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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18312676 No.18312676 [Reply] [Original]

>get told your whole life that you'll get ahead by working hard
>work your ass off in high school to get into a decent college
>only 50% make it
>work your ass off in college to get into a good major
>only 20% make it
>work your ass off in your major to finish your degree
>only 50% make it
>be one of the only 5% that made it through to the end of the mechanical engineering program
>all those all-nighters, extracurriculars, and research qualified you for is some fucking retarded below average pay HVAC construction job
>work nights, breathe in glass insulation, mostly just do manual labor lol
>study EVEN MORE to get good at applied math/machine learning/data science
>get moderately better job
>it's just eight english lit major managers bossing you around about highly technical data science material they don't fucking understand
>also they made your job title "Java Developer" so they don't have to pay you as much
>literally have never written a single line of java since starting there
>look for other job openings
>"20 years experience required in technology that has existed for 5 years"
>"salary: competitve"
>To top it all off:
>no gf
>no friends
>no social status

>be jewish
>get into harvard because that's where your parents went lol
>study with no particular purpose in life
>have venture capitalists throw billions of dollars at your half-assed startup ideas

Fuck this fucking bullshit. FUCK. I can't stand this anymore. I'm dedicating 100% of time and attention to developing trading algorithms. Not being jewish and working a regular job is such fucking rigged bullshit. I have to escape this hell. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.18312717

git gud

>> No.18312734

Nice larp. Fuck off now

>> No.18312751

>Becoming a mechanical engineer and going into gay ass HVAC

>> No.18312770

Obviously "Work hard" is propaganda so you can make the rich richer

>> No.18312789


Why not just pretend to be jewish

>> No.18312793

Move to Manila:

>> No.18312801

>I'm dedicating 100% of time and attention to developing trading algorithms.
And the quant still slays you.
YOU can't win.

>> No.18312952

>meanwhile drug dealers get rich off 100 BTC they forgot about in their wallet
enjoy life and b urself :^)

>> No.18313451

I'm going to fucking try.

>> No.18313551

I'm rooting for you anon

>> No.18313601

capitalism is a fucking joke. all it took was a little flu virus that threatened the gerontocracy to bring it all crashing down.

>> No.18313700

Kike, its not algorithms that will give you shit, instead accept what you actually like and stop chasing other jewish faggots ideas. If you like it, you will work overtime, if you like it, you will accept lower pay, if you like it, you will actually work and when the time comes you will be ready to take a chance and improve your position.

>> No.18313731

College is mainly for low/ middle IQs who can't think outside the box. It's a smart decision to go to college for your average normie, but your average normie is a raging retard.
If you're intelligent and can think outside the box then it's really not worth it. Unless you're extremely passionate about your major and not doing it for the money. Because of the internet there are so many ways to /make it/ on your own out there. And with a lot less work than being a wagie.

>> No.18313788
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shutup faggot

>> No.18313797

so what are they

>> No.18313817
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>he fell for the STEMtard meme

>> No.18313824

such cope, bahahaha. yeah, because everyone who sets their mind to "thinking outside the box" and creating a business succeeds.

you go to college, get a relevant degree, and get guaranteed income to then finance your pursuits, investments, etc. if you're high IQ, you go for free anyways.

sorry you didn't get accepted in your desired program or couldn't afford it, anon.

>> No.18313861
File: 68 KB, 650x442, avg-annual-physician-compensation (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoulda done medicine. At least the rat race is somewhat justified for the cheese at the end

>> No.18313865

buying shitcoins from your allowance is not "thinking outside the box"

>> No.18313881

I‘d like to keep my foreskin..

>> No.18313907

> spoonfeed me
If I had an easy way to make millions then I wouldn't give it to you for free.
I know a guy who got rich by doing affiliate marketing + blogs. No, that doesn't mean you should do that. Find something that fits your skillset. If you can't think outside the box, you don't have any valuable skills, and you're too lazy/ dumb to learn on your own then go to college.

