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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18296496 No.18296496 [Reply] [Original]

Lads I had no idea normies were so excited and up for a complete economic and societal collapse.l, but it's becoming more and more apparent that I have gravely misjudged the mindframe of the average person
Since this whole thing started people seem almost secretly excited about this. Everytime I see a post on normie social media about a shop being still open it is absolutely smashed with comments telling them to close doors, these people want complete economic destruction and they have stopped hiding it
How do I profit from this?

>> No.18296669
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>> No.18296707

Because everyone hates this flawed old boomer capitalist system

>> No.18296729

Because 90% of the Normies are literally broke and have nothing to lose. They want their fair and know they will never get it in the current system.

>> No.18296738

>How do I profit from this?
Buy as much physical silver as you can right now. Tell your normie friends to do the same. You could very well triple your money in the next year.

>> No.18296744

>hurrr durrr capitalism purrrfect system
>90% of population is broke and hates it
good job

>> No.18296767

R*ddit is hoping for a collapse to save face because they fell for the coronachan meme

>> No.18296790

just a flu bru

>> No.18296847

Everyone who is unemployed could work from home anyways. Close the old.

>> No.18296903

people are just sick of fake marxist capitalism and the governments intervention in everything
a rest is the only way to get rid of this disgusting parasitic tumour of a government

>> No.18296915

Lol are commies still shitting up this place? Sad

>> No.18297000

Because the answer to an economic collapse will be UBI.
People are begging for the future technocratic neo-communist society where they hand out their freedom for endless consumption.
We are probably one of the last generations of homosapiens. The elites will merge with AI and have automation to keep civilization going. Meanwhile we will be socially reserved coomsumers, not reproducing and just having endless pleasure of drugs and entertainment as our numbers diminish until we are no longer a nuisance for the AI elite gods.
Quite merciful of them since they could just wipe us out with a real hardcore corona chan, but they need to smooth out the transiction so lucky us.

>> No.18298322

I unironically don't care if this happens. I am not assimilating so just feed me adderall and weed and let me play video games and jerk off until I die

>> No.18298336

Almost every problem with the (((capitalist))) system is caused by jews.

A perfect cut of meat can still have a parasite.

>> No.18298389

>Because the answer to an economic collapse will be UBI.
... or so the jewish communists insist will be awaiting the goyimling. But that is not what happens. The "useful idiots" will instead be shot, while the slave labor that keeps the elite comfortable is done by the 70IQ races of browns. After all, wypipo will refuse to do all the labor for the elites for barely enough money to eat... they tell you this every day. But the brown hordes will. So what use is a liberal demanding $15/hr minimum to pour coffee when a brown will do it for a bed in a commieblock and enough rice to eat for the week?

How many times do the jews have to mock you to your face about how they want to destroy your country, eliminate your entire race, before they will notice that nothing the jew promises them is for their benefit? The word for them means "livestock" for a reason.

>> No.18298400

Absolutely redpilled.

Libertarians like to make out as if being a wagie or even a business owner makes you free, but it doesn't really unless you are so mobile that you can move to Saudi Arabia or China or something (not that they're any freer obviously but being totally mobile at least allows you to pick your poison).

The reality is that the vast majority of workers are deluding themselves. The self-respect they feel about what they do is a delusion they refuse to wake up from, because if they did they'd feel incredibly ashamed and foolish. Days and days and weeks and weeks and month and years of toil, and for what?

Nice middle class well adjusted successful guys are getting mugged by the System all the time, by divorces, frivolous lawsuits, sex crimes charges and all the rest. Why do it? Why jump through all the hoops when it just gets you a gilded cage at best, and that cage for most of us isn't even that gilded anymore?

And even when it is, it's actually usually smaller the higher up the totem pole you go thanks to information technology which makes any social faux pas potentially more dangerous and costly than ever.

Your only freedom now is being alone. But of course, being alone also makes you incredibly powerless, even more than previous generations of plebs who could at least count on a little fraternity from their IRL peers. There's no way out of this one frens.

>> No.18298619

Girlfriend thought I was dumb and wearing a foil hat when I started talking about corona at the beginning of the year. Now she's full blown panic mode about it while I now just want to make money from idiotpanic.

