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18319313 No.18319313 [Reply] [Original]

>get told your whole life that you'll get ahead by working hard
>work your ass off in high school to get into a decent college
>only 50% make it
>work your ass off in college to get into a good major
>only 20% make it
>work your ass off in your major to finish your degree
>only 50% make it
>be one of the only 5% that made it through to the end of the mechanical engineering program
>all those all-nighters, extracurriculars, and research qualified you for is some fucking retarded below average pay HVAC construction job
>work nights, breathe in glass insulation, mostly just do manual labor lol
>study EVEN MORE to get good at applied math/machine learning/data science
>get moderately better job
>it's just eight english lit major managers bossing you around about highly technical data science material they don't fucking understand
>also they made your job title "Java Developer" so they don't have to pay you as much
>literally have never written a single line of java since starting there
>look for other job openings
>"20 years experience required in technology that has existed for 5 years"
>"salary: competitve"
>To top it all off:
>no gf
>no friends
>no social status

>be jewish
>get into harvard because that's where your parents went lol
>study with no particular purpose in life
>have venture capitalists throw billions of dollars at your half-assed startup ideas

Fuck this fucking bullshit. FUCK. I can't stand this anymore. I'm dedicating 100% of time and attention to developing trading algorithms. Not being jewish and working a regular job is such fucking rigged bullshit. I have to escape this hell. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.18319541

There are people that go to Harvard and still don’t make any money. If all of that is first hand experience, know that you should be networking and figuring out the best way to get to your goals. If you want wealth, make friends, bust ass in a job and leave it for a new one, leaving with more experience and a more powerful resume. A 3.0 GPA and connections/social skills will do more for you than an engineering degree, etc. I should know, I am not even out of college and I am facing backlash because of my lack of interest in clubs and networking. Evolve.

>> No.18319555

focus on something simpler man, trading algo is gna be hard AF

>> No.18319599
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based. the thread is back.

>> No.18319775

Please someone help me find something to make money with I’m nearly ready to become an hero

>> No.18319813

>5 years pass
>hundreds of failed trading algos later
>throwing all your money at it
>rice n beans
>rice n beans
>rice n beans
>writing ‚java‘ algos by day, trading algos by night
>this is the essence of your existence
>your parents wont even be proud

How to cope i dunno

>> No.18319814

>he actually fell for the stem meme

>> No.18320166
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>Be me
>Bust my ass off for a degree in computer engineering
>Work full time throughout my degree to pay for school
>Entry level jobs in my field pay the same or less than what i already make
>To top it all off the world is burning down as I am about to graduate
It was really all for nothing wasn't it.

>> No.18320688

honestly, you don't sound that smart.
Also, less copypasta threads.

>> No.18320855

Now you know how Stringer Bell felt when his properties weren't being developed because politics

>> No.18320856
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>be 20yo living in an apartment with family in yuroop
>have 19k link
>study IT software development
>quite easy/ok, but I'm lazy so it's a bit hard I guess(programming subjects are quite easy since I learned it before)
>just waiting for LINK to moon
But at least I have my foreskin I guess

>> No.18320998

What the fuck do you mean with the last phrase? Name two fucking examples where this happened you incel. Also have sex

>> No.18321074
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>invest $100 into shitcoins
>make it