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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18305730 No.18305730 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/ bros. What was (or is) the comfiest job you ever had? Was the money good or not? How did you lose said job if you are no longer there? How did you get that job in the first place?

>> No.18305786

Working in a wildlife research lab. The money was shit but the people were good and the work was interesting. Got to raise fish and go out on trawl boats in Lake Erie. Its fun to work 2 crazy 20 hr days then get the rest of the week off to watch anime.

>> No.18305830

I was an engineer for a medical device company that was going through some problems. They were hiring people like crazy. My first six figure job, and I did almost nothing for months at a time. I would work out at the on-site gym every morning (nearly), and legitimately got in the best shape of my life. Went to a local bar/food place regularly and made friends with an insanely hot bartender (had a girlfriend at the time). Started chatting her up, doing my thing to get to close the deal eventually. And then the site got closed down and I lost it.

>> No.18305858

QA analyst
It was all good until we got outsourced to jeets

>> No.18305927

unironically, trucker.

>> No.18305984
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>> No.18305991

nothing, every job ive had was busting my body up for minimum wage

>> No.18306169

Work from home medical logistics. Beats critical care medicine any day.

>> No.18306245

>trader for rich client
>money was amazing
>2hr commute each way led to burnout

>> No.18306257

I heard security guard jobs are comfy but in my state you need a license and a certificate of bullshit from the Brown pants academy so I could never do it.

>> No.18306260

Coding from home.

>> No.18306422

Unironically comfy as fuck in my sleeper in bumfuck Nebraska. Feels good.

>> No.18306430


>> No.18306448
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Funneling neetbux into investments

>> No.18306578

corporate telecom. Feels like high school computer homework once you learn the software, work from home, 25/hr+bennies, its humble but comfy af

>> No.18306615

Fire Command Center Operator

60k a year, unionized, pension, annuity, healthcare paid for 100% by union contract.

Sit in comfy chair, work alone, play vidya, listen to music, shitpost. Just make sure if alarms go off you call the fire department and notify security.

I'm one of the only people in my area who knows how a 50 year old fire system works.

>> No.18306641

lifeguard was my favorite job @ 16
hang out outside, cute coworkers, milfs at the pool, you get a little authority too. mind completely free to wander. pool empty certain times, then you can read a book. constant breaks as well.

pay, $10 per hour. to be expected

>> No.18306663

I run several social media pages for 100k+ a year at 18. Got really lucky through a friend who started Trendingpolitics.com. Just get to sit on my phone all day knowing my job is secure

>> No.18306684

Thank you for your service

>> No.18306827

die black nigger

>> No.18307103


>> No.18307104
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What about the black nigger?

>> No.18307116

A black man could never be evil.

>> No.18307124

I never had a job in my life and the prospects of my country are getting worse and worse

>> No.18307273

investment banker working from home bc covid its amazing i hope that i can move out of nyc and continue working remotely

>> No.18307353
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Best job I ever had was being a remote medical device sales rep. I lived in So Cal at the time, but my territory was all of Arizona and Las Vegas, NV. My base salary was $65k which is low for the location I was in, but that's because the company I worked for had a really good comssion structure. My first year I hauled in $100k, second year $115k, third year a little under $140k. I had a company credit card to use for gas, car repairs, taking clients out to lunch/dinner, and any other travel expenses. I never paid for gas once out of my own pocket for 3 years. On top of that I had a car allowance of $425 per month. Medical device sales can be competitive, but it has it's advantages compared ot other industry sales jobs. For example, a client is always willing to buy your product to at least try it out once. Hospitals are always looking to save money too. You have a strong pipeline of clients reaching out to you first, which is somehwat rare compared to other sales jobs in other industries. My company paid to have some of our products in various catalogs and healthcare magazines, so there was always a stead flow of easy money without having to put in the work. Generally, people who work in hospitals can be really laid back too. Most of them are cool people. I also had to wear scrubs to work. So everyday was like wearing pajamas. It was fucking great.

I worked in the field 4 days a week Monday - Thrusday w/ about 3 appointments per day. Sometimes appointmets were early like at 6am, but on average my first appointment of the say was 8-9am. I never worked past 4pm at the latest. Most days I was done by 2pm-3pm. On Fridays it was what we call 'office day'. I didn't have any client appointments and would work from home to catch up on emails/admin stuff, or make calls to set stuff up for the next week. I always hit my numbers, so my boss didn't give a fuck & he called maybe once a month.

Ah, those were the glory days.

>> No.18307417

What company so I can tell you if you sold quality products or horseshit.

>> No.18308201

truck unloader / shelf stocker at target. the pay was shit obviously, but the work was super comfy and had great coworkers. target has gone to shit sadly and now i have a "real" job

>> No.18308299
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silverware wrapper for a restaurant

i wrapped silverware in front of a tv for 8 hours not having to socialize with anyone. i only made like 6.75 an hour(this was in like 2004) but it was the best job i ever had

i would watch like amc movies while doing it

>> No.18308310

Chef at Wendy's $8/hr

>> No.18308316

i got laid off from that job during the 2008 recession

>> No.18308388

Country club bartender during college and the summer after. Listened and learned from rich men, flirted daily with tiddy milfs, partied with slutty waitresses, unlimited free golf on Mondays, a meal every shift. I rode my bike always, almost never drove my car. Very happy days for me even though I was flat fuckin broke at 11 an hour.

>> No.18308475

Current job. Janitor at a gym. I barely do any less work now the country is on lockdown. It takes me maybe an hour to do my assigned tasks and then I spend the other 3 hours of my shift having a poppy seed tea in the boiler room, maybe having a nap in the supply cupboard, shooting the shit with whoever is working the desk, have a sauna since we don't open it until later in the day
Sometimes I come down at night and do graffiti on the outside walls just so I have something extra to do so my office drone boss thinks I'm being proactive

>> No.18308706

Lifeguard is super comfy. Very little effort, very minimal interaction, very little supervision. Usually pays more than minimum wage. Oh but you have to be moderately fit. Biztards couldnt do it. People call it boring. To me it is contemplative

>> No.18308736

My current job pays me 70k to do nothing. I'm account manager for a very low level mob associate's side business. I got it through connections. He likes me because I'm cordial, polite and on the dot. Takes a lot off his plate. But I literally do nothing. Literally like 2 hours of work per week. I'm sitting home all month smoking weed and getting paid for it. I love my life.

>> No.18308993

>corporate telecom
how to into this anon