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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18280026 No.18280026 [Reply] [Original]

The crash of decentralised currency was honestly a good thing overall. The amount of bad apples I've seen like drug dealers or weapon dealers using crypo was honestly our downfall.

Now without those people dragging us down we can trade more freely and let the free market work it's thing.

What are you investing in /biz/?

>> No.18280049

have sex

>> No.18280064

I do. But that has nothing to do with the thread,

Try >>>/b/ my dude

>> No.18280106

Uh, those are men.

>> No.18280113

try /a/ faggot, wrong board
this is business and finance not anime and trannies

>> No.18280123

>not anime
This board is always trannies

>> No.18280287

personally i enjoy this image

>> No.18280496
File: 1.98 MB, 500x280, Seri-Awashima-GIF-K-Project-boobs-riku114-41051956-500-280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh free market
almost everything feels like a ponzi.

>> No.18281169

carry children. tick tock.

>> No.18281226

no, those are criminals

>> No.18281309

>not anime
Why even using imageboards?

>> No.18281314

get fukt kike

>> No.18281666

Great, now I have to coom again and I only just woke up :(