge and a potential bonanza for thieves.

>> No.18345965

Lion/Cougar isnt it? Looks ok.

>> No.18345968

You can keep it in a hidden safe bolted to a floor or wall it just bury it. You have lots of options to keep it safe

>> No.18345972

It all depends on your stacking style. There's not really a wrong way to do it. Bars are good if you're going for pure weight. I like feeling like a pirate, so I only go for coins and rounds of all sizes. I have all the sizes, including the fractionals (1/10, 1/4, etc). Fractionals are a bad deal because of the high premiums though, but I don't care.

>> No.18346004

You're such an unbelievable faggot, holy shit. Fuck you and your bait. 2/10 made me reply.

>> No.18346126

What is that called actually and where get?

>> No.18346149

I preordered my Star Wars Bobba Fett 1 oz. Round. Im not even a Star Wars fan.

>> No.18346190

Sorry I deleted my comment. I just hate saying how much I have online. Even if it is anonymous.

>> No.18346246

You understand that silver has scarcity, correct?

>> No.18346285

I have 893oz

>> No.18346576

I remember the 500,000,000 gorillion ounces

>> No.18347219
File: 973 KB, 669x890, larry-got-batbois.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Larry on Ebay

>> No.18347529

More than there are atoms in the universe