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18292725 No.18292725 [Reply] [Original]

Career prospects for zoomers:
>Professional Fortnite Streamer
>Internet Prostitute
>Go $50k-$200k in student debt to compete with H1B pajeets who can afford to work for a quarter of what you can

What's the best choice?

>> No.18292736

compete with pajeets
pajeets are retards it shoukdnt be too difficult

>> No.18292744

Lansky is always hiring.

>> No.18292777

Just drive forklifts

>> No.18292800

I joined the military in 2008 and weathered the financial crisis. GI bill paid for my undergrad and all but the final semester of my MBA.

If you save all of your pennies while you're in and don't blow it on stupid shit, you can come out ahead of your peers by a lot. Normies eat military experience up. That said, it sucked dick and I worked around a lot of retards.

>> No.18293701

become a welder (300k starting)

>> No.18293723

become a holy vagabond (0k - fix wage)

>> No.18293741

in what circumstance? plenty of welding jobs also start at shit pay

>> No.18293742

Based recruiter

>> No.18293786

neet with a cheap gun and one bullet for when you can't neet no more

>> No.18293805

300k is that in Zimbabwean dollars?

>> No.18293851

kek no the army is fucking gay but it can be a viable option if you were a high school dropout playing WoW 16 hours a day.

do not go combat arms.

>> No.18294997

Find a way to live extremely cheaply (with parents if you can) and work a part time job, no matter how shit it is if you're only doing 3 days a week of it it's not that bad and you can work on skills to get you some cozy job in tech or logistics or whatever

>> No.18295005

>bro just live like a rodent for 10 years lmao

>> No.18295043

>Bro if I don't have a Netflix Spotify and pornhub premium subscription I'll fucking kill myself and I'm wayyyy tooo busy to cook my own food bro
Hey zoomer the world is just as dangerous as it has been for all of history, if you're too autistic to see past the illusion of comfort you'll die alongside everybody else

>> No.18295348

Boomers will talk shit about you until you hold the nitro and the AED. Then they plead.

>> No.18295627

newfags detected

>> No.18295796

Freight broker