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18310245 No.18310245[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The value of vagina is about to fall worse than stocks, worse than house prices, worse than crypto.

When we emerge into the post-corona world and the economies it has fucked pretty severely (most beyond any hope of recovery), we will realise that women were doing the worthless jobs that no one actually needs, and most of them are going to be out of work, and their only choices will be
1. Housewife/live-in gf (smart ones will go for this)
2. Whore (most will avoid because social stigma)
3. Camthot (barely any will even attempt this because low key whore, see 2, and market is saturated like anything)

Incel/biz/bros, this is going to be our world.
In a time of crisis, companies don't hire diversity-quota shit.
Women have been the ones to profit off things being good. Now they are going to be back under the heel of men once again.

>> No.18310279

Doesn't matter they still wouldn't fuck you

>> No.18310299

But then all those lesbian dance diplomas will go to waste!

>> No.18310317

They won't have a choice, it's fuck us incelchads or be homeless. Even prior to corona, I was seeing increased numbers of whores begging for money outside stores etc.
Their funtime is over.
You may see the media rallying around them because they know the game is up and they have to defend their precious consoomer thots.

>> No.18310322
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The 3dpd market always volatile. The only safe investment is hueg anime schoolgirl titties.

>> No.18310323
File: 457 KB, 1080x1175, 1584807419193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that if she isn't a virgin she's a whore

>> No.18310338

You're retarded m8. All you're going to see is ultra-simp hypergamy. Millions of bottom feeders with one or three dumps and a handful of giga thots with simp armies that would dwarf Caesar's legions. It's already the way income distribution for titty steamers happens on twitch it will just grow into a global phenomenon.

>> No.18310348


It's true. I used to tell my wife she was beautiful in order to get her to have sex with me but now I just grunt and point to my dick and she hops on, afraid I'll throw her out into the streets. Even my dog licks my toes unprompted, as if she knows how good she has it compared to the mutts roaming the streets that have to rely on eating small children that stray too far from home.

>> No.18310383
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>> No.18310390

>one or three dumps
I meant simps

>> No.18310404

You just contradicted yourself, moron.
Yes, a handful of gigathots. What will the rest of the millions of low-tier thots do to survive? There are nowhere near enough paypig simps like this guy >>18310279 to feed even 1% of thots. Maybe not even 0.1%. Especially when paypigs are going to be starving themselves. Anyone smart sees a huge opportunity here.

Jobs are gone. Economies are gone. The smart of us who saved up knowing this day was near can now cash in and at least have a few kids and a family.

>> No.18310415

One pay pig is enough. There's twitch thots that survive for years with one simp or two simps.

>> No.18310418

Just remember the simp paypigs are also going to be out of money from now.

>> No.18310419

The simp meme is really taking off. I wouldn't be surprised if it was beginning to cut into twitch thots profits.

I still game, I'm 30, I remember in 2015 most zoomers I gamed with were obsessed with e girls. They would link their streams and drool over them. I remember thinking how sad it was guys would pay to have them read their name. Fast forward a five years, I just gamed with a random group of zoomers and they have a section of their discord for bashing simps. To me, it seems young males have wised up to this trend. Wouldn't be surprised if none of those e girls can make a living except for the really big names in 3 years or so.

>> No.18310454

It's over for them too.

>> No.18310459

Because they grew up. Simping is an institution that lives on the blood of the young. Pewdipie is arguably the first big e-girl grifter in so far as he had an army of impressionable young boys throwing their parents money at him in 2013 then those people grew up.

>> No.18310470

I don't think you understand how this borderline findom mentality works.

>> No.18310516

I don't think you understand how simps not having a cashflow because crashed economy works. Gash crash is here.

>> No.18310525
File: 608 KB, 1228x691, michaelzhsee-post-apocalyptic-you-1-1f80de28-d65n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooks, cleaners and home-makers are going to surge in value in a post-apoc situation where you can't just microwave your tendies and living in your own filth becomes mortally dangerous.
Having a gf will be as crucial to your survival as living near a water source.

>> No.18310529

I'm not so sure. These kids only seemed to be about 20 (simp bashing). The kids I csgo'd with 5 years ago were early 20s and they didn't have this view of e girls.

Maybe I'm overly optimistic, but I feel people are generally getting wiser to the e girl scam.

>> No.18310532

Already do all that myself. Don't overrate yourself, thot.

>> No.18310534

Most women can't do those things though

>> No.18310543

These people will take out mortgages and sell blood to donate to their thot. You're trying to hit the bottom of an endless chasm to find your feet.

>> No.18310565
File: 1.58 MB, 1026x1536, 1446803285742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hedged with anime feet

>> No.18310654


They can only get so much loans. Eventually they will run out of mone, blood, organs, you name it.