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18296089 No.18296089 [Reply] [Original]

at this point, what fucking difference does it make if we quarantine the entire population, enter a second great depression and destroy our economy, thereby killing millions if not billions in the longrun, and letting a few people die from a virus
fuck i hate this retarded world

>> No.18296099

Overall mortality decreases in times of economic recessions/depression anyway you fucking tard

>> No.18296163

Mortality rates don't decrease in war times ir if noone can get food.

>> No.18296243


But bill gates can't microchip you through the vaccines he's developing.

>> No.18296255


>> No.18296292
File: 85 KB, 720x576, 190219238712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Overall mortality decreases in times of economic recessions/depression anyway you fucking tard
ah yes, tell that to all the people who will be jumping from rooftops and the ones who will starve to death because they cant even afford a loaf of bread

>> No.18296294

this depression was going to happen eventually anyway

corona just popped the bubble

>> No.18296304

You are witnessing how far Boomers are willing to go to protect themselves. I had Corona and have already recovered, it did not really impact me all that much besides exhaustion and some other mild complaints. For most young people it's a nothingburger so we are only doing this for people who are a few years away from death anyway. Sadly those old fucks who are more likely to die from this are all in charge and you are seeing the results. Do your part and cough on all the old people when you catch it.

>> No.18296363

Ww3 has always been inevitable

>> No.18296384

You're not getting it, friend. Trump was the only leader on the planet who called the virus a hoax and he was crucified for it by the public. Then he didn't want to shut down the economy because, well, the virus is BS. So, now the public will blame him for the slumping markets and economy.

This is all a play to bring in the new economy. There is 100% no chance of recovery now; there is no point in trying to fix broken things anymore of the old economy. Trump is going to pull a John Galt. Why do you think all the CEO's are resigning? It's not because of Qanon bullshit, although there are lots of things Q says that I see truth in. Anyways, it's because they are sick and tired of our BS. People always complaining about inequality. Blah blah blah. That's all people do - the just bitch and bitch and bitch. So, they are going to step back and give people the power to fix things the way they want them. People will realize they fucked up and are on their own now. Income tax will be abolished, almost all regulations will be slashed, and people will be given the power to make the change that they want, but they won't. This explains it perfectly:


We are witnessing the start of Atlas Shrugged

>> No.18296447

>Anyways, it's because they are sick and tired of our BS. People always complaining about inequality. Blah blah blah. That's all people do - the just bitch and bitch and bitch. So, they are going to step back and give people the power to fix things the way they want them.
This is false. They fucked the economy up big time and don't know how to clean up the mess so they stepped back.

>> No.18296515


You're almost there. What really happened is globohomo got blown out in the English election and the American democrats were bungling it. They needed to do something BIG.

So Gates and Soros sent out their golem Fauci to panic monger to the point people would accept world communist dictatorship.

>> No.18296640
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spoopy but that's exactly what will happen

>> No.18296658

Retard detected.

>> No.18296771
File: 167 KB, 762x901, houseofdebt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's because they are sick and tired of our BS. People always complaining about inequality. Blah blah blah.

Holy shit how delusional are you? These CEO's are being arrested left and right, they would never give up such powerful positions.

Also You can't fuck something up beyond repair and step back and say now you deal with it. see you it was your fault you should just listen to me because you can't fix it.