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18326940 No.18326940 [Reply] [Original]

I want a quarantine gf so fucking bad

>> No.18326968

Sorry OP. If you don't have a quarantine gf by now, you'll be forever alone.

>> No.18326979

Too late now

>> No.18327015
File: 681 KB, 1125x1280, 1582648858180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many people going on walks outside these days. So many cute gfs

I see them and think, what if you could be my gf. Maybe we can make each other happy

Who am I kidding

>> No.18327479
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imagine being tied down to a literal parasite that is only happy when you are suffering

>> No.18327528


>> No.18327754
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Don't give up fren. Keep growing, keep searching!

>> No.18327766


Trapped? Masturbate!

>> No.18327799

>refuses to even talk to a girl
>thinks he could make her happy
You won't even take the first step towards making her happy. Numale fuckboys are better than you because they at least try.

>> No.18327827

Eh, had gfs since 8 yrs old and now married. I sometimes wish I never had interest in women. They are natural spenders and will suck up all of your work so they can look better than the next female in public. I haven’t played video games or smoked weed in so long and I fucking miss it. I don’t plan on getting divorced so I stopped with both of those addictions, because women won’t stick around if you’re just a weed smoking slug. And if she does, she’s just a slug just like you.

>> No.18327853


t. Boomer with 44 under my belt

>> No.18328445

I have one, and I had sex with her, which I liked.

>> No.18328476

>they’re natural spenders
Eh. You aren’t with the right one then. DYOR

>> No.18328732

Hate to break it to you she fuxks niggers on the side

>> No.18328744

corona chan want's to be your bedmate too

>> No.18328771

my girl cooks for me and helps me if I say I have a problem
last week she asked me which retirement fund to start putting her money in

but actually it sounds like you're the spending slob and your wife isn't too bad if she got you off weed.

>> No.18328818

>They are natural spenders and will suck up all of your work so they can look better than the next female in public
Imagine how boring and unappealing you have to be to only attract women who do this
>haven’t played video games or smoked weed in so long
Imagine dropping your hobbies and passions for these shallow women. Big yikes.

Find yourself a woman who's actually worth it, if you can't maybe you're the problem. just a thought

>> No.18328830

I'm spending my bf's 1200 on drugs and weed

>> No.18328845

holy cuck batman, you sound just like a roastie kek, I pray to GOD I don't end up like you

>> No.18328863

disgusting slob

>> No.18328903

>I haven’t played video games or smoked weed in so long and I fucking miss it. I don’t plan on getting divorced so I stopped with both of those addictions
If you were actually addicted, then obviously you needed to to tone it down. No shit you can't smoke and play vidya every waking hour of your freetime if you want to maintain a healthy marriage. But there's absolutely no reason you can't do these things in moderation. If your spouse is so uncomfortable with your doing either that she doesn't want you to do them at all, then you married the wrong woman. If she's like that because you were an addict, then that's your own fault