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18290969 No.18290969 [Reply] [Original]

The economy in pieces, all progress halted and future erased over a flu?

The governments are literally destroying everything to keep a few 80-90 year olds alive a couple years longer?
This is a sign of a weak society that history and nature has never treated kindly or ended well for.

what happened to protecting yourself? why couldn't these vulnerable people self isolated a while with government support if needs be while the rest get on with it and keep progress going?

>> No.18290998

It kills people of all ages, retard.

Also, it can mutate and become a lot more dangerous.

>> No.18291026

how many linkys do i need to put it in her stinky?

>> No.18291055
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No it FUCKING doesn't.
A very few statistical outliers of all ages die you absolute fucking MONG. Are you a retarded who believes that an exception makes the rule?

Its a weak society. killing itself to save unproductive members of it at all costs. those who cannot contribute anymore, and will die soon already.

These people could simply have protected themselves by self isolating for many months to come while things go on as normal, but we live in WEAK times.

>> No.18291061

It kills old people and sick people. Healthy young people have like a 99.9% of surviving, and probably will only exhibit mild symptoms, if any. Get your fact right, fucking glownigger

>> No.18291079

If you think it's erased over a flu, understanding the real reason would break you.

>> No.18291090

That's a man

>> No.18291104

erased over a jew?

>> No.18291123


I'm aware of potential "real reasons".
However, this doesn't defeat my point: The world is stil lat a standstill over the flu. Nobody is working. no progress is being made. nothing is being planned. the machine has fucking stopped over trying to save people who would have already died this year or next if COVID-19 never existed. it shows a fucking weak society, not a strong one. We are living in soft times.

>> No.18291128

I hope you enjoy permanent lung and testicular damage along with reduced testosterone but you're probably an incel so you never have to worry about it killing your potential newborn since it doesnt just target old people you absolute retard. Maybe you and all the other retard who think the same will be the outliers of your age group for this virus and be wiped out.

>> No.18291146

what percentage of cases does this happen to?

>> No.18291153

coronavirus is the main scapegoat justification for forced economic austerity while the trade and financial systems rearrange themselves.

to the majority of people the idea of a pandemic as ultimate agent is good enough. perhaps more importantly, it's general enough that you can append it to any of the usual dialectical mythopoeic canons that are used to direct the administratively-uninvolved-but-otherwise-curious-and-concerned population ( eg. conservatives vs liberals, god vs satan, whites vs browns, poors vs the wealthy, capitalists vs communists, nationalists vs globalists, schizos vs psychopaths etc).
while the base data of the coronavirus thing are important, you need to understand that it's the story and the story's effect(s) on various audiences which are critical for understanding the situation.

>> No.18291169


Show proof.
I'm waiting. Because so far there is no proof of that. Just some obscure conspiracy websites misinterpreting bad data. this is not even close to proven or observed multiple times consistently. nowhere near that.

Again i'm waiting. Just like you when you said initially a month or two ago that COVID-19 had a mortality rate way higher, because "much chinks welded in their apartments!"
and i know you did you little faggot.

>> No.18291174
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>> No.18291185

It is a strong move once after a long time.
You do not understand who is being protected. If they wanted to protect boomers, the quarantine would apply to 65+ only. Take a minute to think why it isn't so

>> No.18291194
File: 98 KB, 680x383, stream_img[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a perfectly healthy 13 year old being buried
his family were not allowed to attend.
your chart is bullshit, and you're a fucking retard

>> No.18291206

Progress in what? Be specific. Many, if not most innovative people in the world are working from home in the countries that have ordered people to stay home.

In fact, the ironic thing is that this flu will lead into the biggest progress in healthcare and technology in decades.

The precaution to protect old people might be disproportionate, considering how many people might have their lives irreversibly changed by temp joblessness or fear. Unfortunately we didnt and still dont know enough about the virus to say that we can handle it, and the risk is simply too high that in an uncontrolled scenario we lose millions of lives just so that you can go to a few more music festivals. See how your logic can be flipped depending on perspective?

At any rate 6-10 weeks is literally nothing, if thats what its gonna be. People are fragile but the economy is resilient. Starting up most businesses again will be extremely low cost.

>> No.18291211

you seem to forget that the gobernment is a bunch of 80-90 year olds...

>> No.18291214

>perfectly healthy

>> No.18291221

>how does outliers works????

>> No.18291224


Because it was inefficiently managed.
China had o act how they did. It was a new virus, with no data, and they were not aware of its true form yet. it couldn't be risked.

We now have a lot of data, and enough to know the true extent of it.
Other countries just followed suit. No government wanted to lose votes from appearing to be not doing enough.
No government wanted to look incompetent when the media machine was roaring up the chimps so much.
Then, when data became even more clear, they were already committed to this bullshit and couldn't turn back for fear of looking incompetent again.

