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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18295968 No.18295968 [Reply] [Original]

Taxes should only be levied on foreign goods and services.

>> No.18296315

Damn I never thought about it like this. What are the cons from switching over to a system like this? Can we unironically push this narrative using PNK?

>> No.18296329

you'd still be poor

>> No.18296394

Ancaps are mental retards.

>> No.18296408

Id argue that depends on whether an economy is operating at max capacity. If country A can make 10 planes while country B can make 5000 tires, it might make more sense to let each country do those things and then engage in trade instead of having country A make like five planes and 20 tires (thanks to minimum wage law) and country B make one plane and 2000 tires. If everyone is doing what they are good at, then taxing foreign goods is just screwing your citizens on their ability to acquire those goods.
A better idea would be to tax those goods which are direct competitors to your nation's primary sources of GDP. Anything else is cucking yourself.

>> No.18296425

any country can make anything today and with automation alternative energy and full industrial scale recycling there are fewer advantages to having natural resources than they ever were

>> No.18296428
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do I need to say it?

>> No.18296476

its bad for globalist corporation who seek to exploit cheap labor

>> No.18296524

To some extent for the big boys, yes. And whether they actually want to invest in domestic job automation is something else entirely.
>alternative energy
>full industrial scale recycling
lmao, no. Sorry Greta. Half of the US thinks recycling is a Chinese hoax.