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18287784 No.18287784 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything better than capitalism?

>> No.18287794
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>Is there anything better than capitalism?
Being a capitalist.

>> No.18288128

if only we had communism... the homeless drug addicts and retards would all have their very own 200 sq ft apartment provided by the government. And so would we! It would be awesome.

>> No.18288162

Yes, but only if all people come unto Jesus Christ.

>> No.18288192


Listen to MD doctor

>> No.18288209

>No person shall sit,
>lie or sleep in or
>upon any street,
>sidewalk or other
>public way.

>> No.18288262


>> No.18288303

Competition of usury and lie where few winners produce a lots of losers? Greed is good capitalism?
In order to have one rich we need a lots of poor ones and a lots of suggested imagination in between to cover up obvious usury.

>> No.18288368
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Is NASA announced competition for better moon landing model?

>> No.18288441

God create world animals people and then give a birth to the jews and make us work for the mark of the Devil Money!

>> No.18290149
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>> No.18290163

My biggest complaint of capitalism is the fact we don't really have it unless you're a small business. Big business on the other hand have privatised profits but can count on central banks to socialise their loses.

>> No.18290171

No, there is absolutely no way to improve the system save for removing *minority I don’t like*

>> No.18290195

maybe we should have a form of capitalism in which the rich pay their taxes.
We could call it a representative democracy.

>> No.18290208

Early medieval barbarism/heroism

>> No.18290215

strong families, strong communities, promoting self sufficiency, not promoting drug use and other degenerate behavior.

>> No.18290237

>the homeless drug addicts and retards
those are all products of capitalism, sorry

>> No.18290360

central bankers did this. They are agents of central planning not capitalism

>> No.18290404

This is not the fault of capitalism.

It's simply California corrupt governance.

>> No.18290443

Or a form of capitalism that benefits the people of your country first. A national form of capitalism, where state and business work together to create a nice place for the citizens to live.

We could call it.. hmm idk. Fascism?

>> No.18290472

Fascism has socialism inside, capitalism was severely controlled and sometimes replaced (when incapable, look at how IRI was created) by the state.
Capitalism were a function of the state and the society , not the opposite.

>> No.18290508

Private property still exists in natsoc

>> No.18290531

"Private property" you mean. When the government can and does take your property whenever it wants then your property is not really yours.

>> No.18290598
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That's the entire point brainlet. You still have private property (capitalism), you still have a market economy (capitalism), but you must benefit the country first (nationalism/protectionism), and the state is allowed to intervene in the market in the benefit of the nation (protectionism).

That is fascism or NatSoc. However National "Socialism" is a misnomer, mostly because the type of socialism that Hitler instated was more capitalist than the Marxian type socialist advocated by the left.

>> No.18290623

It would be a more accurate description to call it National Capitalism to be honest. Leftists/socialists understand this very well, which is why they hate it.

>> No.18290628
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>> No.18290736

>Los Angeles
geez. why is the most right-wing, most libertarian, mot Republican-voting city in the United States full of homeless encampments? They probably need more left-wing policies.

>> No.18290817

Imagine being such a cuckold thinking taxation isn’t theft. Those tax dollars would go straight to the military and Israel, not the average person

>> No.18290852

>Is there anything better than capitalism?
depends on scale
communism works best in the family unit
socialism works best in tribal setting
social capitalism scales up to nation states
free market capitalism scales up to galactic empires

>> No.18290880

If you're homeless why not just go to jail for something non violent, You can get three hots and a cot.

>> No.18290907
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this. you jews can keep doing the whole "anything but status quo means starvation hurr" strawman, but it's not going to work for much longer. change is coming

>> No.18290913

>it's not real capitalism!!!11

>> No.18290943

Also Cali's state government is pretty incompetent and borderline corrupt.

>> No.18290957

literal fake news

>> No.18290981
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>change is coming

KEK and who is going to make that change? Bernie Panders??? He can't even fucking win against a literal senile pedophile corruptocrat.