>> No.18298737

The blackpill is this is true for most people. The redpill is you can become part of the AI-elite's regime if you work hard enough and prove yourself. The next blackpill is your motivation in life is usually determined by your childhood.

>> No.18298769

People on this board are dogmatic cultist NEETS with no skin in the game. They are by nature acting in bad faith. That's why the OP was shocked even.

>> No.18299090

I don't think the normies see what's coming. They really are just following media programming.
>virus bad
>we are at WAR
>just a few months until we beat the virus then things will be back to normal

>> No.18299234

I can't do my job from home, at least not with current technology, and neither can millions of others.

>> No.18299398

I try to talk about freedom, art, and introspection with my coworkers and family but they just want to watch reruns on TV and complain about the neighbors. I'm so lonely bros, what is the point of making it when your family and friends want you shackled into their retard cult?

>> No.18299505

Overcome those feelings of loneliness, they are childish weakness holding you back. Truly making it is feeling nothing but greed and lust

>> No.18300060
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I honestly don't think a UBI techno-socialist system that just says "here is 1.2k a month and subsidized rent, now go smoke weed and play videogames, gave no worries" would suppress humanity for very long. I could just be deluded into hope for the human spirit.. Many of us know exactly what it is like to float under the surface as Doomer's who cope with media, games, and drugs - do you think we are content? We are completely restless, we want change desperately but cannot find the willpower to struggle in the face of our modern egregore.

Turn everyone into braindead conssomers and tortured doomer's and all you will see is more suicide, and likely more militant unrest against the wealthy seeing as how UBI will put bolts into the coffin of the middle class.

>> No.18300071

they aren't excited for an economic crash. they're enthusiastic about saving lives at any cost

>> No.18300085

cause millenials want more than this capitalist system.

>> No.18300157


>> No.18301019
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Good post. UBI will never be, they would rather get rid of us all.

>> No.18301374

Go all in XRP, the standard.

>> No.18302500

And as always the anti-globalist /pol/fag forgets about automation.

>> No.18303082

>Everytime I see a post on normie social media
Normie social media is infested with paid shill. It's only a little better on 4chan. Paid shills are everywhere, even on the darknet.
>How do I profit from this?
Buy low, sell high.
>Because 90% of the Normies are literally broke and have nothing to lose.
Their job. Which they will this automn.

>> No.18303187

You mean my friends are being paid off to post shit on Facebook?

>> No.18303203

>old boomer capitalist system
boomer capitalism isn't a capitalist system

>> No.18303418

NPC (your friends), and the deep State are a pair. So yes, it's a mix of NPC and paid shills.

>> No.18303734
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>everyone is a programmer or help desk wagie

Why do so many people here have no clue that most jobs aren't actually office jobs?

>> No.18303753


>> No.18303890


>> No.18305312

>sex crimes charges
Explain. Seems like that's only an American thing

>> No.18305655


UBI will bring about a full on harem society
if youre a male and not 8/10 or higher you should dread UBI

>> No.18305834


You don't understand how much sissy bitch UBI income I'm about to wield as I pump your asses.

>> No.18306622

the subconscious cannot tell the difference between fiction and reality. the normie is controlled by the subconscious and it loves apocalyptic movies.

>> No.18307842
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They are absolutely retarded and completely subservient to their globalist masters that they hate.
they think they came up with the idea of global warming, climate change, green everything and overpopulation. It was the elies plan all along and these simple fools just go along with it without question because it's popular opinion.
They have convinced these mornic NPC's to even kill their own children and not reproduce because its bad for the "environment"

Its easy to profit, all you have to do is have an agenda and dress it up nicely as fighting climate change or helping the earth bullshit that doesn't actually exist.

>> No.18307865

I used to bei n support of UBI but if you look at who sponsors this idea, its Soros, and the rockefeller foundation.

Anything they support is pure evil.

>> No.18307886
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>> No.18307965

Boring cope.

>> No.18308006

>Since this whole thing started people seem almost secretly excited about this. Everytime I see a post on normie social media about a shop being still open it is absolutely smashed with comments telling them to close doors, these people want complete economic destruction
you dumbass, they dont want economic destruction. its about moral virtue signalling. they get to look like a "good concerned person" by yelling at store owners to close

>> No.18308161
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>> No.18308404
