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1829896 No.1829896 [Reply] [Original]

Shameful neet here,had some bad lows & ended up sitting in front of a PC for a few years,haven't even finished HS,I might be too old to go back now(20).
To the point;
My mother wants me to get into a disability cheque program,but I have always seen it as a line in the sand if you know what I mean;the bottom of the barrel.
So I'm hesitating.
I want to get back into life,I want a goal,I want life to be the adventure I was told it would be.

Would being on disability follow me in a bad way down the line assuming I did become a normie?

>> No.1829918

What disability do you have?

I'm going to take a wild guess and say """anxiety""".

>> No.1829954

I'm 6'4,overweight,major depression,among other shit. Anxiety goes without saying.
Just a fucking mess,really.
But I'm making efforts to better myself & get out of this.

Can you answer the first question?

>> No.1829962

>major depression
Literally anyone can get on disability for that brother. It's up to you not me. Obviously I think it's a shit idea to throw your life away like that, but just do whatever you want.

Internet strangers can't live your life for you.

>> No.1829976

Maybe I worded it badly,what I tried to ask was if taking disability will follow me trying to get a job;go into a school,ect in a bad light?
Like having a criminal record follows,you know?

>> No.1829986

No, disability does not work like a criminal record.

>> No.1829996


I don't think employers can see your disability status. If you get an interview, they'll want to know if you can do the job duties. If you can with no accomodation, then no need to discuss your previous history of being on disability.

>> No.1830000

So what do u think is gonna happen in 10 years when $1000/month (at most) no longer cuts it and you want a job.

"Hey guys sorry no work experience I've just been reaaaallly depressed for the last decade hehe"

Enjoy your pathetic future at McDonald's or on welfare dude. It's fucking pathetic and sad. Just lose weight. Eat right and live a more wholesome life. No shit you're depressed and everything else. ANYONE WOUKD BE IF THEY LIVED YOUR LIFESTYLE.

"Hello anon, I see here you're 32 years old. But you have zero work experience.. What exactly have you been doing? For such a large portion of your life?"

>> No.1830001

Is there any hope for me /biz/?

>Did a communications/business type of program at top-tier university
>Didn't get a job first few months (my own fault, wasn't trying too hard)
>Started working a labor job I got through a temp agency
>It's been FIVE years working labor jobs. Currently hired at a factory
>Parents are on my ass about still working shitty factory job making $14/hr, need to do something with my life
>Keep bringing up relatives my age, who weren't even born in this country, that came here, got better jobs than me, even got married and are on the proper course in life

Do I still have a chance at a good, office job? What advice do u have??

>> No.1830008


He's not 32 years old. He has time to either get additional education or start with a simple job. Don't be cheeky. Goozoo.

>> No.1830028

I'm saying what the future will hold if he does go on disability you idiot. It's literally throwing your life away

He's a lazy retard who thinks 20 is too late to finish highschool as if the GED doesn't exist and as if cheap ministry of education funded courses don't exist in Canada either

>> No.1830119
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I see,thank you;that's all I wanted to know.

tl;dr disability is a short-term means to end not long-term,which you inferred I was asking.
I know you're trying to give advice in your own autistic projecting way,which I appreciate,but you layer on your cunt attitude as thick as your Dads load on your lips,snarky fuck.

>> No.1830130

So what's the plan then?
Staying on disability then one day you get the motivation to work?

>> No.1830221
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To be honest,I really don't know,dude.
Critical thinking isn't really nurtured where I'm from,but I'm trying.

But I do know I don't want to be like your average welfare nigger;to that end I think I should just say 'fuck it' and just jump back into school,look for a program to help me & then going into military.

Or using said disability and putting it all into personal gains;gym,proper food until I'm /fit/ enough to not kms during boot,use military programs to finish schooling,which I could continue service from there or move onto something else.

>> No.1830532


Hate to be the bearer of bad news, dude, but is the military even an option at this point? Britfag here, but I was permanently barred from service for previous mental health issues - namely a period of depression which required anti-depressants.

When I found that out my life pretty much came crashing down around me, I mean the army was my only plan and - like you - I had no qualifications or anything. This did my head in even more and at 19 through to 21 I found myself on disability trying to get my shit together. It hasn't held me back though - that 18 months or so allowed me learn new skills, I eventually spent 3 years working in software dev, 1 year working as a contractor and now run my own company.

Above all you just need to check what options you still have at the moment (and 20 is deffo not to late for education.) and work out what you really want to do.

>> No.1830607

Fix your self-hate via exercise and diet control, then go make money in sales or a pyramid scheme (yes they do work if you actually do things).

>> No.1830732

You are retarded. You can be on disability and have a job. If you get your legs cut off in a motor accident you can get disability and work in an office.
Im currently on disability because I have a real condition and not just hurt feelings. Good luck with the process. They are brutal. It doesnt effect jobs though.

>> No.1830806
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You can't join the military if you have been prescribed antidepressants????? Are you fucking kidding me? Why didn't my psychiatrist tell me that. Military has always been my fallback plan so I don't end up homeless. FUCKKK

>> No.1831056


Don't accept random anon as gospel just in case, I'm not sure where you're located but at least in the UK the medical vetting is quite strict with mental health stuff.

If it was just antidepressants for a few months, and due to situational shit, you may be OK - albeit with the caveat that you need to be free of treatment for X years. Docs here for Brits - www.army.mod.uk/documents/general/bgn_ri15_medical_screening.pdf

I only mentioned it to OP as if he considers going on disability then that makes the whole issue appear more severe.

>> No.1831110

What's the easiest/best way to get some free disability/depression cash in Canada?

>> No.1831200


Bro, just enroll in a GED program, and maybe go to school for a year and get a trade or certificate in something simple but profitable

Electric / Computer Networking / Plumbing etc.

So this summer, sign up for classes in the fall to finish your high school. Theres the first step

Take as many pills as you need to, but you gotta step up to the plate.

We have enough leeching niggers here in the West, don't be another one of them

>> No.1831222
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Was going to actually use something called 'plar' which I guess is the same thing as ged.
The plans coming together noicely,I came to the right board.

>> No.1831271

>You are retarded. You can be on disability and have a job.

Disability means getting paid because you can't work due to something out of your control.

If you can work (evident by having a job) you don't get disability. What the fuck else would it be for?

>> No.1831565

>diagnosed with an ASD (mild autism) when I was 4
>had no HS diploma when I was 20
>was (and am) very depressed too most of the time, and medicated for that
>decided to get my shit together
>rushed through the 2 years of lost high school material within 2 months before the exam
>got my diploma
>now pursuing higher education (currently as a sysadmin, but I plan on to switch to applied math or econ if everything goes well)

Granted, it involved not sleeping 4 nights in a row and listening to commie propaganda music to keep up the energy (it had an almost hypnotic motivating effect on me, even though I'm not a commie), but I got to the goal.

>> No.1831567

Also, if you do that, don't expect great grades. You'd need to actually do many practice problems like normies do for that.
But you will get a passing grade.