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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1832384 No.1832384 [Reply] [Original]

Which OS is best for business/finance?

>> No.1832507


>> No.1832509

Windows 10

>> No.1832565

Qubes OS

>> No.1832700

Temple OS

>> No.1832703


Windows 7 or XP

>> No.1832822

Something free and similar to Windows, probably Ubuntu.

>> No.1832903

>for business/finance
What does that mean? What do you want to do with it? Start your own business? Get through university? Work at a big company? Provide a workstation for your employees?

In general you want something low-maintenance, idiot proof and interoperable. So you'll want Windows 7 Pro. Win 10 is okay too (as much as it pains me to say it).

Not much else on the market. Linux is awesome, but useless if some piece of essential software doesn't work, if you need to go chasing weird bugs on bash or if your shit doesn't work together with whoever you're working with. XP is a disaster waiting to happen - by now support has ran out for what? 2 years? In terms of IT security it probably provides the equivalent of what a curtain does for home security. And I honestly have no clue about iOS, but it pretty much faces the same problems as mentioned for Linux above.

>> No.1833033

>Temple OS
>No TCP/IP because "god said so"

It's shit.

>> No.1833034

Arch Gnu/Linux

t. Cia nigger

>> No.1833258

microsoft didn't make it's billions just because of b2c product y'know

>> No.1833279


>> No.1833404

Windows for pretty much everything but programming (linux) and design (mac).

>> No.1833647

CIA nigger

>> No.1833649

>Windows for pretty much everything games, programming (linux) and gay porn (mac).

>> No.1833656

What the fuck?

Windows is fucking garbage use Arch Gnu/Linux and run windows shit you desperately need either with WINE or in a VM

>> No.1833684

Cia nigger

>> No.1833699

windows is for video gaymes/legacy enterprise/too tech illiterate for linux/too poor for apple

>> No.1833720
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>being this autistic

>> No.1833733

>autism is choosing the correct tool for the job
whatever you say, champ.

>> No.1833739

Maybe the one financial software is built for, Windows?

Try calling tech support for information service XYZ and explaining to them that you use some autistic version of Linux.

>> No.1834021

It's not shit and it's open source, so if TCP/IP is so important, you can add it yourself.

>> No.1834057

>I run Ubuntu 16.04a

>> No.1834058

runs on every shit machine
and just wurks

>> No.1834060

macOS of course,
lots of mad poorfags itt

>> No.1834076

>Business Tier
7 Professional

>New Age business
Windows 10
Ubuntu - servers, some pc

>Shit/isn't actually used
Everything else that actually makes it harder to use your computer

>> No.1834100


>> No.1834126

macOS with Parallels to run virtual Windows.

>> No.1834127

Windows ME

>> No.1835525


Can't you cocksuckers agree on anything?

This board is trash just like all the others on this site.

>> No.1835533

install pepeOS

>> No.1835625

This is what I've encountered. You can work on Windows, but you might want to be aware of Linux distributions, where they are used, and why.

>> No.1835642

if i was an os dev i'd code it.
it would have pepe maanagement, pepe scheduling, multi pepe programming, direct pepe access, loadable kernel pepes, a complete pepe stack with tcp/ip memes, msh (meme shell) or psh (pepe shell).

>> No.1835892

SaltOS is a better fit for OP.

>> No.1835985

Linux Mint > Windows 10