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18323119 No.18323119 [Reply] [Original]

Realistically, what could Ethereum 2.0 get to?

>> No.18323127

How does $10 sound?

>> No.18323152

How does $10000 sound?

>> No.18323158

Technically $0 because it's worthless and can just be printed infinitely

>> No.18323181

sky's the limit anon, who knows, maybe it will even get to exist some day

>> No.18323200
File: 14 KB, 718x306, googlecalc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

total wealth in the world: 2,000 trillion
eth circulating supply: 110 million

eth maximum price (at current usd prices)

>> No.18323247


>> No.18323741

eth will flip btc
eth devs are targeting store of value use case since its required for network security in eth 2.0

>> No.18323825

guess what the S in PoS stands for

>> No.18323843

im jk PoS will probably work

>> No.18323884

possibly $100,000 + one day....

an INCREDIBLE amount of wealth will be on the ethereum network

>> No.18323947

well, at $81,818.18/ETH, 1/1000th of the world's wealth will be stored in it. that's very realistic.

>> No.18324030

yes please!
That would be great!
Don't think my hand are that strong to hold bags that long!

>> No.18324119

It will realistically get you anywhere between 350-600.

>> No.18324134

$100k unironically
MakerDao successfully navigated the worst threat imaginable (albeit by compromising its values).
eth has multiple killer apps currently running:
eth 2.0 solves the congestion problems and begins rolling out this summer, the tech is already built, just being tested
Microsoft, IBM, etc are working on blockchain based identity, all on ethereum.
Azure blockchain (microsoft) is providing enterprise solutions to companies like Walmart for applications such as supply chain management, all on ethereum.
Only problem with eth is infinite inflation with PoS... but the devs have decided to make themselves the rulers of the world by implementing EIP 1559 which will cause transactions to burn eth. Total supply of eth is expected to cap at around 121m.
Meanwhile no competitors to eth are as technologically advanced, have the same quantity of developers, or have real enterprise adoption.
None of the above is currently priced in.

>> No.18324178

Oh plus:
>zero knowledge proofs (tornado.cash) make eth replace xmr
>dex with rollups replace btc as primary altcoin trading currency
>no inflation with eip 1559 means take store of value application from btc
>PoS means faster tx than lightning network without any of the problems