Sorry but the revolution already happened, but not the one you wanted.
In 2016

>> No.18290999

nat SOC
national socialism, socialism is not communism
You can't distinguish private property from private enterprise?
Read slowly what i said, mong.
Capitalism benefits individual and private enterprise despite of the society and the state, which become memes of themselves not allowed to do anything because "muh capital is sacred".
In a nat soc society, while some sectors are completely forbidden to private societies (ie, the healthcare, the prisons, the schools), capitalism is allowed just in some spaces in which is useful for society.
Every society had a sort of "capitalism" going on in markets, but sometimes even the currency was allowed just in the space of the market and not elsewere, like casino money.

>> No.18291583

State Capitalist Theocracy

>> No.18292140
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>Capitalism benefits individual and private enterprise despite of the society and the state, which become memes of themselves not allowed to do anything because "muh capital is sacred".

This sentence makes absolutely no sense. Can you try to put that in intelligible English?

>> No.18292347

Capitalism gives benefits to the capital, that's usually an amount of money possessed by an individual or a small group of individuals.
A capitalism centered system destroys the State, which is not allowed to put serious rules because markets, with their invisible hand, tend to bring equilibrium and the Pareto efficiency thanks to their intrinsic meme rules.
The state cannot possess anything because "privatized system is better and more efficient", so it becomes a complete meme with no power.
Society is forced to bend to the capitalists conveniences, and it becomes a meme too, since every service has to make some roi to someone, and the spaces in which people can move get more and more narrow.
The result is that larger part of the population get simply cut off from the society, and stigmatized because of poverty, vices, mental conditions, that are created by the same system.
Calvinism northern cucked religion as a basis (if you don't work you won't be saved / debt=fault), social darwinism (evolutionary memes) keep justifying the social slaughter and the 1%ism.
Gentrification makes those people simply disappear, while the "fitting" individuals that are still needed by the same system go on with their lifes.

>> No.18292363

California has the most advanced economy in the country.

>> No.18292382


>> No.18292390

Corporatism under fascism.

>> No.18292394

communism with a selfless populace

>> No.18292413

feudalism but with mandatory gun ownership

>> No.18292431

Socialism when AI is advanced enough. Pretty much inevitable.

>> No.18292964

There are only 3 of those apartments in a city of 4million. The waiting list is 300 years.

>> No.18293216
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bernie is a pussy. your petty culture war bullshit has no resoance among the "essential workers" who run the economy for fuck all.

>> No.18293229

Minimal government interventionism to ensure that the market actually stays free of monopolies, trusts, consumer exploitation, etc.

>> No.18293240


>> No.18293422

I am really sorry dude, but I don't speak retard and nothing you write makes any coherent sense.

Did you skip school? Because your writing ability is abysmal.

>> No.18293431

Homeless people exist everywhere bro. If you don't want this to be your fate, (or you simply want more power) buy Kleros and get ready for some shit in the next few years.

>> No.18293433
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Fixed that for you.

>> No.18293448

Abolish the fed

>> No.18293469
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The universe is ancap. Nation states and governments compete with each other in an ancap playing field. What you see as localized instances of anything other than anarchocapitalism are in fact highly improbable manifestations of a greater ancap reality. Eat shit commies.

>> No.18293473

Anarchocapitalism at best, Minarchism is a bit better than regular capitalism and more feasible.

>> No.18293486

>Implying juche would not provide you with what capitalism cannot

>> No.18293542

ew gross why would I want to come on Jesus

>> No.18293564


Just like in the soviet union, right? Oh I forgot, it wasn't real communism.

>> No.18294138

I am homeless (live in my van) and I am banking on PNK desu

>> No.18294152
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Hi, Ivan, how are you?

>> No.18294163


So, Ivan, in fucking Russia there are zero ot em, right?

>> No.18294170


>> No.18294229

>he thinks Russia is somehow communist
And people like you are allowed to buy stocks

>> No.18294241

No, just like China. Oh I forgot, that's not real communism. This UMMM ACTUALLY IT'S NOT COMMUNIST shit works both ways you dumb faggot

>> No.18294262

>mentally ill drug addicts on skid row in los angeles
>blames capitalism
whey are commies so fucking stupid?

>> No.18294295

National Socialism