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18323773 No.18323773 [Reply] [Original]

>check LinkedIn
>every successful person has a “first class honours” degree (4.0 GPA magma cum laude in burger terms)
It’s so obvious that IQ has such a massive effect in success in life. Honestly at this point they should just abort babies who don’t have a minimum IQ of 135. Would save the government from having to pay out billions in gibs

>> No.18323785
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>magma cum laude

is this a real thing?

>> No.18323807

>hes not a magma cum lord

>> No.18323811

Who's fucking watching linkedin anymore?

>> No.18323830

Those who have jobs and are successful

>> No.18323893

How I come I have one of those from a top university, plus lots of international experience

And still am jobless?
They hate me because I don't look like I will fit in
As I obviously believe wagecucking is for idiots
I'd work as little as I could

Smart people have hard time getting jobs

>> No.18323899

4.0 is suma cum laude you brainlet faggot

>> No.18323911

this honestly desu

>> No.18323916

i'm partial to Mega Cum Lord myself, or the alternative, SOMMA DAT CUM, LAWD

>> No.18323922

>And still am jobless?
your clearly doing something wrong

>> No.18323960

You probably have some sort of crippling social or psychological deficiency that hasn't held back your ability to take exams. If this were any other time, the tribe probably would have left you in the wilderness during a hunt when they realized you weren't capable of working with other people.

>> No.18323963

I just said it

I refuse to be a phony ass-sucking little bitch

Every job interview has that

Internally I'm dead set on not working, they can feel it

I did have a good job once, worked as little as I could get away with, eventually it felt stupid and I left

Rational people don't work for wages, they'd optimize it and work as little as possible

>> No.18323971

I've taken leadership roles in college
I have quite good public presentation skills

I freeze if I have to work in a team together with extremely stupid people, which are the majority

>> No.18323992

I feel like I was born to be a leader

But every manager now is either a beta little bitch, a woman or a boomer

Real men have no space in this world anymore

>> No.18324055
File: 222 KB, 700x700, 1584235614000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I graduated Sum Cum Lord with dual STEM degrees and now I'm a NEET wizard.

Your theory is trash.

>> No.18324057


>> No.18324091

Good grades are more correlated with being a gradecuck than having a high IQ. The average IQ at top universities isn't much higher than 120-125. The system rewards obedience, passivity, and diligence more than pure intelligence. In fact, being intelligent won't get you very far if you aren't willing to spend a decent portion of your time slavishly studying and doing pointless assignments.

>> No.18324142

>dual STEM degrees
What? You graduated twice? Or you took a multi-discipline course?

>> No.18324162

I gave up on jobs.

I wanna only entrepreneur now

Have no good idea on how to get customers for software development, project-based payments

>> No.18324197

This is going to be me. I'm graduating from Princeton this semester and NO WAY am I going to go around begging for a job with this shit economy.

>> No.18324221

You have to build a product that you can sell to people first.

>> No.18324230
File: 14 KB, 170x242, 170px-Napoleon_-_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your personality, grammar, and likely the representation in person. If you spoke like this to me, I would spit on you. When your lost your cool and attacked me, I would laugh.
The truth is, you haven't earned your current position in life, and therefore do not deserve it. All the cheating and nepotism and lying and backstabbing eats away at you.
You are very clearly paki filth in London, or China filth in califilthia.
Your very posting style is a direct representation of the difference between chauvinism and arrogance.
You are ugly and petty.
You disgust me.

>> No.18324259

I expected it to be easy to get contract development projects

All there is are companies hiring

Or I have no idea how development companies find their customers, I tried asking some, they seem to always dodge the subject of how they find clients

Must be something shady maybe

>> No.18324260

Truly successful people don't use LinkedIn. My boss is a billionaire and he has never used that shit. He's too busy doing stuff.

>> No.18324340

>Honestly at this point they should just abort babies who don’t have a minimum IQ of 135. Would save the government from having to pay out billions in gibs
Man you would wish it was this easy. But in reality hierarchies merely shift, they do not abolish.

>> No.18324350

Are you a boomer?

Gone are the days where you could grow by doing real, honest work.

It's about self-promotion.

It's the equivalent of getting girls, nowadays it's all about being a phony.

Mind you I did get both, girls and jobs.

But I refuse to be a phony, right now it just feels fairer to simply live comfortably off my assets instead of selling my soul.

>> No.18324372

You are right.

>> No.18324380

You are retarded sorry

>> No.18324387
File: 138 KB, 890x1066, wagecuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except he just did make it you stupid fucking wagecuck

>> No.18324456

Lmao retard

>> No.18324529
File: 24 KB, 657x527, 1519959623112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're trying too hard, kid.

>> No.18324583

IQ and GPA are not necessarily correlated. Adderall is a hell of a drug

>> No.18324690

Women and other incompetent leaders are often placed at the lowest levels of management and authority in order to control the lowest class of people through humiliation. If your bosses are betas or incompetent women you are part of the lowest rung of society

>> No.18324951

Just FYI noone checks your school history anymore. I've had a "4.0" degree from a college i didnt go to for years. Noone's ever checked nor is it illegal to lie. They could fire you but hey, you wouldnt get the job anyways without it.