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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18326510 No.18326510 [Reply] [Original]

Everything was increasing last month because people were complacent and underestimated this virus. When it was declared a global pandemic and the cases started to skyrocket worldwide, people panicked and caused everything to crash, with bitcoin even having its halving early.
This month, people are getting complacent again, this time with their flattening the curve hopium bullshit. Once things get much worse again and people realize that this shit has only began then we're going straight down again.

>> No.18326517


>> No.18326522

Or it's just a W shaped recovery and you're screwed like the guy who spent his last $400 on shorts, lol.

>> No.18326530
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Holy Moleman, you've cracked the code.

>> No.18326566

Kek. They can unironically still get out of the hole by buying CKB before the Huobi news catches on

>> No.18326595
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except there was a multi-trillion dollar check given to Wallstreet last month. At this point unemployment could be at 50%, 3/4 of homes could be foreclosed on, and Corona death could be at a million in the US, and the stock mrket would still rise because of the bbbrrrrrrrrrrr.

>> No.18327826

where to buy CKB and not get cucked on withdraws?

>> No.18328477

You are the type of person that will never ever make money off of crypto and if you do, you will find a way to lose it all again.

>> No.18329489
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Tell me anon, how should things get bad when the curve settles down and the majority of people are immune?
Europe is nearly done with the crisis and you can see there which consequences this hole mess has.
2 more months and we're globally done with this shit and you bobos once again get btfo.
If you still believe in a correction like earlier this year, you must be lost in bobo hopium.

>> No.18329513

nobody cares anymore bobo. now that everyone has been forced to spend a bunch of time at home with their boomer parents and grandparents, they want those fuckers to die and will gladly go back to work so that they can contract coronavirus and bring it home. massive green dildoes incoming

>> No.18329971

kek, if that happens, sons will liquidate boomers positions inherited imo

>> No.18329978

It's literally a FOMO driven market, people will start suffering soon

>> No.18330038

>1% death rate
>average age of deaths 70
>only kills fatties and oldies
Get fucked bobo, not even a super mild cold can stop this bullride. Get with the program or get left behind.

>> No.18330454

The real death rate is at 10% in europe with real data about infected and deaths.

USA is not counting some deads as COVID19 deaths as China did. Keep clapping your own gvernment and get rekt. They lie to you and you clap.

Im not talking about market. I agree that market will go up, the billions $ injected will make it pump despite 1million US deaths or +50% unemployment, who cares, just brrrrrr

>> No.18330458

>bobos and bulls
I see you've lost your composure.
BoJo dying won't change things, but shutdown until the end of year will.

>> No.18330491
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Japan PM just declared a state of emergency

>> No.18330501

So much this. Why is the Boomer such a coping fag?

>> No.18330561

>if they die after testing positive it's a COVID19 death
Yeah no, not how statistics work. The entire yuro dataset is tainted so it's all disregarded. Only some states in the United States are being honest and diligent in tracking the meme disease. The real figures, infection by SARS-COV-2 resulting in death directly attributable to the infection is a covid19 death,show that its only about 1%. I was talking with a purmologist fren and he said that even it Italy the estimated deaths are about 1% too. Which is surprising because they have more old and fat people percentage wise than we do. But again that's just estimates and I'd rather stick to the hard facts which show a 1% death. I work in an icu and am seeing this shit with my very own eyes. Last week we had a COVID19 than was also in DKA. DKA has a 2% death rate. It's literally more survivable than DKA, something we see and treat all the damn time. It's a pain in the ass with the shortages and wearing masks for 12+ hours which hurts, but the actual virus is weak sauce. A bunch of coworkers caught it and said it just felt like a shitty cold, they bounced right back because they aren't fat or old.
People will eventually have to ask. Should we kill everyone or just let boomers stay home while we take over their jobs and do it three or four times better with only 20% as much effort. People are already purposely trying to spread the mild virus because it is so harmless but kills the bad people in society. This is unsustainable and eventually people will take action. I've already written my mayor and governor that a return to normal is absolutely the most important and that this quarantine for uninfected is an abuse of their power and devastatingly myopic. I urge others to do the same.

>> No.18330645

nice LARP

>> No.18330660

>Covid19: 9.7 deaths per million

>> No.18330720

Wrong thread? Maybe you meant to post on /tg/ even. This thread is about the Chinese virus and economy.
Good image but you misquote. There are not that many deaths, and it's not even listed on your little graph anyway. Check out this one, you'll see it's closer to 0.01 deaths per million :https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay_sexual_practices#Anal_sex

>> No.18330757

>There are not that many deaths, and it's not even listed on your little graph anyway.

Fucking lazy faggot.


>> No.18330794
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>doomer /biz/niggers rooting for world collapse know more about coronavirus than everyone else!!!
Meanwhile VIX still dropping

>> No.18330827



>> No.18330852

Oh cool, a totally different link this time. Not even from the same website yet you call me lazy, as if no one would notice your subtle change here. I won't even bother because it's probably just like the last one and not about corona. The numbers don't lie. Anyone who's done even basic research on the subject knows how things are. Why not link to CNN or something. It should be easy to find an opinion piece quoting 300% deaths from it.

>> No.18330856


>> No.18330877



>> No.18330879

Theres ONLY 2 options:
(i) The virus dies out on its own
>its unlikely
(ii) The virus doesn't die out
At the moment, infected numbers are dropping in places with lockdown, not unsurprisingly, as everyones in hiding from the fucking thing. What happens when everything opens again, it turns out, virus aint seasonal, or it RETURNS for VIRUS 2: This Time Fo' Real - who knows. And we don't know, because no-ones discussing these scenarios. The chinks might, but who trusts them.
Bearish as Murica yet to get wrecked, no fucker knows what happens next and Plan B appears to be, hope a vaccine arrives before we all ded, fishfood and brrrrr interventions by side.

>> No.18330887

It’s over for you bobo. You missed out

>> No.18330934

> a totally different link this time.
Worthless faggot can't find corona deaths and world population from internet.

>> No.18332209

it really was a nothingburger

>> No.18332222
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kill yourself bearfag