The efficient thing would, and still is, to quarantine the 65+ crowd for a few months, let everyone else carry on and keep things going in the mean time. Support those in quarantine if the need it.

>> No.18291226

> beard sticking out o the mask
> no glasses
the absolute state of bongistan

It is mostly a nothingburger, but it causes a ciliar dyskinesis, proceed with dyor from there

>> No.18291237


All because these extremely stupid rules where it is now against the law to have a dying child's parents around him when hes in need due to overly protective rules of quarantine. Where his family were not allowed to be with him, or have a funeral for him. A child had to die alone, all because of these stupid over protective rules in how governments are dealing with COVID-19.

>> No.18291240

was waiting on that
>precautionary measure, safe is safe

>> No.18291245

If there are 1000s of extra people dying every week in a country then the healthcare system gets completely overwhelmed. That means every single person that needs care will be negatively affected in some manner. This is disastrous to the country. Providing health care to a population is already really fucking expensive, and having potentially millions of more people using those resources costs a fuck ton. Also, full recovery or death not the only outcomes. People can experience a wide range of negative health outcomes which will burden the health care system for decades.

It's not a flu. It's at least an order of magnitude more deadly. Humans have no immunity yet. What are your credentials in virology?

>Dunning–Kruger: The Post

>> No.18291246


>but muh economy

If you get it and it to doesnt bother killing you, you have a 14+ day window to spread it to somebody else and kill them, or get it a second time and it'll try a lot harder to kill you.

If it doesnt kill you or the other people you infected or the other people who were infected by the other people you infected, and everything calms down too early, we could get a second wave and be more fucked than we were before.

Get your Ayn Rand lookin-ass out of here with this "I only care about my life" bullshit. You're part of a society, and society and the globe as a whole is trying to minimize the death count. if you dont understand the idea of exponential growth and containment, you should pull out whatever money you have and invest in some diapers.

>> No.18291247

the problem is, a certain glowing entities can now try to instigate an actual pandemia among the meme one
that's why you retards have to stay at home

>> No.18291251

As tragic as that is, do you realise how many more 13 year olds die from other causes on a daily basis? The question isn't if a lot of people will die, it's if enough more will die than the millions and millions who die every month to justify entering a depression that will destroy a whole generation's futures and prospects.

>> No.18291278


0-55 year olds are not going to hosiptal to over burden it anon.

If the over 60s stayed at home some months and didn't catch it, the hospital could flatten the curve still without fucking up the entire economy.

>> No.18291279

Keep sucking Jewish dick

>> No.18291294

>scared of the ever present jewish boogeyman but not a legitimate viral threat

ngmi, and thats okay

>> No.18291309


Yeah. This is still a symptom of a weak society. And clearly you are not understanding. So what if we all infect each other if we are younger (below 60) and have a literal 0.1% mortality rate from it? ideally all the boomers are at home for the next 10 weeks and they cant catch it. once its over and herd immunity takes place then they still can't.

Like it or not, this is a symptom of a weak society. In nature, this doesn't end well, and i can't think of a single society of the past that survived when it reverted to such weakness. It might not destroy society in the west today, but this kind of behavior will lead to its downfall.
there is a level of looking after that is beneficial for all, and then, there is beating a dead horse at the expense of all your living contributing ones.

>> No.18291336

>I am afraid of the flu
>I am afraid of the Jew
Neither is true

>> No.18291396

I’m tired of brainlets thinking “muh economy” is more important than peoples health.

>> No.18291406

If everyone over 60 stays home, then you still have (depending on country) about 85% of the community moving around. After about 3 months (after say case 500), I would expect that the entire population would have contracted the virus. The modelling on that is very clear. Business as usual means complete infection.

So again, you will overwhelm the healthcare system due to the prevalence of immuno-compromised people getting fucked by it (looking at you fatties). Hundreds of thousands (or millions) of people still die and many people contracting life long health problems. This in itself with massacre the economy.

Also since many people over 60 become more dependent, fully isolating them is basically impossible. For example, how would you run a nursing home if every staff member contracts the virus? Your scenario still leads probably millions of elderly dying.

You're showing yourself to be extremely out of your depth.

>> No.18291415

>look at my one rare case and ignore the actual statistics

>> No.18291429


Its a viral pandemic that attacks people. People make up a society. What do you want everyone to do?
A real weak society is one that doesn't take the necessary precautions to prevent this before it happens, or has a stockpile ready for emergencies such as this.
And a weak society is one that puts doctors in a position where they have to wear DIY safety equipment during a plague.

Our medical staff are walking talking corpses, and you're upsetti spaghetti because stock market down?

Everything that has lead up to this was a failure of our society and governments to protect ourselves and our countries, and this is the only rational thing we can do to keep the death count even vaguely manageable by the medical community. This was an important wake up call and a much needed economic reset.

