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18323579 No.18323579 [Reply] [Original]

enlighten the other anons with something we don't know

>> No.18323691
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Minister you satoshi

>> No.18323735

Sergey is gay and build link to fund his dildo buying obsession.

>> No.18323752

Fake and heterosexual

>> No.18323967
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>Democracy is a mistake.
>True Monarchism with veto powers along with a parliament is glory.
>Free market makes a free people.
>Traps are gay.

>> No.18324017
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>> No.18324043

if you don't get a retarded monarch, which is unlikely

>> No.18324068

Monarchism can theoretically be the most just form of government provided the monarch is perfectly just; but the individual does not tend to be any more just than the polity as a whole.

>> No.18324166
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>> No.18324215

Naturally I'd expect a monarch to be utterly guided during youth and ferociously educated into a state of "know little of everything" to handle various decisions with the parliament.

>> No.18324238

What if he's a fucking retarded.
Do i have to mention how many retarded monarchs we had in history?

>> No.18324250

Hereditary monarchy just naturally leads to inbreeding and retardation. Look at all the genetic diseases Jews are prone too, hint: it’s alot

>> No.18324265

You'd expect this, and yet a complete collapse of competency in the monarchy is what has killed virtually every monarchy throughout history.
The greater the monarchy grows, the greater the expectation of competency on the monarch. It eventually becomes unsustainable.

>> No.18324273


Along with another duty. That family better birth a good amount of kids. Instead of "oldest to inherit", it would be through meritocracy WITHIN the family. So the only thing hoping is that the first monarch is not retarded.

>> No.18324295

By what mechanism are you going to ensure that meritocracy is maintained within the ruling elite?

>> No.18324366

Meritocracy is a retarde modern concept and was made for peasants, not for kings.
Crowns were always gained with war, conspiracies and bloodbaths.

>> No.18324431
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I really wished I had an immediate answer I would be content with. Only idea I could imagine which currently exists in my nation is the so called royal academy, with various requirements of inheritance based on effective teachers with no influence or agendas outside the monarch. That itself a bit hard to confirm. The academy is today not currently used for younger education but more for PhD research and scholarships.

>> No.18324447
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There brainwallet

>> No.18324448

A real free market, like real communism, has never existed in recorded history

>> No.18324458

Link 1k EOY

>> No.18324493
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Confused, those sounds like a jolly good activity.
Less paperwork.

>> No.18324543

A market with no regulation is not a true free market anyways; conversely, a regulated market cannot be perfectly free since regulation necessarily inhibits individuals' market freedoms.

>> No.18324568

OP is a triple nigger faggot

>> No.18324665


Balance it out with a Mixed economy.
Free market in majority of cases and a planned economy during changing business cycles.