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18316689 No.18316689[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>get told your whole life that you'll get ahead by working hard
>work your ass off in high school to get into a decent college
>only 50% make it
>work your ass off in college to get into a good major
>only 20% make it
>work your ass off in your major to finish your degree
>only 50% make it
>be one of the only 5% that made it through to the end of the mechanical engineering program
>all those all-nighters, extracurriculars, and research qualified you for is some fucking retarded below average pay HVAC construction job
>work nights, breathe in glass insulation, mostly just do manual labor lol
>study EVEN MORE to get good at applied math/machine learning/data science
>get moderately better job
>it's just eight english lit major managers bossing you around about highly technical data science material they don't fucking understand
>also they made your job title "Java Developer" so they don't have to pay you as much
>literally have never written a single line of java since starting there
>look for other job openings
>"20 years experience required in technology that has existed for 5 years"
>"salary: competitve"
>To top it all off:
>no gf
>no friends
>no social status

>be jewish
>get into harvard because that's where your parents went lol
>study with no particular purpose in life
>have venture capitalists throw billions of dollars at your half-assed startup ideas

Fuck this fucking bullshit. FUCK. I can't stand this anymore. I'm dedicating 100% of time and attention to developing trading algorithms. Not being jewish and working a regular job is such fucking rigged bullshit. I have to escape this hell. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.18316712
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Tempered rage is a powerful fuel source. Do not lose focus

>> No.18316714

Get fucked goyim

>> No.18316726

lol u r retarded

>> No.18316935

i hate this gayme

>> No.18317865


>> No.18317946

welcome to the club op. Americans hate science, that's why the pay is shitty and the bulk of it is outsourced.

The redpill is finance. Learn it and do your part in draining value from the system. You can be as selfish as you want while tearing it all down.

>> No.18317951

>Be criminal drug dealer/ tall
>Life easy mode, money always appears, women fuck you constantly

Lmao.clown world

>> No.18318719

You took boomer advice in a world where boomer advice doesn't work anymore. I lit my early 20s on fire listening to and trying to please my boomer parents and only in my late 20s did I manage to get my life even remotely on course. Let me explain boomer psychology a little. Their world view is completely freeze framed into the approach that worked when they were young; when working at a movie theater or as a waiter could rake in enough buying power to get you through college which was optional because there was always the local factory or coal mine that you could work at. No matter what there was always a safety net unless you were a complete lazy ass who did nothing...hence "work hard."

Now without going into why they have no grasp on reality anymore with things like "firm handshakes" and "just showing up to the office and demanding to speak to the CEO" I'll instead touch on a weird and highly toxic trait that all boomers have that will absolutely fucking wreck you if you aren't careful. It sure fucked my early life up. Boomers will gravitate towards successful and prosperous things and fuck it up...ALWAYS. I don't know what it is about them, or why. They do this with everything they're involved in. They are almost never a value-add and almost always a value drain.

On a human level though this means that if you're the successful child, you will catch the attention of your boomer parents and they will do everything they can to inject themselves into your success. Guess what ends up happening when they do that? You become so burnt out, confused, and stressed that if you don't kill yourself, you will absolutely be knocked off course from success. If you're unsuccessful they'll simply shit on you every step of the way until you're successful, then they'll go into sabotage mode. This will be the wave like existence of your life until your cancer diagnosis or stroke or whatever unless you intervene on this shit early or at least sooner rather than later.

>> No.18318779

Only 5 percent graduate?

Is this burger education? In the UK and back home (Germany) about 60-70 percent graduate from engineering. Other European institutions show the same average percentage - what are you doing?

Are engineering degrees just harder in America? Serious question because 5 percent is insane

>> No.18318819

Don't blame the Jews for helping their own. Blame your family for not helping you.
White Americans are literally the only culture on earth that buys into this bootstraps bullshit where elders aren't supposed to help young people succeed.

>> No.18318922

I feel this man.