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18309816 No.18309816[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Bill Gates with ID2020 Alliance’ Will Combine Vaccinations & Implantable ID Microchips.

Step back a little bit, re-read what you just read and tell me this isn't the precursor to the mark of the beast, revealed in the bible.

>And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. - Revelation 13:17

Why are you not saved yet? Honest question.

You are all supposed to be these smart individuals who see things the "normies" do not and yet you do not see the most obvious truth, the one that is right in front of your face, the fact that the bible is 100% true and that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh.

Wake up, it will be too late very soon.

Here's how you and your family can be safe from this:


>> No.18309838

>trying to eradicate neglected tropical diseases via vaccination
>shithole countries have no record keeping
>develop record keeping for shithole countries
>Christians panic

>> No.18309843

Suterusu fixes this. Literally.

>> No.18309850

For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them. - Matt 13:15

>> No.18309857

Suterusu also fixes poverty on /biz/

>> No.18309861

>Christian schizos
>fear the devil around each corner
What's new?

>> No.18309863


>> No.18309867
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>> No.18309868


>> No.18309869

Look fren we appreciate the effort to save us but this is /biz/ not /pol/

>> No.18309877

that guy is nuts
everything else is spot on. id2020...covid...bill gates...

>> No.18309887

this is the event that triggers mass awakening, so i guess it's like a tradeoff isn't it. reptiles get 7 year and in the end we finally become free.

>> No.18309911

only if you don't take the mark.

Imagine in a few months when you're refusing to take computer mans' mark and then you can't go to work or buy things at the stores because you're a health risk

>> No.18309916


Tropical diseases are caused by malnutrition of tropical residents

>> No.18309920

>For this people's heart is waxed
People should stop waxing their hearts, they should be waxing their vagoos.

>> No.18309935

And bacteria, fungi, helminths and viruses.

>> No.18309938
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forgot pic

>> No.18309951

i think the whole thing is about love. i had my fare share of thinking about this topic, i will definetely take care of my loved ones rather than be afraid of this shit.

>> No.18310020

yes give up your privacy for "love"

>> No.18310043

I can't reconcile how to deal with the fact the bible says you should let yourself be killed before you take the mark.
The ancient Greek eschatology also ends with people being separated into hell and heaven indefinitely.
Imagine being an immortal wage slave stuck in inescapable global socialism.

Hopefully I will have arranged a self sufficient, off grid homestead by then

>> No.18310045

My guess is theyre using this coronavirus hoax to crash the economy and print money.
Everyones gonna require welfare or some UBI type keynesian shit, and to be eligible to keep collecting gibs, youll need to be vaccinated.
The vaccine will probably sterilize the people who get it, or sterilize your offspring to be less obvious.

>> No.18310073
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>> No.18310082
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>> No.18310140

have you read Revelation? guy talks about dragons with 7 heads coming out of the ocean.

>> No.18310145

Yes I have, many times.
>what is a metaphor

>> No.18310151

well i guess i just went already quite deep into the rabbithole, and what I can say is this: there were plenty of points where humanity had a chance to turn this thing around, and nothing happened. even now here at /biz we make fun of scizzos but i'm pretty sure that a significant amount of people ended up here after reading the original hidden hand material. the saddest thing is not that people don't notice the redpill, it's that people actively go for the selfish and hedonistic choice, every step on the way like before. this thing is bigger than me and there is only so much a single person can do. i do what i feel like is a way back the source so i kinda feel ok about this, even tho i admit it's scary.

>> No.18310159


>> No.18310189

This woman doesn't know anything.
Nobody has the mark yet, it will only be here when the antichrist is here.

>> No.18310198

yeah but are you going to let yourself be killed instead of taking a mark on your right hand that can control what you can buy and sell?

It's schizo as fuck, but it's a completely possible situation in the next 12 months.

>> No.18310203

right. shes crazy but you aren't crazy.

>> No.18310220

I didn't say she is crazy, I said she doesn't know the bible.

I always find so many retarded people making up real shitty strawmen in conversations. I wonder if I am a retard magnet.

>> No.18310236

i think what you are saying still takes time. besides, for me this is a bit complicated, i really have no idea what's up at this point. cash still needs to be out of the game, and then we gonna need the new system up and functioning. this still takes time, and i really don't know where my search will take me until that point.

>> No.18310241 [DELETED] 

Look at the size of that toastier, absolute unit. Jessica get your bands up

>> No.18310253

>>18310082 #
Look at the size of that roastie, absolute unit. Jessica get your bands up

>> No.18310258

I didn't say you said shes crazy. I said shes crazy.

>> No.18310261

You do realize, if you take the mark, you lose your soul right? You literally become a drone in the antichrist army. You wont be having your own thoughts, you wont be doing what you love. You will be controlled, lol. So go ahead, take the mark so you can buy and sell, enjoy it I guess.