>> No.18291444


>> No.18291456

And how do you think people pay for the food and homes they need to survive?

>> No.18291463


It is after a certain point. Philosophically.

In natures rule, this simply doesn't work. We still work like that, despite how evolved we are and sophisticated we have become. Given enough time, choices like this will lead to the down fall of a civilization, yielding to one which may be ruthless initially, or if not, at least more inline with progress at some cost, compared to no progress.

Saving vital parts of society is necessary. sticking your head inside a sharks mouth to try save your hand already trapped inside is just a fools error.
A lot of those dying and who we are saving from COVID-19, have been already observed in many forecasts to die within 2 years no matter what.
We destroy the futures, economy, and progress to keep these ones going. In nature, that analogy leads to death of the tribe.

>> No.18291465

if everyone loses their jobs, they won't be able to afford healthcare...

>> No.18291483


I didn't say there would be no casualties. In fact there inevitably has to be some still. We can just do it more sensibly and manage it in such a way to reach a happy equilibrium.
Not everyone can be save, while remaining a strong society. It's the way it is. Idealism is for pussies and those who are destined to be eaten alive.

>> No.18291577

There is no happy equilibrium. The best option is to ensure minimal spread of the virus until it can be controlled and we can vaccinate for it (assuming it remains active).


>Not everyone can be save, while remaining a strong society. It's the way it is. Idealism is for pussies and those who are destined to be eaten alive.

Fucking cringe.

>> No.18291676

Have Govt. directly pay payrolls like in N. European countries and not the poorly planned bailout which the US had.

These measures aren’t permanent, if you can quantitatively define the progress of what’s being lost beside money, you’ll have more of an argument. There are also jobs that are lost that will be fully automated, it seems that you could make an argument that certain industries and companies are also being artificially during this time.

Which is why the US should adopt some form of a public healthcare option.

>> No.18291829


There are talks of this going on for 6 months before society can return to normal. Some say up to 18.

To me, that is not only halt of progress but possible revision.
A country who care less about saving the weakest and most useless can use that time to their advantage and it only makes the US weaker. China for example.

>> No.18291848
File: 61 KB, 894x550, 48EB56B8-6A3D-46DF-A85D-ABCC7E844402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s literally just a flu bro all this economic damage was for nothing

>> No.18291849

Mutations will likely make it less deadly, natural selection pressure is on making the virus able to spread to more hosts, killing the host ends the chain

>> No.18291850

When viruses mutate, they usually become less lethal.

>> No.18291867

Italy has fuck all beds left, so everyone who needs hospital to any degree will just die instead. That's why other countries have lower death rates, because they aren't as full

>> No.18291890

The daily mail is a well respected newspaper that would never just select one case out of 30000 and say this is what happens to everyone now, dumbass

>> No.18291919

Fuck off glowies. Normies are even waking up to your lies

>> No.18291963

Most government officials are over the age of 60. Do the maths.

>> No.18291964

High IQ people can see this extremely cleaely is the correct answer. Instead they drag every single person into lockdown rather than only vulnerable and the old.

Overwhelming majority of non obese/weak younger people will come out with a flu and slight loss of breath then be over it

>> No.18292010

He would have been sedated the entire time anyway, from his perspective he was dead as soon as he got to the ICU

>> No.18292047
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>Could not attend their own 13yo sons funeral
>Deep societal scars on the survivors
I would not want to be Chinese when fear turns to anger.

>> No.18292099

The real answer is that OP is correct, but he's not going deep enough. Only boomers should be forced to quarantine. But we are talking about the most incompetent, self centered, entitled, low IQ generation to walk the earth.

Before the forced quarantines were in place, bars were full of 60+ retards hitting up happy hour and all kinds of other degenerate shit. Could you imagine the chimpout if the government enforced a mandatory quarantine for boomers while we all got to keep living our lives, going to work and partying while the boomers had to stay home and miss out? No, that is not a situation that could happen. So these selfish, slow witted, spoiled fucks are taking us all down with them so they don't have to feel like they're missing out. Just when we were finally crawling out of the ashes they created for us and getting financially established, they fuck us again.

The boomers are the only people to be blamed.

>> No.18292138


it's coming

>> No.18292197

>calling people incel on 4chan
Have a look in the mirror, I have some bad news for you

>> No.18292208


>> No.18292263

Man, you’re a pretty big retard.

>> No.18292271

I can tell by this post that you have an iq of like 90, absolute max.

>> No.18292316
File: 103 KB, 586x869, Fucking_Retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>daily mail
I even went to the bother of finding a link where Pres. Trump personally tells OP he's a tard. I'm guessing, you never clicked on it before dissing? I know, its a lot of text and stuff.
BUT: tldr, the virus does NOT just affect/kill Boomers. And Millennials CANNOT go on living in this selfish manner, running around in the open and stuff