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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18293064 No.18293064 [Reply] [Original]

>March 2021
>8 months post corona societal collapse
>these gentlemen pull up to your neighborhood looking for food and supplies

how prepared are you to defend yourself?

>> No.18293264

I think we could talk it out and come to some sort of agreement.

>> No.18293276

Put poison in food that they would eat first.

>> No.18293343

If you're still in your same home just chilling when the world falls aprt then you deserve to die to people like this because you're too fucking dumb to gtfo.

>> No.18293347

they aren't looking to negotiate

>> No.18293363

and where would one gtfo to? please enlighten us oh wise one?

>> No.18293446

>these gentlemen pull up to your neighborhood
Heh not so fast, my entire neighbourhood is protected by a 1km tall 100m thick tungsten wall. The wall has turrets that cover every angle with millimetre precision. Step into the 1km zone from the outside edge of the wall and you’re dead. The entire area is littered with land mines and traps. You are not getting into my goddamn neighbourhood.

>> No.18293457
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pee pee poo poo

>> No.18293466

Direct them to the local homeless shelter or soup kitchen.

>> No.18293475

>not buying your own armed mercenaries with your bitcoins and silver stacks

>> No.18293500

>the guards see me, but they also see my PNK pin. Shining purple, letting everyone know i'm part of the imperial new order.

>I flip the guard 10 Kleros to let me thru the gates.

>"SIR, good to see you SIR"

I laugh.

>> No.18293506

Literally have a spot innawoods with no road to it.

>> No.18293514


>bitcoins and chunks of silver being worth anything in an extinction event


Me and the Smegma Crazies will rail your libertarian boipucci when you attempt to "buy" our services with useless silver.

>> No.18293524

if you get them when they are already in you're neighborhood you didn't do a good enough job scouting and setting up ambushes to prevent this sort of thing from getting to you and your peoples' doorstep,
it's like you dont even know how to form neighborhood defense forces that are designed to attack and disable threats before they reach your zones of habitation, NGMI

>> No.18293529

>poorfag stackless cope
I bet you consider your gun an "investment". What a faggot.

>> No.18293545


Once things start falling apart you high tail it to the countryside, hunker down outside someone's home in the bushes and wait for them to step outside in the early morning hours before you shoot them and take over their home. Then you wait for their neighbors to inevitably avenge them and remove a local threat (you).

>> No.18293547


Rods from God, nigga. Nothing personal.

>> No.18293561


A firearm is a utility to obtain your boipucci. I'm not a gun dealer.

Give me your boipucci and beans, faggot.

>> No.18293566


>have guns
>meet with you to discuss silver in exchange for my services
>realize you have no guns and no mercenaries hired at this point
>kill you, take silver and food

>> No.18293569

And whos the going to force them to go? The police? They're all going to be home protecting their own families

>> No.18293593

Yes they are, everyone is always looking to negotiate. Not a single one of the people on that picture is willing to die for food and supplies, if there's a chance that they could get them for free.

Deals are always on the table.

>> No.18293595
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I pile up my precious metals into a heap in the middle of the road in front of my house before they arrive and hide. They will of course be repulsed by the pile of "boomer rocks' knowing they cannot eat them or use them for shelter, and will move on from the area in disgust, assuming that I have already long since starved to death from lack of food and resources.

>> No.18293661

Brainlet larpers like you will be the first to go.
>t. put more rounds downrange than all of /biz/ combined

>> No.18293712