>> No.18310319

can you define what a soul is exactly?

>> No.18310339

what if they chip us all and there is no antichrist or end times. its just an authoritarian government with too much control on the population.
you wish there was some big finale, but in reality, this is just people being people.
they are only doing this because they know it will freak you out and they need an easy target for their campaign to increase military control domestically.

>> No.18310345

it's irrelevant to the question, it can only take up to 3.5 years. If it comes to that point what will you do

ironic you're telling other people about misrepresenting your arguments.
I'm not arguing for taking it and I know what the alleged consequences are.

allowing yourself to be killed vs taking it seems like an unfair ultimatum, no one can reach that level of faith without it being delusion.

>> No.18310372

besides, Jesus is the symbol of forgiveness, why would this, the most scary event in world history be unforgiven is beyond me. what i do know is that religions were and are infiltrated and used for mass manipulation, and i have a suspicion that the same thing happens here also.

>> No.18310378

faith literally means believing something in spite of bad evidence. all faith is delusion.

>> No.18310394

if you have proof it becomes knowing doesn't it? don't be a retard

>> No.18310406

Your mind, faculties. Who you are.

>> No.18310410
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imagine all the faggots who “invested” in this botnet project tied to (((Microsoft))) (((Swift))) and others

>> No.18310417

That sounds like wishful thinking and it sounds delusional as fuck too. Here you have a book that explains what will happen, and it is happening right before your eyes and you close your eyes real hard and you hope it isnt so.

Delusion at it's finest. Maybe it's time you rethink the reality you have been believing you live in and get saved.

>> No.18310426
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jesus being the symbol of forgiveness is a half truth.

faith is knowing that there is experiment you can run that makes it rational to believe what has been happening will continue to happen. Gravity could invert in 5mins and that would be completely valid. There are infinite unkowable unknowns that are critical to the continuation of the coherence of your experience and you have faith in them whether you understand that or not

>> No.18310434

if you have proof, it's called reason.

why not just call it your mind then? are the soul and mind the same thing?

>> No.18310436
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RooshV explained it all: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fg--3LKZIOo&t=14865s

Worth the watch anons, he's right.

>> No.18310438

>there is experiment
meant to say no experiment

>> No.18310450


>> No.18310469

>Here you have a book that explains what will happen
What book?

>> No.18310474

vote on the poll
what is coronavirus?

>> No.18310502

in your example, we have such good evidence of how gravity behaves, that we can make predictions which allow us to put rockets in space.
this is called reason.

Building the rockets based on unfounded assumptions would be faith. and the rockets wouldn't work. and you would be delusional for thinking they would.

>> No.18310528

based. shit is moving fast.

>> No.18310539

you are the best example why the happening has to be about numbing horror, otherwise you could simply not shut the fuck up and overexplain it like literally everything else, and would not pay attention to what was happening.

>> No.18310542

>There's a massive conspiracy taking pkace, therefore you should worship this dead kike on a stick

>> No.18310548

>can't read
there is no experiment that can be run that can make it rational to believe gravity will continue to be described by what it has been for the past 300 years. We have faith that it will.
You have the classic retards misinterpretation of science

You're like a dinosaur saying there's no such thing as asteroids because you've never measured one

>> No.18310551

zombie kike. he came back from the dead like a zombie

>> No.18310554

This is simply not true. You have faith the laws of the universe will not revert, that is what biblical faith is. Not blind faith.

>> No.18310566

no. biblical faith is faith that reality is moving towards worthwhile experience

>> No.18310576

You just said the same thing I said with a different example.

>> No.18310589

I'm saying there is on reason to believe things that have no reason to believe them. sure pixies could exist, but if there is no reason to believe they do, then you'd have to believe using faith. which is literally the worst way to figure out if something is true.

>> No.18310592

no I didn't.
Consistency of the way reality behaves does not mean we're destined for a kingdom of heaven type existence. A satanists heaven of endless worlds of slaves is possible in that reality.

>> No.18310596

Are you a doctor? No? Then shut your fucking bitch mouth.

>> No.18310598

how many times do i have to explain that reason is not faith and faith is not reason?

>> No.18310605

Easy there on the bible quoting, Satan

>> No.18310606

that's not what you said here >>18310378 which is what I'm disagreeing with.

>> No.18310612

>faith that reality is moving towards worthwhile experience

Based on the bible. Can a satanist have faith? Yes, his faith is not in the bible, but he still has the same faith I do for example.


So yes, you said the same thing I said. You just don't realize it.

Mental Assent

This is what the bible speaks of as being faith. Frankly, that I have to tell you and the retard above this is kind of embarrassing. The dumbing down of the world has occurred indeed.