>> No.18313970 [DELETED] 

You can't read, retard.
everyone who sets their mind to "thinking outside the box" and creating a business succeeds
I said the exact opposite. College is great for most people because most people can't think outside the box and/ or are too dumb/ lazy to make it on their own. They need to be told what to do. You're most likely one of them.
> sorry you didn't get accepted in your desired program or couldn't afford it, anon.
I studied finance in college and dropped out to run my own business. College is free in my country. No need to get so mad/ butthurt, most people have to take the wagie route through life.
I didn't invest in crypto early.

>> No.18314010

You can't read.
> everyone who sets their mind to "thinking outside the box" and creating a business succeeds
I said the exact opposite. Most NPCs can't do it. College is great for most people because most people can't think outside the box and/ or are too dumb/ lazy to make it on their own. They need to be told what to do. You're most likely one of them.
> sorry you didn't get accepted in your desired program or couldn't afford it, anon.
I studied finance in college and dropped out to run my own business. College is free in my country. No need to get so mad/ butthurt, most people have to take the wagie route through life.
I didn't buy crypto early.

>> No.18314024

I have ideas, I don't have capital. That's the problem: I'm not jewish.

>> No.18314031

They're not going to pull your pants down for the interview. Jews care about protecting their special status, but not that much.
That said, they're no question going to grill you on your Jewish knowledge, so brush up on that before the interview.

>> No.18314034
File: 46 KB, 1023x682, funnynoseandglasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you can't just show up around a bunch of jews with pic related saying "shalom brothers". you're part of their community or you're not

>> No.18314090

> make proof of concept
> write a good business plan
> pitch it to investors
> "b-b-but I don't have $20k for a proof of concept"
Live frugally and save up some money by wagecucking or get a loan from family members/ friends.

>> No.18314163

What do you think I've been trying to do? The problem is that it takes literal YEARS when I burn all my time wagecucking.

>> No.18314176

This anon is right, currently in university and most of them are Normies who can’t even fathom the idea of not having to work for mr. shekelberg. How do you think they got into college? By being a good goy. They’re drones with no ambition do busking something, a lot of them came from money too so they don’t have to worry about making it, they just want a good (((career)))
You’re the one coping, I’m getting paid to go to university and investing on the side. College isn’t difficult just annoying as it gets in the way of my ventures. You don’t need university if you have your wits, look at people like Ben Malla who have a $100 million portfolio coming from nothing

>> No.18314188

I been out here since I was 14, and what come back? The game is rigged man. Like them little bitches on the chess board.

>> No.18314200

Good luck Anon.

>> No.18314256
File: 33 KB, 749x499, Steve Feinberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon read this. It will calm you down.

>> No.18314287

>>no gf
>>no friends
>>no social status
for gf: i use prostitutes
for friends: it's jewish facebook dot com bullshit
for social status:u just need house and car

>> No.18314323

It has almost never been about hard work first in the history of mankind. It has always been about smart work and sometimes that smart work was hard. Smart work is worth doing hard though. Plebs saw that sometimes the smart work that had an enormous pay off was hard and so they thought by working hard they would get the results of the people who were working smart. Typical pleb misinterpretation shit.
>that guy with the pick axe is digging and look at the gold he found!
>therefore the more I use my pick axe and dig the more likely it is I'll find gold!
Wasted motion is wasted motion and poor allocation and prioritization of your time or any resource for that matter will be costly. No one is looking for hard battles. Ask Marcus Crassus about the value of hard battles over smart battles. We're the species we are because our ancestors said "fuck this eating bugs shit, let's run a mammoth off a cliff."

>> No.18314399

>I'm dedicating 100% of time and attention to developing trading algorithms.
Should dedicate your time to killing all Jews.

>> No.18314402

Stock market it up, commie shill.

>> No.18314436

idk my nigger. All i can say is you are doing something wrong. All engineers i know did pretty much the same as you, except they immediately got great high paying jobs with interesting work. But i don’t know about the fields, not a stem guy myself. Maybe just apply for other jobs in your field of work?

>> No.18314755

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