>> No.18310630
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>You do realize, if you take the mark, you lose your soul right?
mfw people believe this shit

>> No.18310637

Nigga the entire bible is a metaphor

>> No.18310668

faith is reason, everything you do is based on faith.
Science is only observation every scientific result can change tomorrow and that would be valid. There is no scientific way to make it rational to believe the next second will be coherent with the last you believe it will be because you have no other option. this was self evident to people before the scientific revolution.

>faith the laws of the universe will not revert, that is what biblical faith is.
that is not what biblical faith is

>> No.18310686

bro the entirety of the Christian Church got it wrong for 1500 years bro

Protestants are so dumb.

>> No.18310704

>>faith the laws of the universe will not revert, that is what biblical faith is.
>that is not what biblical faith is

Yes it is, we have faith the laws of the universe will not revert based on experience, based on what we know about the world.

Same faith is applied to the resurrection.

>Minimal facts argument

You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.18310718

when it's all happening and you finally realize this thread was right, you will not have the gospel at hand.

>> No.18310727
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Only to unsaved people like yourself.

>> No.18310744

Ironically if you believe science proves gravity will obey newton and Einsteins laws as a function of any other variable you are the one that is delusional because it is not warranted belief.

There's that analogy that meme neil degrase tyson gives of how eventually one day in the future the stars will have accelerated to a point where people alive on earth will not be able to ascertain the existence of stars. He then takes this analogy as an argument to how lucky we are when he should realise the same situation for something else is true for us.
Science is useful but

no it's not. biblical faith is having faith in experiencial salvation which is not necessitated by a consistent reality.
The need for faith in a consistent reality is scientism, it allows people to say things like god is dead.

>> No.18310745

This whole discussion was based on the way the word was used in this post.


You can claim that the Bible means something else but that isn’t what I am talking about. Faith in that context is believing something without reason.

>> No.18310783

There is no reason to believe that people come back to life after being dead for several days. There are no examples of that ever happening. Faith is applied because there is no reason to believe the resurrection story is true.

>> No.18310791

>no one can reach that level of faith without it being delusion.
how can I have used it in that context when I literally separate faith and delusion.

It is also presumptuous to think there is no evidence to warrant belief in death being preferable to the mark of the beast

>> No.18310819
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>Faith in that context is believing something without reason.

This is just the dumbest shit ever and a perpetuated fedora atheist lie. Never has it meant what you said, what a strawman. Why don't you listen and learn and let me as a Christian tell you, fedora, what biblical faith is and has always meant? You can't tell me what it means and then beat down the supposed meaning and claim see, faith is blind.

Yes, it is. That's all there's to it.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. - Hebrews 11:1


There is an example, it is the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

1. Jesus didn’t really die on the cross.
2. Jesus’ body was stolen.
3. The disciples were hallucinating.
4. The account is legendary.
5. It really happened.

All the accounts affirm he died. Pilate verified he died. During the lifetime of the eyewitnesses no one disputes his death. Secular and contemporary historians Lucian, Josephus, and Tacitus cite his death as factual.

What if the disciples faked the resurrection story by stealing Jesus’ body and then claiming he was alive? Not only was the location of the tomb well-known but the Romans had assigned guards to watch the tomb 24 hours a day. This was a trained guard unit comprised of 4 to 16 soldiers. Josh McDowell notes, “The Roman Guard unit was committed to discipline and they feared failure in any way.” It would have been impossible for anyone to have slipped by the guards unnoticed and then move the stone.

>What if the disciples might have been so emotionally distraught that they hallucinated and imagined Jesus’ resurrection? Hallucination by definition happens in your mind, thus is it impossible for mass hallucinations to occur at different times and places amongst different types of people.

Is it just a Legend? Legends do not develop while multiple eyewitnesses are alive to refute them.

>> No.18310830

>Faith is applied because there is no reason to believe the resurrection story is true.

no the word faith is applied because people are not as stupid as you to think that absence of evidence is evidence to the contrary alongside assumptions that science is anything but a description of what is happening not what is possible

>> No.18310844

Those desert people really did a number on the west. Some schizoid ramblings written 2000 years ago still dominate the brains of mental weaklings to this day.

>> No.18310852

>laws will not revert
>Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

>proves himself wrong

>> No.18310873
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>Did not understand what I said.
>See you were wrong.

>> No.18310889

> Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. - Hebrews 11:1

>substance of things hoped for
>Evidence of things not seen

Sounds like faith is believing something without reason.

>> No.18310898

stop wasting your energy on this faggot, this never was a conversation but a bait. every time someone brings up strawman while talking they are the type that will keep arguing no matter what you say. he wasn't open to anyone's arguments he just wanted to bait us for attention.

>> No.18311389

Gimme the mark coz I am gonna FUCK so many dirty whores in hell I can't wait for satan to watch me COOOOM